Selenium conference 2012 - One Step At A Time

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Selenium conference 2012 - One Step At A Time

  • 1. One Step At A Time Anand Ramdeo@testinggeek

2. Firefox PluginSequentialeasy to install executionRecord & Not easy toPlayback data drive Easy executionNo Basic ProgrammingconstructsHelp @ HandCan not go beyond pagesExport asWebDriver Script Crawling is fun but weExcellent First Step dont crawlanymore 3. Power of xUnitDifferentFrameworkBrowsersJava, C#,Python, Ruby etc Step in right direction - but miles to go.. 4. Clear is hiddenGuaranteed Username Checks arehidden 5. MaintainableReadable Difficult to Progress 6. DecouplingSeparation of concerns Abstraction Less friction, More development 7. Page insteadof elements 8. One place to findelementsPage InitializeseverythingFunctions applicableon elements areexposed by page 9. Intelligent PageObjects 10. What needs to beDone?Test has no knowledge of physical implementation 11. Data to Domain 12. Actor Performs WorkAdd Behaviour to Domain Object Check Results 13. App solvesTest proves the problemThat problem is solvedProblem Test proves App allowsSolved by performing that actor canactors to work workperform work On some interface 14. Value Enhancer 15. Anand Ramdeo @testinggeek