Selfish Man.

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Selfish Man.

Man has become more selfish these days / nowadays.When a person is selfish, they are only caring about their own needs, wants, and desires. The person is focused on self-giving and is only concerned by himself.

People that allow their own selfish desires to overtake them are usually at a greater risk for infidelity, they have short relationships, they are dishonest, and they are controlling or violent toward their friends, family. If they have children, they are normally permissive to their children, teaching their children to become a selfish.

Man does not become selfish but he is always selfish by nature. Selfishness is part of the nature of every living human being. Despite what all humans may believe selfishness is a part of all of us and is the driving force behind everything we do. In order to survive humans must be selfish and think of their own needs above other peoples. We must be selfish to our surrounding environment by using the resources essential to humans that our environment bears. Strangely enough it is often considered an insult to be called selfish.

According to the Oxford dictionary being selfish is being concerned with ‘’one's own interests or pleasure.’’

A very informative web site on human nature stated that selfishness is around us all the time and if selfishness did not exist there would be no motivation for humans to do anything.

Is man inherently selfish?

Mankind is a very interesting organism. Human would feel shameful after commit some acts that violate the moral rules, yet on the other hand, human would also do whatever they need to do in order to get what they want or need, in most cases, human will achieve what they want instead their needs. Then, a question is raised, human is inherently selfish. Some people believe in evolution, that means human is evolutes from other animals. The animals’ acts, which may be considered as selfishness in moral, are inherent into

human’s genes. Therefore, human would also do whatever they need to do in order to survive. As a conclusion, human is inherently selfish.

Yet, this point of view is not cogent and persuasive enough, because it is easy to know that, though animals and humans are similar physically and biologically, humans have great differences in thinking style. Human, have the ability to determine and distinguish between good and evil, which animals couldn’t do so. Moreover, this conclusion cannot satisfy people who don’t believe in evolution. Yet, we cannot despite the fact that humans act like animals sometimes. Therefore, human is inherently selfish is only partially correct.

People tend to deny the fact that they are selfish because this term is infamous. They like to teach their children about moral, honesty, endurance, and modesty, but the adults are following none of those. Mature students who start to think and adults would say the whole system of society is sick. If they don’t follow those distorted rules, they are going to be considered as failures.

When a man becomes selfish?

And the answer to this is fairly simple but will not be acceptable to many. Whenever, a person does not feel a need of something or someone can afford to lose it or the thing is of secondary importance, he becomes selfish. When it comes to die for someone, you will never see people doing so. If we quote an example here then:

A man is called selfish not for pursuing his own good, but for neglecting his neighbour’s. (Richard Whately)

Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; it is asking others to live as one wishes them to live. Selfishness always aims at creating around it an absolute uniformity of type. It is grossly selfish to require of one's neighbour that he should think in the same way, and hold the same opinions.

An example of selfish man:

A red rose is not selfish because it wants to be a red rose. It would be horribly selfish if it wanted all the other flowers in the garden to be both red and roses.

Another example of selfish man is:

Doing simple things like feeding ourselves is being selfish because we do not feed ourselves to fulfil the needs of another. When selfishness is given deep thought it can be considered to be a positive thing in some cases.

Everything humans do is selfish. Selfish acts are constantly being carried out by humans towards one another. The extents of these selfish actions vary widely because it includes every action that humans make. They range from the extremely selfish of taking another's life in order to gain something for yourself to the mildly selfish of doing voluntary work for a charity in order to "help society," but ultimately to give yourself the satisfaction of knowing you have done a good deed. Extremely selfish people are often marked in history for negative reason.

A selfish man is a thief. (Jose Marti)

There is nothing can a person do, because selfishness is by nature and selfishness is in his mind, he is unable to control his desires. Man becomes selfish because he want to be successful in his life. Nowadays the biggest selfishness found in a man is to earn money the more he can. He can do anything for this. So, we are unable to control these natural phenomena, these phenomena will continue till the end of the world.

In conclusion, human is partially inherently selfish (but thank God, He gives us the ability to determine good and evil) and society deteriorate the selfishness that ingrain in humans.