SAP - Exchange Rate Upload

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Foreign Exchange Rate Excel uploads in SAP

Transcript of SAP - Exchange Rate Upload

Foreign Exchange Rate Excel uploads in SAP

Foreign exchange rate upload T-code TBEX

Throw TBEX you can upload the following parameter:

This guide deals with the first marked option only.

The upload of the foreign exchange rates is very simple and easy, if you use the SAP Excel upload

program. The steps to execute the upload are given below.

Step 1:

Access the transaction through the following menu path in the SAP Easy Access Menu or

Transaction Code TBEX

Step 2:

If you are doing the upload for the first time, you create the initial excel template as explained in

this step and then proceed to step 3. For subsequent uploads, if you already have a template, you

can skip this step and continue from step 3 onwards.

On execution of the transaction code in step 1, the following screen appears:

Clicking on the button would bring the following screen with the spreadsheet template for

foreign currency upload with the currencies from the currency rates table (you need to enable the

excel macros to see the screen).

As you can see, the system automatically creates the correct template for currency upload and the

excel sheet is populated with the entries from the Currency ratios table in SPRO:

In the above excel all the ratios with all the exchange rate types shows for input.

The date and time are also updated to the current date and time. Adjust the template as you need.

Fields relevant for exchange rate upload:

Class – represent which data to be upload. 01 represents currencies exchange rates.

Key1 – From Currency

Key2 – To currency

Cat – Exchange rate type

Date – of the exchange rate

Val – the exchange rate value

"FR" Ratio and Factor to – The conversion ratio between two currencies. USD to ILS will be 1

to 1. Yen to ILS will be 100 to 1.

You can now pass to the settings sheet in TBEX, choose the path you want to save the spreadsheet

and save it by clicking on the save button.

A template will be created and you can now use it and update it for future use, according to your

needs each time you want to upload exchange rates.

Step 3:

Once you have a template you can change it as you like and add the rates in the "Val" column.

For example:

Note that the saved excel file will have the correct formats already set and need not be changed.

Data needs to be in the above format.

The class field should have the value ’01′ and not ’1′. The class field specifies whether the upload is

a Forex rate upload, securities price upload (category 02), reference interest rates (category 03)


A maximum of 1000 entries can be uploaded at a time.

Step 4:

Once you prepared the upload file as in 3 above separately, go to the upload transaction either

through the menu path or the T-code TBEX.

The Excel sheet which needs to be uploaded is displayed in the spreadsheet tab as below:

Click on the Market upload Icon (In red above)

You can also update the file directly from SAP before uploading the rates.

On clicking the upload tab, the data is uploaded into the system and the system automatically

updates the excel file with the status as shown below:

The file can be saved by clicking on the button on the menu bar.

Important : The value ""Fr" Ratio" and "To Factor" does not come automatically when you create

the file in the 2nd step but you can upload the file without it and it will be filled with system value.

You will get an OK status with a message:

The Exchange Rate table after the upload is shown below:

If for example, the upload has an error, then the system updates the file with the details of the

error. Below is an upload file with the currency entered as ‘USDD’ instead of USD and the same is


After upload, the system updates the excel file with the status message as shown below:

Ensure that the Excel file is not open while you are uploading or saving the file from SAP to avoid

errors in SAP.

Upload Excel file throw TBDM

Transaction TBDM is designed to upload files from a specific text file format.

The file format is exactly the same as created throw transaction TBEX and uploads throw the same

ABAP Program.

We use it usually for automatic upload of exchange rate files delivered in the exact format needed

as below (in Israel from Meteor or Silvernet):

As you can see the format is the same as created in TBEX:

Fields (first row in above file):

01 – represents the upload of currencies (we can also upload securities, interest rates Etc. as it

shows in TBEX)

USD – from currency

ILS – to currency

M – Exchange rate type

12092013 – date

3.564 – the rate

If we want to upload an excel file throw TBDM we have to create a text file out of it in the exact


Yossi created an excel Macro that creates the specific text format for upload throw