Skills for Life Support Programme Supporting managers: assessment and the learner journey The Skills...

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Skills for Life Support Programme

Supporting managers: assessment and the learner


The Skills for Life Support Programme is delivered on behalf of the Learning and Skills Improvement Service by CfBT Education Trust and partners

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T: 0118 902 1920F: 0845 838 1207E: sflenquiries@cfbt.comW:

Skills for Life Support Programme


To raise managers’ awareness of the potential organisational and learner benefits of developing quality assurance processes for the assessment of learner needs and progression, and ILPs.


Skills for Life Support Programme

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, participants will be able to: • identify the effective assessment strategies to support the learner journey• recognise that ILPs are integral to learner development and progression• understand the critical success factors for effective assessment and ILP development and use•reflect on their own organisational processes, identify the strengths and weaknesses of their own assessment processes and plan for the future.


Skills for Life Support Programme

The assessment process


Screening:is not undertaken in every casecan be delivered by a ‘non-expert’.

Initial assessment:is undertaken in every caseis preferably delivered by a trained tutorcan be accessed by learners using independent study programmes.

Feedback from initial assessment:is used to inform the teacher and learner about the starting point for the learning programme, and further diagnostic assessment.

Diagnostic assessment:is administered by a trained assessorhelps to provide specific information about a learner’s strengths and development needs in a skill area, eg reading at a particular level.

The individual learning plan:is informed by diagnostic assessmentis informed by reviews of progressis negotiated between teacher and learner.

Formative assessment:assesses learner progress against ILP targets.

Reviews of progress:are negotiated between teacher and learnerinform discussions concerning:ofurther diagnostic assessmentofuture learning targetsoappropriate summative assessment.

Summative assessment is the end-of-phase assessment, which can take the form of:a national testaccreditationcompletion of an ILPtransition review.

Skills for Life Support Programme

The learner journey


Where am I now?

Interviews, discussions with the teacher, self-

assessment, initial assessment

Where next?

Thinking about moving on. Finding information

about opportunities

How did I do? Did I get there?

Reflection, final assessment and review.

A qualification How is it going?

Reflection and review of progress

How do I get there?

Learning activities in a group, and individual


Where do I want to get to?

Setting goals and targets. Why work for a


The learner

Adapted from: Planning Learning and Recording Progress and Achievement (DfES 2003)

Skills for Life Support Programme


Relating assessment to the ILP

Skills for Life Support Programme

The benefits of a quality assessment process

It informs and helps plan embedded opportunities for the development, application and assessment of skills

It provides management information, which can be used to direct support, identify success and focus resources on areas needing development


Skills for Life Support Programme

…learners are on the right course and are more likely to achieve the course outcomes and access targeted support.


As a result…

Skills for Life Support Programme

Individual learning plans‘…it is clear that learning plans, whether individual or collective, are fundamental to teaching and learning, and to assessing progress and demonstrating achievement.’

(DfES 2003)


Skills for Life Support Programme

The ILP should record:• the learner’s plan to learn• a timetable for learning• ways of learning and the resources required• progress.

‘where they’ve come from, where they’ve been, and where they’re going!’


Skills for Life Support Programme

Assessment for learning

Assessment for Learning is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there.

Assessment Reform Group 2002


Skills for Life Support Programme

Assessment for learning should…• be part of effective planning of teaching and learning • focus on how students learn • be recognised as central to classroom practice • be regarded as a key professional skill for teachers • be sensitive and constructive because any assessment has an emotional impact • take account of the importance of learner motivation • promote commitment to learning goals and a shared understanding of the criteria by which they are assessed


Skills for Life Support Programme

And…Learners should receive constructive guidance about how to improve

Assessment for learning develops learners’ capacity for self-assessment so that they can become reflective and self-managing

Assessment for learning should recognise the full range of achievements of all learners

The 10 principles: Assessment for Learning


Skills for Life Support Programme

Assessment for learning is…

• embedded in all teaching and learning • critical to inform reviews of progress• an essential element of tutorials• central to recording non-accredited achievement• about placing the learner at the centre of the process• part of the ongoing ILP process


Skills for Life Support Programme

Carrying out assessment 1Referral/signposting – no formal training is required

Screening/skills check – administered by a practitioner trained in the use of the chosen screening/skills check method or tool

Initial assessment – conducted by individuals trained to administer the chosen initial assessment tool. The interpretation of results should be overseen by an experienced Skills for Life practitioner


Skills for Life Support Programme

Carrying out assessment 2

Diagnostic assessment – carried out by a Skills for Life practitioner

Formative assessment (assessment for learning) – carried out by a Skills for Life practitioner

Summative assessment (assessment of learning) – carried out by a Skills for Life practitioner


Skills for Life Support Programme


Quality assessment requires quality time


Skills for Life Support Programme

Planning learning and recording progress and achievement (PLRA)

The Golden Rules

The learner is at the heart of the process

The purpose is to improve learning and achievement

It is important for all learners in all contexts


Skills for Life Support Programme

How effective are teaching, training and learning?

Inspectors should evaluate:•how well teaching and/or training and resources promote learning, address the full range of learners’ needs and meet course or programme requirements

•the suitability and rigour of assessment in planning and monitoring learners’ progress

•the identification of, and provision for, additional learning needs

The Common Inspection Framework for inspectingeducation and training (Ofsted, revised, 2005)


Skills for Life Support Programme

Quality assessment is important because…

It impacts on:

• achievement and retention data• quality of provision• funding• inspection• learner experience


Skills for Life Support Programme


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Skills for Life Support Programme Office Contacts:CfBT Education Trust

Tel: 0118 902 1920Email: