Secondary SENCO Briefing 27th February 1.30 4.30 pm …...1.30 –4.30 pm Octavo Training Room Zoe...

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Transcript of Secondary SENCO Briefing 27th February 1.30 4.30 pm …...1.30 –4.30 pm Octavo Training Room Zoe...

Autumn 2017

Secondary SENCO Briefing27th February

1.30 – 4.30 pm Octavo Training RoomZoe Harris

Proposed Agenda: 1.30 Welcome and What’s New? ---

(Local and National Updates)

Zoe Harris/Judith


1.45 Croydon Social Care: Support for children and young people with disabilities

Information about:

• What the service offers

• Profile of pupils eligible for support

Referral pathways.

Michael Brown

Interim Head of Service

Children with Disability

(0-15) and Transitions

Service (16-25).2.15 Sharing Best Practice: Person Centred Approaches for EHC Plan Annual Reviews

• Presentation from St. Giles School on how they include pupils in the EHC Plan

annual review process with opportunity for Q&A

• Table discussions – How do you lead reviews? What is going well? What are

the challenges?

St. Giles Special School

2.45 Analysing School Performance Reports/Inclusion Data Summary Reports

How can SENCOs use these tools to support the evaluation of quality and impact of

SEND Provision? KS4 Benchmarking Data.

Judith Lunnon

3.15 BREAK


Managing Pupils with SEND and Challenging Behaviour, including:

• Updates on the role and protocols for the Secondary FAP

• Local guidance on managed moves, reduced timetables and unlawful


• Ensuring that behaviour policy and practice are inclusive

• Use of Alternative Provisions for SEND pupils

Table Discussions: How are SENCOS involved in the Fair Access Process? Do

behaviour policies make reasonable adjustments for SEND pupils? What APS do

you use? What processes are in place to monitor provision for pupils with SEND

placed in APs?

Chris Roberts

Head of Learning


Val Burrell-Walker

Secondary FAP


Zoe Harris

Octavo SEND and

Behaviour Lead

4.25 Close

Transforming the Croydon SEND Local Offer

Please have a look at the new look site and share any feedback with

Safoora is currently auditing and refreshing the content on the site so if you have any observations about what is or could be included please share this too.

Our local young people have produced a short video to promote the Local Offer:

Useful Resources

BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE: SEND Support in Schools The DfE have recently published a comprehensive resource to inform school and post 16 practitioners about evidence based best practice that can be effective for SEND Support.

It draws on academic research, surveys of schools and post 16 settings as well as case studies so that practitioners can look at the detail of interventions and approaches and consider what would be most beneficial in their setting and for their learners.

SEN Support in Schools - November 2017 DFE Best Practice Guidance

The resource follows the assess, plan, do, review


In the study schools, colleges and experts identified

seven key features that they commonly said they believed underpinned promising SEN


Lots of examples of approaches schools are using across the country.

ENGAGEMENT FOR LEARNINGThe Engagement for Learning Framework is a resource for educators, including teachers, teaching

assistants and therapists working in both mainstream and special education. It enables them to explore and identify effective teaching and learning strategies for children with complex learning difficulties and disabilities, as well as to record, measure and demonstrate learning outcomes in a

meaningful way.

Useful Briefing Sheets

• ADHD Briefing Sheets

• Attachment Briefing Sheets

• Autism Briefing Sheets

• Effects of Drug Use/Smoking during Pregnancy

• Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

• Fragile X Briefing Sheets

• Mental Health Briefing Sheets

• Premature Birth Briefing Sheets

• Rare Chromosome Disorders

• Sensory Impairment Briefing Sheets

Describes characteristics ---

Impact on learning and

teaching strategies.

SEND Characteristics: Recent research

Premature Births.• Survival rates for premature births increasing – 90%• 63% recorded as having SEN• Impact of brain development for those born before 28 weeks.• Research indicates four premature children in each primary


Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FASD):• Largest non genetic cause of learning difficulty• 1% of school population• 35% premature births• Only 10% of adults with FASD in work

What are the implications for schools?

Do you know which pupils were born prematurely?

Completing School Census : Reporting Primary NeedsAre you using the right code?

• SPLD Specific Learning Difficulty

• MLD Moderate Learning Difficulty

• SLD Severe Learning Difficulty

• PMLD Profound & Multiple Learning Difficulty

• SEMH Social, emotional and mental health

• SLCN Speech, Language and Communication Needs

• HI Hearing Impairment

• VI Visual Impairment

• MSI Multi-Sensory Impairment

• PD Physical Disability

• ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorder

• OTH Other Difficulty/Disability

AND:NAS SEN Support but no specialist assessment of type of need.

-- Only for pupils who are receiving SEND Support (K) but no formal/specialist assessment

-- Important for pupils with cognitive delays but no formal assessment to indicate SpLD or MLD.

Are You Using this


Preparing for transition – 2018Start early ---

SEN Support in Schools - November

2017 DFE Best Practice Guidance

Linking with pre-school settings for nursery/reception intake and secondary schools for move to Year 7 .Enhancing transition arrangements for most vulnerable pupils.

Coming soon - More information on supporting successful transition


Exclusion and SENDDecember 2017: Ofsted Chief Inspector Annual Statement highlighted increasing use of unofficial exclusions, mainly impacting on pupils with SEND:

Unofficial exclusions includes:

• Off rolling

Persuading parents:

• To home educate

• Agree to part time education.

Various reports cite possible reason for increase:

• Reduction in LA funding to provide behaviour and learning support or high quality alternative provision

• Reduced school funding to provide additional support

• Increased focus on academic success and lack of tolerance that could jeopardise this.(secondary pupils with SEND more likely to have conduct issues, struggle with peer relationships and at risk of mental health problems)

• Schools converting to academies with new SLT tasked to improve behaviour and learning

• Unmet mental health needs• Increased social care needs• ‘Gaming the system’ -off rolling pupils unlikely to

make the grade.

Children with Disabilities TeamInformation about:

• What the service offers

• Profile of pupils eligible for support

• Referral pathways.

Mike Brown

Interim Head of Service Children with Disability (0-15) and

Transitions Service (16-25).

Sharing Best Practice

Person Centred Approaches to EHC Reviews

St. Giles Special School

Using Published Data to Support Evaluation of Quality and

Impact of SEND Provision

• Analysing School Performance Reports including Inspection

Data Summary Reports

• FFT Aspire Data Sets.


3 aspects:

- IDSR (Inspection Data Summary Report) – 4 years

- School Performance reports – 2 years

- ASP live site – 1 year


Know your data!

• Useful starting point to evaluate quality of provision

• This is historic data;

• Important to know how this has been used to identify strengths and prioritise areas of weakness

• Important to know how this reflects current data?

• For SEN(D) pupils progress should be the focus, not attainment.

• Disadvantaged pupils are compared with non-disadvantaged pupils nationally

ASP and IDSR inform lines of enquiry for Ofsted Inspection

Data prompts questions!

What questions does your data raise?

Which groups in our school are doing


How effective are our interventions?

How well are barriers identified and


Is there variation between subjects?

How accurate is our self-evaluation?

Warnings and things to look out for

• Beware of cohort size – always notice that

• Notice whether the title indicates progress or attainment

• Notice whether the title says % or number – you will see both within the same table

• The key for the scatterplots is important to see which group a pupil belongs to

• Scatterplots enable outliers to be seen clearly

• Data does not indicate primary need.

KS4 Headline Data

Progress 8 by pupil group.

Interactive Scatter graphsWhere you can filter by:• Data• Pupil Groups.

• Drill down to individual pupils

Identify OUTLIERS:• Who did really well?• Who performed poorly?• Expected/unexpected?• Implications?• Case studies?

What’s in the IDSR for SENCOs?

IDSR – Contextual information

Self evaluation summary reports FFT Aspire

Includes:Progress and attainment information including trends over timeAverage scaled scores

In visual form and in charts

SENDEvaluation Dashboard

Benchmarking Table LA12: GCSE and equivalent entries and achievements of pupils at the end of key stage 4 by SEN provision1 for

each local authority and region

Average Attainment 8 Score Average Progress 8 Score % 9-5 in Eng&Maths % 9-4 in Eng&Maths

All SEN support All SEN support St/EHCP All SEN support St/EHCP All

SEN support St/EHCP

England 46.4% 31.9% 0.03 -0.43 -1.04 42.9% 15.6% 5.3% 64.2% 30.2% 10.7%

Croydon 45.0% 32.8% 0.06 0.40 -1.06 40.6% 16.8% 7.4% 60.9% 33.0% 16.5%


Source: SFR01/2018: Revised statistics on the achievements of young people at the end of key stage 4 in England, including attainment by pupil characteristics. Published January 18

FFT Aspire Range in Average

Progress Rate

Avearge Progress 8

SEN Support St/EHC

Highest 0.74 0.73

Lowest -1.48 -0.46

Using pupil progress to monitor impact of interventions

• It is important to recognise the difference between monitoring pupil progress and evaluating impact of specific interventions.

• The principle focus of monitoring pupil progress is to understand whether pupils are meeting targets or milestones. It does not rely on judgement in the same way as evaluation; the outcomes tend to be binary, the pupil is either on-target or they are not, although there are clearly grades of how far off target the pupil might be.

• Evaluation is an act that leads to a judgment on how effective something was, for example an intervention to raise low levels of literacy in Year 3 pupils. Evaluation tells us about how something happened and requires us to analyse the data we collect and determine if the intervention is worth continuing with.

• Using national curriculum pupil outcome data may not give the full picture of effectiveness of specific interventions.

Monitoring arrangements and impact measures may include:

– Observation of interventions as part of whole school cycle of teaching and learning

– Focus in learning walks in line with wider school development priorities e.g. meeting needs of pupils with semh.

– Review of how well skills and knowledge are transferred or generalised (evidenced through dialogue with class teachers, ‘book looks’ and work samples)

– Use of Standardised assessments specific to learning need to base line and track progress.

– Pupil progress tracking data– Pupil feedback/Parent Feedback– Attendance (Pupils and staff leading intervention)– Analysis of behaviour logs– One to one reviews with intervention leader and senior

leadership/SENCO (termly).– Achievement and success with targets and outcomes set out in

Individual Support Plans /EHC Plans