Renaissance Age Period of Rebirth and Achievement.

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Transcript of Renaissance Age Period of Rebirth and Achievement.

Renaissance AgeRenaissance Age

Period of Rebirth



When you hear the names Leonardo, Michelangelo, When you hear the names Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael and Donatello you should not just think of …Raphael and Donatello you should not just think of …

They are the names of important people from the period called the Renaissance.

I. What does Renaissance mean? I. What does Renaissance mean?


II. Why does the Renaissance begin in Italy?II. Why does the Renaissance begin in Italy?

Renaissance Renaissance in Italyin Italy

Rome was the center of Roman History.

Trade revived quickly

Wealthy merchants became patrons to artists.

Italy recovered quickly from the plague

Lorenzo MediciLorenzo Medici

Influential patron from wealthy business family

supported many artists like Michelangelo

Florence, Italy

Patron- financial supporter

Michelangelo lived in his palace and met other artists

HumanismHumanism- emphasis on individual - emphasis on individual uniqueness and worth.uniqueness and worth.

Perspective Perspective was used by Renaissance was used by Renaissance artists to create dimension and depth.artists to create dimension and depth.

1 point Perspective 2 Point Perspective

IV. Important TermsImportant Terms

Leonardo Da VinciLeonardo Da VinciArtist, inventor, botanist

•Renaissance manRenaissance man

• Influenced many Influenced many other artists.other artists.

• Dissected corpses Dissected corpses to learn about the to learn about the body (to paint body (to paint realistically).realistically).

He designed early versions of: Helicopter, Tank, Parachute, Hang

Glider, Pedometer, Submarine and many other inventions.

Helicopter Tank

Mona Lisa

The Last Supper


Painter, sculptor, architect, poet

Started sculpting at age 14.

Studied anatomy, dissected corpses


Works:The Ceiling of

the Sistine Chapel

Fresco- painting on fresh plaster

“The Creation of Adam”The Sistine Chapel


The Last Judgment

Ever seen these angels?Ever seen these angels?

Michelangelo painted them on the ceiling of the Sistine


Pieta Moses

By Michelangelo

St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome

The dome was designed by Michelangelo.



Ideas were based on Roman Ideas were based on Roman and Greek architectural and Greek architectural


D. Donatello D. Donatello -Sculptor (Not only a Ninja Turtle)-Sculptor (Not only a Ninja Turtle)


Made of bronzeMichelangelo’s



Raphael- painter•Blended Christian and classical styles•“The School of Athens”

“The Chess Game”

“Self Portrait”

Sofonisba Anguissola- painter• Bold, realistic portraits•Court painter for Philip II of Spain

VI. WritersVI. WritersNiccolo MachiavelliNiccolo Machiavelli

•Observed kings at courtObserved kings at court•Wrote Wrote The Prince- a The Prince- a “How “How To” book to get and keep To” book to get and keep

power as a rulerpower as a ruler

Baldassare Castiglione Castiglione •Played music, studied Played music, studied

lit. and historylit. and history•Wrote Wrote The Book of the The Book of the CourtierCourtier- about how to - about how to

act as a nobleact as a noble

The Renaissance moves north 100 years after The Renaissance moves north 100 years after it began in began in Italy.

Northern Europe recovered from the

Plague more slowly.

Northern RenaissanceNorthern Renaissance

engravings Prints paintings

called the “German Leonardo.”

Studied in Italy and spread ideas North

Albrecht Durer - Albrecht Durer - Artist

Hubert and Jan van Eyck-Hubert and Jan van Eyck- Flemish painters Flemish painters

•The Virgin of The Virgin of ChancellorChancellor• Wedding PortraitWedding Portrait

•developed oil developed oil paints and painted paints and painted realistic scenes.realistic scenes.

Jan Van Eyck: Arnolfini Wedding PortraitJan Van Eyck: Arnolfini Wedding Portrait

The Peasant WeddingThe Peasant Wedding Peasant Dance Peasant Dance

•Pieter BruegelPieter Bruegel- artist - artist

•influenced Flemish paintersinfluenced Flemish painters

•Used vibrant colors to paint peasant life.Used vibrant colors to paint peasant life.

Peter Paul RubensPeter Paul Rubens mixed realistic style with the mixed realistic style with the classical themes. classical themes.

Erasmus- Dutch writer Humanist Wanted the Bible

translated into the vernacular (every day language) and Church Reforms

Wrote new edition of Bible in Greek and Latin

Sir Thomas More- Sir Thomas More- writerwriter

Wrote Utopia

(book to describe ideal society)

Wanted social and economic reforms

No Private Property

Education For All

Justice is used to end crime

William Shakespeare :William Shakespeare : PlaywrightPlaywright

Created 1700 new words

wrote 37 plays in 23 years

Bedroom Lonely Generous Gloomy Heartsick Hurry Sneak

Romeo and Juliet MacBeth Hamlet

Miguel de Cervantes- Spanish writerMiguel de Cervantes- Spanish writer

Don Quixote

(the book Man of La Mancha is based on)

Wrote the first modern novel

Johannes Guttenberg-Johannes Guttenberg- German inventor German inventor

Improved moveable type

“invented” the printing press

The Guttenberg Bible

How did the printing press How did the printing press impact Europe?impact Europe?Literacy increasedKnowledge and ideas spreadBooks were cheaper and easier

to makeSchools were built to teach

children how to read and write