Rising on the Telecom Tide

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Steven Shepard+1-802-238-1007 (Mobile)Steve@ShepardComm.com

Navigating the Future:Rising on the Telecom Tide

3D & 4D Printing

• Medical applications• Complex nanostructures, batteries• 4D printing—objects that adapt, morph

in response to changing environments• NASA, the ISS, the Mars Mission—and a

flying potato

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It’s All About the Ecosystem

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The Road to 5G

§ 4G: A major step forward§ Presumes underlying network is IP-based§ Bandwidth similar to WiFi

§ 5G: A whole new game§ Data rates of tens of megabits per second for tens of thousands of users§ 1 Gbps simultaneously over an in-building network§ Ability to support hundreds of thousands of sensors (IoT implementations)§ Extreme spectral efficiency§ Better service coverage§ MUCH more efficient signaling, better latency§ A mix of licensed and unlicensed spectrum

§ Ideally:§ Data rates up to 10 Gbps § Latency on the order of 1ms§ Enable IoT devices to run on battery for up to ten years


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In its Success Lie the Seeds of its Own Destruction

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Cloud• “Managed Services” is about business

productivity, not technology• Private, Public, Hybrid

§ You focus on your business rather than IT§ McKinsey: Factory vs. Enabling IT

• Shifts cost model from capital to expense• Main advantage? If you’re not in the

business …

Software-Defined Everything

• A marketing term that combines§ Software-defined Network§ Software-defined Computing§ Software-defined Storage§ Software-defined Data Center

• Now add Software-defined Central Office§ SDN/NFV (NaaS)

• Goal: Virtualize all elements of the modern telecom and IT world

• Management, provisioning, control handled by software• Result?

§ Efficiency, effectiveness, cost control, more timely service delivery, better QoE

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§ “East is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet!”

Industry Evolution: Convergence

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Voice Network


Voice Network




Voice Network






Network-as-a-Service (NaaS)

• PSTN, MPLS rely on purpose-built hardware• NaaS can use any IP device• Coud-based applications request, control virtual

network resources, on-demand • Elegant: days of costly, always-on connections are over

§ Apps can create new connections, autonomously, as required—without human intervention

• Device complexity is gone—hidden away in the cloud, where it’s managed, so that the customer doesn’t have to

• Result: Lower costs, lower complexity, higher efficiency

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§ Siri, Cortana, Echo, GoogleHome were the first out of the gate§ Next up: integration with robotic devices

§ House cleaners § Companions § Retail assistants

• SoftBank Group Corp’s Pepper robot

§ Blue Frog Robotics will sell ‘Buddy’§ Interacts with all members of the family

§ Bina 48: Real?

Artificial Intelligence

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California Water Crisis

• Heavy reliance on snowpack§ Fifth consecutive year of below-

normal snow levels

• Central Valley aquifer losing 29 millions gallons yearly

• Population has doubled• Water restrictions in place

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California’s Central Valley

• 24,000 square miles• $1 trillion annual, regional

revenue• Feeds (much of) the world

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The Challenge

• From seed to harvest:§ Broccoli: 5.4 gallons § Walnut: 4.9 gallons§ Lettuce: 3.5 gallons§ Almond: 1 gallon

• Put another way…

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An IoT Example: Deep Sky Vineyard

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Africa’sRiftValley• 120,000squaremiles• EquallyasfertileandrichasCalifornia

• Whatif…


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A Few Big Data Factoids

• 1986: 6% of global data was digital; today, 99.2%• ???—2003: 5 exabytes of data. Today?• 35% of all photos … go to Facebook• 120 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every

minute, resulting in nearly 8 years of content every day• Gartner: Big Data will drive $500 billion in spending

through 2020• By end of Q2 2017, 5.1 million global IT jobs will be

created to support Big Data

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Big Data? Big Deal! IBM + Weather Channel

§ Weather’s annual economic impact: $500 billion (USA) § Data collected from 100,000 weather sensors, aircraft, smartphones,

buildings, vehicles; combined with data from other sources § Yields 2.2 billion unique forecast points, more than 10 billion daily


§ Result? Another ecosystem!§ Retailers adjust staffing and

supply chain strategies§ Energy companies forecast

supply and demand§ Insurance companies warn

policyholders of severe weather conditions

§ Airlines reroute, change flights and move staff in advance

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Brittany Wenger – Cloud4Cancer

• Born in 1994; won Google Science competition, 2012• Cousin developed breast cancer; she responded• Built neural network-based model to predict breast

cancer…with 99.1% accuracy—better than ANY other model

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Seismic Detection

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• Cybersecurity sees major uptick in interest• Today’s attacks allow theft of information for sale on

the dark web or for personal gain• Major issue: Critical infrastructure is increasingly

connected to the Web§ It can be attacked§ Drives interest in adaptive security infrastructure§ Also, facial recognition, fingerprint scanning, advanced image

sensing become a part of the security array

• Success, deployment of IoT, mobile commerce adds fuel to the fire§ Never forget: Security is one of the five elements of a solid

management platform

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Most Recent Ransomware Attack

• WannaCry: Uses vulnerability in Microsoft Windows§ Pay us $300 or we destroy your hard drive

• Tools used were stolen from NSA by Shadow Brokers • March 2017: Microsoft releases security patch

§ Many corporations don't automatically update their systems, because Windows updates can screw up their legacy software

• Consumers are also at risk§ Microsoft requires Windows 10 customers to automatically

update their computers§ People with older PCs disabled automatic updates

• 150 countries, affecting 200,000 computers§ UK hospitals§ Deutsche Bahn, Russian Central Bank, Russian Railways, Russia's

Interior Ministry, Megafon, Telefónica

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Management Thoughts

• Evolution of leadership§ 1.0 (command & control)§ 2.0 (hero leader with BU focus)§ 3.0 (collaborative)§ 4.0 (Insight leadership)

• New ecosystem emerges§ IoT, cloud, Big Data, analytics, IP, 5G,

enhanced security§ Value lies in the whole, not the ‘things’

• Managing the ecosystem means managing the opportunity§ Enhanced management? Enhanced

EVERYTHING else• Make no mistake: This is an

ENGINEERING challenge, not a technology challenge!

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