SAP Blling Configuration

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Transcript of SAP Blling Configuration

SAP SD Configuration


Published by Team of SAP Consultants at SAPTOPJOBS

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1.1 Define Billing Document Types 3

1.2 Define Number Ranges for Billing Documents 13




4.1 Assign Invoice List Type to Billing Type 27









12.1 Define Sales Document Types 57

1. Configuring Billing Documents

1.1 Define Billing Document Types

BACKGROUND This configuration setting enables creation or modification of billing document type. Billing document type is an indicator which enables system to process different business transactions in different ways. Various Billing types are pre-configured in system and can be used for various scenarios. There are three options for configuring new sales document types:

Change existing Billing type Copy existing Billing type and change it to new

requirements. Create a new Billing type.

Definition and configuration of sales document type can be divided in three parts

1. Definition of Billing type itself (with key example - F2 etc.) 2. Definition of additional billing functions (like number

ranges etc.) 3. Configuration for general billing functions (like pricing


We will study the configuration of SAP provided sales document type for standard delivery related billing ‘F2’. Instructions Follow Menu Path: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Documents → Define Billing Types

1. Click

Following pop-up is displayed

Click on and click on

Here the three options explained in background are applicable.

a. If existing Billing type is to be modified, choose the document type from list and click on to get into details

b. For copying existing Billing type to new one select the

sales document type to be copied and click on or F2. c. For creating a new Billing type click on

Here we will follow option ‘a’ and select Billing type F2 and click on . To search for correct order type click on

and enter the key. Following screen is displayed

The controls are grouped in various blocks like Number Systems, General Control, Account Assignment etc. 2. Maintain the fields as explained below: The explanation is provided block wise

Field Name Field Description and Value Billing Type 4 character key for the Billing type.

Description is next to it

Created by Name of person creating the object

No.range int.assgt. No range to be used for Billing document numbers if assigned internally

Item no.increment Increment of item no in billing document.

Field Name Field Description and Value SD document categ.

A basic classification of document types used in Sales processing.


Transaction group Grouping that controls certain characteristics of sales doc processing.

Posting Block This check box controls blocking of billing document transfer to accounting.

Statistics Check box controls whether system stores the billing information for statistical purposes and reporting.

Billing Category Used to differentiate billing document requirements. Generally left blank

Document Type FI document type can be assigned here

Negative posting A correspondingly set posting on the debit

side reduces the credits side of the account. A credit posting reduces the debit side of the account. Indicator is used for credit memos and cancellations.

Branch/Head Office

Indicator controls which partner functions can be passed on to Accounting

Credit memo w/ValDat

Used for Value date to be filled in case of Credit Memo

Invoice List Type Invoice List type assigned to Billing type

Rebate Settlement Indicator to control if billing type is used for Rebate settlement exclusively.

Rel for Rebate Check box, which controls if a Billing type is relevant for rebates.

Key fields are explained below: Field Name Field Description and Value Cancellation Billing type

Cancellation billing type to be assigned to this billing type to be used when billing documents is to be cancelled.

Copying requirements

In case copying requirements are to be assigned here.

Reference number

Additional information to be passed on to Accounting from SD

Allocation number

Additional information to be passed on to accounting line item level.

AcctDetermProc. Account determination procedure is assigned here to Billing document type. If this is not assigned the document cannot be passed on to accounting. Example Proforma Billing type

Doc. pric. Procedure

Document pricing procedure is assigned here in case separate Pricing procedure needs to be determined in Billing document. Example – Inter-company billing document.

Acc. det. rec Account determination procedure for Reconciliation accounts

Acc. det. cash. Account determination procedure for Cash accounts

Acc. det. pay. cards

Account determination procedure for Payment cards

Key fields explained below, rests are system copied.

Field Name Field Description and Value

Output determ proc. Output determination procedure is assigned here

Application Application is V3 for Billing

Output Type Default output type proposed when printing

Header partners Partner determination procedure for Billing Header

Item Partners Partner determination procedure for Billing Item

TextDetermProcedure Text determination procedure for Billing Header

Text Determ. Proc. Itm

Text determination procedure for Billing Item

Delivery text Check box if texts from delivery are to be copied to Billing

Click and back.

EFFECT OF CONFIGURATION Billing type configured here would be used for creating Billing document in specific scenario.

1.2 Define Number Ranges for Billing Documents

BACKGROUND This configuration setting enables us to define the number ranges for Billing document. Number ranges are defined directly in the production system. Instructions Follow Menu Path: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Documents → Define Number Ranges for Billing Documents 1. Click

2. Click

3. Click to add new number range interval, mark check for external if it is an external number range. 4. Click 5. Click Effect of Configuration Number range maintained here will be assigned to Billing type as explained earlier and used for billing document creation.

2. Maintain Copy Control for Sales Documents

BACKGROUND This configuration enables copy between sales documents at order level and delivery level to Billing document level, various controls for document and data flow are also available here In this configuration copy control is maintained for following options

Sales document to Billing document Billing document to Billing document Delivery document to Billing document

The controls specify how and what data needs to be copied on to the target billing document from the source. Instructions Follow Menu Path: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Maintain Copy Control for Billing Documents 1. Click Following pop-up is displayed.

2. Click on and click

Following screen is displayed

Target – This is the Billing type, which would be created. Source – This is the Delivery type used as reference from which new data would be transferred to create new Billing document. For existing Billing types provided in system copy control is maintained. Let us study configuration of Target ‘F2’ and source ‘LF’.

3. Select entry and click on Following screen is displayed

Following fields are maintained Field Name Field Description and Value Copying requirements

Routine no is assigned here for Copying requirements to be checked at header level while creating billing document.

Determ.export data

Where system should get export data is specified here.

Allocation number

Additional information to be passed on to accounting line item level.

Reference Number

Additional information to be passed on to Accounting from SD

Copy Item number

Indicates whether system copies item no from source to target document.

Click to go back. 4. Click on on Left hand side to maintain copying information for item data Following screen is displayed

Select ‘TAN’ and click on Following screen is displayed

Fields to be maintained as below Field Name Field Description and Value Copying requirements

Copying requirements to be checked at item level.


Routine for data transfer at header & item level. Here routine can be assigned for creating Individual Billing documents etc.

Billing quantity

Specifies which quantity system copies from source document.

Pos/neg. quantity

Specifies when copying quantity in target document has positive, negative or no effect of quantity in source document.

In this case the delivery document is updated with positive quantity

Pricing Type Specifies how system treats pricing data when creating billing document. There are many pricing types , generally used one’s are below

Pricing Exchange rate type

Determines pricing exchange rate type.

Cumulate Cost

Check box indicates if cost of sub-items is to be cumulated in main item

Price Source Sequence and source from where prices are to be copied

Click and back. Similar configuration can be carried out for


Difference here is that Source is Delivery & Billing Document. Effect of Configuration Copy Control is setup for Billing document creation.

3. Define Blocking Reason for Billing

BACKGROUND This configuration enables definition of Reasons for blocking of billing documents. These reasons can be used to block billing creation for customer. Instructions Follow Menu Path: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Define Blocking Reason for Billing 1. Click Following pop-up is displayed

Click on and click

Click on for maintaining new one’s. and then click

Following fields are maintained Field Name Field Description and Value Block 2 character key for billing block

Description Description of billing block

Click and . 2. Click on and click

Click on for maintaining new one’s. and then click

Effect of Configuration Billing block reasons are defined and assigned to Billing types.

4. Configuration for Invoice List

4.1 Assign Invoice List Type to Billing Type

BACKGROUND Invoice List type is also a Billing type and is created in Billing type creation configuration menu. Here for Invoice Lists to be created they needs to be assigned to billing types. This configuration is provided for this purpose. Instructions Follow Menu Path: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Invoice Lists → Assign Invoice List Type To Each Billing Type 1. Click

Billing types are available here. The Invoice List type is assigned to billing types. Click and . Effect of Configuration Invoice Lists can be created in system for Billing documents.

5. Define Rules For Determining Dates

BACKGROUND This configuration setting enables creation or modification of rules for determining dates in Billing plan. Various Rules are preconfigured in system and can be used for various scenarios. There are three options for configuring new rules:

Change existing rule Copy existing rule and change it to new requirements

Create a new rule.

You define the rules for date determination on the basis of the following dates:

The possible baseline date is predefined by a fixed value range (for example current date, beginning of the contract) and cannot be changed.

You can define the period in any way by specifying a

number with a corresponding time unit.

If you use a calendar ID to define a rule, the system

determines the next possible workday starting from the baseline date. If you use a calendar ID, you may NOT specify a period.

We will study the configuration of SAP provided rule ’50 – Monthly at end of each month’. Instructions Follow Menu Path: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Plan → Define Rules for Determining Dates 1. Click

Here the three options explained in background are applicable.

d. If existing Rule is to be modified, choose the Rule from list and click on to get into details

e. For copying existing Rule to new one select the Rule to be

copied and click on or F6. f. For creating a new Rule click on

Here we will follow option ‘a’ and select Rule ‘50’ and click on . To search for Rule click on and enter the key. Following screen is displayed

Maintain the fields as explained below: Field Name Field Description and Value Date Det.rule 2 character code for Indirect rule

determination of dates in Billing plan. Here ‘50’ exists in system, for new any two characters can be entered.

Description Text description of rule for identification

Baseline date This is baseline date from which further dates are calculated. This is predefined in system and following entries exist:

Here ‘07’ is selected

Time Period Time Period, which is to be added or subtracted from baseline date, is added here.

Time Unit Time Unit of time period defined above

Last of Month Last of month switch for date determination

Calendar ID If Calendar is to be used to influence date

determination, example actual dates in month it has to be entered here.

Contract data Used for Contract items where item date has not to be selected from baseline date, but from Header date.

Click and back.

EFFECT OF CONFIGURATION Rule for date determination are defined to be used in Billing plans.

6. Define Billing Plan Types

BACKGROUND This configuration enables definition of Billing Plan types, which contain the basic control data for billing plan. There are two basic billing plan types pre-configured in system:

1. Periodic Billing. 2. Milestone Billing. There are three options for configuring new billing plan types: Change existing plan type

Copy existing plan type and change it to new

requirements. Create a new billing plan type.

Instructions Follow Menu Path: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Plan → Define Billing Plan Types 1. Click Following pop-up is displayed.

2. Click on and click Following screen is displayed

Here the three options explained in background are applicable.

a. If existing Billing Plan type is to be modified, choose from list and click on to get into details

b. For copying existing Billing Plan type to new one select

the Rule to be copied and click on or F6.

c. For creating a new Billing Plan type click on Using option ‘a’ here, select entry ‘02’ and click on Following screen is displayed

Following important fields are explained Field Name Field Description and Value Billing plan type

2 character code for Billing plan type can be entered

Start date Date rule for determining origin of Billing plan dates

End date Date rule for determining end of Billing plan

dates Horizon Rule for determining horizon of Billing plan i.e.

period from start date till when billing plan applies in future.

Next bill. Date

Rule for determining next billing date in billing plan

Calendar ID Calendar for defining dates relevant for billing

Online order Mark ‘x’ if automatic proposal of dates is required in order.

In advance If field is activated billing is carried out in advance


Overview screen to be displayed after entering original billing plan data.

Click and . 3. Click on Following screen is displayed

Here the three options explained in background are applicable.

a. If existing Billing Plan type is to be modified, choose from list and click on to get into details

b. For copying existing Billing Plan type to new one select

the Rule to be copied and click on or F6.

c. For creating a new Billing Plan type click on

Using option ‘a’ here, select entry ‘01’ and click on Following screen is displayed

Fields to be maintained as below Field Name Field Description and Value BillingPlanType

2 character code for Billing plan type can be entered

Start date Date rule for determining origin of Billing plan


Online order Mark ‘x’ if automatic proposal of dates is required in order.


Overview screen to be displayed after entering original billing plan data.

Click and . Effect of Configuration Billing Plan type is now configured for Periodic and milestone billing and can be used for creating billing plan in sales documents.

7. Define Date Descriptions

BACKGROUND This configuration enables definition of Date Descriptions for billing dates in billing plans. These reasons are used for textual reasons only. Instructions Follow Menu Path: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Plan → Define Date Descriptions 1. Click

Click on for maintaining new entries apart from one’s defined in system. Fields maintained are Date description – Four character code for Date description

Description – Text description of date description. Click and .

8. Define and Assign Date Categories

BACKGROUND In this configuration date categories can be created and assigned to Billing plan types. There are various controls on combination of date category and billing plan type. It also specifies description for billing date. Several date categories can be specified for a billing plan type hence a default date category is also specified here for each billing plan type. Instructions Follow Menu Path: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Plan → Define and Assign Date Category 1. Click Following popup is displayed

Click on and

For maintaining new entries click on . Here we will see existing entry. Select entry of Billing Plan type ‘02’ and Date Category ‘01’ and click on

Fields to be maintained as below Field Name Field Description and Value BillingPlanType

2 character code for Billing plan type is selected here from list created earlier

Date Category 2 character code for Date category to be entered here.

Date Description

Description of Billing date to be selected here from List of descriptions created in previous task.

Billing Rule Specifies for Billing plan date how the value to be billed is determined.

In this case it’s a equal split in no of billing dates defined.

Billing block Default billing block to be proposed for billing dates in plan in sales document.

Click and . 2. Click on and

Default Date category is to be assigned to Billing Plan type in this configuration. Click and . Effect of Configuration Date rule is defined here for Billing Plan types.

9. Maintain Date Proposals for Billing Plan Types

BACKGROUND Date Proposal specifies the sequence of dates, which can be used during order processing as reference for date determination. Date proposal is used only for Milestone billing. When sales order is created with milestone billing dates are copied according to reference and re determined on based of current rules. Instructions Follow Menu Path: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Plan → Maintain Date Proposals for Billing Plan Types 1. Click

Select ‘01’ and click on

Click on

Click on

Following fields are maintained Field Name Field Description and Value Billing Date Billing date for billing plan

Date Description

Description of Billing date in plan

% Percentage of total amount to be billed in milestone

Block Default billing block for billing date

Billing rule Billing rule for milestone is selected here

Billing Type Default billing type to be used if required.

Click on Number of Billing plan would be generated on screen

Click and . Effect of Configuration Date proposal is assigned to Milestone billing plan, which would be used as reference when creating billing plan in sales documents.

10. Assign Billing Plan Types to Document


BACKGROUND Billing Plan type defined can be assigned in this configuration to Sales Document type. This configuration enables Billing plan creation at Sales Header level, which would apply to all items in sales document. Instructions Follow Menu Path: : IMG → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Plan → Assign Billing Plan Types to Sales Document Types 1. Click

Assign Billing Plan type to Sales document type Click and . Effect of Configuration Billing plan creation at Sales Header level is enabled.

11. Assign Billing Plan Types to Item


BACKGROUND Billing Plan type defined can be assigned in this configuration to Sales Item Categories; also Billing relevance is also assigned here. This enables Billing plan creation at item level. Instructions Follow Menu Path: : IMG → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Plan → Assign Billing Plan Types to Item Categories 1. Click

Billing Relevance - is assigned to Item Category and Billing Plan Type created earlier. Click and .

Effect of Configuration Billing Plan type is assigned to Item level and billing plan can be created at sales document item level.

12. Configuring Sales Document Header

12.1 Define Sales Document Types

BACKGROUND Complaints and Returns start with a sales order and hence configuration of Sales orders types is first step in cycle. The entire configuration is explained in Configuration guide for ‘Sales’. Here we will see the order types provided in Standard system for complaints and returns processing. The standard order types used are Process Order Type in system Subsequent Delivery Free of charge SDF Returns RE Credit Memo request CR Debit Memo request DR Instructions Follow Menu Path: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales Document Header → Define Sales Document Type 1. Click

Here the three options explained in background are applicable.

g. If existing Sales document type is to be modified, choose the document type from list and click on to get into details

h. For copying existing sales document type to new one

select the sales document type to be copied and click on or F6.

i. For creating a new sales document type click on

A. Order Type – SDF (Subsequent Delivery Free of charge) Here we will follow option “a” and select order type SDF and click on . To search for correct order type, click on

and enter the key. Following screen is displayed

Thus important thing here is that SD document category is

And document pricing procedure is B. Order Type – RE (Returns) Select order type RE and click on . To search for correct order type, click on and enter the key. Following screen is displayed

Here the important controls are: SD Document Category as C. Credit Memo Request – CR Select order type CR and click on . To search for correct order type, click on and enter the key. Following screen is displayed

Here the important controls are: SD Document Category as D. Debit Memo Request – CR Select order type DR and click on . To search for correct order type, click on and enter the key.

Following screen is displayed

Here the important controls are: SD Document Category as Click Effect of Configuration

Sales Document types for respective business scenarios within complaints and returns processing are defined. For further configuration tasks related to entire business process refer configuration guide for Sales, Delivery and Billing.