Science and Health

Post on 07-May-2017

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Transcript of Science and Health


Objective: Explain how the sense organs make us aware of the things around us.

Guide Questions:

1. Ana is walking in the park and she observes that there are a lot of colorful flowers in the garden, what sense organ did Ana used to identify the different colors of the flowers?a. Eyes c. Noseb. Ears d. Tongue

2. Rose’s teacher is playing the piano. What sense organ did she used to hear the music?a. Eyes c. Noseb. Ears d. Tongue

3. What sense organ will you use to smell fragrant perfumes?a. Eyes c. Noseb. Ears d. Skin

4. It is the sense organ used for tasting delicious foods.a. Eyes c. Noseb. Ears d. Tongue

5. Mother bought Sam a soft and smooth pillow, what sense organ did he used to know that the pillow is soft and smooth?a. Eyes c. Noseb. Ears d. Skin

Objective: Conclude that animals vary in terms of body parts, movements and places where they live.

Guide Questions:

1. Cows, carabaos, and horses have big and flat teeth, why is this so?a. For them to tear the meat of their enemies.b. For them to chew grass completely.c. For them to suck nectars from flowers.d. For them to filter their food from the water.

2. What enables fishes to breath under water?a. Scales c. Fins and Tailsb. Gills d. Lungs

3. What keeps the polar bears warm in the North Pole?a. Feather c. Furb. Skin d. Shell


4. Cats have ________ to fight their enemies.a. Hind legs c. venomb. Antlers d. claws

5. Horses gallop to move to another place while bees ________ to move from one flower to another.a. Fly c. Swimb. Walk d. Hop

Objective: Conclude that solids, liquids and gasses occupy space and have weight.

Guide Questions:

1. These characteristics are common to all solids, liquids and gasses except ________.a. All of them are made up of tiny particles.b. All of them can flow.c. All of them have mass.d. All of them have volume.

2. What characteristic of solids enable rubber bands to return to its original size and shape after being stretched?a. Solubility c. Elasticityb. Malleability d. Hardness

3. Which of the following characteristics are from liquids?a. Definite volume and definite shapeb. Definite volume and no definite shapec. No definite volume and definite shaped. No definite volume and no definite shape

4. Which of the following states of matter expands?a. Solid c. Gasb. Liquid d. None of the above

5. Which of the following statements is correct about gasses?a. Gasses have definite shape.b. Gasses have the ability to flow.c. Gasses can be compressedd. Gasses cannot be weighed.


Objective: Infer how pollution affects soil, water and air.

Guide Questions:

1. Which of the following practices is not good for the soil?a. Throwing animal manure in the soil.b. Planting trees.c. Practicing crop rotationd. Burying plastics in the soil.

2. Which of the following statements is true about water?a. Water is not important so let us waste it.b. We should use dynamite fishing to get more fish.c. Water is important so we should conserve it.d. Let us throw our garbage in the rivers and seas.

3. Which of the following shows the uses of water?a. Water may be used to produce electricity.b. Water is important for cooking and cleaning.c. Water is important for drinkingd. All of the above.

4. Which of the following is a good practice to help prevent air pollution?a. Burn your garbage at home.b. Use products with CFCs.c. Re-use, Reduce and Recycle.d. Tolerate smoke emitting factories.

5. How can you help save water?a. Do not use water.b. Close the faucet properly after using it.c. Take a bath only once a week.d. Throw away garbage in rivers and seas.

Objective: Practice safety measures to avoid getting hurt from the sun’s heat and light.

Guide Questions:

1. Which of the following will likely to happen if you stay long under the heat of the sun?a. You will have sunburn.b. You will have diarrhea.c. You will have toothache.d. You will have malaria.

2. Which of the following is an effect of sun’s heat on the environment?


a. The soil dries and cracks.b. The water level rises.c. Rains fall often.d. The sky becomes cloudy.

3. What happens to some plants dry season?a. They bear more flowersb. They dry up and die.c. They become smaller.d. They grow more leaves.

4. Why should you not look directly at the sun?a. Too much sunlight can make your eyes clear.b. Too much sunlight can harm your eyes.c. Too much sunlight can make your eyes bigger.d. Too much sunlight can make your eyes smaller.

5. How can you protect your skin from sunburn?a. Stay in the sunlight only for 5 hours.b. Use an umbrella or a hat.c. Use a raincoat.d. Wear thick clothes.

Prepared by:

Lady Jobel B. Rueda