“Selfish Accessibility” for Create Upstate 2016

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Transcript of “Selfish Accessibility” for Create Upstate 2016

Selfish AccessibilityPresented by Adrian Roselli for Create Upstate 2016

Slides from this workshop will be available at rosel.li/CreateUpstate


About Adrian Roselli

• Co-written four books.• Technical editor

for two books.• Written over fifty

articles, most recentlyfor .net Magazine andWeb Standards Sherpa.

Great bedtime reading!

About Adrian Roselli

• Member of W3C HTML Working Group*, W3C Accessibility Task Force, five W3C Community Groups.

• Building for the web since 1993.• Business owner / founder, ~20 years.• Now independent.• Learn more at AdrianRoselli.com.• Avoid on Twitter @aardrian.

I warned you.


What is a11y?

• A numeronym for “accessibility”:• The first and last letter (accessibility),• The number of characters omitted (a11y).

• Prominent on Twitter (character restrictions):• #a11y

• Examples:• l10n → localization• i18n → internationalization

Ain’t language funsies?

Accessibility Gets No Respect

In fairness, Sherwin Williams needs to come up with a lot of color names...

“Cyberspace” (gray)

“Online” (blue)

“Lime Rickey” (green)

Accessibility Gets No Respect

…however I think the team could have done better than this.

What We’ll Cover• Yay Statistics!• Be Selfish• Group Exercise 1• User Experience Models• Group Exercise 2• Group Exercise 3• Technical Bits• Group Exercise 4• Wrap-up• Resources

Work with me, people.

Yay Statistics!

Any Disability

• In the United States:• 10.4% aged 21-64 years old,• 25% aged 65-74 years old,• 50% aged 75+.

• Includes:• Visual• Hearing• Mobility• Cognitive


Vision Impairments

• 285 million worldwide:• 39 million are blind,• 246 million have low vision,• 82% of people living with blindness are aged 50

and above.• 1.8% of Americans aged 21-64.• 4.0% of Americans aged 65-74.• 9.8% of Americans aged 75+.


Hearing Impairments

• 360 million people worldwide have disabling hearing loss.

• 17% (36 million) of American adults report some degree of hearing loss:• 18% aged 45-64 years old,• 30% aged 65-74 years old,• 47% aged 75+ years old.


Mobility Impairments

• In the United States:• 5.5% aged 21-64 years old.• 15.6% aged 65-74 years old.• 32.9% aged 75+.


Cognitive Impairments

• Dyslexia,• Dyscalculia,• Memory issues,• Distractions (ADD, ADHD),• In the United States:• 4.3% aged 21-64 years old.• 5.4% aged 65-74 years old.• 14.4% aged 75+.


Be Selfish

WebAIM’s Hierarchy for Motivating Accessibility Change


My Hierarchy for Motivating Accessibility Change

Is better, no?

Getting Older

• Affects (nearly) everyone,• Carries risks and side effects,• Is not for the young.

I’m still experimenting with it.


• Broken limbs,• Eye injuries,• Hearing injuries,• Head trauma.

All of these have happened to me, multiple times.

But I’m Invincible!

• Multi-tasking,• Sunlight,• Eating at your desk,• No headphones handy,• Content is not in your native language.

The sun is trying to kill me.

Steve Rhodes on Flickr.

Tech Support

• Think of your family!• Think of your time spent helping them!• Think of the wasted holidays!

This is why we hate the holidays.

Group Exercise!

1 of 4 exercises.

Group Exercise!

• Each person should pick a category:• Visual• Audible• Mobility• Cognitive

• Work with group to identify scenarios with overlap for multiple categories that also affect the able-bodied.

• 15 minutes.1 of 4 exercises.

User Experience Models

User Stories

• Components:• User,• Outcome,• Value.

• Writing:• As user, I want outcome.• As user, I want outcome so that value.• In order to get value as user, I want outcome.

How to Write User Stories for Web Accessibility

Selfish User Stories

• As a user on a sun-lit patio, I want to be able to read the content and see the controls.

Add beer and as a user I may have trouble focusing.

Selfish User Stories

• As a user in bed with a sleeping spouse, I want to watch a training video in silence so that I can get caught up at work.

As a user who doesn’t want to get punched for having slacked off at work.

Selfish User Stories

• In order to click links as a user with no elbow room in coach class with a tiny trackpad, I want click areas to be large enough and adequately spaced.

As a user in coach class who also paid too much for the drink he’s spilling on his keyboard.

Selfish User Stories

• As a user distracted by the TV, I want clear headings and labels so that I don’t lose my place.

As a user who really should be finishing his work in the office.


Book Excerpt: A Web for Everyone, by Sarah Horton, Whitney Quesenbery


Adrian• Works when he should be relaxing, relaxes

when he should be working.• Lives between motorcycles.• Works late at night with the TV on.• Uses sub-titles in Netflix.• Keeps all screens as dark as possible.

That photo is from official ID.

Group Exercise!

2 of 4 exercises.

Group Exercise!

• Gather the scenarios you created.• Develop User Stories for each.• As user, I want outcome.• As user, I want outcome so that value.• In order to get value as user, I want outcome.

• Develop a persona for at least one.• 15 minutes.

2 of 4 exercises.

Group Exercise! (again)

3 of 4 exercises.

Group Exercise! (again)

• Decide on a user interface element. Examples:• Login form,• Disclosure widget,• Data grid,• Search,• News feed.

• Quickly draw it on paper (no code).• 5 minutes.

3 of 4 exercises.

Technical Bits

Use @alt Text on Images

Use @alt Text on Images

Use @alt Text on Images

• Can you still make sense of the page?• Is content missing?• Can you still use the site?• Is your alt text useful?


Use @alt Text on Images


1. What role does image


2. Does it present new


3. What type of info?

Informative Yes


<a href="foo"><img alt="">Link</a>alt=""or


alt="descriptive identification"or

alt="short label" + caption


ly D


ative Se



No alt="label for link"

alt=“short alternative"or

alt="short label" + caption

alt="short label + location of long alternative"or

long text alternative on same or linked page


/ Co




t / S






• Is there any “click here,” “more,” “link to…”?



• Is there any “click here,” “more,” “link to…”?• Are you using all-caps, URLs, emoticons?



• Is there any “click here,” “more,” “link to…”?• Are you using all-caps, URLs, emoticons?• Do you warn before opening new windows?



• Is there any “click here,” “more,” “link to…”?• Are you using all-caps, URLs, emoticons?• Do you warn before opening new windows?• Do links to downloads provide helpful info?



• Is there any “click here,” “more,” “link to…”?• Are you using all-caps, URLs, emoticons?• Do you warn before opening new windows?• Do links to downloads provide helpful info?• Are you using pagination links?



• Is there any “click here,” “more,” “link to…”?• Are you using all-caps, URLs, emoticons?• Do you warn before opening new windows?• Do links to downloads provide helpful info?• Are you using pagination links?• Are your links underlined (or otherwise obvious)?



• Is there any “click here,” “more,” “link to…”?• Are you using all-caps, URLs, emoticons?• Do you warn before opening new windows?• Do links to downloads provide helpful info?• Are you using pagination links?• Are your links underlined (or otherwise obvious)?• Is there alt text for image links?



• Is there any “click here,” “more,” “link to…”?• Are you using all-caps, URLs, emoticons?• Do you warn before opening new windows?• Do links to downloads provide helpful info?• Are you using pagination links?• Are your links underlined (or otherwise obvious)?• Is there alt text for image links?• Is the link text consistent?


Use Link Underlines


Use Link Underlines

• You are not Google:• Users know Google’s layout,• Users probably don’t visit your site daily.

• Relying on color alone will not suffice (WCAG 1.4.1 [A], 1.4.3 [AA]),

• Necessary contrast values:• 4.5:1 between text and its background for copy,• 3:1 between text and its background for larger text,• 3:1 between surrounding text and a hyperlink, plus an

additional visual cue (G183).http://adrianroselli.com/2014/03/i-dont-care-what-google-did-just-keep.html

Use :focus Styles


Use :focus Styles

• Particularly if you removed link underlines,• Everywhere you have :hover, add :focus,• Look for :focus{outline:none;} in libraries:• If you find it, remove it.

• Easy to test with the tab key.



Color Contrast


Color Contrast


Color Contrast

Color Contrast

• Is there enough contrast?• Are hyperlinks, menus, etc. still visible?• WCAG 2.0:• 4.5:1 for normal text• 3:1 for large text (14+pt & bold, or 18+pt)

• Tools:• Chrome Color Contrast Analyzer• Lea Verou’s Contrast Ratio• WebAIM Color Contrast Checker• CheckMyColours.com


Use <label> (properly)

Use <label> (properly)

• Match the for attribute to the corresponding field’s id attribute.

• When you click label text next to a text box, does the cursor appear in the field?

• When you click label text next to a radio / checkbox, does it get toggled?

• When you click label text next to a select menu, does it get focus?




<header role="banner">

<nav role="navigation">

<aside role="complementary">

<form role="search">

<footer role="contentinfo">

<main role="main">


“Mobile” often means narrow screen in RWD, as well as this context.


<header role="banner">

<nav role="navigation">

<aside role="complementary">

<form role="search">

<footer role="contentinfo">

<main role="main">

“Mobile” often means narrow screen in RWD, as well as this context.


• Sectioning elements already have accessibility built in. Use them.• <header>• <nav>• <main> (one per page)• <aside>• <footer>• <form> (a search form)

This stuff is baked in!

Use <h#> Wisely

Use <h#> Wisely

• Use only one <h1> per page,• Don’t skip heading levels,• Use appropriate nesting,• There is no Document Outline Algorithm:• Don’t use <h1> within every new <section> nor <article>,

• This will not affect your SEO.


<button>, <input>, or <a>


<button>, <input>, or <a>


<button>, <input>, or <a>

• Don’t use a <div> nor <span>.• Does the control take me to another URL?• Use an <a href>.• Note: does not fire on space-bar.

• Does the control change something on the current page?• Use a <button>.

• Does the control submit form fields?• Use a <input type="submit"> or <button type="submit">.


Don’t Use tabindex > 0


Don’t Use tabindex > 0

• tabindex="-1"• Use to set focus with script,• Does not put it in tab order of page.

• tabindex="0"• Allows user to set focus (eg: via keyboard),• Puts in tab order of page (based on DOM).

• tabindex="1" (or greater)• Do not do this,• Messes with natural tab order.


Maybe Use tabindex=0


Maybe Use tabindex=0

• Do you have scrolling content boxes?• Keyboard users cannot access it.

• Do you have content that displays on hover?• Keyboard users probably cannot access it.

• A technique:• <div role="region" aria-label="[if appropriate]" tabindex="0">


Set lang attribute on <html>


Set lang attribute on <html>


Set lang attribute on <html>

• VoiceOver uses to auto-switch voices,• VoiceOver uses appropriate accenting,• JAWS loads correct phonetic engine /

phonologic dictionary,• NVDA matches VoiceOver and JAWS,• Use the correct lang value:• Sub-tags are ok,• Avoid private-use: en-GB-x-hixie


Source Order Matters




Source Order Matters

• CSS techniques allow visual order to break from DOM order:• Floats,• Absolute positioning,• Flexbox (see 5.4.1 of ED for a11y note),• Grid (read Rachel Andrew on subgrid).

• WCAG 1.3.2 and 2.4.3 describe meaningful sequence and tab order matching visual flow,

• Different behavior among different browsers.http://adrianroselli.com/2015/09/source-order-matters.html http://200ok.nl/a11y-flexbox/

Don’t Disable Zoom


Don’t Disable Zoom

• Allow users on mobile to zoom in,• Look in <meta name="viewport"> for this:

• minimum-scale=1.0• maximum-scale=1.0• user-scalable=no

• Look in @-ms-viewport {} for this:• zoom:1.0

• Enhance!• (Google AMP HTML is getting fixed)


Avoid Infinite Scroll


Avoid Infinite Scroll

• Makes it impossible to access some content:• Footer,• Sidebar links.

• Destroys the back button,• Makes it impossible to share a URL to specific

“page” of results,• Makes it impossible to jump ahead several “pages”

of results,• Can overwhelm AT users, less powerful devices.


Use Captions/Subtitles



Use Captions/Subtitles

Use Captions/Subtitles

• Everybody uses them:• Working in public, in bed, at home,• Surfing in public, in bed, at work.

• Should include audio descriptions,• Should include speaker identification,• Review auto-captions (“craptions”):• NoMoreCraptions.com


Use Captions/Subtitles

• Do video/audio clips have text alternatives?• Are links to closed-captions or transcripts built into

the player or separate text links?• Is there an audio description available?• Tools:• Media Access Australia YouTube captioning tutorial,

Vimeo captioning tutorial,• Tiffany Brown’s WebVTT tutorial,• DIY Resources for Closed Captioning and Transcription

from 3 Play Media.http://webaim.org/techniques/captions/


• Web Accessibility Initiative – Accessible Rich Internet Applications.

• Adds accessibility information to HTML elements.

• Can be used with prior versions of HTML.• WAI-ARIA 1.0 published March 20, 2014.


Five Rules of ARIA Use

1. If you can use a native HTML5 element with semantics/behavior already built in, then do so, instead of repurposing another element.

RT this! https://twitter.com/aardrian/status/454249142387081219

Five Rules of ARIA Use

2. Do not change native semantics. Unless you really have to (no <h1> with a role="button", for example).

RT this! https://twitter.com/aardrian/status/454249201564532737

Five Rules of ARIA Use

3. All interactive ARIA controls must be usable with the keyboard — keyboard users must be able to perform equivalent actions.

RT this! https://twitter.com/aardrian/status/454249253284483072

Five Rules of ARIA Use

4. Do not use role="presentation" or aria-hidden="true" on a focusable element. If you do so, some users will never be able to focus.

RT this! https://twitter.com/aardrian/status/454249297408585729

Five Rules of ARIA Use

5. All interactive elements must have an accessible name. This may come from a visible (text on a button) or invisible (alt text on an image) property.

http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria-in-html/master/index.html#fifth-rule-of-aria-use Accessible name: http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/terms#def_accessible_name


• <div onclick="DoThing();">Do a thing.</div>

I see this all the time.


• <div onclick="DoThing();" tabindex="0">Do a thing.</div>

I see this a bunch, too.


• <div onclick="DoThing();" tabindex="0" onkeypress="DoThing();" >Do a thing.</div>

Excluded bits like if(event.keyCode==32||event.keyCode==13)DoThing();


• <div onclick="DoThing();" tabindex="0" onkeypress="DoThing();" role="button">Do a thing.</div>

ARIA roles to the rescue! Er…


• <button type="submit">Do a thing.</button>

Or just start with the right element. http://www.karlgroves.com/2013/05/14/links-are-not-buttons-neither-are-divs-and-spans/

Group Exercise!

4 of 4 exercises.

Group Exercise!

• Take your user interface element and discuss how you might build/code it.

• Represent the disability category you championed earlier.

• Remember your personas, user story/stories.• Consider changing needs of users.• 15 minutes

4 of 4 exercises.


The Message

• Supporting accessibility now helps to serve future you.

Do or do not.

The Message

• Supporting accessibility now helps to serve future you.

• Supporting accessibility now helps injured you, encumbered you.

There is no try.

The Message

• Supporting accessibility now helps to serve future you.

• Supporting accessibility now helps injured you, encumbered you.

• Getting younger developers to buy in helps future you – if you teach them well.

Always pass on what you have learned.


Dean Bouchard on Flickrhttp://accessibility.net.nz/blog/the-problems-with-ramps-blended-into-stairs/

≠ Checklist

• Accessibility is not a checklist.


Nicolas Steenhouthttps://twitter.com/vavroom/status/571092086365261824

“Wheelchair ramp at pharmacy not only hasn’t been cleared of snow but has 2 potted trees to ensure nobody can pass.”

= Process

• Accessibility is not a checklist.• Accessibility is an ongoing process.


Unless you had questions, which you didn’t else you would have asked by now.


• Web Accessibility and Older People:Meeting the Needs of Ageing Web Usershttp://www.w3.org/WAI/older-users/Overview.php

• Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibilityhttp://www.w3.org/WAI/eval/preliminary

• How People with Disabilities Use the Web: Overviewhttp://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/people-use-web/Overview.html

In addition to the gems I’ve sprinkled throughout.


• 2.11 ARIA Role, State, and Property Quick Referencehttp://www.w3.org/TR/aria-in-html/#aria-role-state-and-property-quick-reference

• 2.12 Definitions of States and Properties (all aria-* attributes)http://www.w3.org/TR/aria-in-html/#definitions-of-states-and-properties-all-aria--attributes

In addition to the gems I’ve sprinkled throughout.


• Designing For The Elderly: Ways Older People Use Digital Technology Differentlyhttp://www.smashingmagazine.com/2015/02/05/designing-digital-technology-for-the-elderly/

• How to Write User Stories for Web Accessibilityhttp://www.interactiveaccessibility.com/blog/how-write-user-stories-accessibility-requirements

• Book Excerpt: A Web for Everyonehttp://uxmag.com/articles/book-excerpt-a-web-for-everyone

In addition to the gems I’ve sprinkled throughout.

Selfish AccessibilityPresented by Adrian Roselli for Create Upstate 2016

Slides from this workshop will be available at rosel.li/CreateUpstate