Skill: Underarm Throw - Cricket C: E: Step and Throw = I ...Cricket Grip Stance Ready Strike Make a...

Post on 12-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Skill: Underarm Throw - Cricket C: E: Step and Throw = I ...Cricket Grip Stance Ready Strike Make a...

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Skill: Underarm Throw - Cricket C: E:



Forward and back

Step and Throw

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Skill: Overarm Throw - Cricket

C: E:


Point – other hand ball around ear

Lean Back

Step and Throw

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Skill: Bowling - Cricket C: E:


Stance (L shape to target)

Windmill and Step

Follow Through

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Skill: Batting - Cricket C: E:



Back swing


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Skill: Catching - Cricket C: E:

Eyes on the ball


Under the ball

Close hands and bring to body

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Grip Stance Ready Strike

● Make a ‘V’ with your hands ● Use two Hands

● Side on to bowler ● Feet shoulder width apart ● Bend knees

● Eyes towards ball ● Bat straight back

● Step Forward ● Swing bat towards ball


Grip Stance Bowl Follow Through

● Bunny ears ● Make a ‘C’

● Make an ‘L’ with feet ● Point front foot towards


Start ball by pocket

Swing arms like a windmill

Brush your ear

Keep bowling arm straight

Keep head forward

Swing arm across body

Step forward


Eyes on the ball Cup Under the ball Hands close and bring to body

● Keep eyes on the ball all the time.

● Choose which cup to make ● Little fingers together for

under the eyes ● Thumbs together above the


● Eyes on the ball ● Get underneath the ball to


● Close hands around the ball ● Bring ball into your chest


Stance Point Swing forward and back Step and Throw

● Point toes to target

● Point finger to target ● Swing throwing arm forward and backward while pointing at target

Step forward and swing through your throwing arm.

Release the ball


Stance Point Lean Step and Throw

● Stand side on to target ● Point front foot at target

● Point finger to target ● Hold ball around the ear area ● You should look like a tea pot

Lean on your back foot

Step forward and bring through your throwing arm.

Release the ball

Bring your back foot forward

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Skill: Flick Throw - Frisbee C: E:



Step and Throw

Follow Through

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Skill: Backhand Throw - Frisbee C: E:



Step and Throw

Follow Through

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Skill: High Catch - Frisbee C: E:

Eyes on Frisbee



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Skill: Low Catch - Frisbee C: E:

Eyes on Frisbee



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Skill: Crocodile Catching C: E:

Eyes on Frisbee



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Frisbee - Flick

Grip Grip Stance Follow Through


● Pistol Grip

● Two fingers under ● Thumb on top

● Step Forward/Side ● Swing arm back

● Swing bat towards target ● Run with two hands on bat

Frisbee - Backhand

Grip Stance Throw Follow Through

● Knuckle Grip

● Stand side on

● Step across body ● Swing arm back ● Swing arm straight through

● Throwing arm points towards target


High Catch

Eyes on Frisbee Body Hands

● Eyes looking at the Frisbee all of the time

● Front on to Frisbee ● Feet shoulder width apart ● Bend knees

● Hands above eye level ● Thumbs underneath Frisbee ● Fingers on top of Frisbee


Low Catch

Eyes on Frisbee Body Hands

● Eyes looking at the Frisbee all of the time

● Front on to Frisbee ● Feet ready ● Bend knees

● Hands below eye level ● Thumbs on top of Frisbee ● Fingers underneath the Frisbee


Crocodile Catch

Eyes on Frisbee Body Hands

● Eyes looking at the Frisbee all of the time

● Front on to Frisbee ● Bend knees

● Hands out like a crocodile ● Clap hands together fast

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Skill: Overarm Throw – Softball C: E:


Point – other hand ball around ear

Lean Back

Step and Throw

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Skill: Pitching - Softball C: E:



Swing and Step

Follow Through

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Skill: Batting - Softball C: E:





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Skill: Catching - Softball C: E:

Eyes on ball

Glove Position



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Grip Stance Back Swing Strike

● Knocking knuckles ● Two Hands

● Side to pitcher ● Head Up ● Feet shoulder width apart ● Bend knees

● Lean back ● Eyes on ball

● Step Forward ● Swing bat towards target ● Eyes on ball ● Squash the bug


Eyes Glove Position Catch Catch

● Eyes on ball ● Glove ready

● Position glove up if above the waist

● Position glove down if below the waist

Catch the ball in the pocket

Squeeze the ball

Cover ball with other hand


Stance Point Swing forward and back Step and Throw

● Point toes to target

● Point finger to target ● Swing throwing arm forward and backward while pointing at target

Step forward and swing through your throwing arm.

Release the ball


Stance Point Lean Step and Throw

● Stand side on to target ● Point front foot at target

● Point finger to target ● Hold ball around the ear area ● You should look like a tea pot

Lean on your back foot

Step forward and bring through your throwing arm.

Release the ball

Bring your back foot forward

Circle an area to work on today

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Circle an area to work on today

Skill: Defense – TAPU AE

C: E:

Box Out

Catch the Throw

Close Space

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Skill: Throwing/Catching – TAPU AE

C E:

Step with Opposite Foot

Release at Ear


Move to Open Space

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Throw and Catch

Step with Opposite Foot Release at Ear Catch Move to Space

● If you throw with your right hand, you step with your left foot

● If you throw with your left hand, you step with your right foot

● Face Target ● Elbow Up ● Let go of ball at ear

● Eyes on Ball ● Reach for ball ● Catch with Two Hands ● Hug ball to chest

● Move to space where there aren’t any defenders

● Make sure it’s close enough your teammate can throw it to you


Box Out Catch the Throw Close Space

● Hands Up High ● Eyes on Ball ● Athletic Stance

● Eyes on ball ● Hands up ● Reach for ball ● Hug to chest

● Follow Ball ● Stay between player and pin ● Hands Up High