Save the planet.

Post on 21-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Save the planet.

Introducing a New Product

By: Bruno, Andrea and Maria

Be green!

Our green motto is:


My kind of rubbish

I'm Andrea Arranz,I'm 11 yers old.In my house we recycle paper,plastic,glass and food,have a bin for everything.

Hello!!! I'm Maria Dueas, I'm 12 years old. In my house I recycle paper, plastic, glass, food, aluminium, batteries.... all that I can!!!

Hello! I'm Bruno Ayres I have 13 years old.In my house we recycle paper plastic and organic


We can use more public transports to pollute less.

Not be so long in the shower to use less water.(reduce).

Recycle the papers, plastics, glasses, aluminum, batteries, organic.....