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  • 7/29/2019 sample.xlsx


    Effort Estimates


    Total Efforts

    (in Days) # Resources

    Elapsed Time

    (in days)

    Milestone # 1

    Analysis & Understanding 3 1 TL 3 D + 3

    System Design 3 1 TL + 1 SSE 3 D + 6

    HTML Mockups 10 I HTML Developer 10 D + 13

    Milestone # 2

    Development & Unit Testing - Admin

    site 13 1 SSE 30 D + 26

    Milestone # 3

    Development & Unit Testing - Web site 17 1 SSE 30 D + 43

    Milestone # 4

    Testing & Bug Verification 8 1 QE 8 D + 46

    Bug Fixing 3 1 SSE 3 D + 49

    UAT & Feedback Implementation 3 1 SSE 3 D + 52Project Management

    TOTAL 60

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    Clarifications document

    System Requirements Document

    Technical Design document with all customizations


    Assumed that Accuer will provide the required

    design assets

    Unit tested admin site

    Unit tested web application

    Tested application in different browsers as per

    requirement and in one mobile simulator

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    Sno Category Sub category / page

    Public web site

    Theme Integration HTML to Wordpress theme

    integration - Home Page

    HTML to Wordpress theme

    integration - Software Page

    HTML to Wordpress theme

    integration - Other Inner Pages

    Home Page Logo

    Banner Image (With Scrolling)

    Floating right side buttons (Try it,

    Follow us, Video

    Header Title of All Blocks

    Dynamic Content Blocks

    (Pregrame, Pressbox, etc)

    Playbook Video

    Playbook Content Block

    Playbook Let's Connect

    Get Off The Sideness block

    Top menu links

    Footer menu links

    Footer Copyright

    Software Page

    Create custom page template as

    shown in the desi n

    Banner Text

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    Banner Image (No Scrolling)


    Watch Video

    Trial Playbook

    Playbook Benefits (Page Content)

    Watch Video (Right Side Pane)

    Audiable Ready

    About Page Create custom page tempalte

    Banner Text

    Banner Image (No Scrolling)

    Page left side content

    Team Players / Press Contact

    Trial Playbook

    Case Studies Page Create custom page tempalte

    Banner Text

    Banner Image (No Scrolling)

    Page left side content

    What customers are saying?

    Trial Page Create custom page tempalte

    Banner Text

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    Banner Image (No Scrolling)

    Page left side content

    Contact us form

    Events Page

    Support Page

    Blog Landing Page Page Content

    Relay Playbook Block

    Subscribe by email

    Our favorite sites

    Upcoming Events

    Single Post Landing Page Page Template Setup

    Share Widget

    Comment Section

    Author Side Bar Widget

    Popular Tags

    Menu Top Menu Management

    Footer Menu Management

    All relevant pages Manage Button Text

    Blocks Home page blocks setup and


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    Banners Banner Image Management

    Content Pages Page HTML adding and setup

    Contact Us Contact Us Form Setup

    Email sending configuration

    Google Analytics Analytical code

    Hubspot or Marketo Hubspot or Marketo

    Newsletter Newsletter

    Manage Posts Categories

    Manage AuthorsSEO - Metadata/Page Title SEO

    Questions Questions

    Programming Language PHP

    DB MySQL

    CMS Wordpress

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    Design PSD

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    Assumptions Clarifications

    We didn't see designs for Support & Events page? Do we need

    to create new page for Videos, where all videos will be

    dis la ed? As of now it is redirectin to YoutubeAssumed that the logo will be static. Do you want to have option to change the logo from admin


    Assumed that banner images, texts, buttons will be

    fetched from backend and roating image effect will be

    rovidedAssumed that a dynamic HTML floating box will be

    dis la ed on the ri ht side for all the a es

    Assumed that this title will be dynamic and can be

    changed by admin

    Assumed that there will only be 6 blocks whose positions

    will remain fixed, only the content (title, description,

    ima e can be mana ed b admin.

    are the block clickable? Do we have a separate page for

    Training? We assumed that Support and Training both are same.

    Assumed that this will be a embeded video from

    youtube/similar services. We will simply use the static

    embed code.

    Do we need to develop a custom player? Do we need to provide

    an ability to upload videos from admin site?

    Assumed that we will display dynamic content here

    which can be mana ed from admin

    Assumed that this is newsletter, we are planning to use

    newsletter plugin for wordpress, the only feature we will

    be concentrating at is to accept signups from customers

    and allow admin to export the email ids.

    Do we need to provide an ability to create and send news

    letters from admin site?

    Assumed that the image/text can be managed by admin.

    Assumed that on click of "Go to Blog" will redirect user to

    the blog landing page

    Assumed that the top menus will be dynamic and

    managed by admin, assumed that this will be same in all

    a es.Assumed that the footer menu links will be dynamic and

    managed by admin, assumed that this will be same in all

    a es.Assumed that the copyright notices will be managed by

    admin, assumed that this will be same in all pages.

    Assumed that the logo and header menu will be same for

    all the pages.A new page template needs to be created which will be

    specific to this page.

    Assumed that the text will be dynamic, admin will have

    option to change banner title and description.

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    Assumed that the banner image will be dynamic here and

    different from home page, admin should have an option

    to chan e the banner ima eAssumed that the buttons text will be dynamic

    Assumed that watch video will open the video in a model

    popup, Assumed that we will receive embed code for the

    video from Accuer team.Assumed that this will always redirect to the trial page.

    Assumed that this will be a static page, whos content can

    be managed from backend.

    Assumed that the video will same like in home page

    Assumed that we will receive embed video code

    Is the video different from the one, which we have on the home


    Assumed that this will be a static block whose content

    can be managed dynamically. The subscription here will

    be same as Let's Connect section

    Is it different from 'Lets connect' of home page?

    Assumed that the text will be dynamic, admin will have

    option to change banner title and description.

    Assumed that the banner image will be dynamic here,

    admin will have the option to change the banner image.

    Assumed that this will be a static page, whose content

    can be managed from backend.

    Assumed that the details here will be presented as blocks

    (widgets) whose content can be managed by admin.

    Assumed that this will always redirect to the trial page.

    Assumed that the text will be dynamic, admin will have

    option to change banner title and description.

    Assumed that the banner image will be dynamic here,

    admin will have the option to change the banner image.

    Assumed that this will be a static page, whose content

    can be managed from backend.

    Assumed that the details here will be presented as blocks

    (widgets) whose content can be managed by admin.

    Assumed that the text will be dynamic, admin will have

    option to change banner title and description.

    Let us know if you want any other portion in this banner to be

    dynamic. The logo and the image near to it will be static

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    Assumed that the banner image will be dynamic here,

    admin will have the option to change the banner image.

    Assumed that this will be a static page, whose content

    can be managed from backend.

    Assumed that we need to display a contact form here

    with proper validation. Upon submitting the button an

    email acknowledgement will be sent to the user. Andadmin will be notified with the form fill request details.

    Need layout for Events page to provide estimation.

    Need layout for Supports Page to provide estimation.

    Assumed that we need to display latest 5 blog posts in

    landing page. Please confirm

    Is the blog accessible for public users?

    What will happen when user will click on share? Do you want to

    use 3rd party services like

    Assumed that the content of this block will be managed

    from admin panel

    Assumed that the subscribtion group is different from

    what we have in home page(Lets connect) of the site.

    Assumed that all the subscribers will receive only blog

    related notificationsAssumed that these will be static links which admin can

    manage from admin panel.

    Assumed that we have to display the latest events from

    events section

    Please share the design for the event page

    Assumed that we need to display the contents

    dynamically and alter the default page template to match

    our desi nAssumed that we will use addthis share code here,

    From the layout, we have assumed that disqus plug-in

    can be used for commenting.

    Assumed that all public users can post their comments

    Do you want to use wordpress default commenting system. Its

    asks for a username/email/url(optional)/comments details to

    post comments.

    Assumed that we need to display author information in

    the ride side bar

    Assumed that we need to display texts/links which can be

    managed by admin

    Do you want to display popular tags based on hits? Assumed

    that author or admin will add required tags for each post

    Assumed that admin will be provided the option to

    manage top menus

    Assumed that admin will be provided the option tomanage footer menus

    Assumed that we need to develop a custom plugin using

    which admin can change the text of any button. Here we

    are assuming the text for all squire button that we have

    seen in the PSDs. Please confirm on this requirement.

    Let us know if there are any other buttons which you would like

    to be managed.

    Admin Section

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    Assumed that we need to provide an option where

    admin will be able to manage banners, and its relavent

    texts.Assumed that initially we need to setup the HTML

    content for all pages along with there right column

    contentAssumed that we will setup exactly the same form as in

    existing site.

    Export the information into .CSV file Do you need captcha setup for spam protection?

    Assumed that emails will be sent to admin after every

    contact form fill. Users will also receive an

    acknowledgement. Assumed that the email will not have

    any mail template.

    Assumed that we will receive SMTP details from Accuer

    Do you need to setup any email template to edit?

    Please provide us the email address to which we need to send

    the email. (planning to use daily and

    Assumed that the site will use google analytics for page

    tracking. Please provide us with the google analytics code.

    Assumed that we need to setup page tracking codes for

    this similar to google analytics. Please provide us with the code for both sites.Assumed that we need to provide admin the option to

    import/export the email ids.Assumed that we have to integrate with scheduled jobs

    to send daily reports/news lettersAssumed that users will receive an email of

    acknowledgement when they subscribe us. Assumed that

    no email templates will be there.

    Assumed that we need to provide an option for users to

    unsubscribe from our newsletter.Assumed that all posts will go under default parent

    category. We need to setup few content posts for


    Do you want to categorize the posts? At present we are not

    displaying post categories anywhere in our template.

    Assumed that authors can be managed by adminAssumed that we need to provide an option to admin

    where admin can setup metadata / description / page

    title for all pages. Assumed that you will do it from your


    Please provide us with the metadata information for the current

    pages if you want us to do the initial setup?

    Do we need search functionality in the site?

    Do you want to use caching, where the pages, contents, images

    will be cached to gain performance of the site

    Do we need to integrate with any file server?

    Do we need integrate with AD or LDAP for users?

    Please let us know the browser requirements

    Is the site has to support for multiple languages?Is the site has to support mobile devices? We mean responsive


    Please let us know the live server details

    Assumed that we will be using PHP 5.3.x version to do

    the development.Assumed that we will be using MySQL 5.x as our

    database server.

    Assumed that we will be using Wordpress 3.6

    Technical Assumptions

    General Questions

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    Assumed that we will receive all design related images,

    PSDs for the entire website.

    Total Hours

    Total effort in days

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    Additional Comments

    Avg HRS

    First we will integrate the static HTML into

    wordpress. This will cover basic theme

    integration settings and placing the files

    properly, each page will be themed seperately.


    First we will integrate the static HTML into



    Set up other related inner pages 5


    Assumed that we have to develop a custom

    plugin for it along with page type plug-in


    HTML can be managed by admin 5













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    We need to develop a button text manager

    plugin for this




    We will setup the HTML and take care of the

    page alignment.


    We need to create and setup a widget for this

    and need to register a custom widget area


    We need to create and setup a new widget area

    for this, then need to merge newsletter

    subscription code with this.


    A new page template needs to be created which

    will be specific to this page. Reason is we havedifferent style for banners and right side content

    in all specific pages.




    We will setup the HTML and take care of the

    page alignment.


    We need to create and setup a new widget area

    for this.



    A new page template needs to be created which

    will be specific to this page. Reason is we have

    different style for banners and right side content

    in all specific pages.




    We will setup the HTML and take care of the

    page alignment.


    We need to create and setup a new widget area

    for this. Complete HTML for the right side block

    will be fetched from here.


    A new page template needs to be created which

    will be specific to this page. Reason is we have

    different style for banners and right side content

    in all specific pages.



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    We will setup the HTML and take care of the

    page alignment.


    We need to create and setup a new widget area

    for this. We are planning to use contact form 7

    (3rd party plugin) for this purpose. The contact

    form plugin will be refered here.




    Need to integrate the HTML to dynamically

    display data.



    We will use newsletter plugin for this purpose.





    Using addthis code will make it faster and






    We will setup and add necessary links for the top

    menus which can be configured later.


    We will setup and add necessary links for thefooter menu which can be configured later.


    We need to develop a custom plugin for this


    We will setup and provide the interface where

    the text for all the 6 blocks can be managed.


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    We will use more types plugin along with custom

    fields to setup the CMS for banner management



    We will setup the form fields and required

    validations for the same.


    The email will contain all the contact form field

    values and will be sent to the address that you

    will provide


    We will use a 3rd praty pluging using which

    admin can setup the google analytics


    We need to do R&D on this task


    We will be using newsletter plugin to achive this.



    We will setup and use the default newsletter

    plugin's unsubscribe functionality.



    We will setup and configure couple of authors

    for testing purpose



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