Remarketing With Google AdWords: Don't Miss A Gold Mine

Post on 21-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Remarketing With Google AdWords: Don't Miss A Gold Mine


Remarket ing With Google AdWords: Don’ t Miss A Gold Mine


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What Is Remarketing?


Remarketing is the process of tagging a

visitor’s browser with a piece of code so you can show ads to them after they leave.

The goal is to have them return to your

website and become a customer.


Remarketing gives you an opportunity to

appear in front of the people who are already familiar with you and your website.

Therefore, it will be much easier to convert

them into a buyer.

Convert Visitors Into Buyers


Google Display Network

The Google Display Network (GDN) is

the largest Remarketing network with over two million websites. On average

you'll be able to connect with 84% of the people who visit your website.


The Google Display Network has tremendous reach. You can remarket to your tagged website visitors many times per day and

across many different websites.

Advertising Reach


What Is ‘Audience Definition


You can create marketing lists for specific

categories of users to whom you show ads. The idea is to reach just the right

people with offers that match their



A secondary benefit is that you

can bid higher for certain

keywords in order to receive more ad impressions and a

higher ad position.

Segment Users To Show

Different Ads

What is ‘Audience Membership Duration’?


The audience membership duration is the number of days that a visitor stays on a

particular remarketing list, which by default means you can advertise to them that same

number of days.


Don't be overly aggressive with remarketing. You don’t want to look like a stalker. That’s


Don't Be Creepy


Do Remarketing Ads Fatigue

Faster Than Other Ads?

Studies show that click-through-

rates for remarketing ads remain

much higher even after repeat views of the same ad.


How Do You Create Content For Remarketing Ads?

Different ad formats do not

compete against each other for positioning, so get creative with a

variety of ads.


Create ads that relate to your

users on an emotional level. Stay away from boring informational ads

that look similar to others.

Emotions Help People Click On Content


How Does ‘Cost-Per-Click’ and ‘Click-Through-Rate’ Work

on the Google Display Network?

You receive a significant price discount for ads that have the

highest Click-Through-Rates.


Google makes NO money for ads that nobody clicks on. Therefore, AdWords shows ads that

are more likely to get clicks. For every 0.1%

increase or decrease in CTR, your click cost will go up or down by 2.1%.

Ad Incentives


What Is ‘Remarketing Bid Strategies’?

Effective bidding means to target your

buyer persona by specifying the maximum

cost per click that you are willing to pay.


In AdWords you can overlay user

demographic information on top of your remarketing audiences to find the proverbial

“needle in a haystack”.

Get Granular


An RLSA Example

Normally you use your audience list to create campaigns for the Google

Display Network. With RLSA you can take the same audience list but apply it

to a campaign on the Google Search



Target the “comparison shopper” with an ad such as a 10% off coupon code. Since you know the person has already visited a

specific page on your website, you should know exactly what

messaging to include in your ad to make them click.

RLSA Example (continued)


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Remarketing With Google AdWords: Don’t Miss

A Gold Mine