Sept 2014 Kol Tikvah

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Temple Beth Tikvah Sept 2014 Newsletter

Transcript of Sept 2014 Kol Tikvah

September 2014 • Volume 28 • Issue 8 A Reform Congregation Embracing Our Jewish Tradition

News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

HHD Schedule


Saturday, September 20

Study Session 9 pm

Service 10 pm

Erev Rosh Hashanah

Wednesday, September 24

Service 8 pm

Rosh Hashanah

Thursday, September 25

Early Service 8 am

Late Service 11:30 am

Family Service 2:30 pm

2nd Day Rosh Hashanah

Friday, September 26

Service 10 am

Tashlich immediately following services

(approximately 12:45 pm)

Kol Nidre

Friday, October 3

Service 8 pm

Yom Kippur

Saturday, October 4

Early Service 8 am

Late Service 11:30 am

Family Service 2:30 pm

Forgiveness Conversation 2:30 pm

Afternoon Service/Yizkor/Neilah 4 pm

Sukkot Pizza in the Hut

Oct 8 5:30 - 6:30 pm

Service at 6:30 in the

Alterman Chapel

(weather permitting)

L’Shana Tovah


The Temple Beth Tikvah

Board of Trustees

Rabbi Fred Greene,

Rabbi Emeritus Donald Tam,

and Cantor Nancy Kassel

SELICHOT Saturday,

September 20th

Study Session

9:00 pm

Havdalah and Service

10:00 pm

Page 2

2014 - 5775


News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Refu’at Hanafesh - Healing of the Soul: Let’s Talk about Mental Illness

One of our most compelling Jewish teachings emerges

from the Talmud. We are told of the story when

Rabbi Yochanan became ill. Rabbi Hanina went

to visit him. Rabbi Hanina asked, “Are your

sufferings welcome to you?” Rabbi Yochanan

answered, “Neither they nor their reward.” So Rabbi Hanina said,

“Give me your hand.” Rabbi Yochanan reached up his hand, and

Rabbi Hanina raised him up. The text then asks, “Why could not

Rabbi Yochanan raise himself?”

The answer: “The prisoner cannot free himself from jail .”

(Talmud Bavli, B’rachot 5b)

There are so many different layers of meaning in this Jewish

teaching. We can discuss rewards from suffering, the value of

visiting the sick, the need for community, and even the idea that

great scholars and rabbis have their own challenges of faith.

For this article, the most profound teaching – what I consider to

be an ultimate truth – is that we cannot always pull ourselves out

of a pit. And yet, people expect us to lift ourselves up by the

bootstraps and just try harder.

It isn’t fair…especially when we are talking about Mental Health.

When someone has a physical illness, we tend to be

understanding, encouraging, and even helpful. We bring meals,

we pick up their children in carpool, etcetera and so on. But when

it comes to mental illness, we don’t share that we are suffering,

we don’t disclose that our loved ones are hurting, we don’t

confess our fears or frustrations because there might be little we

can do, and we don’t offer to help others because it seems like it

is something that they ought to be able to manage on their own.

I am writing this message, one that is long overdue, because there

is one more person who succeeded in taking his own life due to

being so lost that he felt he couldn’t return to the world…no

matter how many blessings he brought to it: Robin Williams.

Robin Williams was more than talented. He had tremendous

gifts, he struggled publicly with his humanity and was someone

who was able to use his influence to bring healing to a broken

world. It is such a pity that he was unable to recognize that he

still had gifts to offer, along with the ability to receive gifts from


The issue of mental illness is as old as the Torah itself. We

encounter King Saul who is tormented by a “wicked spirit.” It

leaves him when David plays music and Saul is able to return to a

place of calm. More than David’s music, I believe it was David’s

presence and willingness to be with the king that brought Saul

solace and comfort. Even the great Chasidic master, Reb

Nachman of Bratzlav, was known to struggle with bipolar (manic

depressive) illness. (He is the one who taught us: “All the world

is very narrow bridge; the most important principle is to not be


I would suggest that those who confront mental illness – either

themselves or through their loved ones – are our modern-day

former slaves who have left Egypt. These don’t feel like they

have a home, they are constantly challenged with anxiety, and

they feel unwanted. Truth to tell: there are many in our Jewish

community who feel precisely this way—finding it hard to enter

a community, even our community.

Of the many lessons on healing and illness we can learn from the

text mentioned above is our ability to reach out and extend a

hand. We might not be able to “fix” these problems. But no one

needs to feel alone. Frankly, that is why we are here. I know in

my heart that we are here to journey with others. Just in case we

cannot feel God’s Presence in our lives, we can walk in God’s

ways and perform that very task of being present and offering

comfort to others in pain.

I pray that in the New Year ahead, we will find the strength to tell

our stories… that we will find our strength to check in with our

friends and neighbors who might be struggling… that we will

stop judging and begin to learn what is in our control and what is

not… and I pray that we can make it a year where we will take on

our true role as God’s partners in bringing compassion and mercy

to those who are in pain.

Ken yehi ratzon.


National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI)

National Center for Jewish Healing

Jewish Family & Career Services – Counseling Services

HUC-JIR Kalsman Institute on Judaism & Health

Rabbi Fred Greene

Save the Date! November 1 - 16


News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Notes from Cantor Kassel

The year 5775 approaches……………now what?

I propose a new take on the words of John F. Kennedy: “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you

can do for your country.”

It’s ok……go ahead and ask what Temple Beth Tikvah can do for you, as your clergy, staff and lay leadership will

be asking the same question of ourselves.

But don’t stop there. Ask what YOU can do for Temple Beth Tikvah to bring it closer to your highest visions of what a synagogue

community can be. Why is this step, in synch with the words of President Kennedy, so important? Because WE, (clergy, staff and

lay leadership) can’t do it for you. ‘It’ – meaning the potential value of a synagogue community, in which the contributions of all

members enrich each other.

I invite you to do the following to make the most of experiencing the High Holydays at Temple Beth Tikvah:

Come to our Selichot services, Saturday night September 20. We begin with a 9:00 PM study session on a theme/s of the High Holydays, followed by a beautifully moving Selichot

service at 10:00.

Allow yourself to feel challenged by some of the High Holyday Prayers

Some prayers are more easily understood than others but engaging in the process of trying to find meaning in them is wor-

thy in and of itself.

Try to participate in singing prayers; it’s NOT a test!

The High Holyday musical repertoire hardly ever changes. The choir and I WANT you to sing with us, to make the pray-

ers your own.

Come to “Shabbat Shuvah” (The Sabbath of Return) Sept. 26 & Sept. 27

Shabbat Shuvah is the Sabbath between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and its importance all too often neglected by it’s

more famous bookends!

On Friday, September 26, I will be delivering:


I’ve observed so much over my many years as a cantor during the High Holydays and I am thankful for this opportunity to

share some words with you.

And when the holidays are over…………….

Together, we will CONTINUE creating the synagogue that is

proud and confident in raising it’s voice in prayer,

comfortable in searching for meaningful lives through our Judaism,

eager to give of ourselves to strengthen our community and those in need

Jacob Kassel and I wish you all 5775 that is a Shanah Tovah (good) u-M’tukah (sweet),


Cantor Nancy Kassel

SELICHOT Saturday, September 20th

Study Session - 9 pm

Havdalah and Service - 10 pm

Selichot are "penitential prayers" (prayers asking for forgiveness). We call the Saturday night prior to

Rosh Hashanah Selichot as a special day. Before our brief, late night service that includes changing the

covers of our Torah scrolls, we learn about the themes of the Days of Awe - why are they so holy, ideas of teshuvah/turning and

acts of atonement, and prepare our hearts for the Days of Awe.

We will also include a conversation on Forgiveness.


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

When I was in elementary school, I remember that upon our

return to school every September, our teachers would instruct us

to write a story about our summer vacation. In that spirit, I

thought I would share with you what the TBT Board and House

committee did during our summer.

While most of our congregants were traveling, at camps and just

enjoying the slower pace of summer, your Board, and in

particular your House Committee, were very busy. You

remember the Annual Campaign? You probably remember me

mentioning it once or twice or more. It is my pleasure to report

that the Board has put a lot of this campaign’s money to good


Our goal was ambitious and our deadline was short, as there was

a B’nai Mitzvah weekend scheduled on August 9th. Without

further ado, here’s what we have accomplished:

The sanctuary, lobby, social hall and Oneg rooms were all

re-carpeted and the paint and trim touched up.

The religious school lobby’s old and crumbling floor was

replaced with a beautiful no-maintenance laminate tile.

The entire school wing, halls, office and classrooms were

repainted and the office flooring replaced.

25 windows throughout the school, lobby and sanctuary were

replaced because the seals had broken from age.

State of the art, web-based thermostats were installed

throughout our buildings and the energy savings are

already being noticed.

A large storage shed was purchased and constructed on our

property for sorely needed storage space of our new

sukkah and pre-school equipment.

Our irrigation system was repaired and is now controlled by

an integrated control system to best manage water use.

A new digital phone and voice mail system funded by a very

generous family was installed throughout the entire

building. This new system adds to our security by

allowing our staff and teachers to better communicate in

case of an emergency.

We continue to work towards repairing the stucco problems

on the back side of our building. We did need to nicely

ask a few bird families to relocate.

Not too bad for a handful of guys with full-time jobs, huh? Our

office staff was a huge help in making sure all these projects were

able to be completed. They also had to endure a lot of noise and

dust. I would like to especially thank Ted Nathan, Steve

Bauman and Sid Malkin. Working as a team, we were able to

divide and conquer.

We certainly have been able to check off quite a

few items on our master “to do” list, thanks to

the committee, our staff and of course your

generosity in funding our Annual Campaign.

There are still additional significant projects to

do in the coming few years but this certainly is

wonderful progress.

I know you will enjoy these improvements to our 27 year old

building. It’s a fresh new look with improved security and

comfort as we begin our new year and enjoy the Holy Days


Our campus is again buzzing with a new school year, adult

education classes, expanded youth activities, leadership training,

and many more programs and activities. The High Holy Days are

just around the corner. This is truly my favorite time of year. As

always, our staff and lay leaders have spent an enormous amount

of time planning for these holidays to ensure that you and your

family can enjoy a meaningful experience in a safe and

comfortable environment.

I look forward to seeing and greeting you as you join our

community in celebration of these Days of Awe. If I don’t know

you, please stop and introduce yourself as you enter our building

for High Holy Day services. You can’t miss me. I’ll be the guy

wearing a suit and a yarmulke.


Ron Swichkow

What Did We Do on Our Summer Vacation?

From your TBT

Religious School,


and Office Staff


Shalom! I hope this finds everyone happy, healthy and a little bit wiser. As a member of the TBT Board of Directors and the Chairman for the

Fundraising committee, we are always concerned about approaching the TBT community to be financially supportive. It is a fact, though, that

everyone one of us plays a key role in maintaining a sense of community at TBT. Jews throughout Atlanta make a choice to join a synagogue that

provides them the opportunity comfortably practice Judaism with others who are in philosophical agreement about practicing Judaism. All of us

made a choice to join TBT.

As a community supporting TBT, each individual is in the position to determine how much they can and will support TBT. Without a doubt,

volunteering paves the way for TBT to be looked upon as a welcoming house of worship. Additionally, our members willingness to make a

financial commitment TBT allows us to not only maintain, update and beautify TBT physically but these contributions allow us maintain our

programming efforts ranging from ECEC to youth group and confirmation programs, not to mention adult education and other support programs.

One main opportunity to contribute is provided by the Annual Campaign “Everyone Matters”. For the 2013-2014 campaign we had 191 of our 500

families contribute, bringing the campaign total to an amazing $172,000+. On behalf of the Board and our committee, I want to extend a

tremendous “thank you” to all who were able to give. Our goal for 2014-2015 is to try and increase our % of families involved in this important

campaign to 50%. This is a lofty goal but one that is very doable.

I am sure that at some point throughout the upcoming year, everyone will be contacted either by a phone call, a letter, a communication piece or

some other form of reminder to participate. Please make the effort to participate in the Annual Campaign; TBT will continue to make greater

strides as the lifeblood of our Jewish community that we have chosen to be part of.

In closing, if you have any desire to share your ideas/suggestions of creating greater Jewish Social Engagement at TBT, feel free to attend on of our

meetings or drop me a note at

Shalom and Good health to you and yours!

Jonathan Agin

Fundraising Committee

Religious School

Important Religious School Dates

First day of Sunday school

Sunday, September 7th

, 9:30am – 12:00pm

Confirmation Class Parents Meeting

Monday, September 8th


7:30pm - 8:30pm

First day of Hebrew school

Tuesday, September 9th


5:00pm – 6:30pm

There will be no school on

the following dates:

Sunday, September 14th

Tuesday, September 16th

Sunday, September 21st

First day for Kesher, Confirmation & Kivunim

Monday, September 22nd

, 6:45pm

Youth Group

HOTTY (9-12th Grade) WELCOME BACK!

We hope you all had a great summer! Our HOTTY kids spent their summer at

the different summer camps in Georgia, Kutz Leadership Camp in NY, Israel,

and other great programs! Now, we’re back and ready for another great year

with HOTTY. In two weeks the 2014-2015 HOTTY Board will gather together at

a cabin in Big Canoe to learn about their new positions, do some bonding, and

plan out the calendar for the year. Watch your email and Facebook for the

calendar as soon as we get back! Join the HOTTY Facebook Page (

to stay up-to-date on what's happening and to RSVP for HOTTY events!

JYG (7-8th Grade) WELCOME BACK!

We hope all of you 7-8th graders had great summers and are ready for another

awesome year with JYG! And welcome to JYG to all of our new 7th graders. We

have a fun-filled year for you…Movie Mall Scavenger Hunt, Bowling, and a

Chocolate Making Party. Stay tuned to Facebook and email for the JYG Calen-

dar which is coming soon!! Join the JYG Facebook Page ( to stay

up-to-date on what's happening with JYG, RSVP and arrange carpools for events!

5th & 6th Grade NEW THIS YEAR!!!

We’re excited to bring you a new youth group this year! The 5th and 6th graders

will have their own youth group (JYG will now be for just 7th & 8th graders). We

will have events every other month, like, Paint Your Own Pottery, Pumpkin

Patch & Hayride, and a Pool Party. The calendar is almost ready – watch your

email and the Facebook page for the dates and events. Can’t wait to see all of

you 5th & 6th graders.

Join the 5th & 6th Grade Facebook Page (

groups/315865918577857/) to stay up-to-date on what's happening, RSVP

and arrange carpools for events!

Want more info about youth groups at TBT?

Contact Adam or Bobbee at:

or (404) 228–2494.


B’nai Mitzvah

News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

From Sarah to Savannah: Leadership lessons from our ancestral mothers for today’s women

Instructor: Rabbi Pamela Jay Gottfried

Do women have different ways of communicating, praying, acting and leading? What lessons can we learn about

women’s leadership today from the biblical and rabbinic stories of women such as Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel & Miriam?

Together we’ll study the ancient texts and try to glean wisdom to help us flourish as women and as leaders—at home

and in the workplace—in the 21st century.


$36 for the 7 class series. Please register by sending your check to the TBT office, and designate

Women’s Study Group on the memo line.

This class meets on the following Thursday evenings at 7 pm:

2014: October 23rd, November 20th, December 8th

2015: January 15th, February 19th, March 20th, April 23rd

How to protect your family & be an equal partner at

home – Tziporah (Exodus 4)

How to lead in the workplace; conforming to gender

roles – Miriam (Exodus 15)

How to communicate effectively; when talk is not gossip

– Miriam (Numbers 12)

How to have a difficult conversation; when to tell a social lie –

Sarah (Genesis 18)

How to take charge of a situation – Rebecca (Genesis 27)

How to take charge of a situation – Rachel (Genesis 31)

How to work for justice & freedom – The Midwives, Miriam,

Pharaoh’s Daughter (Exodus 1-2)

Sara Cohen will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on September 6, 2014. Sara is the daughter of Rodney and

Terri Cohen and sister to Allison and Erin. Her grandparents are Isadore and Susan Cohen, Pat Cohen and Charlotte

and Allen Kaminsky all from Atlanta. Sara's mitzvah project was collecting items for the Alpharetta Humane Society.

Sara is a 7th grader at Haynes Bridge Middle School

Andrew Miller will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on September 6, 2014. He is the son of Marilyn and

Kevin Miller and brother to Jared. Drew is the grandson of Lynda and Harry Rich of Delray Beach, Florida and Sandy

and Gerry Schultz of Boynton Beach, Florida. Drew is an 8th grade honor student at The Walker School. He is a

member of the Walker basketball team and plays competitive baseball- having played for the East Cobb Astros and 6-4

-3 DP Baseball Academy. When not on the field or courts, Drew enjoys tennis, skiing, ping-pong and volunteering for

numerous organizations focusing on feeding the hungry.

Matthew Jared Kiel will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on September 13, 2014. Matthew is the son of Lisa

and Clifford Kiel and the brother to Samantha Kiel. He is the grandson of Carol Borger and Robert Levin along with

Dolores Kiel and the late Marvin Kiel. Matthew attends Dodgen Middle School, where he is a Principal Honor roll

student and trumpet player. He is a competitive swimmer and state medalist. Matthew loves to read and hang out with

his friends. He looks forward to sharing his Bar Mitzvah with family, friends, and the synagogue community.

College Outreach Committee We Want You!

If your child is attending college this Fall, please contact us with their college mailing address as soon as it becomes available. We

would like to send them a fun care package prior to Rosh Hashanah to let them know they’re being thought of by the Beth Tikvah

community. Even if we already have an address for your student previously, we will need confirmation of their current address (and

e-mail as well). If you would like to donate to the cause either monetarily or with small items to be included in the packages, we

would greatly accept the contributions. Please contact us below:

Lynda Bennett ( or Ginger Glazer (


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah



Selichot Study Session and Service September 20 at 9:00 pm – Selichot are “penitential prayers” (prayers asking for forgiveness). We call the Saturday night prior to

Rosh Hashanah Selichot as a special day. Before our brief, late night service that includes changing the covers of our Torah scrolls,

we learn about the themes of the Days of Awe – why are they so holy, ideas of teshuvah/turning and acts of atonement, and prepare

our hearts for the Days of Awe later that week.

We will have a book discussion about the book: This Is Real and You Are Completely Unprepared: The Days

of Awe as a Journey of Transformation by Alan Lew. From Tisha B'Av to Rosh Hashana to Yom Kippur to

Sukkot, we will journey together and emerge fresh and whole again.

Sunday, September 14 from 10 am - 11:30 am at the Coleman Village Starbucks at 930 Marietta Highway in

Roswell. Chapters 6-10. If you missed the first discussion group, you can still join us for the September group.

Skim chapters 1 and 2, and then read chapters 6-10.

Discussion leader: Cindy Getty. This book is available from Amazon as a hardcover or on Kindle. For more

information contact Cindy at

Hello from


Let us introduce ourselves to you… Your new co-chairs

are Stacy Chambers and Robin Bledsoe, eager to start a

new year filled with innovative and inspiring events, “get

togethers,” and opportunities to interact in meaningful

ways with fellow Sisterhood members. Our goal is to get

to know you, your interests and talents, and engage our

members in active participation and leadership roles. The

structure of Sisterhood is evolving and expanding….so

stay tuned for hands on involvement with our great mem-

bers. If you would like to be a part of the planning and

this dynamic process, please contact us. Look for infor-

mation about our Sisterhood kickoff event, Sunday,

September 7th at 9:45 a.m. in the Social Hall! We’re

looking forward to meeting and seeing you and hope you

will be an active part of a wonderful Sisterhood year!

Stacy Chambers and Robin Bledsoe

Sisterhood Co-Chairs


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Early identification is critical to treating ASD

The rise in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been in the news a

lot lately, especially as it becomes clear children can exhibit signs

of ASD as early infancy. In 2014, the Centers for Disease Control

(CDC) estimated that one in every 68 children — one in 42 boys

— has an identifiable ASD.

Early identification is critical to treating ASD. In infancy and

toddlerhood, warning signs may include a delay in spoken

language, or lack of pointing or gesturing. As children get older,

other signs become more obvious, including little or no eye

contact, a lack of interest in peer relationships, the absence of

spontaneous or make-believe play or a persistent fixation on


Even then, it is important to remember that children develop

differently and the presence of any of these symptoms does not

mean your child has ASD. Development can be affected by a

learning disability, attention deficit disorder or a variety of

emotional factors. A psychoeducational evaluation can help

pinpoint the cause of any problems children have and can be a

good step in resolving them.

As a parent, you know your child the best. If you are concerned

he or she is not meeting developmental milestones, it may be

beneficial to consult with a specialist. JF&CS’ top-notch

psychologists have specialized training in the identification of

learning disorders and autism spectrum disorder. For more

information, contact Dr. Lori Wilson (770-677-9319) or Dr. Amy

Kincheloe (770.677.9416) or visit

Breast Cancer Survivor Group

for the Jewish Community

Come join our support group! The monthly support

group meetings are for all interested people who have

had cancer, who are going through treatment or

surgeries, and /or who have been recently diagnosed, as

well as for those who might have questions pertinent to

breast cancer.

September 11 at 7:00 PM

This survivor support group is sponsored by

The Kehillat Chesed/Caring Committee of

Temple Beth Tikvah

For further information or questions, please contact

Valerie Rapowitz at or call


JF&CS - Testing for ASD

Memorial Plaques

Memorial plaques are a beautiful way to honor the

memory of a loved one. Your loved one’s plaque will

be lit up on the anniversary of their passing and at

Yizkor services.

The price of a plaque is $300. If you have any ques-

tions or would like to order a plaque, please contact

Lisa in the synagogue office at 770-642-0434 or send

an email to


Friday, September 5 at 6:30 PM

For children age 5

through 2nd grade...

...and their Parents!!

Parents can attend services in the sanctuary while their children are in


(children ages Pre-K thru 2nd grade)




The Atlanta Jewish Coalition for Literacy’s mission is to in-

spire children in grades K-3 with a love of reading, thereby

enriching their lives and opportunities for future success.

AJCL is looking for tutors (no experience necessary) for the

2012-2015 school year. Tutors work 1:1 with students from

September - May in Title 1 public elementary schools

throughout metro Atlanta. You can make a difference in a

child’s life in as little as 30 minutes, once a week. A few of

our congregants currently participate in this program, but

more tutors are needed.

To volunteer for this rewarding program, contact NCJW

at 404-843-9600 or email For fur-

ther information, or to make a donation online, go

to Donations of new or gently used

children’s books or school supplies are also welcome.


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

September 2014

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Labor Day

Labor Day - TBT

Offices Closed Families Anonymous

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm in

Oneg Room


Tai Chi 9:30 am - 10:30

am in Oneg Room

3 4 5

NFTY LLTI - (TYG Boards/Songleaders) in

Camp Coleman Oneg 6:00 pm - 6:30

pm in Social Hall Shabbat Service w/

Shabbat Experience

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm in



NFTY LLTI - (TYG Boards/Songleaders) in

Camp Coleman Bagels, Learning & Torah

9:00 am - 10:00 am in

Oneg Room Shabbat Service - Sara

Cohen/Andrew Miller

B'nai Mitzvah 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

in Sanctuary


NFTY LLTI - (TYG Boards/Songleaders) in

Camp Coleman ATID 9:30 am - 11:45 am in Oneg Room First Day of Religious

School 9:30 am -

12:00 pm in RS Wing /

Sanctuary Men's Club Clean Up Day

9:30 am - 12:00 pm in

TBT Sisterhood Kickoff Event

9:45 am - 12:00 pm in

Social Hall HHD Usher Meeting

10:00 am - 11:30 am in



Senior Luncheon 12:00

pm - 2:00 pm in Oneg

Room/Social Hall Families Anonymous

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm in

Oneg Room

Confirmation Class Parents Meeting 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm in Social Hall


Tai Chi 9:30 am - 10:30

am in Oneg Room Religious School - Tuesday

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm in RS

Wing / Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm in Sanctuary

10 11 Patriot Day

Breast Cancer Support

Group 7:00 pm - 8:30

pm in Oneg Room Ruach Relay for Life

Meeting 7:00 pm - 8:30

pm in Library

12 Shabbat Service 8:00

pm - 9:00 pm in



Bagels, Learning & Torah

9:00 am - 10:00 am in

Oneg Room Shabbat Service -

Matthew Kiel Bar

Mitzvah 10:00 am -

12:00 pm in Sanctuary HOTTY - Roswell Scav-

enger Hunt/Night on the

Town 5:00 pm - 10:00

pm in Social Hall

14 No Religious School ATID 9:30 am - 11:45 am in Oneg Room Book Discussion on the

Days of Awe 10:00 am -

11:30 am in Starbucks JYG - Movie Mall

Madness 12:30 pm

- 4:00 pm Offsite


Cobb County Break No Religious School Families Anonymous

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm in

Oneg Room


Cobb County Break No Religious School Tai Chi 9:30 am - 10:30

am in Oneg Room College Connection

Mailing Prep 5:45 pm -

7:00 pm in Oneg Room Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm in Sanctuary Board of Trustees

Meeting 7:30 pm -

10:00 pm in Social Hall


Cobb County Break 18

Cobb County Break


Cobb County Break Shabbat Service 8:00

pm - 9:00 pm in



Bagels, Learning & Torah

9:00 am - 10:00 am in

Oneg Room Shabbat Service 10:00

am - 12:00 pm in

Sanctuary Selichot Study

Session 9:00 pm -

10:00 pm in Oneg



Service 10:00 pm -

11:00 pm in Sanctuary 21

No Religious School ATID 9:30 am - 11:45 am in Upstairs Assembly

Room Men's Club Planning

Meeting 12:00 pm -

1:30 pm in Oneg Room


Kesher/Confirmation/ Kivunim - First Night

6:45 pm - 8:30 pm in

Upstairs / Library /

Classroom 1 Families Anonymous

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm in

Oneg Room


Tai Chi 9:30 am - 10:30

am in Library Religious School - Tuesday

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm in RS

Wing / Sanctuary RS Open House - 3rd

through 6th Grade 5:00 pm -

6:30 pm in RS Wing /

Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm in Sanctuary Officers Meeting 7:30

pm - 10:00 pm in RS



HASHANAH Erev Rosh Hashana -

TBT Offices Close at

Noon Erev Rosh Hashanah

Service 8:00 pm -

10:00 pm in Sanctuary


Rosh Hashana 5775 -

TBT Offices Closed Rosh Hashanah Early

Service 8:00 am -

10:30 am in Sanctuary Rosh Hashanah Late

Service 11:30 am -

2:00 pm in Sanctuary Rosh Hashanah Family

Service 2:30 pm - 3:30

pm in Sanctuary


day TBT Offices Closed -

Shabbat Shuvah Rosh Hashanah

Service 10:00 am -

12:30 pm in Sanctuary Tashlich Service 12:45

pm - 1:45 pm in

Chattahoochee River

Park on Azalea Shabbat Service 8:00

pm - 9:00 pm in



NO Bagels, Learning

& Torah Shabbat Service 10:00

am - 12:00 pm in



ATID 9:30 am - 11:45 am in Library Religious School 9:30 am -

12:00 pm in RS Wing /

Sanctuary Religious School Rosh

Hashanah Assembly 9:30

am - 12:00 pm in Sanctuary RS Open House - K-2 and

7th Grade 9:30 am - 12:00

pm in RS Wing / Sanctuary

29 Kesher/Confirmation/ Kivunim 6:45 pm - 8:30 pm

in Upstairs / Library /

Classroom 1


Tai Chi 9:30 am - 10:30

am in Oneg Room Religious School - Tuesday

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm in RS

Wing / Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm in Sanctuary


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

TBT Seniors Luncheon

Monday, September 8th

at 12 PM

“Meditations to Inspire Us for

the High Holy Days"

Presented by Gail Tate

RSVP to Natine at

Brad and Jenna Dannenbaum

Matthew and Dani Stordy

William and Laura

Welcome to the TBT Family!!

Get Connected:

Join a TBT Chavurah!

Chavurot are forming NOW! Consider participating in a group

that will enrich your TBT experience.

What's a Chavurah?

A Chavurah is a group of people with similar interests or who

are in similar life stages gathering together regularly to

celebrate Jewish holidays, share

simchas, attend TBT events, visit interesting places or

participate in any activities that interest them. Being part of a

Chavurah can enhance your experience at TBT by helping you

develop a strong sense of community and deeper connections

within the congregation.

Who can be part of a Chavurah? Any member of TBT! Just

fill out the application and we'll help find like-minded families

or people to form a group. Drop by the TBT office to pick one

up, or visit to download.

What does a Chavurah do?

You choose the activities you'll participate in and how often

and where you meet. We can help you design a calendar of

programs based on your group's interests.

Questions? Please contact Dalia Faupel at

The Jewish Community Relations Council of Atlanta (JCRCA),

and Ahavath Achim (AA) Synagogue are pleased to invite your

organization's participation in our upcoming educational

program, Exposing Atlanta's Dirty Little Secret. . . Sexual

Exploitation of our Children. The program will take place on

Sunday, Sept. 14 at 2:00 pm at Ahavath Achim

Synagogue. We are attaching a copy of the flyer and a press

release, and ask you to use all of your communications media to

publicize the event among your members and constituents, urging

them to attend.

The program will feature as panelists, Georgia Attorney General

Sam Olens, Georgia State Senator Renee Unterman, and Street

Grace Executive Director Cheryl DeLuca-Johnson. JCRCA Board

member and AA member Dr. Steve Chervin will moderate this

panel, which will provide key information about commercial

sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) in the Atlanta

area. Following the presentations, attendees who choose to do so

will have the opportunity to volunteer with local organizations

engaged in the fight against CSEC. Representatives from Street

Grace, youthSpark, Tapestri, Wellspring, Voice Today and others

will be present to explain the activities of their organizations.

For further information feel free to contact Steve Chervin at or (678) 596-1529, or Jocelyn Ozan at, or (404) 355-5222.

Join the JYG Facebook Page ( to stay up-to

-date on what's happening and to RSVP and help arrange carpools for events!

Want more info about HOTTY or JYG?

Contact Adam or Bobbee at: or (404)



Join us for a Comfort Food Cook-off. Enjoy home-cooked food,

prepared by representatives from 13 area churches and synagogues -

including ours! All proceeds from this interfaith gathering will

benefit Family Promise of North Fulton/DeKalb, a response to

homelessness that our congregation supports!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

5:00 -7:00 PM

Temple Sinai

5645 Dupree Dr. NW

Atlanta, GA 30327

$10/adults, $5 for kids aged 4-13, FREE for kids 3 and under!

Purchase your ticket by clicking here



News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Annual Campaign

David and Christine Toltzis in memory of Norton Simons

Lois Clymin in honor of Carol Shutzberg for the B'nai Mitzvah

of her grandchildren

Sandy and Nancy Simon in memory of Ruth Lisook

Ilene Monat in memory of Ruth Kaufman

Sandy and Nancy Simon in memory of Dani Cogswell

Campership/Israel Fund

Larry and Jackie Pepper in honor of the birth of Karen and Matt

Blender's granddaughter, Haley Christina Jarrett

Larry and Jackie Pepper in honor of the birth of Sara and Burt

Grossman's grandson, Asa Kenneth Krone

Cantor Kassel’s Discretionary Fund

Mark and Debbie Weiss in memory of Jerry Weiss

Dr. Michael Lipsitt in memory of William Lipsitt

Dr. Michael Lipsitt in appreciation of Cantor Kassel

Kathleen Rieter in honor of Ellery Potash and Sofiya Cohen

Michael and Anna Gutkin in appreciation of Cantor Kassel

Robert and Adele Toltzis in memory of Mitchell Seifstein

Caring/Kehillat Chesed Fund

David and Roberta Coad in memory of Henry Spielvogel

Ruth Zeidman in memory of Mrs Selma Rice

Ginger Glazer in memory of Norman Glazer

Robert Moss in memory of Evelyn Moss

William and Marjory Segal in memory of Jeanne Lipsitt

Rory and Jenifer Friedman in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of

Ian Staviss

Walter and Esther Shultz in memory of Meyer Esterkin

Jack and Susan Arogeti in memory of Betty Arogeti

Ronald and Leslie Swichkow in memory of Lawrence Kaufman

Martin and Fern Soniker in memory of David Soniker

Fred and Patricia Landsberg in memory of Larry Sacknoff

Enodwment Campaign

Bruce and Bonnie Walkes in memory of Helen Walkes

General Fund

Dr. Allan and Pessie Shippel in memory of Freda Shippel

Martha Perlmutter in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of

Sara Beth Cohen

Arnie and Aubiere Cohen in memory of Sheldon Seissler

Dale and Wendy Bearman in memory of Joshua Jaffe

Fred and Julie Taylor in honor of Ian Staviss becoming a

Bar Mitzvah

Douglas Wexler and Jane Greenberger in memory of

Judith Hopkins

Shirley Crawford

Michael Zalkin Memorial Library Fund

Betty Rickles in honor of the marriage of

Micah and Jenny Blechner

Jeffrey and Beth Kess in memory of Lillian Mansfield

Prayerbook Fund

Robert and Ellen Weiner in honor of Lily Peters' Bat Mitzvah

Rabbi Greene’s Discretionary Fund

Gilbert and Ellen Ludwig in memory of Sarah Ludwig

Mariann Mamberg in memory of Etta Mamberg

Robert Toltzis in memory of Norton Simons

Amy Krafchick in memory of Lois Steiner, Sadie Smith,

Frank Smith and Betsy Mimnaugh

Dr. Michael Lipsitt in memory of Jeanne Lipsitt

Nancy Broudy in honor of the wedding of Ellery Potash and

Sofiya Cohen

Jerry and Marcy Kaufman in memory of Dorothy Kaufman

Michael and Anna Gutkin in memory of Meyer Esterkin

Gary and Fran Kamp in memory of Rose Reisman

Rabbi Tam’s Discretionary Fund

Sheryl Blechner in honor of Rabbi Tam

Rabbi P. Irving and Pat Bloom in honor of Rabbi Donald Tam

Martin and Fern Soniker in memory of Dorothy Liner

Robert and Marcy Nader in honor of the marriage of

Dale Josephs and Lisa Ward

David and Ellen Herold in memory of Dana Cohen's mother,

Ruth Lisook, and wishing Ruth Zeidman good luck in her new


Walter and Esther Shultz in honor of Rabbi Tam's honor at

The Temple

June Wallach in honor of Rabbi Tam

Religious School Fund

Sidney and Lois Malkin in honor of Ian Staviss becoming a Bar

Mitzvah and in honor of the wedding of Ellery Potash and

Sofiya Cohen

June and Milt Steinberg in honor of the marriage of Douglas

Wexler's grandson

Todd and Rachel Wilson in honor of Ian Staviss' Bar Mitzvah

Dr. and Mrs. S. Michael Peters in honor of Lily Anne Peters

becoming a Bat Mitzvah

(continued on page 13)



(continued from page 12)

Tikkun Olam Fund

Melvin and Tobi Levine in memory of Leonard Stansky

Torah Fund

Shirley Plotkin in appreciation of Rabbi Greene and Rabbi Tam for

their kindness and compassion

Youth Group Fund

Stanley and Bobbie Kopkin in memory of Sadie Kopkin

Steve and RoseAnn Gerson wishing a speedy recovery to

Fred Steine

Jaden Fisher in honor of Josh Novick's Bar Mitzvah

Ronald and Leslie Swichkow in honor of Ian Staviss becoming a

Bar Mitzvah

Jonathan and Lynda Bennett in memory of Theodora Bennett

News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


Your synagogue community wants to be a

Caring Community/Kehillat Chesed

If you have recently experienced a loss, are facing a crisis or are celebrating a simcha, please let our office know as soon as possible.

Our clergy and friends strive to be a source of support as best as they can. If you know of one of our fellow congregants who has experienced a loss or can use a hand, please contact the office at 770.642.0434.


In Memorium

Temple Beth Tikvah

acknowledges with sorrow the passing of:

Carlos Zukowski

Father of Russ Zukowski

Ruth Lisook

Mother of Dana Cohen

Meyer Esterkin

Father of Anna Gutkin

Grandfather of Sasha Friedman

Judith Hopkins

Sister of Frances Jordan

Charlotte Clein

Mother of Carolyn Harrison

May God console you among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

Thank You to our

Amazing Office Volunteers!

June Wallach

Natine Rosenzweig

Ellen Frank

Ellisa Vitulli

Michael Gurin

Zach Povlot

Sophie Wilson

Josh Wilson

Robyn Shippel

Robin Coe

Terry Stein

Please call us if you are interested in helping with a project in the office as we always need helpers!


Honor a person or event with a

leaf on our tree of life. You can

purchase a leaf as an

individual or as a group.!

Ellery Potash and Sofiya Cohen who were married on

August 10th by Rabbi Greene.

Hassia and Baruch Levin and Ron and Lindsay Levin on

the baby naming of their granddaughter and niece, Maya Luna

Levin. Maya’s parents are Amir and Tanya Levin.

Marcy and Robert Nader on the marriage of their son. Dale

Josephs and Lisa Ward, who were married March 14, 2014 in

Schenectady, NY.


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Synagogue Information

Synagogue Office - 770-642-0434

Fax Number - 770-642-0647

School Office (Perri) - 770-642-4168

Preschool (Jenifer) - 678-350-0076

Assistant to Clergy - Michelle Leder

Financial Secretary - Jenny Korsen

Admin. Assistant - Lisa Singer

Office Manager - Becky Sullivan

Adult Education Cindy Getty Budget & Finance Karen Korshak

Campership Marcia Haber Chavurot Dalia Faupel College Outreach Lynda Bennett Ginger Glazer Communications

Marsha Mathis Family Promise Andy Fried Jeff Schultz Fundraising Jonathan Agin

House Ted Nathan

Human Resources Seth Zimmer Interior Standards & Marketing Susan Estroff

Israel Gene Carasick Kehillat Chesed (Caring) Leslie Swichkow Library Ilana Zalkin Membership Recruitment & Retention Mark Rudel Jill Leitman Marcia Pearl Men’s Club Mark Greenspan Peter Hartog

Nominating Committee Sheryl Blechner Ritual Esther Shultz

Security Jay Sausmer Seniors Natine Rosenzweig Sisterhood Stacy Chambers Robin Bledsoe Social Action

Darrin Cohen Website Development Scott Povlot Youth Group Debra Schwartz Michal Loventhal

Get Involved! TBT Committees and Chairpersons

Planning a simcha or group gathering?

The Tam-Blank Social Hall is the Place to Be.

For more information on renting our Social Hall,

contact the synagogue office at 770-642-0434.


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


Fred Greene


Donald A. Tam

Rabbi Emeritus

Nancy Kassel


Hassia Levin

Education Director

Jenifer Friedman

ECEC Director

Ron Swichkow


Todd Boehm

Vice President

Harlan Graiser

Vice President

Denise Straus

Vice President

Andy Gutman


Michael Braun


Jill Mattos


Board of Education