sinead spelmann

Post on 21-Mar-2016

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Transcript of sinead spelmann

Galeria Alegria

159 Concell de


texto David Castillanoanjvbvbjbjdabvjlsbvjsbvjbvjsbjkab-kjbavb

TExto DAvidIngles

Song for my Leg

my young leg is dying in the treeand the dying trees are singing to my leg,Leg , Leg are you dead?

And all summer long,born undying leg,caught in the terrible sypmtomatic...

everywhere we went together me and my leg,never, wanted to be apart.

Video stillSong For my leg

It was night itself. Images which constituted its darkness inundated him. He saw nothing and, far from being distressed, he made this absence of vision the culmination of his sight...Not only did this eye which saw nothing apprehend something, it apprehended the cause of its vision. It saw as object that which prevented him from seeing.(Maurice Blanchot, 1988: 15)

Era la propia noche. Im·genes que constituÌan la oscuridad nocturna lo üāĈā÷ôõôõāÁ áĂ ĉøĤô āô÷ô Č ¿ ÿøýĂĆ ÷ø ĆøāćüąĆø ôűüúü÷Ă ¿ öĂāĉüąćüĩ øĆô ôĈĆøāöüô ÷ø visiÛn en la culminaciÛn de su vista...Auquel ojo que no veÌa nada no solamente aprehendÌa algo, sino que aprehendÌa la causa de su visiÛn. VeÌa como objeto aquello que lo impedÌa ver.(Maurice Blanchot, 1988: 15)

The Light(papel Rosa)

(Papel Rosa)The Light (Castellano)

æôøąôŰā öôĀø ôÿĂāú ¿ ûø þāøÿć ÷ĂĊā Űĉø ćüĀøĆ ôā÷ ÝĈôā ÖôąÿĂĆ had some cloth lain accross his arms by Dani. Then Sara , for ôÿÿ ćĂ Ćøø¿ ÿüć Űĉø öôā÷ÿøĆ ôĆ ÔÿõøąćĂ ćĈąāø÷ Ăā ćûø űĂĈąøĆøāć lights . With the light on MarÌa could lay the copper sheets evenly to öĂĉøą ćûø űĂĂąÁ¿ Ċûüÿø ÝôĆĀüāô õÿøĊ ćûø ôüą ćĂĊôą÷Ć ßĈüĆŧĆ øôąĆ . Not much further away from this light wind SinÈad balanced a needle vertically on her head , Oscar with a thread between his teeth wavered with her movements, arms spread . Under his spread arms luis crouched past, making his way to the bucket of wax in the corner. Sitting on a low stool he scooped a handful of wax and run it through his hair from back to front, drooping a waxy rope of hair forward. Juande entered through the doorway which measured the same as his breth. He brushed passed. He balanced a tin bowl of honey on the crouch of his neck, bending his knees as sloping ceiling obliged. He bent them more. And more. He bent them till he stopped to a kneel.

ÔõĂĉø Ăā ćûø űôć Ċûüćø ąĂĂù æøõôĆ ÿüùćø÷ Ĉă ô öüąöĈÿôą Ċûüćø öÿôČ tap and poured copper sprinkles into the 30cm hole. Below Javier collected them in a wooden tube cut lengthways in half. He funneled the copper into the hole Joanna was making with ûøą üā÷øċ Űāúøą ôā÷ ûøą ćûĈĀõÁ çûøąø ćûøČ ùøÿÿ úøāćÿČ Ăā ćûø űĂĂą üā ùąĂāć Ăù Ü÷ĂüôŧĆ ÿüúûćÿČ ĆćôĀăüāú ùøøć Á Ûøą ôąĀĆ Ċøąø simultaneously pressing buttons of clay through the wall, ăąøĆĆüāú Ċüćû űôććøāø÷ ăôÿĀĆ Ăù ûøą ûôā÷ĆÁ The white circular clay blocks fell to the ground on the exterior side of the place like tyres would fall and like tyres would stop. Stopped there the two circular blocks of white were encountered by Toni. She stood on one of them to give her an extra 16 inches in height which she used to turn on th e exterior light.

(Papel Rosa)The Light

æôøąôŰā öôĀø ôÿĂāú ¿ ûø þāøÿć ÷ĂĊā Űĉø ćüĀøĆ ôā÷ ÝĈôā ÖôąÿĂĆ had some cloth lain accross his arms by Dani. Then Sara , for ôÿÿ ćĂ Ćøø¿ ÿüć Űĉø öôā÷ÿøĆ ôĆ ÔÿõøąćĂ ćĈąāø÷ Ăā ćûø űĂĈąøĆøāć lights . With the light on MarÌa could lay the copper sheets evenly to öĂĉøą ćûø űĂĂąÁ¿ Ċûüÿø ÝôĆĀüāô õÿøĊ ćûø ôüą ćĂĊôą÷Ć ßĈüĆŧĆ øôąĆ . Not much further away from this light wind SinÈad balanced a needle vertically on her head , Oscar with a thread between his teeth wavered with her movements, arms spread . Under his spread arms luis crouched past, making his way to the bucket of wax in the corner. Sitting on a low stool he scooped a handful of wax and run it through his hair from back to front, drooping a waxy rope of hair forward. Juande entered through the doorway which measured the same as his breth. He brushed passed. He balanced a tin bowl of honey on the crouch of his neck, bending his knees as sloping ceiling obliged. He bent them more. And more. He bent them till he stopped to a kneel.

ÔõĂĉø Ăā ćûø űôć Ċûüćø ąĂĂù æøõôĆ ÿüùćø÷ Ĉă ô öüąöĈÿôą Ċûüćø öÿôČ tap and poured copper sprinkles into the 30cm hole. Below Javier collected them in a wooden tube cut lengthways in half. He funneled the copper into the hole Joanna was making with ûøą üā÷øċ Űāúøą ôā÷ ûøą ćûĈĀõÁ çûøąø ćûøČ ùøÿÿ úøāćÿČ Ăā ćûø űĂĂą üā ùąĂāć Ăù Ü÷ĂüôŧĆ ÿüúûćÿČ ĆćôĀăüāú ùøøć Á Ûøą ôąĀĆ Ċøąø simultaneously pressing buttons of clay through the wall, ăąøĆĆüāú Ċüćû űôććøāø÷ ăôÿĀĆ Ăù ûøą ûôā÷ĆÁ The white circular clay blocks fell to the ground on the exterior side of the place like tyres would fall and like tyres would stop. Stopped there the two circular blocks of white were encountered by Toni. She stood on one of them to give her an extra 16 inches in height which she used to turn on th e exterior light.