SafenetCY Stay Safe Online - World Vision International · Stay Safe Online Tips to stay safe on...

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Transcript of SafenetCY Stay Safe Online - World Vision International · Stay Safe Online Tips to stay safe on...

Stay Safe OnlineTips to stay safe on the Internet

and on your mobile phone

The Internet is an informative, interesting and entertaining world that also has hidden dangers. These tips will help keep you safe as you explore and enjoy the exciting world of the ‘net’…


Be careful who you send your picture to as some people 9may use it wrongly and hurtfully.

Tell your parents or a trusted adult if you come across 9information that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Check with your parents or teachers before downloading 9or installing software or doing anything that could possibly hurt your computer or jeopardise your family’s privacy.

Keep your member profile private when signing up in 9instant message accounts of social networking sites.

Be a good online citizen and do not do anything that 9hurts other people or is against the law.

Help your parents understand how to have fun and learn 9things online and teach them things about the Internet, computers and other technology.

Block someone you no longer wish to talk to. If you don’t 9know how, ask a teacher, parent or trusted friend.

Follow family rules. 9

STOP STOP!Report illegal or annoying

uses on the internet

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safer internet

Printing kindly sponsored by CyberEthics, co-funded by the European Commission.


Give out personal information such as telephone 8numbers, addresses of your school, home, parents’ work or personal email address when signing up to certain sites.

Agree to get together with someone you “met” online 8without first checking with your parents or a trusted adult. If you do choose to meet someone, arrange a public place with adult supervision.

Post sexually provocative photos of yourself or your 8friends on the web, exposing yourself to “Internet creeps.”

Respond to any messages that are mean or make you 8feel uncomfortable. It is not your fault. Tell your parents or a trusted adult right away so that they can contact the service provider.

Give out your Internet password to anyone, except to 8your parents.

The mobile phone is now part of everyday life; it is our message service, camera, radio, computer and more. These multiple tools are useful to us but they can also be used wrongly and hurtfully.

Bullies can use mobile phones to:

Take a photograph of you, their ‘target’ when you do not (expect it and then circulate it on the net to embarrass or hurt you.

Contact you by phone or send threatening and offensive (text messages any time of the day or night.

Send offensive or illegal photos or video to your mobile. (Share your phone number with various people or on (various sites.

Protect yourself against ‘bullying by mobile’:

Be careful with whom you share your phone number (and photos. Photos can be forwarded to anyone and can make you vulnerable.

Avoid returning hurtful messages via mobile as this (encourages bullying.

Block the numbers of people you don’t want to (communicate with.

Save hurtful messages with the time and date that you (received them as records of offence.

Tell an adult you trust and show them the hurtful (messages. They can use the records as evidence and inform the appropriate authorities.

Be a good ‘mobile phone citizen’:

Choose your words wisely. Just like in e-mails, TYPING (SMS MESSAGES IN CAPITAL LETTERS can be interpreted as SHOUTING.

Take care using pictures of people (especially if you don’t (know them). Make sure they agree to be in the picture.

Only send messages that you would be happy to receive. (

Mobile Phones and Bullying