Road to Revolution Content by: Sarah Zach, Tatem Kingsbury, and Jayda Swenson Template Design by:...

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Transcript of Road to Revolution Content by: Sarah Zach, Tatem Kingsbury, and Jayda Swenson Template Design by:...

Road to Revolution Content by: Sarah Zach, Tatem Kingsbury, and Jayda Swenson Template Design by: Mark Geary

People British Acts




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Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from H1

He was the first president of the United States.

$100 Answer from H1

Who is George Washington?

$200 Question from H1

He wrote the Declaration of Independence.

$200 Answer from H1

Who is Thomas Jefferson?

$300 Question from H1

He helped create the Virginia Plan.

$300 Answer from H1

Who is James Madison?

$400 Question from H1

He created the Connecticut Compromise, which was later known as the Great Compromise.

$400 Answer from H1

Who is Roger Sherman?

$500 Question from H1

He negotiated peace terms in Paris with the British.

$500 Answer from H1

Who is Benjamin Franklin?

$100 Question from H2

Trade law passed by British Parliament in 1764 to reduce smuggling in the colonies and to make money to pay for war.

$100 Answer from H2

What is the Sugar Act?

$200 Question from H2

Law passed by Parliament in 1765 that placed a direct tax on paper goods (cards, diplomas, deeds, marriage licenses) and services within the colonies.

$200 Answer from H2

What is the Stamp Act?

$300 Question from H2

Act passed by Parliament in the 1766 that declared or stated that Parliament had the right and authority to make laws for the colonies in all cases and any acts of colonial assemblies were null and void.

$300 Answer from H2

What is the Declaratory Act?

$400 Question from H2

Series of laws passed by Parliament in 1767, establishing indirect tax on goods imported from Britain by the British colonies in North America.

$400 Answer from H2

What is the Townshend Act?

$500 Question from H2

Series of acts by Parliament in 1774 to punish the colonists fro Boston Tea Party; these acts closed the port of Boston until colonists paid for tea, made changes to Massachusetts government, lodged British troops with colonists, and let British officials charged with murder go on in trial in England.

$500 Answer from H2

What are the Coercive Acts or Intolerable Acts?

$100 Question from H3

The document that lists the reasons Americans wanted to be free of English Rule. Written by James Madison

$100 Answer from H3

What is the Declaration of Independence

$200 Question from H3

The second written plan of government for the United States that explains the powers and duties of the government.

$200 Answer from H3

What is the Constitution?

$300 Question from H3

The first 10 amendments to the Constitution.

$300 Answer from H3

What is the Bill of Rights?

$400 Question from H3

The first written plan of government for the United States.

$400 Answer from H3

What is the Articles of Confederation?

$500 Question from H3

Agreement to end the Revolutionary War and recognize the United States as an independent nation

$500 Answer from H3

What is the Treaty of Paris of 1783?

$100 Question from H4

The meeting in 1787 at which the United States Constitution was written.

$100 Answer from H4

What is the Constitutional Convention?

$200 Question from H4

This plan recommended a bicameral (having two legislative chambers or houses) congress with representatives assigned based on state populations. This large state plan gave advantage to more populated states. It also called for three branches of government.

$200 Answer from H4

What is the Virginia Plan?

$300 Question from H4This plan had the support of the small states. This plan recommended three branches of government and a unicameral (one-chamber or house) congress with equal representation as under the Articles of Confederation.

$300 Answer from H4

What is the New Jersey Plan?

$400 Question from H4

This plan called for a bicameral congress with representation in a lower house, the House of Representatives, and an upper house, the Senate. This plan also recommended three branches of government.

$400 Answer from H4

What is known as the Great Compromise or the Connecticut Plan?

$500 Question from H4

This compromise allowed five slaves to be counted as three residents for the purpose of deciding representation and assessing taxes, the setting oftaxes or fees.

$500 Answer from H4

What is the Three-Fifths Compromise?

$100 Question from H5

Act of vandalism in 1773 by the Sons of Liberty, who threw 342 chests (15,000 pounds) of tea owned by the East India Tea Company into Boston Harbor to protest the Tea Act.

$100 Answer from H5

What is the Boston Tea Party?

$200 Question from H5

Event in 1770 when colonists threw rocks and snowballs at British troops to harass them, which resulted in the death of five colonists when the British soldiers fired into the crowd.

$200 Answer from H5

What is the Boston Massacre?

$300 Question from H5First battle in the American Revolutionary War in a town in northeast Massachusetts on April 19, 1775; 700 British troops were met by 70 minutemen, resulting in the killing of eight Americans and the wounding of 10.

$300 Answer from H5

What is the Battle of Lexington?

$400 Question from H5

Last major battle of the war; led to the surrender of British troops in 1781

$400 Answer from H5

What is the Battle of Yorktown?

$500 Question from H5

Fighting during the American Revolution outside of Boston; British won when colonists ran out of ammunition, but the British left Boston shortly afterward.

$500 Answer from H5

What is the battle of Bunker Hill (Breed’s Hill)?

Final Jeopardy

Fighting in upstate New York during the American Revolution in 1777; considered the turning point of the war because the French joined with the Americans as a result of their win here.

Final Jeopardy Answer

What is the Battle of Saratoga?