.. Riverhead;collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard19090611.pdf · Wotththei Dr....

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Transcript of .. Riverhead;collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard19090611.pdf · Wotththei Dr....


r .




\ I •

~ r.rO'l"''Q: ~~~Prices!" .... _._,;;._

We bate alllf*ies ol Lumber in IIOCk. 1114 persons requiring material ie-.dlal line ate asked to inspect them aDII obaiD the prica. ~

Oa blnd-6o,ooo feet of s.S Spruce, ..... for Fencing. Tb45 ~ ~olr~ ed'tar aa. moa&b from date at ~ ~ per JdO feet-cheap and Jood fencing.

To amte-a JJrge atupment of all ~ o(l..umber. ALJ. AS DllY AS


Of Gntd Britain,

~. YIClllll 1811110~ Calla atteutiou to Sports lor Foot­balls. Cricket Balla, Criciet Bats aad Wkftts.Tzold~~ointed 8l1d bamboo, Trout Boob, Fly Hooks, Double and Twisted Gut GaDged ~~, .Bait· HooD, Common Bait Hoob, Sets of Garden Tools. Eve~ing iu. New ¥-aga.ziaes, Fasb1on Books, Letter-Writers, Drum Booka, Joke Books. ·

'cl(ul · Re~~ai,US, ~~L House-Ymishings for iDside aod out· .-Billa collected monthly.

aide worln All neatiJ finished and

Board, Scantling, Dry Go·ods. I

GroCeries, Hardware . · Lumber of Good Quality now in Stock.

-ALSO-Full assortments of Dry Goods, P1'0vidions, Grocerie~-. ware, Mnttrnsses, Crockeeyw91e,_Fnrniture, &t<S: . Thomas· Ross, Harbor Grace


Provisions, Gr~rie~ - Cadiz Salt, Tar, ~tch, ~

.lffish~ry Supplies, &c. Beach Premises, :· ~arbor Grace. ~Branch Business at Grady, Labrador.

" . . St. John's Marble Works

'· • •

aupplied at abort notice. • 811 SeDd Ill JOur ordm, and receive 'lunl CODY - ~aqag~r. ·-PERSONS. REQUIRING--

Bicy~le. ~t!t=., good material and llhe •AIUf~CTURER'' .. LH~a Monuments, Hea.dstones, Tablets rN Goo» CONntTioN. IIRI. BOSSE ·liD SO,, "'I ~ ' and such like ·Work ·.

SPANIARD'S BAY. 111rucc 0. cnn be ~JUited by addressing the Pl'Oprie.toi· o; the above-

-An old reapected &arbor Orate lady pUMd a~y to ber reat at 8t. Job.n·a on Satardaylut. lfr.. J'aaa1 Stratbie. The ,..QUet CODtaiJlt-a" her remain•. accompanied by llr. Stratble. the Bo11. Donald llcmeoa, and Mr . • Robert Trapnell, were brought over here oa Koaday ~t. The funent took place from the station. Interment "a• made ja the' family lot In tbe Pn.byteriaa cemeter1. the Rn. ltfr. Coilia of St. ADAlteW'S c:Oa.dactlag the aerv1ce. t~F--IPHl•ll

To tlae coocS.

Total Iucom.e. - • 12,433,114.S6. ruuned Works. (Ef"Ontpott letters of enquiry promptly nuswc1·c<l•e timntcs

Iusuranr.ea in force Dec. 31, 1907, 800 II. · No. 1 SHINQLiS, Also MatchecJ BOARD, &c. ' t51,23'1,157.00.

of prices nnd styles furnished, nnd satisfaction t' · to customers. .

J. MoiNTYRE, 'Proprietor.

1Dtei1ational Stock f8ld oallalt • Firewood, Oats, Hay, Cattle Feed, . Harness, &o., for, sale. A lao. Provisiqns and GrocerieS: Verbena Flour always in stock

"'at bottom price. THOMAS WALSH. • Riverhead; ..

No other Canadian · Company has ever equalled this record at the same age. •

WM. BUTT, Maaager for Conception Bay.


G~OCERIES 'l...&..oiL...I ... :E> PRO A1 J • .t.

TEA-A. special~f all best grades. . . Cod1l.ah, Herring, . F;-uit of all kinda. ·

Green Grooeries an &o.it:lle of all kinde. Stationery of all kinde. Coni .... ~ionery, wholesale & Hardware and--orockeryware. Pailita of all colours. Paints, Oila, Tobaooo and Cigarettes of the beRt firMee.-­~atbe~ and 'teatherware. Carriage and Cart Ifornen, ~Boraea and CarriageS' for hire at all times. '

Onfca. -1. KIKBI:RLBY ROW Rope and Fiahi.ng Implement.. Also, a good stock ot Buu R•ruK;, ' • patent medioi'nes. Pruaeian Oil always at hand.

(Oppoast;srarof the Sea HalL) I ~Agent for the ~ost Wire Fencing Co. ~a ST. JQJDf' l • 18-PwUj requiring Paatu.n>laud can be acc:MunO<lattd •

• I I · . + •


~nranu ~o'n.

Ne4 ou .... llb: toaether a luKe np ot &bfok aour cream a»d a fiill .of IUJar, Add flye esga well !I 0118 teupooo bakto IOda a-lUUJe ou&meg. Ad~ enough flour to make the proper &blokD811 for frrJog. Do no't pu~ too mub u. ft,.t, · bui try a bU of tbe doqh ln \he boillng fat, and if U u too aoft add more ilour &o \he dou*b.



- lNG, SUCH AS­~--..:...;.;,.;... ~ Pamphlets Posters Cards Billheads

9rder l}eoks Receipts Circulars

So.ciet_y and · u-rch W .ork

Asreements • . I

Letterheads• Envelopes· Calendars Commercial


·General Jobbing.


N eat in Style,

Moderate in Prict . . ' ·._

Prompt D esp;.u· \.·

' . JAMES D. l)ltO · .

Dealer jn R eal !¥ate, 111 • sion Agent, Con,·cyanccr, '\.p of Sup. eourt, Auctioneer.~

Har'bor Grace, - N c11;{oun_.,'..,' .......

- t ft~eJ)atbor erace ,Stall r - ~···· : - AND- I j # OONO.El'TlON .flt\ Y AOYER'J!t!>~l. r. printed and pubi!Ahed ovory tt~c!. · ovoD.Jnf., at tho 8TA,;DAIU> O!Dc<'J' \ ' k torta 8 ., .Harbor Graeo, by Muno t~ 0 . •

Soblerlptton Ratoe:-$2.00 por anuulll : ( LOO ~r liaH roar: to rore)an aubscrll eu Uitt'ato. will be $2..50.

Adver1bln~ RKtol"-l>O eeut" J'M' ,.,.t ' fOt BUt l~riJbll; h;r•nt:r (!CII l~ J'' f In • lor oaeb t>OnUnualinu. Spoclal r~o~<-• fo t bree or- miJfC monlhe. Thf' numbf't ot fnt•rtlOIU 01 advtrtlUilltDtl JUOII apt'IIDtcl by the a4nru .. r

·. ! 't.·., ,


. •


Wotththei Dr. Morse's Indian

Root Pills.

Dr.' Morse's Indian Root Pills.

Book!IMMr -SIAiaocr&Pba AdnrtiMIMIIt Wile. Sbow Card Wrtkr Slgn Painte r Marine EnglDoer l lluatrator Chemla\ f!l~trlelan 1-:l~trlal Englooe-..


Street and No.

celled stamps for set of Arizona 1 Caligr~ph T1pewrlter. Ia. ' Wanted:!n~:.j FORSAI..If!: A

Indian Posrals, or stick pin.- good coaditiou. Will be eold at·• • J nternational Pub. Co., Box low fipre. Appl1 at Sr..umUD

903, Tuc;son, Ariz. OSee. '



. ·

-~~-~llfJiileual DIYI:I, d~cna, fuDo&lOilal beiclaohe, hqQallJ Dearalala. aola\loa aDd eYeD ~al ~Ytia. Dr. WUllami Pink Pilla balta up tbe. blood, xe..U wu&e &Dd ~ nD& ud-cheok dl....._ Tbaf 811 the SJilPl wllb riah, red tiloOd whloll meaDS pod health ua ·ur ..

Ylu Marie Dionoe, 8&. Anale, Qoe. •Y• :-•· I am d .. plylf&&e­ful ior wbat Dr. Wllllama' Pink PWa ha\'e done for me. lly blood bacfaluaoe& tamed to water. I wu ~eud had nohppeU\e,'eaffered J'allbfol remembrancer orone so -ftvmron. palua In the baok ud tide. and d ,..., bad a f .. un1 of ooastao' depree- 0 ..,el , • th b K&DJ&ob•.Juu pat.cnc. ...... -6.00 Lo 6-M lloa. 'l'betmallllt e.ser\IOD would h w eeme aaeet, ouc unn.· Yanhoba aecood paten'--.. .6.60 t.o 6.90 I-.e me bJMthl-. ... od I waa rt· peotecl here . Mtn~apoli. patcobs ........... 6.60 t.o 6.80 c1-.a lD deeb an til I oDly ~lthed Who bidd'et me honol' wHh an XAnau pat.enta ................. .6.70 to 6.(10

.... arLleu eong ofaniLoba a.nd OnL&rio ......... 5.00 Lo 6.80 98 pouncb. IaoL nothing el P Affectlonak, a mother I oat 80 long! Win&U wbeat-00 per cent - 4.80 Lo 6.00 me aalll I betran the uae1of Dr. ~ · Pork, por brl, m OM-........ 1!1-M Lo 20.00 William•' Pink Pille. They' began My m her I when I learnt that BolL Pork ........ ~-......... 19-M Lo 20.00 helping me after the 6'\tooople or thou ut dead, . .PQrk, per btl., lam. mca ... 22.00 Lo 28.00 week .. ant\.,lo a few weeke·more I Bay wae• thoa conoioua of the Pork, bean ............ .... ~ .... 11. 17-M wu qalo perfeotly well. The 'tears I abed? Beef, per brt . ...... _ ..... , .. _ Lo 17.60 ool- returolcl '"' my obeeke, \be HO"\'e,ed thy eplrit o'er thy eorrow· B IUD, ~lb., C. nadia( • n.... ll t.o 22

80 ,.. "' I - al Ill 111011 - l!&m, per nr., Bel aat...... - to -painl lef' me, and 1 aed In • ~ ~ ,

1 , . • Ram, por lb., J.ipton•e. ... 23

0 welgbl aalll now I welrh 180 Wrt!F enn then, I fe • JOtll')ley Bacoo, per"lb .................. 16 to 25 poaada. I feel '<)happy for what ... JUii begun T Oboeae, por lb .................. l~ t.o 20 Dr. Wllllame' Pink .PUle han done Perhaps thou 1aveet me, though Butter, por lb., Canadian... 26 t.o 80 for me &hal I bor. eome olber atl· onaeen a ltlu .:. Oleo, per lb ............. ~...... IS t.o 22 mr, mlRJ'able sir will pro8L by my Perbape a iear, lf ~oul CAD weep in Molaal~, In puo., pu pl ...... O.U Lo 0.82

;.;....1 d b•·' h~·'th bll• . Sogar,lisM brown, {ltlr cwt5.80 Lo 630 e.s1-aeace an o .-n oew -.. . Ah h • al U l Supr, ~ul.&\ed, per cwL ... 7 .so Lo 7.60

Sold by aU dealen in medlolne, • ' a\ matern 1m e n aoewer So~ loaf, per owL ......... 9 60 to 10.00 or wUI 6e HDl by mall, poet paid, _..y.._ s;:;d, perbag, No. L ....... -....... - t.60 at 60 oeo&a per box, or el.x ~~~ May I but meet thee on \hal peace· ar.d, per b&lf,.No. 9 .................. ,4.80 , I" 7n' 'f ;....acli l Meu T ful ~ore, .Potatoes, P.E.L ......... - .... " .......... .9.i0 aor •· ""' .... 811 nl re. • The DU\loaf word eball pue my Po&a&ota~,.loe&l ....... - ..................... 2 00 KoWardo • Co., BL Jo g'a. • lfpe 00 morel -:;-Cowper. C&rrota, r..e..L-..... ~ .................... !1.20 '

' Bee\, per !1C. ................... ~ t.o 4.001 • A FRlltND '1'0 WOJi"EN Peu, per brl., rouod ......... 4.90 to 5.16 .

- Pear, per j brl., rollCd ........ .2.GO IC\ 2.~ What moet YO &ito ~olre to malte Pear, per brl., ap!H ~ .......... 6.00 t.o 7 J/0

Lhem ahooa aucl1

hea "!_~ .. an4 tou - OLD ~.'"OOT.-Tbe ho~fal Pcaa, per ! brl., a~Ut.. ........... 8.60 t.o 8.70 roatoro ,aoocf oomp e:doo ...... a "' p 1 4~ roond~form la more blood, more rlob,,_alunl of tbe ·Codfish sllua on ia eu, grt!tn, pcr .................. .. - ..... • red bl~, Reb uta a4ded to &be •l!tom \bat we-are Dol likely \o ban any C.Javancet, per lb ..................... 8 to 8l by Lhe t1H of Dr. Cb ... 'l Nerve Pood. of laat year's voyage ln etoclt by 0~o~ea.l1 per brl ............... 7 20 t.o 7.60 Hu.dacib•, lu~t1oo and &be weak· od d Sal~, per bbd ....... " ............ 1.00 to 1..20 eneaa ana unaillartU .. IIOOo d~~H~&r the· time &be new go I are rea Y KUOHlle oU, pu plloo ...... O.I6t Lo .20 ,. when lhla peah .. toraUvela IIM<L for tblpment. The· low prloee of Tob&coo, per lb ..................... 61! t.o 70

lut ee-n baa mea.nt a wider area -Coo' On.;:....AJ far as we can of ooneomplion, and !com the look- .i'RODOCE, l'RUJT, BTO

aeoerlaln aL preeenl, there will be of tbinga at preeent, Ule new fteb Hay, per Lon ....... w ........ . ........... 24.GO DO money In rttlnfid cod on &ble will ~o(b, a\'allab}e for ehipm-.nt Fodder, per.ton .. .. ........... 18.00 Lo 20.00 eeuon. u earlyat~~ual. Thtee two pointe ~ta, pe.r buehel .............................. 70

-FJ,oua SITUATION-Floor eUII oooUnuee bltJh with no immedlata proepect of a drop. Olring to late aeuon bere, and slower out6Ung, we have atill fair supply in stoolt, and, ~erefore buying from \be cnllls is emalll&f than ueaal. The principal thought in the local boeln.. man'• mind ie that he trill WOlTf alODg 'witlrtbe prennl boldin~ Ull .July wheat ie a vall· ehle, when he expecta to get lower prioea. •

:..wsu-r Pat0121.-LA8T week Jal.1 wheat stood •t $1.16! ; when WIJ went to preea yee\er4ay U had "'"n""'" to 11.18•, and the tendeooy

eaid to be upward. There are .who etale tbe hish figuree npreeent the laat klok or the combine, and tb'at by the time next month'• •h•' II -read,, prioee will han t.aho a more donward ooane. MeaoUD)e we llO&e tha' for the 1'oya1e are eapp~ u oloaely u U.e belief that thtP.J may \'ell.oo'k . la~ lo \be 1euon, lbe; hope for a . drop In rrtoe. Tbla it Do\ an aoreaaonablf' aUl· Lude to t.ab, .in Yiew or e4ipping facllltee ~oos ,the oout \ncl to Labrador.-Tnde Re•ie" . ..

leeJ lilart's Lllllmett il tlc hU

¢ .

Ought to make maoh beUer prlcet Bran, per lOO.lb. ~~aok ·-.... ~ ......... 1.40 CAttle teed, 100-lb. sack - ............. 1.75

for n·e, 4th t}lan were given laat C«n, per aaclc .......................... .... i.UO t year; but we would not at preeent Cornmeal, per brl ... - ......... 8.60 to 8.80 ' ven,ure on a more definite elate· Onions, per oaae. .. ................... ... t.S.OO ment or popular pr\cet. ~~per doson, loul .............. - .. none

»emea, )lArtridge and whorta ........... SO - Howe CoMJ'J:TiTIO!(,-Unfortu­

nat.ely the· moli.elea importer• or Newfoundlud help largely to keep up the ~oe o! molueee in Barba· doe, on irhloh we are de~denl fot thal- arlicle: Their ebipa, bound bome from BruU in !brob and April. are Umed,aa near aa poaall>le, ro etrllte- the be(Jioninr or the mo· laaeea eeaaon, and the com~lon and scramble for the ftnJt r ee ineTltablT reeollln eendinf111p e prioe. I \here waa any \o of u~ of aoUoa for the common g~ amoOBst ~e owaera.o[ theee nor\b-boand Teetelt, a few days bold off would 8x the 'JJ:eu and enr.1 " .... 1 would get rgo'at a much lower price tha lsed a\ preeent.

- In oonneo\lon with the above, W. A. Mann, of St. J ohn'a, is a large deale\' in lilolaaeea,

u• the subjoined lOtaage reeei"fed by bien from lleurs.

and Swan : .. Panoy mo--1&111!181--IUJpollible to )luy under 17 oeJ)la, flrJ\ o• ; punoheone U 00 extra. Grocery molauee, 18 ceota flnt coet, punobeona tt 'extra.­Ttad.e Re"fiew.


.R&iaine, per box ............... 2.20 to ~0 ltaiain•, por box, California. .. ......... G,OO Curranta, per ow~ ........................ 6.40 . Orangu, pe.r caeo ........................ 8.60 Ahneria Grapet .................. : ........ t.OO

OOJ.L. •

Nonh Sydocy, pe.r lon .~ ........... . South Sydney ........................ . Victoria ....................... ........... . Glace Bay .. ....... \ ..................... .

LOM.JIItll. Juniper .......................... 25.00 tO bitlglce, oodar, No.1, pr. M .. 4B>

Sbinglea, Br, No. 1 ................. ..

Latba. ... ... ~ ........... ................ . Sblngloe, pine, No. 1 .... ~ ..... ..

:Pall oge .. .. . . ............... ... . . ..1.60 Spruce board; No. l ...... .. 18.00 t.o _,"'f'I'.IC""'r Spruce plank, joiotlng, atud­

dlng and •c•otling ...... ~0.00 to 1-jn. p. 4: t. epzuco flooring .......... . ~-in.~ & 1. ap'co fioorlng..20.00 t.o !.tin· p. oi ~- ep'ce fiooring...20.00 to Pi no boa.rd ( clco.r ) ............ .liO.OO to Hardwood plAnk . ............. so.oo ..._,_.,., ,

The above quot.uiona aro wb4:llcatlt'~· '

ExchaDte on Lonfon·aJlt LiTerpool l.OOAJ. lL\ T£8 :

Buyio,-44.!84 ; els:bt t4.85l. · · ~Uiog-$U7 ; tl~lit, 14.881. 1 , Tmde Review.

tbe l&ftlll~rih eutetpriea. by the by, with which the Rl&'llt Boa. Bond had eomethiar to do.

This estimate aeema at least at firateirbt to be a I&D(11iae one, we all taaat aot too aaaplne.

The lear eaded Ja~ 30th, 1~ wu ao a bad year. The reYeDae waa one of the largest oa record. yet It only exc:eecled 'tJi&t of the yeu be· fore. which wu &lao a pod one. bJ, u Mr. CuhlD abcnn, S78,000. It Ia u he al.o poilata out to the 6aber­iea tJV.t Ia dae tile prosperity of the COGDtry, &a4 to it we muat chief­ly IQolr for iacreaae of reftnae. Jfow, while tbe amall atock of fiab to market aad tbe pr~ of a better price for fiah are In our Ja Yor, the Claeatloa I• aball we obtain a auliaent catch aad a loo4 euoarh price to qsalre' ap a gOodly paft of tbia $70,000 of zeYeDue oYCr fhat 'bf Jaoe 1908 tbt tbe M. of F. eatl. mate.. 'l'be bberiea are prqverbi· ally UDcert&in.. la it likely a l.o, we oateel.a do aot kaow CDOQCh


. R~~d~eW;f~un~~1a<;ompa~


Mr. Bennett ia a aati•e of <!upiile, and baa been in India 1 ~ears. He Iabore Ia Gujerat, a aatiY,e .tate on the aortb-weat c:o&at. There ia only, II we IUidentand aright. one EuTo­peu mlulODarJ to every 20,0()11,000 of f:!!Ople. Mr. Bennett' a obje\:t in Yitit!Dg America La to £0 more e.x­teaalftlf land ayatematially into

· Q.Ommencing SATTROAY, June 5th, and conti~uing l!ntil further notice Excurs~ Return TicketS a1:

Q~e Way ... First Class Fare will be ~eel to:and frQSa all tltations between SL John's, Car-bonear aad Placen~ Going- good on all trains or Saturo, '; tetum~g trains of Monday following.


Wholesale ·Agents, · St. J9hn's. \

THE IIOTE~ -ROYAL,~ ' ... 0 •

~208 Dackwortlt Street, ,t. Jo~n·, . .

This Hotel, formerly the Waverly, has been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished throughout, and now under new management ___ __:-_-_R_~TES MC?D7R_.ATE.- L./

f. T~ .MEANEY, Propfietor • .

'il"oi1 Can Heal ~~~Your.

traiaiu( of a aath e minialrJ.. ,l'iabcozy{JI••",;'••t'1c""'111 ~ aimJ toraiae'~OOO to buy land,

erect a college, orphanage. and otber aeeeaaary buildings for t1.1e work. , With thla object he will make 'a tour of several months through Caaada aao.l the United Statee. He returns to Newfound­laud aen l!'all. Bia 'tri£e, me&Il· while remains in Cupid... Mr. Ben­nett wbllat here was the gueet of Mr. aad Mrs. John Duil. We omitted to ay above that Coughlan Ball tni•tee• kiadl7 gave Mr. Ben· nett the ue of their ball aa a dona· tioa to & rood cause, undertaken oa undenomraatioa&llinee. but aympa­thlled "ith and aupported by peo­Fle of dUferent churc~ea.

wlbaelte4 • JFooc!IP&DT, clwspe lo the Boue of Aaaembly, • we remarked. '

"Yea, "l&icl8ir Robert. •• '!!here ia a0t a ID&Il i1J the Boase of A.uem­bly to-day wbo wu there wfmll eu­tered it for the lrat time u a mem­ber. Jfot oalylauetbe ~chaqed ao n4Jeally, bat tbe coaapoaitloa of the Bonae doea aot la aay way COIDp&nl with tlaat of t.eaty-elrbt or tllirty yeara ap."

We weq about to u1c Sir Robert llow tlala fact~nld tie accouatecl fot

be ~bt the iateniew to a c1oee b.1 ayfa_r he had· aa eo pte· ~~ f6r IP.Q IIDd muat harry to keep it.- 'l'ilecra-, rue 8th. -· -....:Tho R.n. -Fr. Thibaidt arrived here br tbe s.s. . Proe~ oa bla iray to hla home Ia Gu7aboro, N• Bcotia, to aee bla fatb wb& '- eetl~ly lJl Tbe Re•. . Tbilliaalt Ia wry well liftd w e· net lie~ u4 ••ch 11111 1 ie felt for blm Ia fbe iUa of Wa ~,


Visitor, -,..hose watch baa atopped, grip in bad, accoat ing a dti~en :

·•Call ~u tell me what o'clock it ia, pteue ?"

Citlzeo, heaitatingly : " What time do you want ?''

" The ri.rht time, of course, buai· ncaa-time. •~" '

TO &UBSCRIBERS,-' .. -• OLD AND NfW, PAYING 'THf RfttJLAR PRICf. fOR THf STANDARD IN ADVANCf, . • · The ~~.treal rt Weekly Herald," that

"I'd like to. air, but I've left my U.t at llome. Yon ace th*e'a the Atddlla1cl Jl'a~, tlme, and the Jtarbor qrace BoOt a.ad Shoe• F':lc·

ti!ft, p41'owa l:Jell time, 3Jid American telegraph, t ime. ~

there's train time, and·-''



• Fa~ew~pap~r, (usual price $1 ). or

• H tur-dozen J. H, Rogers TE.A~I'( • (valued at $1), or '

~'Stay, air • .J eame to tbia1Dwn to­day on a little buaiaeae. 3Jid 1 bo.ve to leue bJ the mocajug'a t r:1in. r baYeD't time to henr you further ; bat the next time I come- "

"All riJht: then air. we'll have other tlmea by that aoa'a time, and perhaps Postal

tlme, and--" S ir, 1 think I 'll

once. or 1'11 never know when to leave at all. C:ln I catch that tr:1in I hear blowing ?"

·• Yea air, If abe's noJ on\ time. " , ~~l11$r apeeda up the biH.

Wb~t'a o'clock?

- Mr. Frank NcR11e baa been a'bte out for IOIJle days now, after

ea.vyattaclc of cold. Mr. A . G. qD!I, a autJerer from the aame

mala!l1 ever alnce bia return {rom St. 1obn'a a fC?rln ight or eo aro.. ia milch better and arollnd I.(Dia. '-

• . Qie pr.large ·HOUSEHOLD ·rssoR' • .. tension spring (valued at $1).

pr-Bill Head , Letter Heads, Order Forms, Receipt B Fishery Forms, Schoo) and Church Forms, He , Pampble~, etc., aU done neatly, promptly, chc<!Plt-.~ , Come or send for samples. ~ .~ ' ·

Wedding Invitations, .. ,: t (on Ameri~n Ve11um, ~ith double set or EnvelopeJ~ t~ matah), executed in g<><><l style.

Creicenta Defeat 8'"'---·'·-. -Tokl H•IIPR-AII tormor grand Ill•· WI.WI"VCJU~ playa of aprlog .Uitloga aro locall)' ' - -- fr; oollp~by our new aprtna and eummer

FOOT11A.L>. 1\f ATOU-OCL edoelldav atoclt oomprlaln~ a aplonqld nrloty of

lht Creaoontl and' Sha mrookl wu b old yoor aprluft au It miWio from tbo•o g._...""",-.,

ovea ln« -.t tho Park the rt urn 1na~b ologa.nt P•ltorn~ In all the lead In boht'otu tho lwo Ju'l'eoUo Cootba. II olubatllhadea. No two pattornt alike. Ua

tho Or-.oo'Dta tbla umo btlng vlotorlout: ln tho latl!s t Now York style hy • tum a ate DOW eQUal. Tbo" wbo J . .t;_ W. MADIOAI'

comoa oft' on Wedoo,aay next. The EJrpon T


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