Reiser Relief 2011 Annual Haiti Newsletter

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Reiser Relief 2011 Annual Haiti Newsletter

  • 8/7/2019 Reiser Relief 2011 Annual Haiti Newsletter


    Years before an earthquake devastated Haiti in January of 2010, Reiser Relief wasbringing hope and life to the people of Haiti. The earthquake made an unbelievablesituation worse, however; the images coming out of Haiti in the days after the earth-quake became a reminder to all of us that the people of Haiti must not be forgotten. In

    response, Reiser Relief redoubled its efforts to support the Haitian people.

    Reiser Relief provides essential services to aid Haitians in their day-to-day efforts forsurvival. These services include providing fresh water, stocking food centers,and funding education and eldercare facilities. Many of our outreach projects are in or near Cit Soleil, aslum near the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince. Reiser Relief funds a water truck that operates six days aweek, delivering fresh water, free of charge, to poor neighborhoods, of Cite Soleil. The Reiser Relief truckdelivers a life-saving resource to numerous impoverished Haitians, who haul five-gallon buckets full of frwater back to cardboard shanties or tin shacks that serve as family homes.

    Reiser Relief also supports the transportation of food, which is provided through Feed My Starving Childr(FMSC). Shipping containers carry highly nutritious food packets, with each packet providing the nutritio

    for one person to survive for one day. We are reminded that giving drink to the thirsty and food to the hungry is one of a Lords most direct commands, Christ Jesus said: "Amen I say to you, whatever you did foone of these least brothers or sisters of mine, you did for Me." (Matthew 25:40)

    With the help of supporters like you, Reiser Relief can continue to save the lives of many impoverished people oHaiti. We live among abundance. The Haitians live in extreme poverty, waiting for your generous response to thplea for help. If you have made a difference in the lives of the Haitian people in the past we thank you . If youare considering a first-time donation to Reiser Relief, please be assured your financial support will make a lastinimpact on some of the worlds neediest people.

    Together, we can continue to make a difference in touching the lives of thousands of people! Help us to "Keep thWheel Turning!" Help us continue to provide assistance to Haiti focused o

    providing the basic necessities of life: food, water, education, and buildingfacilities. Our work is inspired by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Please joius in our efforts and may God bless you most abundantly for your support

    Sincerely in Christ,Father Bernard ReiserPresident - Reiser Relief Inc.



    Collaborative partnerships such as the one between Reiser Relief andFMSC are essential to providing food aid. Reiser Relief and other FMSCHaitian Christian missionary partners receive nutritional food packetsfortified with a rice or potato formula. Together, the nonprofits arrange to

    have these packets of food shipped toHaiti. Partner agencies work hand-in-hand to manage the logistics of

    procuring food, putting it in motion to Haiti, and getting food aid effectivelydistributed to supported schools and various feeding programs that each missionarymaintains. The challenge we and our partners face is the staggering costs related toproviding food aid. The shipping and custom fees for these shipments into Haiti alonecan reach $10,000 per shipping container. Your financial support is crucial to keepingthousands of Haitians alive and fed.












    ~ Food Distribution~






    Keep theWheel Turning

  • 8/7/2019 Reiser Relief 2011 Annual Haiti Newsletter


    Feeding Center

    Reiser Relief has assisted Healing Haiti, a sister nonprofitorganization with the construction of Phase One of Grace Villagein Titanyen. Structures include two dormitories to house 53orphaned children, a cistern, and a Feeding Center that has thecapacity to feed an additional 75 to 125 street children.

    Terre Promise Primary School is located in Cit Soleil, one of thelargest slums in the northernhemisphere. Terre Promise

    currently has 625 students, downfrom 725 last year. The drop inattendance is attributed tonumerous families having beendisplaced after the earthquake;many have since moved to the countryside

    Reiser Heights Primary School is located in the mountains of Les Pinasse,which is a picturesque farming community in Haiti. Reiser Heights has

    approximately 425 students.

    Reiser Relief raises the needed funds

    to pay teacher salaries so that tuitioncan stay low enough so even thepoorest families can afford to educattheir children.

    Donations to Reiser Relief havehelped us construct classrooms and provide students with food and clean water(Food packets supplement the school food program.) Food packets aredistributed at the schools, on request, and are served at school.

    Feeding and educating children will help provide a better life for the nextgeneration of Haitians. We thank you for supporting this outreach.


    Future dorms for orphans

  • 8/7/2019 Reiser Relief 2011 Annual Haiti Newsletter


    Safe drinking water for Haitians is a necessity.The World Health Organization considersHaiti to be the world's most water

    impoverished nation. We know it is importantfor people to understand what we do and whywe need to do it. Reiser Relief delivers morethan 4-million gallons of clean water to thepoor who live in the slum of Cit Soleil. Four,

    3,500-gallon deliveries of water are made six days per week, 52 weeksper year. This is the equivalent of 800,000 five-gallon buckets ofwater per year. The local people carry the water home in 5 gallonbuckets, weighing 40 pounds. This water provides for their dailyneeds: drinking, cooking and bathing.

    The effort to bring fresh water to thousands of people every day is

    providing Haitians with a necessary lifeline that costs Reiser Relief$2,000 per month.

    Thirst and hunger continue yet Reiser Reliefs water delivery truckprovides authentic hope for many. It is supporters like YOU whoprovide the HOPE. You put tires on the truck and fuel in the tank.YOU keep fresh water flowing to thousands in Haiti.

    You CAN make a difference in the lives of the people in Haiti.

    Through your generosity, Reiser Relief can continue to assist thepeople of Haiti. Thank you for your willingness to help the displacedpeople in Haiti who send their appreciation and blessings to you.

    With the help of donors like you, Reiser Relief can continue to save and improve the lives of these extremely impoverished people!

    We live such comfort. We live in such luxury. We take for granted abed at night, toast in the morning and a cup of coffee. We have noconcept of what starvation is all about. THEY live it. They endure it.And they move forward, so the least we can do is hand them a little bitof food and a little water and encouragement. Thank you for BringingHope to Haiti.

    Reisers Ramblings is a collection of Fr.Bernard Reisers best columns written over

    the past three decades. Be inspired all overagain as you read Fathers take oneveryday topics such as family, kindness,gratitude, prayer, helping others, andstaying focused on whats important inlife. All profits from the sale of ReisersRamblings go to Haitian relief effortssponsored by Reiser Relief Inc.

    nging Lives

  • 8/7/2019 Reiser Relief 2011 Annual Haiti Newsletter


    $10,000 sent to Haiti immediately after the January earthquake toprovide immediate relief and secure food and water to our projects.

    Reiser Relief water truck was able to start delivering water within 2days after the devastating earthquake. Reiser Relief filled cisterns fororphanages, schools, medical clinics and provided emergency relief tothe displaced families forced into tent cities in Port au Prince.

    $10,000 donation was made to Feed My Starving Children for the purchase of raw food supplies tomake 76,923 MannaPack Potato meals (a special formula designed to stave off diarrhea). Food packetswere sent immediately to Haiti.

    Donation of $3,000 made to Fr. Zucchi, director of the LittleSchools in Port-au-Prince, to assist with providing earthquakerelief. Part of this donation also helped fund a container shipmentof food from Feed My Starving Children.

    Reiser Relief participated in a joint non-profit effort forearthquake reconstruction of Terre Promise School. Reiser Reliefjoined Mission of Mercy, Sacred Heart Haiti Mission, and HealingHaiti, as each group donated $10,000 for school reconstruction.Terre Promise School remained open while two other schools (Catholic and National) were destroyedby the earthquake. Completed repair work included the main level floor redone and a new bathroominstalled. A top-level deck also was converted into classroom space and metal bars to protect studentswere added. Additionally, food and books were purchased.

    Reiser Relief facilitated completion the exterior of the Grace Village Feeding Center in Titanyen with$30,000 in private individual donations and a $50,000 grant from the Chicago law firm Corboy and


    Reiser Relief donated $10,000 and another non-profit also sponsored donated $15,000 towardpurchase of a backhoe to help clear earthquake rubblearound the schools and assist with construction effortsat Grace Village in Titanyen.

    Reiser Relief sent and additional $6,000 in acollaborated to ship another container of (FMSC) foodto Haiti.

    Reiser Relief purchased a tilt box with removable sidesfor a dump truck. The dump truck is used inconstruction projects in some of the harder to-get-toareas of Haiti.

    - New roof for Reiser Heights School- Continued support for Feed My Starving Children- Continuing our programs: Food, Water and Education