SKM PTW Tutorial

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Transcript of SKM PTW Tutorial

SKM Power*Tools for Windows


You will need about �� minutes to complete this tutorial.

This section provides illustrated step-by-step instructions for creating a sample five-buspower system. The purpose of the tutorial is to familiarize you with the general data entry,analysis and reporting procedures available in Power*Tools for Windows (PTW).

Table of Contents

Start Power*Tools for Windows .................................................................................. 3

Build a System.............................................................................................................. 5

Enter Component Data ............................................................................................... 16

Clone Components and System Segments ................................................................. 25

Run DAPPER, A_FAULT, and IEC_FAULT Studies .............................................. 28

Review Study Results................................................................................................. 30

Display Study Results or other Data on a One-Line Diagram ................................... 31

Create and Run a Query ............................................................................................. 33

Print the One-Line Diagram....................................................................................... 34

Add and Expand a One-Line Diagram....................................................................... 35

Run a CAPTOR Time Current Coordination (TCC) Study ....................................... 37

Create a Datablock Report ......................................................................................... 45

Print Using a Form ..................................................................................................... 48

Run a Transient Motor Starting (TMS) Study ........................................................... 52



Because of the flexible nature of PTW many alternative methods may be used to enter,edit, and display system data. For simplicity this tutorial selects only one method for eachactivity. Refer to the Reference Manual for more details on the engineering methodology,Study setup criteria, and detailed discussion of Study data interpretation.

When completed, the power system designed in this tutorial will look like Fig. 1.

B113800 V

B24160 V

B3480 V

B4480 V

T15000.0 kVAPri DeltaSec Wye-GroundTap -2.50 %

T22000.0 kVAPri DeltaSec Wye-GroundTap -2.50 %

R T2

ABBEXTM INV51E 50/51605803


C11/0 AWGCopperTHWN#/ Ph 2


SCC 75.0 MVAX/R 15.000

R M1

M2500.0 hp# 1

M12000.0 hp


L1200.0 kVA

LS 1

T32000.0 kVAPri DeltaSec Wye-GroundTap -2.50 %

R T3


B5480 V

M3500.0 hp# 3



R T1


Fig. 1. One-line diagram of the completed tutorial Project.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows


When you start a new Project, you should first set the application options to ensure thatyou are working with the correct engineering standard and units of measurement.

1. If you have not already done so, start Windows.

2. Do one of the following:

x In Windows 3.1, double-click the PTW icon in the Power*Tools for Windowsgroup.

x In Windows 95, click the Start button and choose the PTW icon from thePower*Tools for Windows menu.

3. This begins PTW.

4. From the Project menu, choose Options, as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. From the Project menu, choose Options.

The PTW startup icon.

Be sure that the Newand Open commandsare active. If they aredisabled (that is,“grayed-out”), thatmeans a Project isalready open. If this isthe case, choose theClose command beforechoosing the Optionscommand.



5. The Options dialog box appears, as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. The Options dialog box.

6. In the Option Groups box, select Startup for startup options. Select the Resume withLast Workspace option button. Using this Startup option, PTW will automaticallyopen the last Project on which you worked when it starts up.

7. Next, we will define application options including ANSI or IEC format, English orMetric Units, and error and warning beeps. In the Option Groups box, selectApplication to switch to the Application options.

8. Choose the ANSI Engineering Standard option button and the EnglishLength/Distance Units option button, select the Error and Warning Enable Beepcheck boxes, and click the OK button to continue. (To hasten data entry, you maywant to clear the Warning check box.)

9. You will notice that there are other groups in the Option Groups box. If you want to,you can explore those groups, but for the purposes of our tutorial, the default settingsdo not need to be changed. Click the OK button to accept the option changes andclose the Options dialog box.

Tip: Once you have set these options, PTW remembers them for you; you only need toset them once, and every new Project you create will use these options. Alternatively, ifyou begin a new Project and want to set different options, you can do so using the stepslisted above.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows


PTW provides two editing and building environments that work in concert to createProjects: the Component Editor environment and the One-Line Diagram environment.These two appear automatically when you begin a new Project.

1. To begin a new Project, choose New from the Project menu.

2. In the Name box, type tutorial , verify the Project path selection, and click the OKbutton, as shown in Fig. 4. A file extension need not be typed. You will notice thattutorial is placed in its own folder within the Project folder.

Fig. 4. Create the Tutorial Project.

3. A new One-Line Diagram and Component Editor dialog box appear when you createthe new Project. You can create a Project using either one, but for this tutorial we willuse (and we recommend that for most Projects you use) the One-Line Diagramenvironment. The Component Editor will be used on page 16, “Enter ComponentData.”


1 The One-Line Diagram’s nameappears in the title bar.

2 Build the One-Line Diagram within theviewport.

3 Gray-colored page guides show wherethe page breaks will fall when the One-Line Diagram is printed.

4 Scroll over the One-Line Diagramusing the scrollbars.







4. Increase the One-Line Diagram size by positioning the mouse pointer on the edge ofthe One-Line Diagram window, pressing the left mouse button, and dragging thewindow to the edge of the screen. Repeat the process for the other three edges of thewindow until the One-Line Diagram window covers nearly the entire screen, as shownin Fig. 5. We discourage your using the maximize button to expand the One-LineDiagram window as it will also maximize the Component Editor and Report windowswithin the application; if this happens, it becomes difficult to navigate between thevarious windows.

Fig. 5. Enlarge the One-Line Diagram window by dragging its borders, not usingthe Maximize button.

5. For convenience, we can move the Component and Protective Device toolbars closerto the One-Line Diagram viewport for easy access. First, move the Componentstoolbar so it seems to float (don’t worry, toolbars can always be returned to theirdocked positions).

1) Point to a space around the toolbar. . . 2) click and drag its outline. . .

3) release the mouse button. . . 4) and click and drag to resize it.

If you accidentallyclicked a componentbutton while trying tomove the toolbar, don’tpanic! Place thecomponent on the One-Line Diagram, click themouse button to placeit, then choose Destroyfrom the Componentmenu to destroy thecomponent, and tryagain.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

Float the Protective Devices toolbar using the same procedure.

6. Now we can begin adding components to the Project. Place the mouse pointer overthe bus button on the Component mini-toolbar. If you cannot identify the bus button,place the mouse pointer over a button and pause. Notice that the button’s functionappears in a popup box called a “fast tip.” (This method works for all toolbarbuttons.)

7. Click the left mouse button while pointing at the bus toolbar button. The mousepointer picks up a new bus component. Move the mouse pointer over the whiteviewport area of the One-Line Diagram and click the left mouse button again. Themouse pointer puts down, or places, the bus component. A bus name is automaticallyassigned (changing names is easy, as we will demonstrate shortly).

✎Note: When adding components to a One-Line Diagram, the mouse button uses “push-pin” behavior, not “drag-and-drop” behavior. Push-pin behavior allows your first click topick up the component and your second click to place the component, while drag-and-drop behavior would require that you hold the mouse button down until placing thecomponent. This special behavior makes component placement easier.

8. Add three more bus symbols using the same process. Separate the bus symbols by areasonable distance to leave room for components in between, as shown in Fig. 6. Toplace multiple components, hold the SHIFT key while placing the first component andyou can continue adding that component until you release the SHIFT key.

Fig. 6. Add the remaining buses.

9. Now click the Relay button on the protective devices toolbar to create the relaycomponent that will be connected to BUS-0001.

10. You can connect the relay component (or any other component) as you add it to theOne-Line Diagram by placing one of its connection nodes directly onto the connectedbus and then clicking the mouse button. The connection node is the small circle at theend of the symbol.

Pause over a button for a fast tip.

Just because acomponent has beenplaced, its placementis not permanent. Atany time, you canmove a component byclicking and draggingthe componentanywhere in the One-Line Diagramviewport.



Align the component node. . . and click the button.

11. Click the High-Voltage Breaker button (abbreviated “HV Breaker” in the fast tip) onthe toolbar and connect its top node to the bottom node of the relay component, asshown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Connect the top node of breaker PD-0002 to the bottom node of relay PD-0001.

12. Click the Two-Winding Transformer button on the toolbar and connect the top nodeof the transformer to the bottom node of high-voltage breaker PD-0002, as shown inFig. 8.

Fig. 8. Connect the top node of transformer XF2-0001 to the bottom node of PD-0002.

If you clicked thebutton too early, andthe component isfloating unattached,just move its node atopthe bus and clickagain.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

13. Now connect the transformer XF2-0001 to BUS-0002 by dragging its bottomconnection node. To use this method, be sure that the pointer becomes the open-circuitindicator, meaning that the nodes are available for connection. Using this method,connect the transformer XF2-0001 to BUS-0002. Notice that as you drag theconnection node, a dotted connection line follows the mouse pointer.

After you establish the connection, the dotted line is replaced by a solid line.

✎Note: PTW will not allow you to place two impedance devices in series without aninterconnecting bus. The correct topology always places a single impedance component(transformer, cable, transmission line) between two buses. Protective devices are notconsidered impedance components. Parallel branches may be modeled; to accomplishthis, use three buses and a small tie impedance. You might find the pi equivalentcomponent works well as a tie element.

14. Let’s rename the protective devices so their names are more descriptive. Select relayPD-0001 by clicking on the component name (it will become blue to show it isselected). Choose Rename from the Component menu. In the New Name box, typeR T1. This will identify this as a relay protecting transformer 1 (T1).

15. This time, double-click on high-voltage breaker PD-0002’s name. The Rename dialogappears. Rename the breaker CB T1 (for circuit breaker protecting transformer one).At the end of the tutorial we will rename the rest of the components using thesemethods.

16. PTW allows you to insert protective device components into already-existingconnections. This is particularly useful when you want to add protective devices to anexisting system. Add a transformer and connect it between BUS-0002 and BUS-0003,as shown in Fig. 9. We will insert protective devices into this connection.

Fig. 9. Add transformer XF2-0002 between BUS-0002 and BUS-0003.

Closed-circuit indicator

Open-circuit indicator

If at any time the One-Line Diagram reachesthe border of theviewport and you needmore space, hit theZoom Out button onceor twice. You can alsomove components downto make space; thiswon’t affect theirconnections at all.When you drag aconnected component,its connection linelengthens.



17. To make room for the protective devices, drag transformer XF2-0002 lower on itsconnection line, as shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10. Drag transformer XF2-0001 lower on its connection line.

18. Now click the Relay button on the toolbar. To insert the component betweentransformer XF2-0002 and BUS-0002, place the component directly over theconnection line, as shown in Fig. 11, and click the mouse button to insert it.

Fig. 11. Insert relay PD-0003 into the transformer XF2-0002 connection line.

Important: Be sure not to place the relay’s top connection node on top of BUS-0002 orPTW will interpret relay PD-0003 as a separate connection at the bus. You can tell if youconnected it correctly by looking at its nodes. The properly-connected componentappears closed at both nodes, while the improperly-connected component maintains anopen node at the bottom.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

Properly-connected node. Improperly-connected node.

19. Add a high-voltage breaker between relay PD-0003 and transformer XF2-0002, asshown in Fig. 12.

Fig. 12. Add a high-voltage breaker between relay PD-0003 and transformer XF2-0002.

If you connectedrelay PD-0003wrong, click once onit to select it (it willappear in blue), thenchoose theDisconnectcommand from theComponent menu.Both its nodes willnow beunconnected, andyou can move thecomponent and tryagain.



20. Now add and connect a cable between BUS-0003 and BUS-0004, as shown in Fig. 13.

Fig. 13. Add and connect a cable between BUS-0003 and BUS-0004.

21. To provide space on the buses to connect more components, we need to extend the leftand right edges of the buses. Begin with BUS-0001 by pointing to the right end of thebus. When positioned at the end, the pointer becomes the Bus Sizing pointer. Pressthe left mouse and drag the end of the bus to the right. When the bus is extended tothe desired size, release the left mouse button.

Bus Sizing pointer

Sometimes the bussizing pointer does notappear. If so, theremay be other objects,such as componentnames, in the way.Move the objectstemporarily out of theway, extend the bus,and move them back.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

Repeat the process for all of the buses until the One-Line Diagram resembles the oneshown in Fig. 14.

Fig. 14. Extend all of the bus symbols to accommodate more components.

22. Now we are ready to add the remaining components to the system. On the toolbar,click the New Utility button. Attach the utility symbol connection node to BUS-0001,as shown in Fig. 15.

Fig. 15. Connect utility UTIL-0001 to BUS-0001.

If your one-line diagramresides too near the top of theviewport, and you can’t insertthe utility component, followthese steps to move the entirediagram down. First, placethe utility componentsomewhere close by. Next,choose Select All from the Editmenu. Point to anycomponent, click, and drag theselected set down (notice thewhole one-line diagrammoves). You can now pick upthe utility component andplace it.



23. Click the relay button on the toolbar. Attach the top node of relay component PD-0005 to BUS-0002. Now click the Synchronous Motor button on the toolbar. Attachthe synchronous motor connection node to the bottom node of relay PD-0005, asshown in Fig. 16.

Fig. 16. Connect synchronous motor MTRS-0001 to relay PD-0005.

24. This time, we will add a low-voltage breaker with drawouts. Click the Low-VoltageBreaker/Drawout-type button on the toolbar. (Drawout-type breakers have arrows ateither end). Attach the top node of low-voltage breaker PD-0006 to BUS-0003. Nowclick the Induction Motor button on the toolbar. Attach the induction motorconnection node to low-voltage breaker PD-0006, as shown in Fig. 17.

Fig. 17. Attach induction motor MTRI-0001 to breaker PD-0006.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

25. Add and connect a non-motor load to BUS-0004, as shown in Fig. 18.

Fig. 18. Add and connect non-motor load LOAD-0001 to BUS-0004.

26. Add and connect a schedule to BUS-0004, as shown in Fig. 19.

Fig. 19. Add and connect schedule SCH-0001 to BUS-0004.

27. At this time, let’s save the One-Line Diagram. Click the Save button on the toolbar,then choose a name for the One-Line Diagram. For this tutorial, use the default namedraw1.drw .

28. Using Fig. 1 as a guide, rename the other components (we will add the remainingcomponents shortly).

We have now generated a basic system topology consisting of cables, transformers,power sources, and load components. The topology models a radially-fed system.(Looped configurations, breaker-and-a-half double-ended substations, and otherconfigurations may also be represented and modeled in PTW.)

Save button




In the last section we demonstrated an approach for building the One-Line Diagram. Thenext step is to assign specific data to each of the components. To do this, we need to usethe Component Editor. The Component Editor can be opened from a One-Line Diagramin three ways: 1) showing one component’s data; 2) showing a group of components’ data;and 3) showing data for all the components in the Project. (On page 33, “Create and Run aQuery” we will show how you can specify what components to display in the ComponentEditor).

2SHQ�WKH�&RPSRQHQW�(GLWRU�IRU�2QH�&RPSRQHQW1. First we will open the Component Editor showing one component’s data. Select bus

B1 by clicking on it (it will become blue) and choose the Go to Component Editorbutton (double-clicking on a component performs the same action). The ComponentEditor opens for BUS-0001.


1 The Subviews box lists what subviewis being displayed.

2 The Component Set option buttonsdisplay components by differentgroupings.

3 The Components List box displaysthe components in the ComponentSet.

4 The subview display area shows theactive subview.

This opens the Component Editor for bus B1. Type 13800 in the Nominal System Voltagebox, as shown in Fig. 20. Do not enter the voltage in kV unless specified. Notice that theComponent Set option button is set to One-Line Diagram because this set of componentscame from a One-Line Diagram.

Go to ComponentEditor button






SKM Power*Tools for Windows

Fig. 20. Enter data for bus B1.

2. To move back to the One-Line Diagram from which you came, click the Go to One-Line Diagram button on the toolbar.

3. Using the same procedure, open the Component Editor for bus B2 and type 4160 inthe Nominal System Voltage box.

4. Click the Go to One-Line Diagram button to return to the One-Line Diagram.

2SHQ�WKH�&RPSRQHQW�(GLWRU�IRU�D�*URXS�RI�&RPSRQHQWVThus far we have selected components individually. To select a group of components,you can draw a box around them and take them to the Component Editor.

1. Draw a box around the two protective devices R T1 and CB T1 while holding themouse button down, as shown in Fig. 21, and release the mouse button. The twocomponents become selected. Click the Go to Component Editor button.

Fig. 21. Select a group of components drawing a box around them.

Notice that the selected components now appear in the Components list box.

Go to One-LineDiagram button



2SHQ�WKH�&RPSRQHQW�(GLWRU�IRU�DOO�3URMHFW�&RPSRQHQWVWith the Component Editor still open, we will view all the components in the Project.

1. To display all the components in the Project, select the All option button on the leftside of the Component Editor. Now you can select any of the Components in theProject without having to return to the One-Line Diagram.

2. Select bus B3 in the Components list box and type 480 in the Nominal SystemVoltage box.

3. Select bus B4 in the Components list box. Note that it has automatically taken itsvoltage from the upstream bus.

Tip: PTW automatically sorts bus voltages across the system topology and inserts thesevoltages onto components such as non-motor loads and transformers. If you firstestablish the bus voltages, PTW will do the rest for you.

Select transformer T1 in the Components list box, as shown in Fig. 22.

Fig. 22. View data for transformer T1.

4. In the Transformer Key box, select OA to specify an oil-air type transformer. In theNominal kVA list box, select 5000. In the primary tap % box, type -2.50. In thePhase Shift Degrees box, type 30. Note that the transformer defaults to Delta primaryand Wye-Grounded secondary connections, which are appropriate for this Project.

5. Select transformer T2 in the Components list box. In the Transformer Key box, selectOA, and in the Nominal kVA box, select 1500. In the primary tap % box, type -2.50.In the Phase Shift Degrees box, type 30. As with transformer T1, maintain the defaultconnections.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

In the Components box, select Utility NETWORK FDR, as shown in Fig. 23.

Fig. 23. View data for utility NETWORK FDR.

6. In the Three Phase Contribution box, type 75, select the units as MVA , and in theLine to Ground Contribution box, type 15. The default X/R, per unit voltage, andvoltage angle values are acceptable for this tutorial Project.

✎Note: The single-line-to-ground current should be entered, not the equivalent three-phase SLG value. Also, note that the SLG X/R ratio is not the ratio of the zero-sequenceX/R.

In the Components box, select synchronous motor M1, as shown in Fig. 24.

Fig. 24. View data for synchronous motor M1.

7. Type 2000 in the Rated Size box. Notice the rated voltage defaults to the bus voltage.The number of motors amount, the hp units, 0.80 lagging power factor, and 1.0efficiency default values are acceptable for this Project.



8VLQJ�6XEYLHZVThe Component Editor categorizes component data according to functionality, and severalcomponent types require more than one page of data to model thoroughly. Each of thesepages is called a subview. Subviews are stacked atop one another just like pages in abook�just as you turn to a specific page in a book, you “turn” to a subview be selecting it.

1. For synchronous motor M1, we need to go to another subview to assign motordiversity and load association groups. To do this, select Motor Diversity in theComponent Subviews box, as shown in Fig. 25.

Fig. 25. Switch to the Motor Diversity subview for motor M1.

2. Under Load Association, type Process A in the Group box. (The two LoadAssociation boxes assign categorical names to the load; while not used in calculations,the group designations allow easy categorization of loads, which can be retrievedusing a query.) We will leave the motor load factor at 1.0, although in actual use thisfactor provides a simple way to model the motor’s true load value.

3. Now select the ANSI Contribution subview, as shown in Fig. 26.

Fig. 26. Select the ANSI Contribution subview for motor M1.

4. This subview displays default sub-transient reactance and X/R values. The kVA Baseand Voltage Base values are initially set to the bus rated voltage and the motor rated


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

size expressed in kVA. Any of these values can be changed; however, the defaultvalues are acceptable for this tutorial.

5. In the Components box, select cable C1, as shown in Fig. 27.

Fig. 27. View data for cable C1.

6. In the Cable Key box, select Cu Non-Magnetic THWN 600. In the Cable Size boxselect 1/0, in the Length box, type 100, and in the Number of Conductors in Parallelbox type 2.

7. In the Components box, select induction motor M2, as shown in Fig. 28.

Fig. 28. View data for induction motor M2.

8. In the Rated Size box, type 500. The default power factor efficiency and pole pairsare acceptable for this tutorial. (The pole pairs value of 2 represents a motor speed of1800 rpm at 60 Hz and a 1500 rpm motor at 50 Hz.)

9. In the Component Subviews box, select Motor Diversity and verify that the MotorDiversity Load Factor is 1.00. Under Load Association, type Process B in the Groupbox.



10. In the Component Subviews box, select ANSI Contribution and verify that the valuesmatch those shown in Fig. 29.

Fig. 29. Review the ANSI Contribution subview for induction motor M2.

✎Note: Since the motor was entered as 500 hp in mechanical power output and the powerfactor and efficiency defaulted to 0.80, then the machine rated electrical apparent poweris calculated as 582.8 kVA. For this tutorial, leave the value at the calculated kVA basevalue; however, in practice you may wish to unlink the kVA Base from the Rated Sizeand change this to 500 kVA in keeping with the axiom that 1 hp equals 1 kVA for aninduction motor.

11. In the Components box, select non-motor load L1, and in the Rated Size box, type200. The PTW default power factor is 0.80 lagging. The rated voltage of the loaddefaults to the bus nominal system voltage.

$GG�/RDGV�WR�D�3DQHO�6FKHGXOHThe next few steps demonstrate the procedure for adding branch circuit loads to a panelschedule. If you are not interested in learning how to add loads to a schedule at this time,proceed directly to page 25, “Clone Components and System Segments.”

1. In the Components box, select Schedule LS-1. Define the Panel’s physical location as1st Fl NW Corner. Select OC Device Type as Breaker, Mounting as Flush, DeviceFamily as Plug In, and Enclosure as NEMA 1. (These boxes are fully editable; youcan type your own descriptions instead of using those provided). In the CurrentRating box, type Continuous as 100 and Withstand as 10000. In the ScheduleSpecifications box select 4 Wire and in the Schedule Category select Panel.

2. Now select the Panel subview.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

3. In the Circuit, Phase, and Descriptions box, select circuit 01 A, as shown in Fig. 30.

Fig. 30. Select circuit 1, phase A.

4. To assign a one-pole load to the selected circuit, choose the 1 Pole button in the PanelLoad box. The Schedule Load dialog box appears for assigning data to the one-poleload, as shown in Fig. 31.

Fig. 31. The Schedule Load dialog box used to assign data to one-pole loads.

5. In the Description box, type Rooms 104-106 and in the Rated Size box, type 200 andset the units to VA . In the Quantity box, type 15. In the Power Factor text box, type0.9, and in Power Factor list box, select Lag. In the Demand Category box, selectLIGHTING . In the Notes box, type Not on EMCS. Finally, under OvercurrentProtection, type 20 in the Size box, and click the OK button to save and return to theComponent Editor. The load will now be assigned to circuit 01 A.

6. With Circuit 01A selected, choose the Copy button to the right of the Circuit, Phase,and Description box. Next, select circuit 02 A and choose the Paste button. Thisassigns an exact replica of the load to circuit 02A.

7. With circuit 02A selected, choose the Modify button to the right of the Circuit, Phase,and Description box. This opens the Schedule Load dialog box. Notice its datamirrors that of the original. In the Description box, type Rooms 101-103. Change theQuantity to 16. Click the OK button to save and return to the Component Editor.

8. In the Circuit, Phase, and Descriptions box, select circuit 03 B, and choose the Pastebutton again. Once again a copy of the copied load appears.



9. With circuit 03 B selected, choose the Modify button. In the Description box, typeExterior Light and in the Rated Size box, type 440. In the Quantity box, type 8.Click the OK button to save and return to the Component Editor.

10. Choose the Circuits button on the lower right corner of the Component Editor. TheSchedule dialog box appears, as shown in Fig. 32.

Fig. 32. Set the number of circuits for the Panel schedule.

11. In the Number of Circuits box, type 12, and click the OK button to return to theComponent Editor. (Since Load Schedule Reports list all circuits, whether availableor not, lowering the number of circuits keeps the length of Reports down.)


SKM Power*Tools for Windows


The next steps demonstrate how to clone a group of components so that the duplicateshave the same data as the originals.

1. To select the system segment beginning with relay R T2 and ending with inductionmotor M2, hold down the SHIFT key as you click on each of the three components.You can also select the components by One-Line Diagram a selection box aroundthem, as shown in Fig. 33.

Fig. 33. Select a component segment for cloning.

2. From the Component menu, choose the Clone command.

A duplicate of the three selected items appears on the One-Line Diagram slightlybeneath and to the right of the original set of selected objects. Notice in Fig. 34 thatPTW assigns new component names to the cloned components. Since these newobjects have duplicate data but distinct names, “clone” more precisely describes theirnature than “copy.”

Fig. 34. The cloned components appear on the One-Line Diagram below and tothe right of the original set of components.

If you want to draw abox to select thecomponents, but findthat unwantedcomponents are tooclose and becomeselected, you canmove them fartheraway without affectingthe connections at all.You can also removeunwanted componentsfrom the selectedgroup by clicking themwhile holding down theSHIFT key.



3. Position the cursor over one of the new components, such as transformer XF2-0003,so that the mouse pointer becomes the moving pointer, as shown in Fig. 35.

Fig. 35. Position the mouse pointer somewhere over the cloned segment tomove it.

4. Move the new components by pressing the mouse button and dragging the items sothat the One-Line Diagram looks similar to the one shown in Fig. 36.

Fig. 36. Move the cloned components to a new location on the One-LineDiagram.

5. Connect relay PD-0007 to bus B2. The cloned components are now connected to thesystem. Rename PD-0007 to R T3, PD-0008 to CB T3, XF2-0003 to T3, BUS-0005to B5, PD-0009 to CB M3, and MTRI-0003 to M3.

6. Drag the cloned induction motor M3 down to make its connection longer.

7. Using the procedure discussed on page 9, insert a motor overload between the clonedcomponents induction motor M3 and low-voltage breaker CB M3 and rename itMOL , as shown in Fig. 37.

Moving/Selection pointer


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

Fig. 37. Insert a motor overload.

All of the component data in the cloned components are identical to the data in theoriginals. To verify this, open the Component Editor (try clicking the Component Editorbutton on the toolbar�this is a shortcut to open it quickly).

8. Choose transformer T3 in the Components list box.

Because transformer T3 is a clone of transformer T2, the type and size is indeedidentical. No changes need to be made to this component.

9. Now select induction motor M3 in the Components list box. Select the InductionMotor subview in the Component Subviews box. Because induction motor M3 is aclone of induction motor M2 the component data is the same. We want thiscomponent to identify three 500 hp motors instead of one, so type 3 in the Number ofMotors box.

10. In the Component Subviews box, select Motor Diversity. Under Load Association,type Process C in the Group box.

11. In the Component Subviews box, select the ANSI Contribution Subview. Verify thatM3’s data (transferred by the cloning process) matches that of M2 by switching backand forth between them.

The system input is now complete, and we can begin to run Studies on the system.

Component Editor button




The DAPPER, A_FAULT, and IEC_FAULT Study modules all use the Study Managerdialog box for setup and execution.


1 These check boxes select whichStudies you want to run.

2 The Setup buttons allow you tochange a Study’s options.

3 The Report File boxes display theStudy’s output file name; keep thedefault name or type your own.

4 The Append check boxes allow youto tack new reports right on to the endof existing ones with the same name.

5 The Run button begins the Studies.

For this tutorial we will only run DAPPER’s Comprehensive Short Circuit Study and LoadFlow Study. However, the procedure is the same for the rest of the Studies in theDAPPER module and the A_FAULT and IEC_FAULT Study modules.

1. To begin, choose Analysis from the Run menu. This opens the Study Manager dialogbox.

2. In the dialog box, select the check box next to Short Circuit Study and choose theComprehensive option button.

To set the Study options, choose the Setup button to the right of the option buttons.This opens the Comprehensive Short Circuit Study setup dialog box, as shown in Fig.38.

Fig. 38. The Short Circuit Study setup dialog box.






SKM Power*Tools for Windows

3. For this tutorial, we will maintain the defaults. Click the OK button to return to theStudy Manager.

4. In the dialog box, select the check box next to Load Flow Study.

5. Choose the Run button to commence running the Short Circuit Study and the LoadFlow Study.

The Study Messages dialog box appears, displaying status and error messages as theStudy runs, as shown in Fig. 39.

Fig. 39. The Study Messages dialog box shows the Study’s progress as it runs.

6. Choose the Edit Errors button in the Study Messages box upon completion of theStudy. The Component Editor will appear with the Errors Component Set optionbutton selected. There should not be any errors in the tutorial Project, so the Errorcomponent set should be empty. However, if there are errors, the affected componentswill be displayed. Review the data and make necessary corrections. When you havecorrected the errors, rerun the Study. If necessary, repeat the process until all errorshave been resolved.

Although this tutorial focused on the Comprehensive Short Circuit Study and Load FlowStudy, all the Study modules may be run. You may decide that transformer taps must beadjusted in order to meet acceptable voltage drop limits at the branch circuits.

✎Note: Oftentimes a single error message will generate numerous error messages. This isbecause PTW runs through the entire Study. If you opt not to fix the error, you should atleast be aware of what the error is.




While the method for creating Reports varies between Studies (DAPPER, A_FAULT, andIEC_FAULT generate Reports automatically as they run; CAPTOR generates a Report oncommand), the method for viewing Reports is the same.

To open a Report, click the Report button to display a list of reports.

In the Report Name box, select the sc.rpt Report file name and choose the Open button.The Report will appear in the Report viewport, as shown in Fig. 40.

Fig. 40. The Report viewport displaying the Short Circuit Study Report.

Since the Report file is a generic text file, it can be easily be saved as a text document(choose the Save As command from the Document menu) and opened in a wordprocessing program; and printed (choose the Print command from the Document menu). Ifyou do open the Report in a word processing program, you should use a non-proportionalfont such as Courier (as opposed to a proportional font such as Times New Roman) inorder to maintain column widths.

Report button


SKM Power*Tools for Windows



Input data and Study results can also be displayed right on the One-Line Diagram.

1. To do this, make the One-Line Diagram the active document. Select the DatablockFormat command from the Run menu. The Datablock Format dialog box appears, asshown in Fig. 41.

Fig. 41. The Datablock Format dialog box.

2. Let’s say that we want to see load flow power data on the One-Line Diagram. In theFormats for One-Line Diagram and Probe box, select Load Flow Power Data andclick the Apply button. This applies the datablock format to the active One-LineDiagram. To close the Datablock Format dialog box, choose the Close button.

The selected datablocks should appear on the One-Line Diagram, as shown in Fig. 42.

Fig. 42. The One-Line Diagram displaying load flow datablocks.

3. To toggle the datablocks on or off, select the Datablocks command from the Viewmenu.

But what if we want to see more or different data in the datablocks? Becausedatablocks are fully customizable, you can add any Study or input data you want.

When you move acomponent, its datablockmoves too, so if anydatablock text overlaps acomponent symbol, youcan move the componentsymbol up or down itsconnection line until thedatablocks appearslegibly. You can alsomove a datablockindependently; just drag itwhere you want.



4. To begin creating a custom datablock format, choose the Datablock Format commandfrom the Run menu.

This opens the Datablock Format dialog box once again. To modify the Load FlowPower Data datablock format, in the Formats for One-Line Diagram and Probe box,select Load Flow Power Data. Choose the Edit button. The Format Editor dialog boxwill appear, as shown in Fig. 43. Notice that in the title bar of the Format Editor, thename of the format you are currently editing is also displayed.

Fig. 43. The Format Editor dialog box.

5. We will create a datablock format for induction motors and add two componentattributes to it. To begin, select Induction Motor in the Component box. Theavailable attribute list changes to reflect the currently selected component.

6. In the Available Attributes box, select RatedSize.

7. To add the attribute to the datablock, choose the Add button, and it will appear in theDisplayed Attributes box.

8. Change the attribute’s label from “Rated Size” to “Size” by placing the cursor in theAttribute Template box and deleting the word “Rated.”

You have now added a datablock consisting of the rated size attribute to the inductionmotor component type. Click the OK button to save the updated format and return tothe Datablock Format dialog box.

9. In the Formats for One-Line Diagram and Probe box, select the updated Load FlowData Format from the Formats for One-Line Diagram and Probe box and choose theApply button to apply the new format.

10. Choose the Close button to close the Datablock Format dialog box.

The One-Line Diagram now displays rated size for the induction motors, in addition tothe previously displayed branch flows and bus data.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows


For large power systems, you can use queries to select groups of related components. Aquery is a question you ask of all of the components in the Project or the document in orderto retrieve only those components that satisfy the question’s conditions. For instance, youcould write a query that retrieves all induction motors over 500 hp. The results of a querymay be viewed either on the One-Line Diagram or in the Component Editor.

Queries can be run from both One-Line Diagrams and the Component Editor (and, ifapplicable, the TCC Drawing). First we will run a Query from the One-Line Diagram.

1. Make the One-Line Diagram the active window. Next, click the Query button on thetoolbar. The Query dialog box appears, as shown in Fig. 44.

Fig. 44. The Query dialog box.

2. To create a new query, choose the New button. The Query Editor dialog box appears,as shown in Fig. 45.

Fig. 45. The Query Editor dialog box.

Our query will search for all buses where the bus voltage drop is greater than whatevernumber we choose. In the Name box, type Bus Voltage Drop > Prompt. In the Categorybox, type or select Load Flow; in the Component Set box, select Bus; in the Attributesbox, select LFPctVD ( percent voltage drop); in the Op(erator) box, select >; and under

Query button



Value, choose the Prompt option button. The prompt option button means that every timewe run the query, PTW prompts us for the percent voltage drop value.

3. Choose the Insert button to display the Query Definition.

4. Click the OK button to return to the Query dialog box. In the Query Category box,select Load Flow, and in the Query box, select our new Bus Voltage > Prompt Query.

5. Choose the Run button to run the query.

The Query Prompt dialog box appears, as shown in Fig. 46.

Fig. 46. Respond to the query prompt to set criteria for the query.

6. In the Select Bus Where PctVD > box, type 5. This query now searches for all buseswhere the voltage drop is greater than five percent. To complete the query, click theOK button.

The focus returns to the One-Line Diagram, and all of the buses that meet the conditions ofthe query are selected. The Status Bar reports the total number of components that met thequery criteria and are selected on the One-Line Diagram.


When the One-Line Diagram is finished, you can print it to any printer that has beenconfigured for your system. The One-Line Diagram offers several advanced layoutfeatures. To customize the One-Line Diagram layout, choose Print Layout from theDocument menu.

The Diagram Layout dialog box appears, as shown in Fig. 47.


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Fig. 47. Set the print layout options for the One-Line Diagram.

The One-Line Diagram can be tiled on multiple pages, or sized to fit a single page. Thepage size and margin can also be customized. Under Sizing, select the Zoom to Fit SinglePage option button. Click the OK button to save the layout settings.

To print the One-Line Diagram, select Print from the Document menu, and click the OKbutton from the Print dialog box.


Another useful feature for managing large systems is the ability to generate several One-Line Diagrams for the same Project. Using this method you can generate different One-Line Diagrams to represent various industrial processes, different buildings, and so on.You can also create one main One-Line Diagram that represents the entire Project, andsmaller One-Line Diagrams that represent only a portion of the Project.

1. To add a One-Line Diagram to the tutorial Project, click the One-Line Diagram buttonon the toolbar. This opens the One-Line Diagram dialog box.

2. Choose the New button to create a new One-Line Diagram.

3. From the Component menu, choose the Existing command. The Existing Componentsdialog box, shown in Fig. 48, will open listing all of the components in the currentProject.

Fig. 48. The Existing Components dialog box lists all of the Project components.

One-Line Diagram button



4. In the Components box, select B1 and click the OK button. Bus B1 appears on thenew One-Line Diagram, as shown in Fig. 49.

Fig. 49. Existing component B1 once it has been added to the One-LineDiagram.

Now, with the click of a button, you can begin expanding the One-Line Diagram. On thetoolbar, click the Expand button.

All of the components that are electrically connected to bus B1 are automatically added tothe One-Line Diagram, as shown in Fig. 50.

Fig. 50. The expanded One-Line Diagram.

You could continue expanding the One-Line Diagram by selecting only those componentsyou wanted to expand, and then clicking the Expand button again. Using this technique,you can build a complete One-Line Diagram in just minutes.

Expand button

The Expand buttonwill be disabled if nocomponent isselected; be surethat BUS-0001 isselected so theExpand button willbe available.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows



This portion of the tutorial demonstrates the time-current coordination of power systemprotective devices using the CAPTOR Study module. In this example we will select therelay R T2 settings in order to properly protect the main transformer T2 from thermal andmechanical damage. We will also coordinate this relay with breaker CB-M2 and the 500hp induction motor M2 starting characteristics.

7KH�7&&�'UDZLQJ�GLDORJ�ER[The CAPTOR Study module uses the TCC Drawing dialog box for setting up and runningcoordination Studies.


1 The TCC Device List box displays theactive component and, underneath itin the list, the other components inthe Study.

2 The tab pages list data for the activecomponent.

3 The header bar displays the Librarydata attributed to the activecomponent.

4 The coordination grid displays fullydynamic and adjustable damagecurves.

1. To begin, choose CAPTOR TCC from the Document menu. This opens the TCC namedialog box. Type Mtr and Xfmr Coordination , and choose the New button to opena new TCC Drawing. (If you do not type a name, PTW will assign a default TCCDrawing name).






2. An empty TCC Drawing will appear. Now we can add devices for coordination.

3. Choose Existing from the Component menu. The Insert Component dialog box willappear listing all the components in the Project.

4. Select transformer T2. The transformer’s data appears in the tab pages, and itsdamage curve and inrush marker appear in the coordination viewport, as shown in Fig.51.

Fig. 51. The TCC Drawing displays transformer T2’s data on the left and itsdamage curve on the right.

5. Add induction motor M2 using the same method. Its data will appear in the tab pages.Note that both devices now reside in the TCC Device List box and in the coordinationviewport.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

Now we will add the protective devices in order to coordinate them to protect themotor and transformer from damage from overloads and short circuits.

6. Instead of using the Existing command, we will select relay R T2 from the One-LineDiagram and add it to the TCC Coordination Drawing. Make the One-Line Diagramthe active window by choosing DRAW1.DRW from the Window menu.

7. Select relay R T2 using one of the two selection methods described on page 16, “EnterComponent Data.”

8. Choose the Go to TCC button on the toolbar. This opens the TCC dialog box. SelectMtr and Xfmr Coordination from the list box and choose the Open button.

The TCC Drawing appears with relay R T2 added to the TCC Device List. The relaywill not appear on the TCC Coordination Drawing because we have not yet selected arelay manufacturer or its associated settings. Make relay R T2 the active componentby selecting it from the TCC Device List, as shown in Fig. 52.

Fig. 52. Make the relay the active component.

9. Now we can apply manufacturer data to the relay. The coordination strategy is toplace the relay’s time overcurrent curve to the left and below the transformer damagecurve. The relay’s instantaneous segment must be placed to the right of thetransformer’s inrush current, to allow the transformer to be energized.

10. Choose the Library button on the bottom of the tab page. The Select a Device dialogbox will appear.

Remember that you selectcomponents on a One-LineDiagram by either drawing a boxaround them or clicking on themwhile holding the SHIFT buttondown.

Go to TCC button



11. Expand the Relay category by clicking the symbol next to it, then select the ElectroMechanical sub-category by clicking on it.

Click the symbol. . .

and the Relay category expands. Now click the Electro Mechanical sub-category. . .

and it opens showing its devices.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

12. Select the ABB, 51E 50/51 EXTM INV relay by selecting the name and choosing theApply button (you may also double-click on the name to select it). Choose the Closebutton to close the Select a Device dialog box.

13. Select the Setting tab page by clicking on its tab. The relay contains default settingsfrom the Library. Since the full load current of a 2000 kVA transformer is 277.6 A at4.16 kV, the maximum permissible protective device rating should not exceed 695 A.The next standard size current transformer has a 1000 A to 5 A current ratio.Therefore, type 1000 in the Primary Current box. Note that the Secondary Current is5 A.

14. Segments can be adjusted one of two ways: 1) changing data in the tab pages, or 2)moving segments in the coordination viewport. First we will use method one: changethe LTPU setting by choosing 3.000 from the Setting 1 box, and choose the Redrawbutton to see the effect of the new setting. The relay will pick up at 600 A, which isbelow the maximum allowable primary current of 695 A.

15. We will use the second method to adjust the next device’s segment settings. Adjustthe Time Dial setting by placing the mouse pointer over the Inverse Time segment inthe coordination viewport. Notice that the pointer changes to the movement pointerwhen over the Inverse Time segment. This indicates that you can now move thesegment up or down. Press the left mouse button and drag the segment until it liesbelow and to the left of the transformer damage curve. (The limit pointer will indicateif you have dragged to limit of the curve’s valid setting range.) A Time Dial value of5 should be acceptable. Once you release the mouse button, the Time Dial setting willchange to reflect the segment’s position.

To add an instantaneous segment, select INST (High) from the list in Segment #3(currently blank), as shown in Fig. 53.

Fig. 53. Select a new segment type.

16. Use one of the two methods to move the instantaneous segment until it equalsapproximately 20. The instantaneous setting needs to be positioned to the right of thetransformer inrush current marker.

17. Next we need to select a static trip device to model the breaker CB M2. Add breakerCB M2 using either the Existing command or by selecting it on the One-Line Diagramand then going to the TCC Drawing.

18. Choose the Library button on the bottom of the tab page. Using the method describedearlier, expand the Low-Voltage Breaker category in the Select a Device dialog box,and expand the Static Trip sub-category.

19. Choose the SQUARE D, ME/MEC LSI, 100-800A breaker and choose the Applybutton followed by the Close button.

The movement and limitpointers

If you want moreroom on the TCCDrawing, you canexpand it by draggingits left or right edgejust as you would withthe One-LineDiagram.



20. Choose the Setting tab page. First we must determine an appropriate frame for theprotective device. The motor full load current is 601 A. Therefore, an 800 A Frameprotective device rated at 480 V should be acceptable. To select this Frame, choose800 480V 800A (50, 0, 0) kA from the Frame list box.

21. Select 800.0 from the Sensor list box.

22. Each of the remaining segments of the static trip device is selected either by typing asetting value or using the mouse to drag the appropriate segments to achieveacceptable coordination. The circuit breaker segments need to lay to the left andbelow the relay segments, and above and to the right of the motor starting curve inorder to achieve coordination.

23. Since the solution to the coordination problem differs vastly depending on theapplication, this tutorial cannot provide a definitive solution. However, Fig. 54 showsone way to adjust the settings for the breaker. Fig. 55 shows the results of thosesettings.

Fig. 54. Sample breaker settings.


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Fig. 55. Sample coordination.

Tip: If you need to add new protective devices while in the TCC Drawing, you can doso just like on a One-Line Diagram. Either choose New from the Component menu andselect a component type, or click the appropriate button on the toolbar.

At this point we have achieved a basic coordination between the protective devices and thetransformer and motor. The following steps will refine the coordination Study.

First we will run a Short Circuit Study to limit the instantaneous portion of the LVB-IM1to the maximum available Short Circuit current. This will ensure that breaker LVB-IM1’sinstantaneous segment does not overlap the instantaneous segment of relay R-X2-2.

1. From the Settings menu, choose TCC Fault Current. The Options dialog box appears.

2. Select the Study Result option button.

3. Use the Initial Symm rms 3P Study Result Type.

4. Choose the OK Button.

5. Run the Short Circuit Study using the Comprehensive option. This procedure isdiscussed on page 28, “Run DAPPER, A_FAULT, and IEC_FAULT Studies.”

Once the Study is run, PTW will update the Short Circuit current at each bus and cut offthe instantaneous segment at the initial symmetrical calculated short circuit current.

Next we will set the transformer full load current flag so that it extends slightly below therelay pickup current flag.

1. Make transformer XF2-0002 the active component by selecting from the TCC Devicelist.



2. From the Settings menu, choose the Flags command. The Device Flags dialog boxwill appear.

3. To change the LTPU/FLA Marker plot time, type 50 in the %Max Plot Time box.

4. Click the OK button.

✎Note: The full load amperes flag for the transformer reads 278 A. However, placing themouse pointer over the flag reveals a measured value of 2410 A (displayed in the StatusBar). Despite the apparent discrepancy, this Status Bar value is correct, since the TCCDrawing is plotted at 480 V and the full load amperes flag is always reported on theprimary voltage of the transformer.

Next we will redraw the TCC Drawing in order to position the curves one decade to theleft on the TCC Drawing. This might be done, for example, if additional protectivedevices need to be added to the Drawing.

1. From the Settings menu, choose the TCC Layout command. The TCC Layout dialogbox will appear.

2. In the Current Scale X 10^ box, type 2. This multiplies the current scale by 100, andeffectively redraws the TCC Drawing one decade to the left.

3. Click the OK button.

The TCC Drawing will be redrawn moving all the protective devices to the left onedecade. Fig. 56 shows the TCC Drawing with these adjustments implemented.

To position the labels and their leaders, you may drag them on the TCC Drawing to adifferent location. To change the color and pattern of any of the curves, from the Settingsmenu, choose Color or Pattern, respectively, and choose a new option.

Fig. 56. The TCC Drawing after adjustments.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows


This portion of the tutorial demonstrates how to create a Datablock Report. DatablockReports let you create custom reports with whatever data you want, for whatevercomponents you want. This allows you macro- and micro-flexibility: run a Study to get areport for the whole system, then select specific components for in-depth analysis.

1. Begin by opening the One-Line Diagram.

2. Select the Datablock Format command from the Run menu. The Datablock Formatdialog box appears.

3. Select the Input Data format and click the Edit button.

4. Select the Induction Motor component and add the ComponentName, Pf (PowerFactor), and RatedVoltage attributes as shown.



5. Now select the Protective Device component and add the ComponentName,Description, and Frame/Cartridge attributes as shown.

6. Click OK to return to the Datablock Format box.

7. Click the Apply button followed by the Close button.

8. Datablocks will appear next to the components.

9. Select the branch shown by drawing a box around them. We will create a DatablockReport for these components.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

10. Choose the Datablock Report command from the Run menu. The Datablock Reportspreadsheet will appear, as shown. Notice that the datablocks appear only for thecomponents you selected.

11. Click the Save button. Note that you may save this spreadsheet as a Report file or as aMicrosoft Excel-compatible file.

12. Save the Datablock Report as a Report file. You may now open this file just like anyother Report in PTW. Also, since the Report is a text file, you may open it in a wordprocessing program.

You may create as many Datablock Reports as you like. Also, you may create them forany components you want (and you do not have to select them by drawing a box aroundthem; you may run a Query to select components and then create a Datablock Report forthem). Be sure, though, to always run the Datablock Format to pick what data you want toshow for each component, and then run the Datablock Report to display those datablocks.




This portion of the tutorial demonstrates how to print using a Form. Forms provide you away to print One-Line Diagrams, TCC Drawings, and Reports on a single page ofwhatever size paper your printer can handle.

1. In this example we will use one of the pre-formatted Forms. (For instructions oncreating a new Form, search on-line Help for Forms: creating and editing.) Beginby selecting the Form Print command from the Document menu.

2. The Print Using Form dialog box will appear.

3. Select the TCC & One-Line 8 1/2 x 11 Portrait Form. A thumbnail representationof the page, along with the Areas on the Form, will appear. These boxes represent the


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

locations on the page where the TCC Drawing and the One-Line will be inserted,along with the pre-formatted Title Block.

✎Note: Even if your printer does not support this Form, or if you do not have a printer,you can still follow these steps to learn the procedure. You can test whether your printersupports this Form by checking the box next to Show Printer Page Size Forms Only.This reduces the list to only those Forms your printer will support. To return to the entirelist, uncheck the box.

4. Select TCC Area, as shown. Note that the Select Data button now becomes activeand that the large rectangular area on the thumbnail representation of the pagebecomes blue. This tells you that whatever TCC Drawing you select will be insertedinto the large highlighted area.

5. Click the Select Data button. The TCC box appears. Select the MTR AND XFMRCOORDINATION drawing and click Open.

6. Note that the MTR AND XFMR COORDINATION document now appears within theparentheses next to TCC Area. This tells you that the TCC Drawing you chose will beinserted into that particular area.

7. Now select One Line, as shown. Once again, the Select Data button becomes active,but this time the small large rectangular area on the thumbnail representation of thepage becomes blue. This tells you that whatever One-Line you select will be insertedinto the small highlighted area.



8. Click the Select Data button. The One-Line box appears. Select the DRAW1.DRWone-line and click Open.

9. Verify that both areas have data selected for them, as shown in the following picture(the Title Block Area will get its data from the Form itself, so you don't need tochoose any data for it).

10. Click the Print button to print the Form that you have set up.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

Fig. 57. Sample output using a Form.

Keep in mind that this Form used the entire One-Line Diagram. For a more effectivepresentation, you could create a second One-Line for just the branch that was coordinated.

For more information on Forms, see the PTW User’s Guide or search on-line Help forForms.

B113800 V

B24160 V

B3480 V

B4480 V

T15000.0 kVAPri DeltaSec Wye-GroundTap -2.50 %

T22000.0 kVAPri DeltaSec Wye-GroundTap -2.50 %

R T2

ABBEXTM INV51E 50/51605803


C11/0 AWGCopperTHWN#/ Ph 2


SCC 75.0 MVAX/R 15.000

R M1

M2500.0 hp# 1

M12000.0 hp

CB M2GE AKR-50300-1600ARMS9 ADJGES-6227

L1200.0 kVA

LS 1

T32000.0 kVAPri DeltaSec Wye-GroundTap -2.50 %

R T3


B5480 V

M3500.0 hp# 3



R T1





This portion of the tutorial uses the TMS Study module to analyze the starting of a motorand its effect on a bus. In this example we will start induction motor M2 at 0 seconds andplot the results. These results include its speed, voltage, stator current, torque, and loadtorque. We will also plot the effects of this motor’s starting on the voltage at bus B2.

$VVLJQ�G\QDPLF�PRWRU�DQG�ORDG�PRGHOVUp to this point in the tutorial, we have only analyzed the static portion of our electricalsystem. With the TMS Study, we will analyze the dynamic portion of the system. Beforewe can begin analyzing the dynamic portion, however, we need to supply PTW withadditional information about the induction motors, such as their starting characteristics andthe loads that they will drive.

To supply this information we will use the Transient Motor Starting subview of theComponent Editor.

1. With the One-Line Diagram displayed, open the Component Editor for inductionmotor M2 either by double-clicking on induction motor M2, or by clicking it once andchoosing the Go to Component Editor button. The Component Editor opens forinduction motor M2. Switch to the Transient Motor Starting subview, as shown inFig. 58.

Fig. 58. The Transient Motor Starting subview.

2. Click the Library button near the top of the subview. The Select a Device dialog boxwill appear (this opens the TMS Library in read-only form, which allows us to “peerinto” it and retrieve data from it without accidentally editing the data.):


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

The categories are expandable. Once you expand a category, its models are thendisplayed.

1) Click on the expand box. . . 2) and the category expands (do this for both themotor model category and the load model categories).

3) Now click on the Graphic Motor sub-categoryname. . .

4) and a list of models appears.

3. Highlight the NEMA LG>500 HP motor model and click the Apply button.

4. Next, highlight the Exponential Load Model category, as shown in Fig. 59. Note thatthe list of Load Models appears to the right.

The “Motor Model” and “Load Model” categories contain the Library models whichyou will apply to the induction motor.



Fig. 59. The Exponential Load Model category.

5. Highlight the Pump 400HP 1800RPM and click the Apply button, followed by theClose button.

6. The Component Editor will now display the motor and load models that we applied tothis motor, as shown in Fig. 60.

Fig. 60. The Motor and Load Model names can be seen in the boxes.

7. We will leave the other boxes with their default entries (as shown in Fig. 61), but keepin mind that these data fields provide great flexibility and control over the motor’sstarting characteristics, should you ever need to use them.

Fig. 61. Other data for the motor’s starting characteristics.

2SHQ�WKH�706�6WXG\�0DQDJHUNow that we have assigned motor starting data to the motor, we can open the TMS StudyManager. You run TMS wholly using this dialog box.

1. To begin, do one of the following:

x From the Run menu, choose the Transient Motor Starting command.

x On the Toolbar, click the TMS button: .


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

The TMS Study Manager will appear, as shown in Fig. 62.

Fig. 62. The TMS Study Manager.

2. Click the symbol next to the Study1 folder, as shown in Fig. 63.

Fig. 63. Expand folder Study1.

3. Now highlight Case1, as shown in Fig. 64.

Fig. 64. Highlight Case1.

4. From the Case menu, choose the Select Motors and Buses command. The SelectMotors and Buses dialog box will appear, as shown in Fig. 65.

Fig. 65. The Select Motors and Buses dialog box.



5. Add induction motor M2 and Bus B2 to the case by highlighting each and clicking theright arrow button, as shown in Fig. 66.

Fig. 66. Add M2 and B2 by clicking the right arrow.

6. Click the OK button. The TMS Study Manager will reappear. Note that the inductionmotor M2 now appears in Case1, as shown in Fig. 67.

Fig. 67. Motor M2 now appears in Case1.

7. Highlight motor M2, as shown in Fig. 68.

Fig. 68. Highlight motor M2.

8. From the Case menu, choose the Dynamic Events command. The Dynamic Eventsdialog box will appear, as shown in Fig. 69.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

Fig. 69. The Dynamic Events dialog box.

9. For this tutorial we will just assign one event to this motor: starting at 0 seconds. Todo so, select the Start Motor option (under Time Dependent, not VoltageDependent), enter the Event Time as 0 seconds, and set the Initial Status to Off-Line, then click the Create Event button, as shown in Fig. 70.

Fig. 70. Create a “Start Motor at 0 Seconds” event.

10. Click the Close button. The TMS Study Manager will reappear. Note that the eventwe just created now appears in the Event Window (the upper right window), as shownin Fig. 71.



Fig. 71. The “Start Motor at 0 Seconds” event now appears in the Event window.

11. The next step is to choose the channels that we want TMS to generate data for.(“Channel” is just a fancy name for the curve’s storage space. In technical terms, thechannel is the place in your computer’s memory where TMS stores all the graphpoints that make up the curve; however, you only need to understand that one channelequals one motor starting curve.) For this tutorial we will select all the channels. Toselect the channels, place checks in all the grey squares to the right of M2, as shown inFig. 72.

Fig. 72. Place checks for all the channels.

12. Now we can run the Starting Simulation which will generate the channels that weselected. To do so, click the Run button in the lower-left corner of the TMS StudyManager. The TMS Study dialog box will appear, as shown in Fig. 73.

Fig. 73. The Run TMS Study dialog box.

13. Click the Setup button. The Setup dialog box will appear, as shown in Fig. 74.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

Fig. 74. The Study setup dialog box.

14. For this tutorial we will maintain the defaults, but keep in mind that these optionsprovide great flexibility and control over how the data will be generated.

Click the OK button. The TMS Study dialog box will reappear:

Fig. 75. The Run TMS Study dialog box.

15. Click the Run button. The Starting Simulation will run, and will show its progress, asshown in Fig. 76.



Fig. 76. The Study Messages dialog box displays the progress of the StartingSimulation.

16. Click the Close button. Notice that the channels now have green backgrounds, asshown in Fig. 77. This means that these channels contain data and may be plotted.

Fig. 77. The background for the channels turns green when they contain data.

17. We are now ready to plot the channels. To do so, click the Plot button in the lower-left corner. In the Plot dialog box (shown in Fig. 78), click the New button. Thename Plot1 will automatically be assigned.


SKM Power*Tools for Windows

Fig. 78. The Plot dialog box.

18. The TMS Study Manager will reappear, but will now be running in Plot mode, asshown in Fig. 79. You can tell because a Plot appears in the upper right windowwhere the Event Window previous did.

Fig. 79. The TMS Study Manager in Plot Mode.

19. To display curves on the Plot, simply place checks in the grey boxes below. In Fig.80, we have placed checks for the Bus Voltage and the Motor Speed. Feel free todisplay and hide curves by checking or unchecking the grey boxes.



Fig. 80. The plot displaying Bus Voltage and Motor Speed.