Section A Period 2 What do the people do when they meet for the first time in different countries?...

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Transcript of Section A Period 2 What do the people do when they meet for the first time in different countries?...

Section A Period 2

What do the people do when they meet for the first time in different countries?


shake hands bow



the United States



arrived late

greeted Paul’s mother the wrong way

wore the wrong clothes

arrived late

greeted Paul’s mother the wrong way

wore the wrong clothes

Memory challenge

… be supposed to …

A : What are you supposed to do at


B : We’re supposed to be on time,

but we’re not supposed to be late. on time be late hard-working be in the dining-hall eat in the classroom

Different countries have different culture and customs.

Read the following opinions of a Colombia anda Swiss student and fill in the chart.

Colombia Switzerland

对…很随意1. are pretty relaxed about

2. arrive a bit late. 晚一点到达

陪伴家人和朋友3. Spending time with family and friends

4. drop by = visit

5. make plans = 动词 plan

6. walk around the town center

逛逛市中心, =hang out around…

尽可能多地见见朋友7. as many of our friends as we can

In Switzerland :



6. 一起外出

be on time

the land of watches

3.毕竟,终究 after all

fifteen minutes late

do something interesting

go somewhere together

Attitude towards…

being on time

visiting a friend’s housemaking plans with friends

Colombia Switzerland

be relaxed about time

be on time

often just drop by …

never visit without calling first

don’t have to plan

usually make plans to meet friends

3a Where I’m from, we are pretty relaxed about time.地点状语从句 对…很随意

If you tell a friend you are going to their house for

dinner, it’s okay if you arrive a bit late.




条件状语从句 Spending time with family and friends is very

important to us.动名词短语做主语 陪伴家人和朋友

We often just drop by our friends’ homes .= visit

We don’t usually have to make plans to meet our

friends . = 动词 plan


Usually we ______ _______ to ______

to meet our friends .

aren’t supposed plan

Often we just walk around the town center,

seeing as many of our friends as we can .逛逛市中心, =hang out around…


What kind of rules do you have in Colombia?

Well, they have pretty relaxed rules.

Like what?

Well, it’s OK if you’re not on time.

Role play the conversation between Teresa

and Marc.What kinds of rules do they have in


Well, they have pretty relaxed rules.

Like what?

Well, it’s OK if you’re not on time.





What are you supposed to do, when you

▼ greet teachers

▼ do homework

▼ phone someone

▼ visit someone’s place

▼ make plans with friends

▼ are on time

▼ give gifts

What are you supposed to do, when you

▼ greet teachers

▼ do homework

▼ phone someone

▼ visit someone’s place

▼ make plans with friends

▼ are on time

▼ give gifts

say,”Good morning

do it by yourself

say hello to him first

make an appointment first

discuss the plan

always on time or a little earlier.

On special days

When you eat in a western restaurant, you’re supposed to…, but you’re not….

eat fruit with a fork eat it with your handsput bread on the table put it on the plate

put hands on the table put them in your lap

say, “It’s delicious.” say, “I’m full.”

When you eat in a western restaurant, you should…, but you shouldn’t….

eat fruit with a fork eat it with your handsput bread on the table put it on the plate

put hands on the table put them in your lap

say, “It’s delicious.” say, “I’m full.”

When you eat in a western restaurant,

it’s polite to…, but it’s rude to….

eat fruit with a fork eat it with your handsput bread on the table put it on the plate

put hands on the table put them in your lap

say, “It’s delicious.” say, “I’m full.”

When you eat in a western restaurant, you’re supposed to…, but you’re not….

You should…, but you shouldn’t….

It’s polite to…, but it’s rude to….

eat fruit with a fork eat it with your handsput bread on the table put it on the plate

put hands on the table put them in your lap

say, “It’s delicious.” say, “I’m full.”