Runanga structure

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Runanga structure: W Shortland & R Tana

Transcript of Runanga structure

Ko Hineamaru te tupunaKo Taumarere te awaKo Ngati Hine te iwi

Ngati Hine Pukepukerau

In 1887, tupuna Maihi Paraone Kawiti made severalproclamations, some of which were recorded in TePapatupu books.

We begin our presentation with a whakatauki Maihitook from the Bible. We assume that he used thisparticular whakatauki to caution his people in anyconsultation with Governments...

Ki te noho kourua ko te rangatira ki te kai tahi,ata whakaaroa marietia, nga mea i tou aroaro.Nga Whakatauki 23.1.2

“If you sit down to eat with a Sovereign, consider wellwhat is before you”.Proverbs 23.1.2

The following three proclamations illustrate Maihi’sintention for how his Ngati Hine people wouldconduct themselves rather than be governed byothers. The proclamations speak of our mana, ourtino rangatiratanga and our tikanga and how theytie us to the lands of Ngati Hine...

“Ko to matou mana me to matourangatiratanga me a matou tikanga katoa,koia ka herea nei o matou whenua i tenei rai te 9 o nga ra o Aperira, 1887”

“Our Authority, our sovereignty and all our customs wehereby secure to our lands on this 9th day of April 1887”

Ko ta matou whakahaere tenei, ko ta enei uri oHineamaru e noho nei i raro o enei puke e rua, oMotatau o Hikurangi, kua oti hoki te whakatauki,tu te ao tu te po, kia rite hoki ki te korero o teture nui o Ingarangi

“This is how we intend to act, these descendants ofHineamaru, who reside beneath these two hills ofMotatau and Hikurangi, of whom it is said, standsboth day and night, in concordance with that which issaid are the great laws of England”.

“Ko te tino tikanga kia kotahi tonu whakahaere a te Maori.Kaua e rere ke atu i runga i te tikanga. Me titiro ki teupoko, ko Hineamaru te pou hei herenga, hei pupuri hokii te tikanga a nga uri o Hineamaru mo te whenuapapatupu, apiti iho ko te whakakotahitanga a nga uri oHineamaru”

“The intention is that Maori conduct themselves with single purpose. That itshould not vary in practice. When you look to its head the figure that binds,is Hineamaru. She is the repository of all customary practice, which thedescendants of Hineamaru might utilise in respect of these customary lands.And thereby ingrain the unanimity of Hineamaru descendants”

TE ROHE WHENUA O NGATI HINE:– Pertains mainly to the land blocks known as Motatau 1 to 5


- Lands which Maihi Kawiti identified as places in which Ngati Hine sharedcommon interest with other Iwi and hapu

Te Porowini o Ngati Hine

I rohetia e Maihi i tenei takiwa heiRohe Tangata mo Ngati Hine i tetau 1878:

“Hikurangi titiro ki Pouerua, Poueruatitiro ki Rakaumangamanga,Rakaumangamanga titiro ki Manaia,Manaia titiro ki Whatitiri, Whatitirititiro ki Tutamoe, Tutamoe titiro ki teTarai o Rahiri, Te Tarai o Rahiri titiroki Hikurangi ki nga Kiekie whawhanuia Uenuku.

‘This area was identified by MaihiKawiti as the ‘Te Porowini o NgatiHine’ or the ‘Province of NgatiHine’.

TE RUNANGA O NGATI HINE• 1887 Maihi Kawiti established aRunanga to provide political andoperational leadership for Ngati Hine

• Today the descendants of Ngati Hinemaintain that tradition

•In 1989 Ngati Hine registered theRunanga under the Maori CommunityDevelopment Act 1962 and created aCharitable Trust.

Maihi Kawiti

Ngati Hine Policies• Te Runanga o Ngati Hine recently released two documents:

– Te Pae Tawhiti – Strategic Plan

– Nga Tikanga mo te Taiao o Ngati Hine – Ngati Hine Iwi Environmental Management Plan 2008

These are available on the website at

Strategic Plan EnvironmentalManagement Plan

Proposed structural changesfor Te Runanga o Ngati Hine...

Proposed Structure o Te Runanaga oNgati Hine

Iwi – Ngati Hine

Te Runanga o Ngati Hine

Executive Committee

Ngati Hine Treaty Settlements

(Yet to be established)( Currently part of Te Aho Claims

Alliance (Unincorporated))

Ngati Hine Health Trust(Charitable Trust Act)

Ngati Hine Forestry

(Te Ture Whenua Maori)

Ngati Hine Fish Trust

(Charitable Trust

Yet to be established)

Radio Ngati Hine

(Incorporated Society)

Te Reo o Ngati Hine Ngati Hine Maori Wardens

Te Roopu Kaumatua / Kuia(Unincorporated)

(3 representatives from each marae)

Ngati Hine Environmental /Economic Unit

(Yet to be established)

Conceptual Views of the RunangaStructure

Iwi – Ngati Hine

Te Runanga o Ngati Hine

Executive Committee

(3 representatives from each marae)

Members of Te Runanga o Ngati Hine will elect theirExecutive and appoint co-opted members



Ngati Hine Treaty Settlements

Ngati Hine Health Trust Ngati Hine Forestry

Ngati Hine Fish Trust

(Maori Fisheries Act)

Radio Ngati Hine

Te Reo o Ngati Hine

Ngati Hine Maori Wardens

Te Roopu Kaumatua / Kuia


Ngati Hine Environmental /Economic Unit

REGISTRATIONSWho should Register?

• All descendants of Hineamaru

• All persons who affiliate to marae in Te Rohe Whenuao Ngati Hine

• All Tamariki Whangai / Atawhai who were born orraised within the context of a Ngati Hine whanau

• All persons whether through marriage or defactorelationship chooses to associate with Ngati Hine

• All persons who are associated to marae and hapuwhich may choose to affiliate to Te Runanga o NgatiHine

REGISTRATIONSWhy register with Te Runanga o Ngati Hine?

So you can…

be informed

stay connected


have your say

So Te Runanga o Ngati Hine can…

present a collective view

generate economic growth

support social development

preserve and enhance te mana o Ngati Hine


How do I register?


Fill out a form