Semester 1 Year 2

Post on 10-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Semester 1 Year 2

Vincent LeeMethods of Madness

Shooting Stars9/11

To begin the research of 9/11, I searched through Google and discovered a lot of facts written in numbers about 9/11. At first I thought of doing a video about the facts. But later I stumbled upon thousands of home video footage of 9/11 on YouTube.

I thought that by using the video of a person who lived through the attack would give it more of a sentiment.As the news cameras are all perfectly shot footage, the amateur shot footage could give a more personal and accurate detail of the attack.

The twin towersYear the World Trade Centre was built: 1970

Number of companies housed in the WTC: 430

Number working in World Trade Centre on average working day prior to 11 September: 50,000

Average number of daily visitors: 140,000

Number killed in attack on New York, in the Twin Towers and in aircraft that crashed into them: 2,823

Distance, in miles, from which the burning towers were visible: 20

Maximum heat of fires, in degrees fahrenheit, at World Trade Center site: 2,300

Number of days underground fires at World Trade Centre continued to burn: 69

Number of days that workers dug up debris at Ground Zero, searching for body parts: 230

Number of body parts collected: 19,500

Number of bodies discovered intact: 291

Number of victims identified by New York medical examiner: 1,102

Number of death certificates issued without a body at request of victims’ families: 1,616

Number of people still classified as missing from the World Trade Centre that day: 105

Number of people who died when American Airlines flight 11 from Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles, California, crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center: 92

Number of people who died when United Airlines flight 175

from Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles, California, crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center: 65

Number of people who died when United Airlines flight 93,

from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco, California, crashed in rural southwest Pennsylvania: 45

Number of people who died when American Airlines flight 77,

from Washington to Los Angeles, crashed into the Pentagon: 64

Number of peole killed in the Pentagon: 125

Number of survivors rescued from Ground Zero: 0


Number of children born to Yemen-born construction magnate Muhammad Awad Bin Laden: 52

Number child Osama was: 17

Estimated fortune of Osama Bin Laden, inherited from father: $300m

Number of wives Bin Laden has: 3

Year Al-Qaeda was founded by Osama Bin Laden and Mohammed Atef: 1988

This is the first video on YouTube when September 11th is searched.

It is a 27 minute long video shot by a woman staying in a ho-tel opposite the towers.

I decided to extract the audio and use it as a master audio track for my video

I listened to the audio track from the 27 minute video and decided to cut it up to the most interesting pieces.

I then collected 13 different video clips of the towers attack and cut them up and extracted their audio so it was just the video.

I cut them all 13 videos to fit the audio track.

The end video is here -


Front box cover design

For the virgin brief we were asked to design a information packet with a concept. We were to work in pairs, I worked with Simon. Our concept was to use the Virgin his-tory of music to represent the idea.

Our idea was to have a timeline of the Virgin history on a vinyl disc.

It was to be enclosed in a meal box to represent a meal tray from a Virgin Atlantic Plane.

Brochure Layout

Net plan of box


0 people knew who David Lynch was on my Facebook. I was the only person on my Facebook out of my 208 friends.

Changing the comic strip

Vincent LeeIndependent Practice


My independent practice began by researching on subjects to film. I have always been fascinated about the burqa, I knew it was a part of religion but that was all.

I decided to buy 2 books about the burqa.I researched about the reasons why they wore it.

I wanted to change perspectives though and film it behind a mans point of view wearing the burqa.

I wanted to film a short film about the burqa but no one was willing to act.

I will be filming this next semester.My plan for Independent Practice was to expand on the skills learnt last year from filming exhibitions and the LAB.

I wanted to look into narrative film making.

Researching on a few subjects to base a short film on.

lone·ly (lnl)adj. lone·li·er, lone·li·est1.a. Without companions; lone.b. Characterized by aloneness; solitary.2. Unfrequented by people; desolate: a lonely crossroads.3.a. Dejected by the awareness of being alone. See Synonyms at alone.b. Producing such dejection: the loneliest night of the week.

ALONE - Short FilmI decided to research on loneliness and filmed a short film about it.

The story I wanted to get across was a girl from Tokyo liv-ing in a different country but missed home.

I wanted the images to be strong but without voice acting on screen

I had an idea of using subtitles to tell the story but that expanded to using a different language then using english to tell the story.

I got the idea from watching a lot of foreign films with subtitles and always wondered how lost I would be witout subtitles.

So I created the film with and without subtitles.

And the effect of it I think is a completely different story to each other.

With Subtitles

Without Subtitles

Time Lapse in Hong Kong

I’ve always been fond of time lapsing but never tried one on holiday. This was my first time time lapsing abroad so was very bare as I didn’t have all the equipment needed. It lasted for around 6 hours from start to finish.

I’m very happy with the end result and plan to keep improving.

The end result -

I received an email from a comapny called One Postcard From London, they interview artists around the London area but only had published it in blog format.

They wanted me to start filming the interviews so it could be viewed on the internet.

I agreed to this and filmed a few interviews from them.

Here is a trailer I filmed


Because the videos have not been approved by the galley I cannot show the video yet.

This was a gallery in Goodge street exhibitioning paint-ings from a Spanish artist.

Mr Shiz - Graffiti

Because the videos have not been approved by the Mr Shiz I cannot show the video yet.

A self comissoned graffiti artist based around London.

Workflow of Gallery edit

Workflow of Mr Shiz edit


I feel I have not engaged as fully as I can with the studio practice side of things. I touch on the brief but never took it further. For next semester I will be looking to improve this.

I enjoyed the Virgin brief the most, being able to work in a team helped my teamwork skills as I am use to working alone.Having a real client to be briefed by was exciting and challenging.

The lab was great with the talks all week, it would have been nice if we could have joined more workshops. I thoughrougly enjoyed the Hellicar and Lewis workshop, I thought it was fun and informative.

My independent practice work I am happy with, I can see I am improving my film work skills but next semes-ter I would like to improve more of my print based skills.

Overall this semester i could have improved my time management of work so I could have a lot more work done and maybe experiment in different areas of media more.