September Newsletter 2015 - Triangle Presbyterian …Children’s Ministry Page 8 Youth Ministry...

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Transcript of September Newsletter 2015 - Triangle Presbyterian …Children’s Ministry Page 8 Youth Ministry...

Volume 8, Issue 9

September 2015

Dear Friends,

About a year ago we had a couple of trees taken down in our yard. Since that �me Diane and I have

spent countless hours trying to rid our yard of the roots of those trees that were le behind. We are finding

these roots to be relentless in making their presence known. Time and �me again we have thought that our

root digging job was complete. I’ve smoothed the dirt and made it ready for replacing the sod. Then, a week

later we have found li&le trees sprou�ng up from roots that were le behind. We have found that

some�mes a very small piece of root is able to sprout forth what would be, if le alone to grow, another tree.

Just last week we were once again digging and chopping away when Diane called to me from across the

yard that these roots reminded her of the effect of sin in our lives. Together we thought a bit about that. I

think she is right. Sin has a way of working its way deep into our hearts and doesn’t give up easily when we

try to excise it from our lives. Even a er we think we have conquered some area of sin, there can be

consequences of sin that pop up in unsuspec�ng places. The tenacious nature of sin helps us realize that we

do not have the will or the power to defeat it in our own strength. It is only through Christ and his work on

the cross that we will we be released from the chains of sin that bind us.

In thinking about that further, the image of roots is used in a number of ways throughout Scripture. For

example, in Deuteronomy there is a solemn warning about turning away from God to worship other things.

The Israelites are warned, “Beware lest there be among you a root bearing poisonous and bi&er fruit,…” (Dt.

29:18). In Isaiah it says of the unrighteous , “So their root will be as ro&enness, and their blossom go up like

dust,” (Is. 5:24

Even though there are a few nega�ve images concerning roots in the Bible like the ones I’ve just

men�oned, from what I have been able to discern, most of the biblical images concerning roots are actually

posi�ve. Paul talks about being “rooted and built up in Christ,” (Col. 2:7) or being “rooted and grounded in

love, so that we may have power to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,” (Eph.


When it comes to tapping into the wonderful nature of God’s love, the tenacious nature of roots is

actually appealing. I want the roots of my faith to hold firm. I want to

see the outgrowth of my faith reaching out like tentacles and popping

up in all the various areas of my life. I gain a bit of comfort knowing that

when it comes to my faith, the roots will not be easily overcome.

Together with you in Christ’s service,

PS I’m beginning to believe this tree was as much underground as



ALPHA is a prac�cal and deeply moving introduc�on to the Chris�an faith. If

you have lingering and unresolved ques�ons about Christ and why we

believe what we believe, this is the opportunity to discover the answers and

draw closer to Christ. The next session of Alpha will begin on September 3

and run through December 3 (with 2 weeks off in October). The course is

designed to answer the burning ques�ons of life and begin or make stronger, depending on who you are, your rela�onship

with Christ. Each session includes a scrump�ous meal, lively music, and inspira�onal lecture, plus �me for fellowship and

discussion. For more informa�on and to register, please contact Ed Milligan at or 412-908-0419.

Wednesday Bible Study Starting again on September 23

Looking for a way to learn more about the Bible that also

provides a chance to get to know some other people from

the church? Come out on Wednesday evenings at 6:00PM

to an hour-long Bible study. It is open to anyone and our

style encourages ques%ons and group discussion.

Ques%ons? Contact Casey Clark.

You’re invited! Discuss with TPC Book Club on September 9, Virginia Stem Owens’ And The

Trees Clap Their Hands; Faith, Percep�on, and the New Physics. Learn how the cosmos

bears witness to the Incarna�on; how the heavens and nature really do proclaim the glory of

God, as the Prophets and Psalmists said. Contact Donna Rudolph for �me & loca�on.

October 13, meet Jeane@e Stokes, author of Flying Over Home. Durham writer, long-�me

advocate for women in the ministry, and graduate of Duke Divinity School, Ms. Stokes takes

us on a journey to rediscover her father, who leA her life early first through divorce, then a

too-soon death.

More info? Contact Donna Rudolph,

Media Center: Update The Media Center con�nues to be “under construc�on”

but please feel free to make use of the resources there.

We have eliminated many of our books and media that

were less helpful to make the space more usable. We

have also added some excellent resources for you to

borrow! No�ce that there is a series of New Testament

commentaries by N.T. Wright. They are very accessible

and user-friendly. Check one out!

in this ISSUE

Adult Educaon Page 2

Congregaonal Care Page 4

Community Outreach Page 4

Service Opportunies Page 4

Fellowship Page 5

Finance & Budget Page 5

Stop Hunger Now Page 6

Small Groups Page 7

Children’s Ministry Page 8

Youth Ministry Page 10

Celebraons Page 11

Calendar Page 12


The Illustrated Bible

Facilitator: Casey Clark

Loca�on: Fellowship Hall A

Come learn some of the big pictures of the Bible

with pictures. We’ll trace several themes of

God’s work among his people, as well as see the

overall intent of several books, as we use short

videos that vividly capture what the Bible is



All The Places to Go….How Will You Know!

Facilitator: Lesley McAdams, Loca�on: Room 100

Very rarely in the Bible does God command someone to “Stay.” He opens a door, and then he invites us to walk through

it―into the unknown. And how we choose to respond will ul�mately determine the life we will lead and the person we will

become. In fact, to fail to embrace the open door is to miss the work God has made for us to do. In All the Places to Go. .

.How Will You Know?, bestselling author John Ortberg opens our eyes to the countless doors God places before us every day,

teaches us how to recognize them, and gives us the encouragement to step out in faith and embrace all of the

extraordinary opportuni�es that await. So go ahead―walk through that door. You just might do something that lasts for


Fellowship Class:

Is Hollywood Discipling You?

Facilitator: Jeannie Phelps,

Loca�on: Fellowship Hall B

Every day we’re surrounded by messages

from Hollywood: from the characters’

lifestyles on TV shows to the moral standards

communicated through movies to the

supposedly real-life accounts of realty TV.

Come and discuss how to engage with this

culture, while seeing more clearly the way to

live that God has shown us in his word.

The Fellowship Class is a group that values

conversa�on and offers hospitality as they

gather to study God's word. Come join this

always-welcoming class as they con�nue to

study prayer.

SALT Class:

Women of the Old Testament

Facilitator: Donna Frank

Loca�on: Room 101

Study 12 women of the Old Testament to see

the way God used them to do extraordinary

things. Their openness and obedience are

examples for us today as we con.nue to serve

the same faithful God.


Food Bank Peanut Bu�er

In addi.on to

your items, you are also

able to donate cash and

checks! Look for the Campbell’s Soup

cans a1er service the first Sunday of

each month.


October—Canned Fruit

November—Mac & Cheese

December—Baby Formula & Cereal

Caregiver Support Group

The Caregiver Support Group Sessions start back up in

August. Sessions are held in Room 206 at 3pm. Below

are upcoming topics.

Sponsored by: Chris.ans Helping Aging People at TPC.

Contact Diane Albert with ques.ons:

9/13 Should Mom and Dad Move In with Me?

9/27 Other Housing Op.ons for Mom and Dad

10/11 Nursing Homes: When and Where?

Journey Bag Volunteers Needed Thank you again to everyone who donated items and funds for our Journey Bag offering to

benefit local foster children and their new foster families. We collected enough funds and in

kind dona�ons to be able to put together 100 journey bags!! Sixty of these bags have been

delivered to foster care agencies in Wake and Durham coun�es, and we need volunteers to

compile the remaining 40 bags and help distribute them to other local agencies. This is a

family-friendly project so please contact Lesley Woodall at if you

are interested in helping to organize and distribute these journey bags.

Christmas in...September?

It's not Christmas yet, but it pays to

look ahead. There are lots of Back to

School sales now and it is a great .me to stock up

on school supplies for your Opera.on Christmas

Child shoeboxes!

5K/10K Race for Safe Motherhood

On September 26, 519Church in Cary and Family Health Ministries are teaming up with local

sponsors to offer a sanc�oned 5K & 10K Run/Walk along the beau�ful American Tobacco Trail

in Cary, NC. In its 4th year, this race is quickly becoming a local favorite. Your entry fee

supports the work of Family Health Ministries to open a women’s hospital and birthing center

in the mountains Hai� (in Tome Gato) – the Carmelle Voitaire Women’s Health Center. To

register for the race visit race registra�on and info:


PAT H WAY S G R O U P : A u g u s t Ev e n t s !

‘Pathways: a journey through life.’ Pathways is a place

where anyone is welcome. Con.nue to look for specific

informa.on in the newsleDer and bulle.n.

If there are any ques.ons or you would like to be added to the Pathways email, please contact

Kelley Crabtree or call the church office at 919-544-2872.

September 11 - Friday - game night at 7 pm - watch emails for loca�on

September 14 - Monday - volleyball at 6:30 pm in the FLC

September 20 - Sunday - volleyball at 1:30 pm in the FLC

September 27 - Sunday - brunch following late service about 12:45 at Town Hall Burger

July Budget Report

Pledges Budget Contribu�ons Expenses Net Gain/Loss

$95,878 $100,243 $88,981 $114,415 (-$25,434)

Year to Date

Pledges Budget Contribu�ons Expenses Net Gain/Loss

$671,147 $701,700 $630,649 $666,513 (-$35,864)

As you can see, we are running at quite a large deficit as we close out summer. Many of

you have been away and we hope you will soon catch up with your giving. We will be

sending out your YTD contribu�on statements in September. Remember, you can

always use online bill pay or simply mail your check to the church office if you know you

are going to be away.

Complete the Pass! It’s that �me of year...Fall is quickly approaching, kids are back in school and it’s �me for

football! TPC has a football season too….the fall stewardship campaign. We will start off

the season with a pre-game breakfast on Sunday, October 11 at 10:00AM in the Family

Life Center. Hope to see you all there.

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a

cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7.


Family Service Project Opportuni�es

Stop Hunger Now Event

Saturday, November 14

Please mark your calendar now for our 2nd

Annual Triangle Community Stop

Hunger Now Meal Packaging Event on Saturday, November 14th

. This is a

wonderful family service project for ages 4 and above as volunteers work together

to combine rice, soy protein, dried veggies, and vitamins into meal packages to ship

to children and families in need in other countries. These meals are distributed to

orphanages, schools, medical clinics and other similar loca�ons in desperate need

of these meals.

This project is both a fundraising and a hands-on volunteer project so our focus

for September will be on collec(ng dona(ons to purchase these meals.

We need to donate 29 cents per meal, and our goal is to raise $14,500

in order to be able to package 50,000 meals! The deadline for all

dona1ons is October 1.

There will be opportuni�es to donate through the Sunday offering each week in

September, and there will be collec�on jars in each of the children’s Sunday Bible

Clubs classrooms so the children can par�cipate in providing dona�ons as well.

Online dona�ons can be made at h)p://

TrianglePresbyterian. You can also use this link to register for your preferred

volunteer shi%. Please invite family and friends as this event is open to everyone!!!

For more informa�on, please visit



as well as our

Triangle Stop Hunger Now Event Facebook page.

For ques�ons, please contact Lesley Woodall at


Tuesday Evening Ladies’ Small Group

Join this Bible study for women from 6-7:30

on Tuesday nights in room 100. All ladies are

welcome and we will be beginning a new

study on the book of Acts beginning in

September. Please join us for study, prayer

and fellowship! For more information and to

reserve a book, contact Rachel Clark.

Why should I join a small group? Small groups are a great source of spiritual growth for the members of the TPC body

and a catalyst for Chris�an love and service in our community. A small group is like a

“church within a church”- it is a smaller, more in�mate gathering of people who

encourage one another, hold each other accountable, and share together in their

Chris�an walk. Consider the ways you can be further rooted and grounded in the love

of Christ by sharing life together with other Chris�ans. Contact Rachel Clark about

joining one of the small groups at TPC.

Recommended Resources:

A Life Well-Lived: An In-Depth Study of Ecclesiastes by Tommy Nelson

A 12-week study with videos available for streaming on Right Now

John from the LifeChange Series by the Navigators

A book with 22 sessions with great background informa.on and discussion ques.ons about the

Gospel of John

The Life You’ve Always Wanted by John Ortberg

A six-week video study with helpful and accessible advice for prac.cing spiritual disciplines

(available on Right Now)

Mom’s Small Group

The Wednesday

evening small group

for moms will kick off

again for the fall on

the first day of clubs:

September 23rd. We meet in the

media center from 5-6:30 pm every

Wednesday (5-6 pm on Ministry

Team Nights). Please join us for

study, prayer and fellowship and feel

free to invite a friend! Please contact

Rachel Clark if you would like to be

added to the email reminder list for

this group.


Sigh1ng Children’s Ministries Volunteers around TPC!

Did you know it takes a community of faith to provide educa.on for kids

and adults? Look at some of the volunteers in ac.on spoDed this month! Consider

whether you might be able to donate a couple of hours per month to help with

these or similar Contact Nancy with your ideas, your ques.ons or to volunteer.

♥ 18 Sunday Bible Clubs teachers and assistants were busily planning, preparing and praying for

new and familiar class friends.

♥TPC and TPPK staff spruced up our children’s classrooms in appealing ways in prepara.on for a

new church and school program year. TPPK staff members are Alana ScoD, Director; Assistant, Jane Mitchell and teachers, Julie Anderson, Tara Carew, Cate Caroon,

Bobbie Jaeger, Kathy Ramsey, and Linda Sheer. Class assistants are Karen Early, Amy

Rhoads, Linda Routh and Julie Walston. Please pray for our TPPK staff as they begin a new year of

ministry to families.

Wednesday Clubs for Kids: Register NOW!

September 23

(Register through September 16)

Explorers (Kindergarten-1st Grade) 4:30-6:30PM $35

Kids Club (2nd-3rd Grade) 4:30-7:30PM $50

Youth Club (4th-5th Grade) 4:30-7:30PM $50

Recrea.on Bible study Dinner

Musical Prepara.on Community Service projects and More!!!!

Pick up forms for your kids and the neighbors’ kids too from the Welcome Center desk or

register on our website. Registra.on is completed upon receipt of the registra.on fee for 10

weeks of clubs program. Dinner is prepared and served each week by parents under the

direc.on of our meals team. Each family helps with one week’s meal. Contact

Nancy with ques.ons or to volunteer to help.


What is/are Sunday Clubs?

We have heard that question floating around TPC recently, so

here’s some information!

Sunday clubs (formerly Sunday School) are age and grade

based groups who study God’s Word together, pray together

and play together!

Dedicated teachers and assistants prepare for each class, pray for the kids, and

become good friends as they encourage one another to live for Jesus each day.

Class time is from 10:00-11:00AM. What a great way to develop church

friendships within your peer group, and be reminded that JESUS IS LORD!

All children’s groups use study materials that are Bible based, kid friendly and

developmentally appropriate curriculum, approved by our Session.

Parents, this opportunity to develop friendships with other Christians applies to

you, too! Check out one of the great offerings in Adult Sunday School! And yes,

we do call it Sunday School when talking to adults! But it’s still interactive,

meaningful and encouraging!

TPC Basketball Camp 2015

Wrap Up

Children's Ministries Team wishes to thank

all the planners, coaches, and helpers for

the wonderful job you did in providing a

memorable experience for the 42 kids who

attended TPC Basketball Camp August 2-6.

Several parents said, “Thank you for

providing such a wonderful experience for

my child!” and “We’ll see you next year!”

Others specifically commented on the

encouraging coaches and drill instructors,

and the importance of the nightly team

devotions. Special thanks to the Hoops

Camp leadership team: Director Matt

McLaughlin and Administrator, Teresa


Sunday Clubs Offering As we live our lives for Jesus, our money

is His too! Encourage your child to

bring a portion of their “income” to

Sunday Clubs to put in the class offering

can or special container. The Session

recently approved the children’s Sunday

Clubs offerings to be used to help a

different ministry each year, chosen from

one of the ministries that TPC already

supports. This year we are collecting

funds to help purchase food packets for


NOW event that TPC is

hosting on Saturday,

November 14. Our

goal is to put together

50,000 food packets.


Fall Kick Off

Pool Party!

September 13







Bring a Friend!

2 6:00-8:00PM Ministry Team dinner & mee�ng

9 6:30-7:30PM Varsity Small Group

13 1:00 – 3:00PM MLY Snacks & Swim (bring a friend)

3:00 – 5:00PM Varsity Cook out & Swim (bring a friend)

16 6:30 – 7:30PM Varsity Small Group

20 12:30PM 8th Grade Lunch

20 4:00 – 5:30PM MLY 6:30 – 8:00PM Varsity

23 6:30 – 7:30PM Varsity Small Group

25 4:00PM Freshman/Sophomore Mixer

27 12:30PM Parent Mee�ng a er Church (MLY & V)

27 4:00 – 5:30PM MLY 6:30 – 8:00PM Varsity

30 6:30 – 7:30PM Varsity Small Group

MLY—Major League Youth Middle Schoolers hang out every Sunday night from 4:00-

5:30PM at TPC. We always have a blast—come join us!

Varsity High School Youth High Schoolers meet up every Sunday night from

6:30-8:00PM at TPC. We’d love for you to come

and join in! If you’re looking to learn some

more—stop by our high school Bible study on

Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30 PM at the


Contact Pastor Jeff for more

info on youth activities.


1 Susan Ailman

Brad Barnes

3 Donna McBrite

Howard Plemmons

John Watson

4 Steve Christopher

Phil Ficks

Reagan Roeber

5 Kevin Paramore

Ted Pease

Jeff Spainhour

Arles Taylor

6 Dusty Ellington

7 Reid Mario

Jose Monzon

9 Neal Anglin

10 Lee Marks

11 Bobby Charlton

Lindsay Jane Cole

12 Bailey Shadoan

13 Deanna Hamilton

14 Ann Nickodem

Keith Norwood

Jus�n Riley

15 Brent Hetland

Haley Paramore

Bob Schumann

16 John Chaney

Adam Eigenrauch

Ginna Messer

Tracy Wang

Roger Yunker

17 Xavier Idriss

Ashley Marx

David Walmer

18 Kathy Tapp

19 Craig Kornegay

Russ Savre

20 Theresa Marie Rhyne

21 Grant Gibble

Hannah Harvey

Bri@ Lewis

AJ Pease

22 Turner Sipe

Ben Yunker

24 Lisa Henninger

Tim Shafer

Roberta Vandalen

25 Kathy Hill

Logan Sumrow

28 Chip Hill

Allan Ward

29 Jill Pafford

30 Bri@ney Hahn

Sarah Krantz

4 Lesa Hall & Chris Fraser

5 Robert & Ken Vandalen

6 Susan & Roger Ailman

7 Mihsong & Won-Kyoo Lee

8 Linda & Bobby Charlton

9 Meredith & Detlelv Riedel

10 Ginna & Aaron Messer

12 Mindy & Bill Myers

15 Pat & Newton McQuay

Donna & Jerry Rudolph

19 Susan & Phil Ficks

20 Amie & Jon Palmer

Connie & Walter Storholt

21 Kelly & Sau Lum

23 Amy & Andy Leatherwood

Tracey & Joe Trask

25 Ernie & Jess Uzzell

29 Donna & Leland Myers