Scholarship in Clinical Education: What it is and… How to establish and document a teaching...

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Transcript of Scholarship in Clinical Education: What it is and… How to establish and document a teaching...

Scholarship in Clinical Education:

What it is and…

How to establish and document a teaching portfolio


Professionalism:Obligations and opportunities associated with being

a scholar/educator Development:

Ensure that work as an educator is constantly improving and meeting its objectives and responsibilities to students

The Scholarship of Teaching

Our work as teachers becomes public, peer-reviewed, critiqued, and exchanged with others

Scholarship Boyer

Scholarship ofteaching

Scholarship of teaching


Scholarship of discovery

ResultsScholarship of application

Scholarship of integration

Wheel of Scholarship

Question or Problem

A change is needed

HypothesisBased on a hunchOr possible solution

Apply theories, experienceDevelop a plan

Implement inpractice

Evaluate outcomes

What makes scholarship scholarly? Glassick et al

Question or Problem

A change is needed

HypothesisBased on a hunchOr possible solution

Apply theories, experience Develop a plan Implement inpractice

Evaluate outcomes

Clear goals

Adequate preparationAppropriate methods


Effective presentationReflective critique

Four assertions about

Scholarship in Education

1As educators, we have made a

commitment to further the educational missions of our institutions.

2The quality of the methods we

use to further those missions matter (they influence the outcomes);

therefore, we should strive to improve them.

3We can improve our methods

(and outcomes) through participation in communities.

4Participation in scholarly

communities can advance our careers and the careers of others.

Community of educational scholars

Further education

Promotion of educators

1. Examine evidence of valueFurthering educational mission

2. Recognize and endorse value

3. Encourage greater value

Merit System Diagram

Performance Portfolio1. Standard CV2. Report of contributions3. Future goals4. Performance data, evaluations

a. Teaching eval

b. Billingc. Colleagues consensusd Documentation

Faculty update

Faculty writereports and meet

Faculty providedocumentation as neededSample teaching materialsLetters of recommendationArticles, evaluations

Students rate instructors


Colleagues rate each other

Merit review committeePortfolios, scores

Report to faculty, chair

Faculty yearly meeting with dept head to discuss performance, goals


From C J Bland, Academic Medicine 77, 2002

Portfolio (some inclusions)

Teaching activities Contact details Evaluations Directorships Educational research Manuscripts Profile (activity designations)

Grants Educational service Advising Curriculum

development Administration Outreach Professional


Carroll, 1996

Activities and Achievement for UCSF Academy of Medical Educators

Direct teaching Instructional developments and curricular

design Educational administration and leadership Educational research

Cooke et al., 2003

Criteria for membership in the Academy at Harvard

Curriculum development Educational leadership/administration Faculty development and mentorship Educational scholarship

Thibault et al., 2003

Teaching Activity Portfolio

Overview Introduction Broad curriculum Syllabus Course materials

Teaching Activity Portfolio

Course design/measurement Objectives taught Methods used Measurement

Students Demographics Needs Perspectives

Teaching Activity Portfolio

Course outcomesBy objectives

Summary of outcomes

“To do”: Innovations, new ideas

Educators Portfolio

Documentation of scholarship What to document?

Visible Behind the scenes



Objective, plan to accomplish


Teaching methods


(Evidence of learning)



Objective, plan to accomplish


Teaching methods


(Evidence of learning)

Behind the scenes


Methods (trials, rationale)


Analysis of student learning

Planned changes

Comments from peers


Charts “track record” of an educator’s innovation, from original creative idea to changes in practice.

OSCE ---------> Assessment of resident competencies

Changes in practices that have been instituted. Glick, 2002

Impact map for Dr. X, educator: national and international faculty development

1994-1995 1995-present Present to future

Dr.X: Program Grant supports Ongoing impact

Co-founder initial program of participants in

Educational 7 years of successive their schools and

innovation: cohorts of clinician- communities

Theoretical educator participants


modeled by doing,

implemented in local


Glick, 2002

Multimedia scholarly discourse

Information infrastructure: scholarly discourse Portable, mobile, ubiquitous computing Multiple Media for teaching and learning Text, Paper -------> electronic mediation

Digital Curriculum Vita

What’s a digital Portfolio/CV?

Use digital technology/ template

Include more than printed words

Personal and unique View and evaluate

content from peers


Full length publications Graphics Presentations Clinical images Videos Web links