Rehabilitation Will Not

Post on 08-Nov-2015

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This is must book because it tells you what we aren't told about the perpetrators of the supposed Russian Revolution.

Transcript of Rehabilitation Will Not

  • " Rehabilitation will not"

    Prof. Stoleshnikov AP

    Third edition, supplemented . 2012.

    Instead epigraph :

    I'm talking about us, the sons of Sinai,

    About us whose view other heat warmed .

    Let the Russian people is a different path,

    Prior to their Slavic cases we do not care

    We ate their food, but paid with blood.

    The accounts are kept, but do not let down.

    We will avenge - flowers in the head

    their north country.

    When lacquer wears off test,

    When the stall red screaming roar ,

    We stand at the grave of birch

    In honor guard .

    Jewish poet D. Marques:


    This book - the accusation. And like any accusation, it is a collection of documents that you

    have so far been unknown. Because blaming a responsible, all primary sources carefully

    checked and names are given , both in Russian and English languages. These primary sources

    for a long time , but only for those who are interested in this issue , known in the West. This

    book is not a sweeping indictment of all Jews indiscriminately; she blames only international

    organized Jewry and the part of the Jews, which was involved in his dark deeds. That is a

    charge of only those Jews who themselves, as they say, The cat knows whose meat is eaten ."

  • Prof. Stoleshnikov AP

    Chapter 1.

    Victor Marsden

    The first document proving the Jewish nature, established in 1917 by the "Soviet" government

    had a list of senior officials of the Soviet government, drawn up in 1919 by British journalist of

    the newspaper Morning Post " Victor Marsden . Victor Emile Marsden (1866 - October 28 ,

    1920 )

    Victor Marsden also translated into English and the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion After

    that they made such a strong impression on the father of modern assembly-line production of

    Henry Ford, he hired journalists, lawyers, human experts who supplied the information, it proves

    the existence of the organized Jewish war against humanity. The result of these studies was the

    four-volume "International Jewry," which was recently released in Russia in 2 volumes in

    Russian In modern Russian literature in underground

    applications is often given Marsdenovsky list of Jewish Bolshevik government , in particular ,

    that list is Marsdenovsky VN Emelyanov in his 1988 work " The one-sided internationalism , or

    Stalinism - is the Asiatic mode of production" , as well as in his own separate " Jewish Nazism ".

    And Emelyanov does not indicate the source of your list. I fill this gap and give tribute to Victor

    Marsden, because most Victor Marsden translation of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" was

    worth living, it immediately eliminated shortly after returning to England from Russia in 1921. To

    honor the memory of Victor E. Marsden, I totally give here a translation with a preface of his


    "Jews in Russia with a list of Jews in the Soviet Government of Russia"

    Introduction to the Marsden brochure, written in 1921 by an unknown editor:

    " This article was written by Victor Marsden in December 1918. He was for many years been a

    regular correspondent for the British newspaper Morning Post " in Russia . After an armed coup

    arranged by the Bolsheviks, Marsden was cast in the Peter and Paul Fortress . It was the same

    day , August 31, 1918 , when in Petrograd was killed by Captain Francis Cromie (Captain

    Cromie) Captain (Acting.) Francis Newton Allen

    Cromie, CB, DSO, (January 30 , 1882 - August 31 , 1918 , Petrograd). Naval attache in

    Petrograd England . Cheka killed Aug. 31, 1918 . He was buried in the Archangel Memorial in

    St. Petersburg . "

    In 1921 , after returning from Russia Victor Marsden improve their health , as a correspondent in

    the retinue of the Prince of Wales , during a tour of the Prince throughout the British Empire.

    However, immediately after returning from the tour Victor Marsden died unexpectedly of overall

  • health. The following is a list of senior officials of the Soviet state . Even Mr. Lucien Wolf was

    not able to declare the list forgery.

    The American Jewish banker Jacob Schiff , (about which more in detail it will be) financed the

    war with Japan to Russia . Then Schiff financed the " Russian " revolution of 1905 in Russia ,

    and provided a comfortable life of Trotsky, as his time in London, Rothschild provides life of Karl

    Marx. And , after Trotsky was released from captivity by order of the Canadian Jewish-

    controlled British government , has no doubt that the Jews crucified Russia , and it is they who

    bear the responsibility for World War II , and for the hypocrisy of the "League of Nations" , and

    for treason , so-called " signing the Treaty of Versailles ."

    In any case it is impossible to imagine that the only victim of Russian Jews. Russia simply

    repeated the fate of England and France, which befell them in their own 'Great Revolution. "

    Before the revolution, the Jews controlled the imperial government as they controlled the British

    government of Asquith and Lloyd George by Cassel, Spayer, Mond & Co. When Asquith

    government fell , the Jews began to control the Lloyd George through his brethren , placed

    literally in every department of England and for each seat representing any interest . In this

    case, the Jews are working not only clean the Jews , but also half-Jewish and hidden Jews in

    exactly the same way as it happened in Russia .

    The Jewish danger is no longer a danger , it is a fait accompli total Jewish dictatorship

    established over the whole world . Jews all over the world completely control all the wealth ,

    money, natural resources and information. The sooner the British have assimilated this fact, the

    better it will be for them , because until recently, no one has ever prevented the Jews to carry

    out the program of control of the world , expressed in the " Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

    Victor Marsden

    "Jews in Russia "


    Jews in Russia more than in all the world put together . Only officially Jews in Russia about 10

    million people , and how many there are in fact, only God knows. In all countries where there is

    compulsory military service , the Jews with the rabbis falsify their statistics . This is a common

    practice. Jews change their date of birth , boys girls write , write only one child instead of

    several , and so on. In addition, the Jews practiced kidnapping women to brothels all over the

    world who are only Jews , a phenomenon called "white slavery ", is widely practiced by the rich

    Jews marrying non-Jewish woman and record their half-Jews under Christian names. How does

    this practice distorts our society - is the subject of a separate study. For example, a Russian

    Grand Duke , who was recently shot , was the illegitimate grandson of one of the royal

    personages in Germany, seduced Jewish banker. Jews willingly give their women to marry

    Christians. In Russian Jews as readily to Orthodoxy , especially if it is profitable for them . At the

    same time they change their names, so if earlier was Jacob Rubenstein , now he Ivan Ivanovich

    Ivanov . This change does not alter the essence of a Jew, who continues to passionately serve

    his world kagalom . Russian Jews call these " vykrestami ." So I , on the basis of their long-term

  • observations in Russia believe that the number of Jews in Russia for more than twenty million

    people (it was a hundred years ago, and how many now ? )

    The only public office that was open to the Jews in the royal government - is, oddly enough, in

    the secret police, the gendarmerie. This fact , of course, determined the fate of Russia and, in

    particular , Prime Minister Stolypin. The Jews were aware of everything that happens in the

    royal government because they controlled the king's secret police , and knew everything about

    everyone . The Bolsheviks could , it was not without our help ( England ) , it is easy to take the

    power back in July of 1917 , if not earlier . Now the Jews seized power in Germany, and thus

    the whole world at their feet . Christian nations are thrown into poverty and slavery around the

    world. Christians - are Jewish slaves . Because the Jews - this is the only race that is not only

    protected from conception , but also stimulates the birth (look at their religious regulation of

    behavior on Saturdays) , there is no doubt that the Jewish population will soon surpass the

    number of Christians. And then, as they believe , would be born a Jew , the Messiah , who will

    give the whole world to " favor the winner ." We are already at the end of this long path of

    conquest, to which the Jews come six thousand years ago.

    And two thousand years ago the Jews , destroying the republican Rome, has captured the world

    the power in their hands typing mode is fully accountable to the Jews , the so-called emperors.

    Roman emperors rich Jews of Rome is appointed and deposed on your own, because it was the

    Jews controlled the Praetorian Guard . Unlike the Republican Rome , the Roman Empire was

    already Jewish Roman Empire. If you look at the history of imperial Rome , it , like everyone

    else, must be treated quite the opposite. All the emperors who refused to obey the Jews, were

    slandered and called crazy , like Nero or Caligula . Nero's rebellious Jews they took after the

    burned Rome and rioted , then slandered him and come up with beautiful legends about his

    death. Obliging as to the Jews , the Roman emperors were called smart and great, but Jesus

    Christ came , the Jews were pushed back , and lost his world domination , and their den in

    Jewish Palestine was destroyed. But Jews are not one of those who give up, they again began

    to fight for world domination , and now the Jews are already in the final stages of a global state

    of the Jews. Non-Jews in this scheme no .

    Without exception, all of the revolution in Russia , and in particular in 1905 and 1917 , were a

    work of the hands of the Jews. Even the Pugachev rebellion was organized by Jews. Yemelyan

    Pugachev came from Poland, and that says a lot. Earlier, Polish Jewry is suited march on

    Moscow , and was very close to the target. Poland at that time was the capital of world Jewry ,

    as it is now Britain, Soviet Russia or the United States . Not for nothing is Pugachev came from

    Poland . He came accompanied by Jewish "commissars " armed and equipped with the Polish

    Jewry , that is, it was not rebellion , and the invasion of Poland, a large detachment of foreign

    mercenaries. His procession on Russian soil was accompanied by the same beatings Christian

    priests , the destruction of churches and massacres of the common people, that are the

    hallmark of action disguised Jews , beginning with the Protestant Holland, Germany,

    revolutionary France or England , to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Similar events , by which

    the Jews liquidated as a class the entire national stratum of educated people in the major

    European countries were the following events : the so -called national liberation struggle for the

    liberation of the Netherlands from Spanish rule , from which Jews were expelled before that

    Queen Isabella , the Thirty Years War in Germany in the 17th century , the Great Jewish

  • Revolution in England in the 17th century , the great Jewish Revolution in France in the 18th

    century , and finally , it is the Great October revolution in Jewish Communist Russia . America at

    the same time has already been opened , and from the beginning was built as a Jewish country

    , and to the principles of the Jewish state as the Yellow Devil , the Jewish god Mammon ,

    Moloch, and the Jewish god Jehovah .

    Bolshevik Jews after 1917, were taken from Russia all the values that can be physically take out

    at once: gold, jewels, which they stripped killed people , and now they are engaged in the export

    of Russian natural resources. These Jews for the years 1917-1921 in Russia nemeryannom

    exterminated millions of people, mostly from the upper strata of society , and as far as possible

    down . Class theory of the Jew Karl Marx gave them the opportunity to officially outlaw and

    eliminate all the educated class of Russia , so now there is hardly a non-Jew, who could read

    and write.

    Jews in Russia now sell Russian natural wealth to governments of the USA and England. The

    Jews of St. Petersburg - the only people who can walk straight. Russian Jews , in spite of the

    revolution and civil war, have food , clothes, shoes , they have everything you need. Other than

    the Jews in Russia , it did not have. Non-Jews in Russia are doomed to starvation . Some

    Jewish groups selected food and valuables from the citizens of Russia and other Jewish troops

    shot them. Jews are now going all over the world in the Bolshevik Russia : from England, from

    the U.S. to help their Russian Jews rule Russia , and they all get Russian leadership positions,

    get good accommodation , food, clothes, without any problems at once.

    Immediately after 1917, Jews in general have banned all forms of Christianity in Russia . Under

    pain of death, weddings, funerals, generally no rituals had to be performed in Russian with the

    use of Christian symbolism. Divorce, on the contrary - a matter of minutes. This is done for the

    convenience of Jewish bosses, get rid of their non-Jewish concubines. Priests are the special

    object of Jewish hatred. If the information from the total murder of the Russian people would not

    leak abroad, the priests would long ago have all been finished off. Perhaps needless to mention

    that the rabbis and synagogues are flourishing.

    On the other hand, there is evidence to believe that for the first time since the destruction of

    Jerusalem in Judaism there is a split between the old and the young shoots . Young Jews - it's

    mostly atheists , and they are killing Christians do not disdaining any technical means. I'm not

    sure that the old Jew with them completely, but there is a polka suffering of Christians , the old

    Jews look at the matter with the secret approval. However, if you ever Russian people rise up

    and start killing Jews , there is no doubt that the whole world is filled with stories about the

    horrors of the wild , which are "innocent" Jews and all Christian governments rush to help the

    Jews as a race , and will risk their Christian sons and send them to the war in Russia to urgently

    rescue the Jews at the hands of a just retribution. (Note Trans. This rebellion against the Jewish

    slavery did not happen in Russia , and Germany, whose fate and oshelmovyvanie are well

    known , and the Americans and the British did send their children to pry Jews from the hands of

    the Germans have lost all patience ) .

    The Jews were the commanders of the unit, which broke on August 31 at the British Embassy in

    Petrograd and shot Captain Cromie . Jews arrested everyone in the British Embassy .

    Commanded all three Jews who had one revolver in each hand.

    All the political struggle in any country is only among Jews . Because they 're smart ? No -

  • because they are plentiful. Because they are everywhere , explicit , semi-explicit and disguised

    Russified and Yankeefied . All political parties are controlled by Jews , but it does not say about

    the differences among the Jews. This is a common trick , in which any of them in any case

    come to power. All trade unions seized by the Jews , while they are the same and the bankers

    and capitalists. You may say that it is against the theory , and that the unions should fight

    against the capitalists . This way you explain the Jews . And in practice , and Jewish bankers

    and Jewish union bosses , robbing the Christian people at both ends.

    The Jewish government of Russia ruled Russia through the creation of armed groups , each of

    which has a special commissioner personally Leon Trotsky , who is the real dictator of Russia .

    These militias are a gang of criminals who do not shun kill their own people . Leon Trotsky has

    direct access to Western bankers , and is therefore an inexhaustible source of money and

    weapons. In fact, in Russia only one man - Leon Trotsky is currency. With currency and

    weapons , Leon Trotsky arms of criminals and thugs to whom he aims to suppress any

    opposition to his regime in Russia . Russia all impoverished and expropriated by Jewish

    commissars in it people are starving millions, but Trotsky gang armed with all brand-new

    European weapons , and there is no shortage of ammunition. Trotsky's Jewish emissaries

    abroad provide Trotsky flow of arms into debt under the subsequent granting of concessions for

    the development of Russian natural resources. Handing out concessions Trotsky himself . Who

    are the leaders of the gang , so armed by Trotsky Trotsky listens , he continues to receive

    money and weapons, and ranked among the regular troops of the Red Army. Who ceases to

    obey Trotsky , he stops receiving money and weapons , so all of them, although they may

    pokurolesit a while , but ultimately doomed. It is clear that , with unlimited flow of money from

    overseas , Leon Trotsky , who used to have a U.S. passport , must win this unfair fight with the

    Russian people , because against the Russian people actually fighting the whole world , and the

    worst part of him. Thus , Leon Trotsky once kills two birds with one stone : on the one hand, he

    destroys the Russian population , and on the other hand, it creates an army loyal to him

    personally . Trotsky's spies are everywhere and spy on every Christian . Any infraction of

    Trotsky is punishable by death . If any problem with the Jews , are taken hostage : his wife ,

    children , relatives, and are shot . For example , it is necessary to present the royal officer was

    fighting against his own people , his family is taken hostage. Money and valuables , for a

    reckoning with the American bankers also collected by shooting the hostages. The crackdown is

    also achieved by shooting the hostages. The whole territory of Russia and parts of the

    population declared subject to total extermination , such as the south of Russia and Ukraine and

    the Cossacks ' raskazachivayutsya "in general . Everywhere in the "Soviet" Jewish Russian

    Jewish symbols appeared in the form of stars.

    In 1905, millions of pounds have been sent from London to Russia to help Jews coup , but the

    Russian government had to make an official apology for one public person who is in Moscow

    dared express aloud. That's right, technically it was not the right person , the money was not

    collected by Britain and the world Jewish community in Russia and sent a roundabout way , but

    not right across England . (This was the so-called business "Agence Latine". Person who

    provided the information to an official Russian , Russian secret agent , now, I think , is in

    London ) .

    World Jewry has its own government , and not one, but many that are intertwined and are

    coordinated , so that the world is a giant octopus . The central brain of this government is the

  • Sanhedrin , the modern equivalent of that which has always existed (now apparently called the

    Presidium of the World Jewish Congress) .

    The Jews who run Russia .

    Staff of the Soviet bureaucracy .

    The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Bolsheviks (all Jews) : In the first place , and

    this is important in the list by Victor Marsden is Trotsky ( Bronstein ) In second place is Lenin ( Ulyanov

    - Form In third place was Zinoviev

    ( Apfelbaum. He wrote for and edited the works of Lenin them

    Then, one by one : Lurie ( Yuri Larin (real name Michael Lurie Zalmanovich . Nephew of famous

    Russian publishers brothers Garnet . Brothers Pomegranate - N. Alexander ( 1861-1933 ) and

    Ignatius N. ( 1863-1941 ) Garnet, founders of the famous publishing house " Garnet ." In of

    1917-1921 . one of the leaders of the Soviet economy , a member of the Presidium of the

    Supreme Economic Council . originator of the concept of the food tax and other tough measures

    to reform agriculture. one of the founders of the State Planning Commission , in November 1921

    with a member of his Presidency. ) .

    Krilenko ( Name - " Abram ", then People's Commissar

    of Justice , and the first chairman of the Chess Federation of the USSR. Krilenko His daughter

    Lena was married to an American Jew and an agent of Max Eastman http:/ / /

    wiki / Max_Eastman),

    Lunacharsky (Bail - Mandelstam )

    Moses Uritzky,

    Volodarskij B. ( real name Moses Goldstein Markovich ) (1890-1918),

    Kamenev ( Rozenfeld. He husband 's sister Olga and Trotsky also editor and Lenin's works Smidovich

  • Sverdlov

    Steklov ( real name - Ovshy Moiseevich Nahamkis

    member of the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet , in 1917-1925 editor of the

    newspaper " Izvestia ". ) .

    The card on the anniversary of the revolution :

    Official photo on the anniversary of the revolution :


    Bureau of the First Board of Workers 'and Soldiers ' Deputies of Moscow (the Jews) : The three

    co-chairmen: Chairman of the Board of the first Moscow after the revolution - Leyba Khinchuk .

    Chairman of the Soviet of Workers' and Red Army - Smidovich . Chairman of the Soviet of

    Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies - Moder .

    Members of the first City Council : Zarkh . Klamer . Gronberg . Sheikman . Rothstein . Levenzon

    . Krasnopolskiy . Martov ( Tsederbaum ) . Rivkin . Simson . Tyapkin . Schick . Falk . Anderson (

    Lithuanian Jew ) . Vimba ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Solo ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Michelson . Ter- Michyan

    (Armenian Jew ) . Secretary of the Bureau - Klausner . Head Office - Rotsengolts .

    Central Executive Committee of the Fourth All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers 'and

    Soldiers' Deputies ( According to the constitution in 1918 , formally, the highest authority ) . Of

    the 34 members of the CEC any non-Jew .

    Chairman - Yakov Sverdlov . Members : Abelman . Veltman ( P. ) . Axelrod . Tsederbaum (

    Martov. Menshevik ) . Krassikov . Lundberg . Volodarskij . Tsederbaum ( Levitsky ) . Lenin .

    Zinoviev - Apfelbaum . Trotsky . Orphan. Sukhanov ( Himmer ) . Rivkin . Tseybut . Ratner .

    Bleichman ( Solntaev ) . A. Goldenrudin . Haskin . Lander . Aaronovitch . Kamkov ( Katz ) .

    Fishman . Abramovich . Fritsche . Ilyin ( Goldstein ) . Scorcher . Khinchuk . Berlinrut . Distler .

    Cherniavskyi . Ben ( Benjamin ) Smidovich .

    Central Executive Committee of the Fifth Congress of Soviets. Of the 62 members of a single

    non-Jew : Bruno ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Breslau ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Babchinsky . Bukharin

    ( pure Jew and friend of Trotsky, who was with him in

    New York and who had American citizenship , has always stood out for a Russian ) . Weinberg .

    Gajlis . Geyntsberg . Danishevskii ( German Jew ) . Stark . Zacks . Scheinman . Erdling .

    Ladauer . Linger . Oxen ( Litvinov , the future Minister for Foreign Affairs at the Marsden

    recorded " Czech " , the Jew ) . Semen Dimanshtein . Levine. Ehrman . Joffe . Karklin .

    Knigissen . Kamenev ( Rosenfeld ) . Zinoviev ( Apfelbaum ) . Krilenko (nickname - Abram ( !)) .

    Krassikov . Kapnik . Kaul . Lenin . Latsis (already Marsden emphasizes that Latsis Jew ) .

  • Lander . Lunacharsky . Peterson ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Peters ( Latvian Jew ) . Rudzutak (

    Lithuanian Jew ) . Rosin . Smidovich . Stuchka ( Latvian Jew ) . Sverdlov . SMIG ( Latvian Jew )

    . Steklov ( Nakhamkes ) . Sosnovitsky . Skrypnyk . Trotsky . Teodorovich . Terjan (Armenian

    Jew ) . Uritzky . Tegulechkin (a Jew ) . Feldman. Frumkin . Tsuryupa . Chavchavadze (

    Georgian Jew ) . Sheikman . Rosenthal. Ashkenazi . Karahan ( Karaite Jew ) . Rose. Radek (

    Sobelson ) . Schlichter . Chikolini . Shiyansky .

    The Council of People's Commissars : Chairman - Ulyanov - Lenin ( Jew Blank) . At Marsden

    yet he is still listed as " Russian " ) . Commissar for Foreign Affairs , first Trotsky (a Jew ) , then

    Chicherin (a Jew , in Marsden's still listed as " Russian " ) Commissioner for Nationalities -

    Dzhugashvili (V Marsden number of " Georgian " ) . Chairman of the Economic Council - Lurie (

    Larin ) - a Jew . Commissioner for recovery - Schlichter ( Jew ) , the Commissioner of public

    lands - Kaufman (a Jew ) . The commissioner of state control - Lander ( Jew ) . Commissioner

    of Public Works - V. Schmidt (a Jew ) . Agriculture Commissioner - Proshyan (Armenian Jew ) Commissioner of the Army and Navy - Trotsky (a

    Jew ) . The commissioner of social assistance - E. Lilina ( Knigissen ) - Jewish, Commissioner

    of Education , Lunacharsky (Bail , at Marsden Lunacharskii indicated as Mandelstam - Jewish faiths Commissioner - Shpittsberg ( Jew ) ,

    the Commissioner of Internal Affairs - Zinoviev ( Apfelbaum ) - The Jew , the Commissioner of

    Finance - Isidore Hooke (a Jew ) , Commissioner of the election - Uritzky (a Jew ) .

    Commissioner of Justice - I. Steinberg ( Jew ) . Commissioner for evacuation - Fenigstein (a

    Jew ), his deputies - Ravitch and Zaslavsky - both Jewish.

    Total of 20 Soviet commissars all Jews , but only a few kriptoevrei .

    Army Commissariat (all Jews) : The Commissioner of the army and navy - Trotsky . The Vice -

    Sklyansky Trotsky and Hirschfeld . Chairman of the Military Council of the same Trotsky . The

    members of this Council , and Shorodak Petch ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Deputy. The Military

    Committee in Moscow - Steinhardt ( Lithuanian Jew ) and Dumpis ( German Jew ) . The

    commander of the border guards of the school - Glaser ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Commissioners of

    the 5th Soviet division - Dzennis and Polonsky ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Commissioner of the army in

    the Caucasus - Lehtiner . Extraordinary Commissioner of Eastern - Front Shulman and Bruno.

    The members of the Military Council of Kazan - Rozengolts , Maygar and Nazengolts , the

    Commissioner of the Petrograd Military District - Gutpis . The military commandant of Petrograd

    - Tseyger . The commander of the Red Guards during the rebellion of Yaroslavl - Hecker . The

    commander of the Eastern Front against the Czechs - Vatsetis ( Latvian Jew ) . The commander

    of the Moscow Military District - Butkus ( Lithuanian Jew ) . A member of the Military Council -

    PP Latsimer . Head (S.R). Military command - Elkan Solomonovich Coleman (former Austrian

    officer ) . The Commissioner of the Moscow Military District - Medkas . Chief of Defence of the

    Crimea - A.Zak . The commander of the Kursk Fontenot - Sluzin , his assistant - Zilberman .

    Commissioner Romanian fronts - Spiro . Predrevshtaba Staff of the Army of Northern Army - A.

    Fishman (a Jew ) . Chairman of the Board of armies on the Western Front - Pozern . Military

    Justice Commissioner Army 12 - Romm . Commissioner 12 Army - Meichik . Commissioner

  • Vitebsk - Daiba . Commissioner 4th Army - Livenzon . The Commissioner of the Moscow

    Military District - Gubelman . Commissioner of military requisitions of Slutsk - Kalmanovich (

    Lithuanian Jew ) . Commissioner Samara Division - Gluzman Political Commissar for the same

    Samara Division - Beckman . Commissioner for requisition in the Moscow Military District -

    Zusmanovich . The representative at the talks with the Germans - Davidovich ( Physician

    specialty ) .

    Commissariat of Internal Affairs : (all Jews) : The People's Commissar Zinoviev ( Apfelbaum ) . ( Radomyslsky Gregory Evseevich ( Radomyslsky

    Ovsey - Gershen Aaronovitch , Zinoviev . (real name Apfelbaum ) ) Head of the Propaganda

    Department - Goldenrudin . Assistant Commissar - Uritzky . Chairman of the economic

    Committee of the Petrograd commune - Ender. Deputy . Chairman hygiene - mine .

    Commissioner for evacuation of refugees - Fenigstein , his assistant - Krochmal ( Zagorski ) and

    Abram . Commissioner Petrograd print - Volodarskij . Civic chief - Petrograd Schneider . Civil

    Head of Moscow - Minor . Commissioner printing Moscow - Krassikov (a Jew ) . Commissioner

    of police of Petrograd - Fierman . Bureau Chief printing - Martinson . Commissioner safety of

    Moscow - K. Rosenthal.

    Members of the Petrograd Cheka ( all Jews ) Sheikman . Giller . Kozlowski . Model I.

    Rozmirovich . Dispersion (Armenian Jew ) . Iosilevich . Krassikov . Buhyan (Armenian Jew ) .

    Mernis (Lithuanian Jew ) . Paykers ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Anvelt ( German Jew ) .

    Members of the Petrograd Soviet : Sorge (a Jew ) , Radomyslsky ( Lithuanian Jew ) .

    Members of the Moscow Cheka Chairman - Dzerzhinsky ( Polish Jew ), Vice - Peters ( Latvian

    Jew )

    The members of the board of the Cheka (all Jews ) Shklovsky , Kneyfis - (later Chairman of the

    Kiev Cheka - the ferocity of which is described in the book Melgunov " Red Terror ").

    Razmirovich . Kronberg (later chairman of the Cheka in Orsha and Smolensk ) . Tseystin .

    Chaikin ( a Jewish woman ) . Carlson ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Schauman ( Lithuanian Jew ) .

    Leontovich . Rivkin . Antonov . Delafarb . Citkin . E. Rozmirovich . Sverdlov . Bisensky .

    Blyumkin ( killer Ambassador Mirbach ) . A. ( Bliumkin accomplice ) . I. Model (Chairman of the

    Board Trubeckogo bastion fortress ) . Roytenberg . Phineas . Jacob Goldin . Galpershteyn .

    Knigissen . Zacks . Latsis ( Latvian Jew ) . Daybol ( Latvian Jew ) . Seyzan (Armenian Jew ) .

    Depkin ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Libert (chief Taganka prison ) . Vogel ( German Jew ) . Soured (

    Lithuanian Jew ) Shillenkus . Janson ( Lithuanian Jew ) .

    Commissariat of Foreign Affairs ( all Jews ) Chicherin (a Jew ) His deputies : Karahan ( Crimean Jews , Kara .

    Pictured with Chicherin : and Fritsche . Head of the

    Passport Office - Margolin . Ambassador to Germany - Joffe (the best friend of Trotsky and the

    organizer of the Jewish communist putsch in Germany

  • The military attach of the Soviet embassy in Germany - Eugene Levin ,

    ( of

    C3% A9 Vicki : "Eugene Levin (May 10 , 1883 , St Petersburg, Russia - July 5, 1919 , Bavaria).

    was born in St. Petersburg in a Jewish family . Educated in Germany. Bolshevik . in 1905 he

    returned to Russia to participate in the public pervorote . Exiled to Siberia . Escaped to

    Germany. Gedelbergskom He studied at the university. married to Rose Levine, the daughter of

    Rabbi Polish city Grodek. After the Bolsheviks murder February 21, 1919 Jew Kurt Eisner, president of the liberal Bavaria proclaimed November 8,

    1918 on the ruins of " parade 's sovereignty ," the German Empire , Eugene Levine was the

    absolute dictator of the totalitarian Bavarian Soviet republic under the red flag : Levin once he began to carry out the

    practice of taking and Trotsky mass execution of hostages. foreign war criminal . Evreonala

    Agent world . was shot by German warriors "Freikorps" in prison Stadelheim. Interestingly tells

    Vicki about him as a " German potetsialnom Lenin ": "Eugen Levin, sometimes characterized

    as a" potential German Lenin "http: / / / wiki / Bavarian_Soviet_Republic. Levin

    in Germany , in Russia , Lenin ) .

    We continue to list Marsden :

    Press bureau chief and intelligence services of the Soviet Embassy in Germany - T. Axelrod .

    The Soviet representative in Vienna and London - Kamenev ( Rosenfeld ) . The Soviet

    representative in London and Paris - Beck. Ambassador to the Christians ( Norway ) - Boytler

    (arrested by the British ) . Consul in Glasgow - Malkin (he was convicted in England for 5 years

    after the Bolshevik propaganda and subversive activities) . The delegate at the peace talks in

    Kiev - Christian ( Chaim ) Rakowski . His assistant - Manuilsky . Ministerial lawyer - Astshub .

    Consul in Kiev - Grunbaum ( Kzhevinsky ) . Consul in Odessa - A. Beck. Ambassador to the

    U.S. - Ludwig Martens ( German Jew ) .

    The Commissariat of Finance ( all net Jews) : The first commissioner was FINAS Merzhvinsky (

    Polish Jew ) , (before it expelled from the " Union Bank " in Paris for illegal operations , where

    he was a broker ) . His deputy. - Don Nightingale (formerly the assistant pharmacist ) . Then

    became commissioner Isidore Hooke , who previously worked at the Nobel in Petersburg. His

    deputies : Axelrod , S. Sachs ( Gladnev ) , head of loans. Bogolepov . Hashkan - the general

    secretary. Bertha Khinevich - Assistant Secretary . The President of the Congress of Soviets of

    the financial - M. Latsis (a Jew ) . His assistant - Weizmann . Commissioner for the settlement of

    Russian -German accounts - Furstenberg - Hanecki

    The main official commissariat - Kogan .

    Administration of the People's Bank ( all Jews ) Mihelman . Zacks . Abelin . Axelrod . Sadnikov .

    Financial representatives : Berlin - Landau in Copenhagen - Thieves in Stockholm - Abraham

    Shankman .

    The Inspector General of the People's Bank - Caen . His deputy. - Gorenstein . Chief

    Commissioner for the elimination of private banks - Anrika , his assistant - Moses bucket .

    The members of the Committee on the Elimination of private banks : Eliashevich . G. Gifelih .

  • Rogov (a Jew ) . Mr. Lemaire . A. Plata ( Lithuanian Jew ) .

    The Commissariat of Justice (all Jews) : The Commissioner - J. Steinberg . Commissioner of

    the Court of Appeal in Moscow - A. Schrader . Chairman of the Moscow Revolutionary Tribunal

    - J. Berman . The commissioner of the Senate in Petrograd - Ber . President of the Supreme

    Revolutionary Committee of the Republic - Leon Trotsky . ( Another post Trotsky ) . PI Stuchka .

    (Http:// Stuchka Peter Ivanovich ( Janowicz ) ( 07.14.1865 ,

    farm Pakula in Riga . Gub. Livonia , 25.01.1932 , Moscow) . Ukonchil jack-up rig , Esq. In 1917

    member of the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet delegate VI Party Congress ( b).

    delegate I and II All-Russian Congress of Soviets of the RNC , a member of the Central

    Executive Committee 1. Member of the Democratic Conference . Commissar of Justice ( March-

    August 1918). President of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR ( 1923-1932 ) Director of the

    Institute of Soviet law ) .

    Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry Revolutionary Tribunal - Gluzman . The investigators of

    the Tribunal : Legendorf and Slutsky. Attorney General - Friedkin . Chief officer at ASC -

    Goynbark . The Secretary of the People's Committee - Shirvin (Shard names Shirvindt ) .

    Assistant to the People's Committee - Luttsky . The people's backs: Antokol'skii . J. Beyer . B.

    Aaronovitch . R. Bisque . A. Gundar . Davydov . R. Kastaryan (Armenian Jew ) .

    Academics and members of the Socialist Academy of Sciences ( all Jews ) Reisner . Fritzsche (

    Lithuanian Jew ) . Goykhborg . Pokrovsky ( Mikhail

    Pokrovsky (1868 - 1932) From November 1917 to March 1918 - Chairman of the Moscow

    Soviet . Some time belonged to the group of "Left Communists " opposed the signing of the

    Brest-Litovsk peace treaty. since 1918 - Deputy People's Commissar of education of the

    RSFSR . in 1923 - 1927 . actively participated in the struggle against Trotskyism , in different

    years, led the Communist Academy, the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the

    USSR , the Institute of red Professors . since 1929 - Academician . repeatedly elected to the

    Central Executive Committee and Central Executive Committee of the USSR. ) . Veltman .

    Sobelson ( Radek ) . Krupskaya ( emphasizes that a Jew ) . Nakhamkes (glass). PI Stuchka .

    Nemirovsky . , J. Rakowski . KP Levine. , MS Olshansky , ZR Telenberg , Gurvich, Ludberg .

    Erberg . Keltulan ( Hungarian Jew ) . Grossman ( Roschin) . Krachkovskii . Ursin ( Finnish Jew )

    . Sprawl tonne ( Finnish Jew ) . Rosin . Danchevskaya . Glazer . Godenrudin . Budin . Rothstein

    . Charles Rappoport . Lurie .

    Honorary members of the academy: Rosa Luxemburg (German Jew ) , Clara Zetkin ( (nee

    Eisner , a German Jew On the left Zetkin , Rosa Luxemburg was right : Mehring ( German Jew .) Hugo

    Haase . ( Hugo Haase . was born in Prussia, the son of a Jewish shoemaker and small

    predprenimatelya Nathan Haase . from

    http://en.wikipedia. org / wiki / Hugo_Haase - German Social- demokrakat . kriptoevreem Next

    to Friedrich Ebert , the son of a Jewish tailor ,

    President - " Council of People's deputies " ( Just like in Russia : http:/ / / wiki /

  • Rat_der_Volksbeauftragten - from November 9, 1918 the Interim Government of Germany (

    Weimar republic ) , after the coup d'etat in Germany).

    Literary Bureau of the Proletariat (all Jews) :

    Eyhengolts . Polanski ( Lebedev ) . Kherson . Zaitsev ( emphasizes that a Jew ) . Brender .

    Hodasevich ( Hodasevich Vladislav Felitsianovich - poet) . Schwartz. Director of the first

    department of the People's Commissariat of Education, to which the whole Socialist Academy of

    Sciences - Posner . Chief of Staff of the People's Commissariat of Enlightenment - Alter .

    Commissioner of Social Assistance ( all Jews ) Commissioner - E. Lilina ( Knigissen ) . Director

    - Paulner . Secretary E. Helfman . Assistant Secretary - Rose Gaufman . Head of the

    department of retirement - Levine. Head Office - KF Rosenthal.

    Commissioner of Public Works (all Jews) : The Commissioner - V. Schmidt ( emphasizes that a

    Jew ) . His assistant Radus (Zenkovich ) . Head of the committee on public buildings - Goldbark

    . Commissioner of Public Works , M. Veltman . His assistant - Kaufmann ( German Jew ) .

    Commissioner Secretary - Ruskin . A member of the Commissariat - Kouchner . Head of the

    Department of blasting - Zarkh .

    Commission to rebuild the city of Yaroslavl (heavily damaged as a result of the suppression of

    the rebellion Left Socialist-Revolutionary , all Jews) : Chairman - J. D. Tartakovsky . General

    Contractor - Isidore Zabludovsky .

    Representatives of the Soviet state in the international Red Cross (all Jews , and Trotsky's

    personal spies in other countries ) in Berlin. Sobelson ( Radek. Vicki : "Karl Radek Berngardovich ( alias Radek, in honor

    of the popular comic character Austrian press, real name Sobelson (German Karol Sobelsohn);

    Karl Radek was born in 1885 to a Jewish family of a teacher in Lemberg (Lvov ), which was

    then located on the territory of the Austro -Hungarian Empire. Educated at the History

    Department of the University of Krakow , a Soviet politician , leader of the international social

    democratic and communist movement , and in 1919-24 a member of the Central Committee

    RCP (B ) in the 1920-1924 term ( in 1920 secretary) of the ECCI , Employee newspaper

    "Pravda " and " Izvestia" , the author of the term " National Bolshevism " - " National Bolshevik ."

    Radek - one of the leaders of the Jewish communist putsch in Germany in 1918, the so-called "

    movement of Spartak " in noyab.1918 years

    after the start of the germ. Revolution of illegally traveled to Germany as a member of the owls.

    delegation to the Congress councils , participated in the org- 1- th Congress of the Communist

    Party of Germany, he was arrested. ) .

    The representative of the Council of Deputies in Vienna - J. Beerman, arrested in Austria and

    expelled from the country for the preparation of the Jewish communist coup, together with

    another 13 Jews , members of the Austrian Communist Party. When arrested, Berman was with

  • a 2.5 million Austrian crowns money.

    In Warsaw : A. Klotsman . Alter . Vilage ( Veselovskii expelled from Poland with 5 more Jews for

    the preparation of the Jewish communist insurgency. When it found three million rubles).

    In Bucharest : Nissenbaum . Traveling on the passport as a Belgian citizen , " Gilbert ."

    In Copenhagen : A Baum .

    Chairman of the Central Committee of the Red Cross in Moscow ( International terrorist

    organization by the global spread of the Jewish revolution in Europe ) : Benjamin ( Benjamin )

    Moiseevich Sverdlov (brother of Yakov Sverdlov . Benjamin Sverdlov (1886 - 16 April 1939) -

    the younger brother of James Sverdlova.Rodilsya in Lower Novgorod. As a youth participated in

    the activities of the revolutionary youth clubs , was exiled to Narym , fled abroad . Prior to the

    October revolution, he lived in the U.S., where unsuccessfully tried to lead the bank went

    bankrupt and was forced to live in poverty. After the revolution of 1918 , according to Yakov

    Sverdlov call back in the USSR and was appointed Commissar of Railways. in 1921 - Chairman

    of the Main Committee of the State structures ( Glavkomgosoor ) , since 1926 - Member of the

    Presidium of the Supreme Economic Council , Head of the scientific and Technical Department

    of the Supreme Economic Council , Executive Secretary of the All-Union Association of

    Employees of science and technology. since 1936 Director of Road research instituta.V October

    1938 he was arrested as a " Trotskyite terrorist" , April 16, 1939 executed. ) .

    Supreme Economic Council ( SEC ) ( all Jews) :

    Chairman - Rykov Chairman of the Supreme Economic

    Council of the Petrograd - Eysmont . His deputy . - Landeman . Head in Petrograd - Kreinis .

    Deputy. Rykov - Krassikov . Head of the common section in Moscow - A Shotman . His

    assistant - A. Chaikin . Head of Rehabilitation Department - Kichvalter . Responsible for

    Recovery - NA Rosenberg . His assistant - Zandich . Head of the Committee of oil - Tauris.

    Head of Fisheries Department - Klammer . The chief of the coal section - Rothenberg . Head of

    Transport Section - Kirsyan (Armenian Jew ) . His assistant - helmets. Head of steel sections -

    A. Alperovitch .

    Bureau of the Supreme Economic Council (all Jews ) Kreytman . Weinberg . Krasin . Lurie (

    Larin ) . Chubar (noting that a Jew ) . Goldblatt . Scrap . Alperovitch . Rabinowitz .

    Committee of the Supreme Economic Council of Donetsk (all Jews ) Kogan ( Bernstein ) . AI

    Ochkis . Polonsky . Bisque ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Klassen ( Lithuanian Jew ) . Livshits . Kirsch (

    German Jew ) . Kruse ( German Jew ) . Vihter . Rosenthal. Simonovic .

    The members of the cooperative section ( all Jews ) Lubomirski . Khinchuk . Zedelgeym . Tager

    . Chaikin . Krichevsky .

    The members of the miners' section ( all Jews ) Kossior . Goldman . Lengniks . Holtzman .

    Schmidt. Smith Folkner . Rudzutak . Sortel . Reynsvit . Blum . Kattsel . Sul. Chetkov .

    Jewish leaders in the periphery. (all Jews) :

  • Commissioner of Siberia - Haytis . Chairman of the Soviet of Workers' Deputies Syzran -

    Belinsky . Chairman of the Soviet of Workers' Deputies of Kazan - Shankman (killed ) .

    Chairman of the Board of the miners of Donetsk region - Livenzon . Chairman of the Soviet of

    Workers' Deputies of Narva - Dauman . Chairman of the Board of Workers of Yaroslavl -

    Zakheim . Chairman of the Soviet of Workers' Deputies Tsaritsina - Erman (killed ) . Chairman

    of the Board of Workers Orenburg - Wheeling . Chairman of the Soviet of Workers' Deputies

    Penza - Liebersohn . Chairman of the Board of Workers Tauride - A. Slutsky. The

    Commissioner of Finance of the Western regions - Samover . Chairman of the Board of Kiev -

    Drelling . His assistant - Gintsberger . Chairman of the Duma of the White Church - Rutgauzen .

    His assistant - Lemberg . The People's Commissar of the Republic of Donetsk - Rayhenshteyn .

    (killed by officers Colonel Drozdowski ) . The Commissioner of the Republic of Donetsk - Isaac

    Lauck . Schmookler (just Schmukler in the list)

    Central Bureau of Trade Unions (later Council of Trade Unions ) Rafes . Davidson . Ginsberg .

    Brilliant . Professor Smirnov . ( All Jews) .

    Committee of Inquiry into the death of Emperor Nicholas II ( all the Jews , except, perhaps ,

    Maximova and Mitrofanov , but unlikely ) Sverdlov . Sosnowski . Teodorovich . Rosin . Vladimir's

    ( Hirschfeld ) . Avanessov . Maximov . Mitrofanov .

    Committee at the request of former members of the old regime : Chairman - Ants. Members :

    Falcons. The remaining Jews are clear : Idelson . Gruzenberg . Solomon Gurevich . Goldstein .

    Tager .

    Journalists official communist newspaper :

    When the newspapers " Pravda", " News", Finance and National Economy "( All the Jews )

    Deanne . Bergman. Kuhn . Diamant . A. Bramson . A. Torbert . IB Golin . Bitner . E. Alperovitch

    . Kloysner . Steklov ( Nakhamkes ) . Ilyin ( Tsiger ) . Grossman ( Rosin ) . Lurie (Rumyantsev ) .

    When the newspaper " Will Work" (all Jews) : Zacks . Polanski . E. Katz .

    When the newspaper Banner of Labor (all Jews except the editor of Maxim Gorky ) Steinberg .

    Lander . Yaroslavsky . Efron . B. Schumacher . Levine . Billina . Davidson .

    With industrial and commercial papers (all Jews) : Bernstein . Kogan . Goldberg . B. Rosenberg

    . Raphailovich . Groman . Kulisher . Slavenson . I. Geller . Gauchman . Shuhman . P. Bastel . A.

    Press . A. Moss . LS Eliason .

    Leaders of other parties in Russia .

    The Central Committee of the Communist Party Mensheviks ( all Jews ) March ( March ( real

    name . Tsederbaum ) Julius Osipovich (1873 , Constantinople - 1923 , Schomberg , Germany ) - the leader of the Mensheviks . ) . Another brother

  • Tsederbaum Martov. Dimand . N. Himmer . Strauss . Ratner . Lieber . Zonn . Dan

    ( present . Fam . Gurvich ) Fedor Ilyich (1871 , St.

    Petersburg - 1947 , New York) - the leader of the Mensheviks . . Gotz ( Gotz Raphailovich

    Abram ( 1882-1940 ) - a member of the Central Committee of the Socialist Party .

    Http:// Rappoport .

    The Central Committee of the Socialist Revolutionary Party (right wing , all Jews ) A.Kerensky (

    Kirbis. Alexander F. Kerensky ( 04.22.1881 , 11.06.1970 , Simbirsk , New York ).

    Http:// html). Aaronovitch . Gissler . Davidovich . Gurevich .

    Abramovich . Goldstein . Scorcher . Khinchuk . Berlinrut . Distler . Cherniavskyi . Rosenberg .

    Ratner . Nikolai Tchaikovsky In 1917 members of

    the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet delegate I All-Russian Congress of Soviets of

    the RNC , I All-Russian Congress of the CD , a member of the Executive Committee of the All-

    Russian Council of the CD , the vowel of the Petrograd City Duma. Member State and the

    Democratic Conference , a member of the Pre-Parliament . Elected to the FF on the list of

    People's Socialist Party . In 1918 the leader of the Union of revival , the head of the Provisional

    Government of the Northern Region ( September 1918 - September 1919). Emigrant ) .

    The Central Committee of the Socialist Party (left wing , all Jews ) Sternberg . Levine. Fishman .

    Lendburg . ZITC . Lander . Kagan ( Gresser - Kamkov ) . Katz ( Bernstein ) . Feig Ostrovsky .

    Nachman . Karelin . Maria Spiridonov (

    kriptoevreyka as kriptoevrey Boris Savinkov ( Ropshin and many other names of

    Central Bureau of the Party "populists" (all Jews ) Rappaport . Graebner . Wilkins . Diamant .

    Kausner . Tents ( emphasizes that a Jew ) .

    Central Committee of the Polish diaspora (all Jews) : Radek ( Sobelson ) . Singer . Berson .

    Finkes . Gauzner . Mandelbaum . Landlord . Geydman . Tutelman . Wolff. Krochmal ( Zagorski )

    . Schwartz ( Goltz ) .

    Committee of the Party of Moscow anarchists (all Jews) : Jacob Gordin . Leyba Black .

    Bleichman . Yampolsky . Krupenin . "

    The end of the essay Victor Marsden .

    This list is in itself explains everything . This synagogue , and non-Jews in it can not be

    determined. All of these supposedly " Germans ," " Georgians ", " Armenians ", " Poles ", "

    Latvians " , in fact the Jews of the countries concerned . Victor Marsden himself even then

    considered German , Lithuanian, Armenian and Georgian Jews as, respectively, " Lithuanians ",

    " German ", "Georgia" or " genocide". During human history has long received all the evidence

  • that it is receiving the crown of the Jews called geographic names : in Russia called the

    allegedly " Georgians ", " Tatars ", " Poles ", " Balts ", " German ", " French ", " Italians ", in

    Georgia " Ukrainians "and" Greeks ", in America," the Poles ", in Russian ," Americans " , in

    France " by the Germans , "in Germany," French ", so on until tangling. The combinations are

    countless , the essence of which one , the main thing is not to be called Jews that it was

    impossible to trace the origins and causes of the global occupation.

    How this is done is shown in the work of William Pokhlebkin " Great Alias William Pohlebkin knows what he says , he is one of

    them : Vicki , " William V. was the son of

    Russian revolutionary, Vasily Mikhailovich Mikhailov ( party name - Pohlebkin .) Name the father

    gave his son in honor of Vladimir Lenin and August Bebel - leaders of the world proletariat,

    William - August ( or more precisely Wil -October , however, the name Bel, resulting from the

    combined letters of the name "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" , pereozvuchivalos in a more familiar name

    of William .) understand how could vygdlyadet " Russian revolutionary, " Vasily Michalov if his

    son such appearance.

    Pohlebkin leads a small list of the members of the RSDLP , changed their names : Makhnovets

    was Akimov Ovseenko was Antonov , Frunze became Arsenyev , Voroshilov, whom Lenin

    sarcastically called the " Voroshilov - Balalajkin " became Volodin , Gurvich was Danilov , Levin

    began Egorov , Zinoviev was Apfelbaum , Kostrikov became the Kirov , Picker was Martynov.

    Bukharin was Nikolayev. Postolovsky became Mikhailov , Salkind was Osipov , Galbershtadt

    was Panin , Rykov was Sergeyev , Krochmal was Fomin , and the woman was at Levin Ivanov.

    In addition : Moshinskii become lions. Tskhakaia became Barsov Japaridze became pigeons. N.

    Bauman was Grach , Yakov Drabkin was Gusev Aristarkhov became Sturgeon .

    Leonid Krasin was Zimin , Tsederbaum was Martov , I. Lyakhovetsky became Maisky

    Gubelman became Yaroslavl , Moscow, Warsaw became Bronskiy , Piatakov became Kiev ,

    Brilliant became Sokolnikov . O- GA . Apfelbaum was Moscow .

    Only Bundists took a Jewish aliases : Goldman became Lieber , Eisenstadt was Yudin .

    Kamenev was Rosenfeld , Lunacharsky Voinov , Scriabin was Molotov , and Krupskaya was

    Sablina .

    Rabbi Magnes (JL Magnes) in a speech in New York in 1919 (cited in the American edition of "

    International Jew" by Henry Ford in four volumes. Volume 1 , page 240 ) says: " When a Jew

    committed to the cause of the proletariat , then it begin to speak of his racial quality and in

    Germany it is Marx, Lassalle , Haas and Eduard Bernstein , in Austria it is Victor and Friedrich

    Adler , in Russia , Trotsky. Take the current situation in Russia and Germany. Revolution freed

    the creative forces of Jewry , and see how many of the Jews was at once at our disposal : The

    Socialist-Revolutionaries , Mensheviks , Bolsheviks , Socialists - as though they were not called

    - all of them are Jews , and the most faithful leaders , ordinary workers and businesses of all

    revolutionary parties. "

    I especially want to focus on one person, the founder of Russian Marxism and teacher George

  • V. Plekhanov, Lenin , whose first issue of " Russian " Marxist One needs only to look at the photograph of the

    Plekhanov to understand that he is 100 % Jewish. Look at the faces in profile , not the surname

    " He was not Slavic , but rather the Oriental type face Georgians, Ossetians , Uzbeks ( in most

    families Plehan ( PleHan ) something Tatar ) . ( Khazar ? ) Stunned me resemblance to the man

    I knew . Whom ? George V. Plekhanov was amazing like his brother Gregory Valentinovitch

    Plekhanov - police police officer . N. Valentine . Meetings with Lenin. New York. Univ . them .

    Chekhov. 1959 . S. 245 " .

    There is a book of Samuel Baron " Plekhanov . Father of Russian Marxism (Samuel H. Baron"

    Plekhanov " The father of Russian Marxism). In this

    book, the author , an American Jew , said that Plekhanov's mother (Maria Feodorovna

    Belinskaya ) (1832-1881) is a pure Jewish woman , a relative of another prominent Jewish

    figures of the 19th century , the literary critic Vissarion Belinsky. Plekhanov 's father , also a Jew

    , posed under the " Tatar ." Thus, the " father of Russian Marxism," George V. Plekhanov, like

    himself, Marx was a pure Jew. Plekhanov 's first wife was a certain Natalia Smirnova , which he

    immediately divorced . , he married for life to a Jewish woman from a wealthy Jewish family in

    Kherson . Plekhanov's wife - countrywoman Trotsky and their families need to know about each

    other . Plekhanov's wife 's name was nice Jewish name Rosalia Markovna Bogorad . Thus, the

    pseudo- Marxist Georgi Plekhanov was exemplary Jewish family with two daughters clean -

    Jews . Jora Plekhanov's best friends were two prominent Jewish terrorist Pavel Axelrod / biograf / akselrod.html and Leo Deutsch, pictured right :, who was also a friend of Trotsky ,

    too , has written a book : LEV Deutsch . ROLE JEWS IN RUSSIAN revolutionary movement.


    They both Axelrod and Deitch also a goodly number of " Russian " Marxists , although if you

    look at the wiki, surname Deutsch - " Deutsch " and " Deutsch " in German is " German " / Leo_Deutsch. Note that the Institute of National Economy in

    Moscow Plekhanov called employees " Minh and GP ", has always been a stronghold of the

    Trotskyists and clean kriptoevreyskim institution.

    Other examples of prominent Jewish Bolshevik leader , were issued for Russian Elena Stasova, known sadist of the Petrograd Cheka , who

    came from a family of intellectuals known 19th century, the brothers Stasovs , who also worked

    called " Russian intellectuals ." The whole family , two brothers : Vladimir - journalist, lawyer and

    Dmitry were Jews , like their father, Basil, a famous architect of the early 19th century.

    Odious sadistic KGB was also Kedrova ( Meisel , Plastinina ) Revvekka , wife of the same

    sadistic Mikhail Kedrov ( February 12, 1878 ( 18,780,212 ) - 18 October 1941 ) - from

  • September 1918 Chief of the Military Division of the Cheka and the mother of the Soviet

    philosopher Kedrova BM, personally shot people in large numbers.

    A well-known figure in the Bolshevik Alexandra Kollontai was, later ambassador to Sweden , which had a real name

    Alexander Domontovich . Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the famous "left

    socialist revolutionary " Maria Spiridonov and outstanding terrorist Boris Savinkov also clean the

    Jews , even kriptoevrei . Kriptoevreyami were such well-known figures as sinister Bolshevik :

    Antonov ( Hook ) Vladimir Krilenko (comrade "

    Abram ") , Paul E. Dybenko and Fedor Raskolnikov

    ( different last name " Ilyin "which is the most

    popular Jewish name ), later as Stalin's secretary Boris Bazhanov, too Trotskyite war criminal and a Jew who fled

    abroad from the Stalinist reprisals . Then, one of the leaders of the Cheka Artuzov ( Frauchi, Mikhail Markovich Borodin ( Gruzenberg

    ), American resident in China well, such as the well-known instance of Krupskaya ( Fishberg )


    Among the Bolshevik commissars were even Orthodox Jews , such as People's Commissar of

    Justice I. Steinberg . By the way , one of the most decent people in the Bolshevik government,

    so he did not stay there long . Steinberg was wearing sidelocks and celebrated Saturday.

    Therefore, if the CPC met on Saturday , the Russian dragged behind Steinberg its portfolio . In

    1918, in September, on the feast of Yom Kippur, Steinberg said in a Moscow synagogue

    speech about the importance of tears and fasting on Yom Kippur . Steinberg was convinced that

    socialism , communism and Judaism are complementary to each other (From the book : Joseph

    Nedava "Trotsky and the Jews Joseph nedava "Trotsky and The Jews" USA. 1971).

    The famous Australian explorer of the first half of the 20th century A. H Field in his book,

    "Today's the main problem - the Jews ! (ANField "To-day's greatest problem The Jews!"

    Quoted the former People's Commissar of Justice of the Bolshevik government I. Steinberg.

    These words are shown in the newspaper " New York Times " of February 23, 1930 : "All the

    psychological elements of the regime of violence and oppression are manifested in an

    atmosphere of terror. on the one hand, we have the power of intoxication by the realization that

    what we do not punishable with on the other hand fear, depression and duplicity, a product of

    two classes : masters and slaves . All were slaves in relation to the ( Bolshevik ) government,

    which has wolves in relation to the population . "

    That is, in Russia as a result of the Jewish coup in October 1917 established the brutal

    dictatorship of the Jewish and gentile mode of destruction peoples of Russia . If you will read

    the official history of the party or the Soviet Union , then there is nothing you will find all hush-

    hush . The history books are written by Jews - winners , who are quite aware of its purpose - To

    turn the story inside out and cross out all traces of their activity. Records under their control.

    This list shows that in 1917 the fate of the gentile peoples of Russia has been resolved. In the

  • Central Committee of the various parties do not have any, except the Jews , but natural that in

    the struggle for power won the most brutal and ultra- extremist party kriptoevreyskaya . A similar

    situation in the parties and the Russian leadership was also created after 1991. The situation

    was similar in all the parties and the leadership of Western countries , only the methods of

    extermination of the goyim there were more "scientific" , "modern" and "democratic" .

    In the method of falsification of history distortion of the actual role played by the various

    government agencies . For example, to exaggerate the actual role of Lenin, and attributed to

    him the responsibility , to stick out the Council of People's Commissars . However, if you take

    the first Soviet constitution , which was introduced in 2 months after the revolution in January

    1918 , you will see that the main authority in the country was declared the Congress of Soviets .

    But since , congress, physically exists only when it is assembled, it is smart and it was

    envisaged is rare, but it is necessary to lead the state 24 hours a day , in fact the supreme

    authority on the constitution was the Central Executive Committee , chaired by Yakov Sverdlov

    and from 30 September 1918 to the Revolutionary Military Council , chaired by Trotsky and you will see in the future that the most inhuman laws in the initial period

    is passed through the All Sverdlov. Moreover , Yakov Sverdlov in general, " podmahivala "

    decrees, such as the formation of the Revolutionary Military Council , the appointment of the

    chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of Trotsky, the " Red Terror ", the " Cossacks

    which ", and many many others, without the All - personally , as Chairman. After the Second

    Congress of Soviets of the Central Executive Committee had 43 members and any non-Jew,

    after the 5th Congress of the number of members of the Central Executive Committee was

    increased to 62 , which undoubtedly was done on purpose, but still it did not include any non-

    Jew . The first person in Soviet Russia under the nomenclature of the Constitution of 1918 ,

    which was called the " Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People " 3 (16)

    January 1918 was Yakov Sverdlov ,

    not Lenin . Lenin was the leader of the current body composed of People's Commissars by

    industry management . That is, translating into modern language , that Yakov Sverdlov was the

    President of the country , and Lenin only the prime minister. Notably, in the memoirs of

    Lockhart's " British agent" said that when the 26 April 1918 the German ambassador , Prince

    Mirbach arrived in Moscow , his credentials in the Kremlin took no Lenin and Yakov Sverdlov .

    Besides the CPC , has been created duplicate SNK bodies with the same features , namely the

    Council of Labor and Defense , the SEC Supreme Council of National Economy , which also

    had no non-Jews. Lenin held sway in the People's Commissars and the station , where the

    meeting took place every day , but according to the constitution, all its solutions can be

    overpowered by Sverdlov , who in his rival firm also worked 24 hours a day. Why ? - Because

    the CPC was the supreme executive and the Central Executive Committee was the supreme

    legislative body.

    Jewish Bolsheviks , without being any the Bolsheviks in any sense represent a majority, the

    Congress of the system conceived as a " permanent absence of a national authority" , knowing

    full well that he who appoints the Central Executive Committee , and he is the supreme authority

    . Any Congress has always been a gathering of delegates , making the receipt of special

    benefits and privileges of real power. That is, every Congress has always been a "political

  • exchange ", carefully veiled demagoguery , buying servants , lackeys , or , as they say , power

    brokers and managers called a blind " people's representatives " or " delegates ". Central

    Executive Committee appointed by the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party , which was in

    reality poorly camouflaged source of supreme power. Thus , the Jewish system of governing the

    country is simple: if the supreme authority in the country is constantly absent Congress whoever

    it may be, be it a party or the Soviets , it really runs the country who this Congress convenes ,

    and shall convene a congress of the Central Committee of the ruling party . Accordingly, the

    supreme legislative body - the Central Executive Committee , and subsequently the Presidium

    of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in fact always assign the Party Central Committee. Thus,

    the supreme power belonged to the leaders of the ruling party. They came up with a set

    demagogic as to provide people the power to elect , has chosen them before the preliminary

    organizational order.

    Quite similar to the present-day " democracies " of the Western type of supreme power in any "

    democratic" country does not belong to the parliament ( Congress , the Duma, parliament , or

    Knesset ) that there is always a political exchange with the political brokers and shady body

    which convenes elections . Elections - are political races , competitions, in which the

    participants do not win , and organizers that determine who will come out at the start. The secret

    to any political elections that the main choice has already been made before any election. That

    is, in the Russian supreme power belongs to the people who control the Central Election

    Commission - CEC . The same as in Western countries - everywhere in the "democratic "

    system of sovereign power belongs to the people , who do not participate and win the elections,

    and that behind the scenes , organize and conduct elections .

    At the time of the Revolution , there were two leaders : Lenin and Trotsky . Where did such a

    dual power ? Historically, the founder of the party was Lenin. Lenin was one of those who

    organized the party 20 years ago on the Rights of the terrorist 's brother , who was executed for

    an attempt on the king. Lenin, after so many years in fact, became the legal owner of this party.

    It was his private institution with limited liability, the political " firm ", recorded in his personal

    name. Trotsky joined the Bolshevik Party in July 1917 , having arrived from the U.S.. Trotsky ,

    who had come to gotovenkoe , entry into the most radical party at the time it took to capture the

    leader of the rule of cash . Trotsky was a man who stood for Western money , so he

    immediately became the most dangerous rival to Lenin in the same of his own party . Trotsky

    was run down in a passenger car , which he intended to throw out the driver . He got into this "

    car " - " the car of the Bolshevik Party ," because it is, so to speak, was the most aggressive

    model , " all-terrain off-road ", and that such a model was needed aggressive " driver " Trotsky.

    However, Lenin had to put up with this , nowhere to declare a competitor because of Trotsky

    stood well, a lot of money in the origin of which Lenin chose not to delve into , but he apparently

    did not explain anything .

    In addition , Yakov Sverdlov , whom Lenin, Trotsky and piled all organizational matters , and

    that the revolution was responsible for all such organizational affairs in the party, in practice, has

  • quickly become a first person in the state. In any case, it definitely was the third person in the

    state, because that Sverdlov was the only secretary of the Party Central Committee and

    Chairman of the Central Executive Committee at the same time ! Thus, it is Yakov Sverdlov after the revolution centered in

    himself the two posts that the disappearance of the two leaders, Lenin and Trotsky to become

    the top post in the Soviet state : as General Secretary of the Party and Chairman of the

    Presidium of the Supreme Soviet. The trouble for Sverdlov was the fact that he was gone before

    anyone else , because it was still alive, the two main rival intra -Lenin and Trotsky . These

    interesting findings suggest themselves by themselves only from the list of leaders of the Soviet

    State, made in 1918 by Victor Marsden , who we are for this list are eternally grateful .

    Another person who made the list of the leaders of the Soviet state after the revolution , was

    Robert Wilton , correspondent of the British " Times

    This so angered the reporter murder of the royal family that he is hot on the trail went to the

    place of execution of the royal family and talked with the investigator Sokolov. On his return to

    London in 1920 Wilton once wrote a book that became a bestseller , " The Last Days of the

    Romanovs ." The book is in the public Internet it : In the epilogue , but only to the

    French , not the English edition of the book, he was able to print a list of the leaders of the

    Soviet government , from which also indicated that they Jews - a fact carefully concealed

    Jewish western media . The fate of Wilton , is the same as that of Victor Marsden . On his return

    , he lost all the work and in 1925, died suddenly , or eliminated .

    Next , the unknown in the Russian document - this is an article written in 1921 in Munich, the

    famous German politician Alfred Rosenberg The

    article is called

    "Jewish Bolshevism ."

    "Everyone who watched the pendulum of the revolutionary process in Russia , knew that the

    pendulum has not had much to deviate to the left. Because it is impossible to find a purely

    Russian person who devised a total destruction of the country. This was the abolition of all

    economic life of the population , the destruction of satanic in its ferocity , and at the same time is

    a cold-blooded murder, which is the meaning of the Bolshevik government in Russia .

    In the chaos created by a mad hatched creeping snake , who had secretly multiply in the body

    of the affected organism Russia . In the throes of suffering and crawled out stinking bastard who

    had to mangle the body from the inside Russia (as in 1991 ) . This reptile with periodic regularity

    , tragically for his victim , hatch in the various states . Now it's the turn of Russia. This reptile -

    Organized Jewry . Now Russia on himself realized the horrors of the "great" revolutions of

    England and France. However, the horrors of Russia in its scale exceeded all known so far.

    From all over the world flocked to the children of Israel, Russia , to " strike while the iron is hot" ,

    feasting on the ruins still smoking and drinking blood. " Bolshevik " newspaper started in

    Petrograd and Moscow. Specially trained demagogues have at their disposal an unlimited

  • source of money , they created became members of the new government - the Soviets. They

    did not waste any time , using all means at their disposal to demoralize the people and the

    Russian people to begin the slaughter . And the Russian people have succumbed to

    demagoguery , because for the most part they were uneducated people .

    One example: once in Petrograd was a man by the name of the glass. He spoke to the people,

    promoted world peace , freedom , bread and offered money to all new recruits . Finally got to

    the bottom of the newspaper that he is no glass, and the hideous , bearded Jew named

    Nakhamkes . Today the " glass" is one of the dictators of the Soviet press . And they all are.

    Directly in front of the Liberal government of Russia, who came from America , Trotsky and

    Zinoviev and Lenin arrived from Switzerland and their militants occupied the luxurious royal

    palace, where they began to collect money to feed and drink vodka deserters from the front,

    offering them not only to get away from responsibility for desertion and committed the crime, but

    also in general to take power into their own hands and to mock people. Many Jews have been

    prepared in a special terrorist school on the island of Capri, under the leadership of a Jew

    Rappoport . It is from the island of Capri Jewish agitators went to Kronstadt and the fronts of

    degrading discipline. I observed how Jewish thugs distributed leaflets among the wounded in

    the hospital in the Crimea.

    The first attack was in July 1918. Jew Roshal and his men warmed money and vodka Kronstadt

    sailors and explained what to do next . These armed men sailed up the Neva , landed

    companies in the city , seized trucks and drove through the streets of Petrograd , postrelivaya

    on well-being. Then another riot was suppressed , instigators were jailed , but not for long.

    It soon became apparent , as it is here in Germany that the Jews contributed a lot of money to

    promote class warfare in Goyskoye society. In addition to this the Jews from all sides defended

    himself by introducing his people in all the necessary facilities to them and "moderate " party.

    The leaders of the Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks were Jews Mar- Tsederbaum ,

    Lieber , Gotz , Dan Bernstein -Kogan and other public with germanopoddobnymi names. Once

    Trotsky and Kamenev - Rosenfeld were arrested , all the world was such a "high ", that they

    were immediately released, the principles to be violated first , when the gang itself dorvetsya to


    Jews Lieber and Dan easily forced to let go of Trotsky and Kerensky's company, and the chief

    of police in Kerensky was also a Jew and a Zionist known Rutenberg .

    After passing the Russian Jewish Bolsheviks , they no longer had anything to fear , they are

    now forced to be feared. In late October , just as the day was to gather the Constituent

    Assembly , who put their trust in the whole of Russia , it was a coup, and began the terrible

    terror .

    Yeah, but who gave so much money that would provide this great work on the decomposition of

    the state and the army? Germanofobskie authors argue that Lenin and Trotsky were emissaries

    of the German General Staff. However, the truth is just the reverse , Bolshevik leaders are

    emissaries of the Jewish bankers from the domination of the blessed exchange. And this is

    precisely the Jewish money was paid for the preparation, establishment , construction and

    powered by a devastating car Jewish Bolsheviks.

    Bourtsev (Burzew), who knows more than others about the Russian Revolution, in his pamphlet

  • , " Damn you , the Bolsheviks ", openly accused the "German " ( born in Russia ) Jew Parvus -

    Gelfand that he " godfather " of the Jewish Bolshevism.

    It was like Parvus Figaro : Parvus in Constantinople , Parvus in Sofia, Parvus in Copenhagen ,

    Parvus in Berlin ! " This Jew Parvus , who amassed capital to trade weapons during World War

    II, was the best friend and our Jewish revolution of 1918 in Germany. The Swiss just threw

    Parvus from Switzerland after his machinations with their own members of our Ministry of

    Foreign Affairs of the Wilhelmstrasse , where they still provided Lenin and his non-stop a few

    hundred fighters returning from Switzerland to Russia for luxury. But the most interesting thing

    in this story that the " democratic" government of Russia missed the train snakes through the

    border. At this point the whole world stopped, and everyone understood that Russia was gone .

    Trotsky and Zinoviev - Apfelbaum , accompanied by three hundred inhabitants of the New York

    Ghetto (among whom were the same person now known as Uritzky and Volodarskij ) , started in

    the same way , but on the boat , loaded with brand-new weapons , rifles and a brand new , still

    in U.S. oil revolvers of the " Colt " from which they will later shoot in the back of Russian people.

    This gang was arrested in Halifax , Canada . But President Wilson , said its say - and they sail

    on. And this company vultures "democratic" government of Russia is also quietly allowed to

    enter the country .

    The right hand of President Woodrow Wilson then had a Jewish banker Simon Wolf, and the left

    hand - the Chief Justice of the U.S. Jewish Louis Brandeis , known all over the world Zionist.

    Anti-Russian policy of America goes back to 1904 , when the Jewish banker Jacob Schiff

    financed the Japanese in the war against Russia , because it seemed to him that the Jews in

    Russia are laid without servility . Jacob Schiff for their money in Japan organized a training

    camp to prepare the revolutionary terrorists of the number of Russian prisoners , many of whom

    were Jews. The present head of President Wilson at the Versailles conference was a Jewish

    multimillionaire Bernard Baruch , who was the real head of the U.S. delegation to the Versailles

    Peace Conference in Paris. This conference was not at peace , as it is disguised . Bernard

    Baruch had brought 117 Jewish professionals who , with the help of their compatriots in other

    delegations , so shredded Europe that here without a new European war can not do.

    How does the Jewish Bull Terriers incited by Russia , shows clearly in the book of Henry Ford's

    " The International Jew ", which includes a letter , taken from official sources and addressed to

    the Russian Jew Furstenberg in New York, a Jew by the name of Rafael Shola . The letter is

    dated " Stockholm September 21, 1917 ," the letter stated that the Jewish banker Max Warburg

    of Hamburg opened the scoring for the enterprise Comrade Trotsky and the other person is

    responsible for the supply of arms and ammunition and the transfer of weapons to their


    All of huge sums of money that absorbed the Soviet city in preparation for a coup , because it

    was necessary to feed and water the whole desertion gang - brothers , walked through

    Stockholm , where he was himself Furstenberg , who is also Hanecki . Now Furstenberg -

    Hanecki Soviet representative in Riga.

    Russian soldiery , demoralized by the war, and Jewish agitators who helped Jews well to win

    the right that victory.

    The Jewish oligarchy in this form as it has long existed in the West , did not yet exist in Russia .

    But since the Russian Revolution, with all its wealth and population was owned by Jews.

    Everything was " nationalized " the Jews, seized , removed from corpses in the unfortunate

  • Russian . As you can imagine, that wealth in this case, you can even multiply , destroying part

    of the population that needs to be fed and clothed . All of the original captured wealth, all the

    gold and royal gold and jewelry taken from corpses and remelted gold crowns , went to pay for

    new shipments Jewish mercenaries from abroad. ( And in particular to attract to their side " of

    the Czechoslovak Corps "). This total rip-off enabled the Soviet government set up by his fellow

    foreign bank accounts and buy a lot of real estate abroad.

    But not to give Russian people to wake up and shake off the nightmare of this Jewish , Jews at

    a fast pace with destruction all Russian intellectuals and educated people in general . Under the

    false pretext that the crimes of the past imperial regime should be punished , the Bolshevik

    government had sent foreign mercenaries to kill every marine and army officers , police , civil

    servants , engineers, anyone who is able to think and analyze the events themselves.

    Headquarters of the world famous " Kill the Department " was Petrograd Cheka , which was led

    , now dead , who came from the United States Uritzky Moses . She was in the house at number

    2 Pea street . Tens of thousands of people, men and women , were killed on the Pea number 2

    with no , not that that court , but without effect. While the official executioner of Petrograd was

    Moses Uritzky , the Zinoviev - Apfelbaum , commissioner of the city, Chairman of Board of the

    North and the CEC Third International killing people in their own way : through the confiscation

    of products , withdrawal of products from the market , with the famine , epidemics and create

    other tested "civil" means. Simultaneously, the American Jewish gangster Trotsky organized the

    same in the whole country.

    Jews unleashed the violence , murder , violence on an unprecedented scale. Red Army soldiers

    were indissolubly attached to a brutal gang of Jewish felon . And this gang led to the leadership

    of Russia in general well -designed and organized efforts of Jews all over the world ! The Red

    Army has absorbed all the horrendous human scum not only Russia but the whole world. The

    most proven teams Bolshevik Jews were mostly Caucasians , the Baltic Jews and Chinese.

    They subjected the Russian people the most sophisticated Asian torture , which could not have

    guessed Europe . With their help, the doomed Russian population was crushed without any

    right to disagree , but what is there to disagree - with no right to cry for mercy.

    Bloody oshmetok Russian intelligentsia , who miraculously survived the massacre of the Jews

    forced to work for themselves , while providing them with a good job , using their families as

    hostages. Overwhelmed by hunger, the constant fear of death, surrounded on all sides by spies

    disguised as political commissars , they had no choice but to work for their ruthless

    executioners. Many , indeed, have preferred death, but many gave up. Jewish victory was

    complete and unconditional .

    Farmers who have been scattered in their villages , were not able to unite in the fight against

    Bolshevism . Massacre , organized in the years 1917-1921 , the Russian people were worth 35

    to 40 million people. (Article 1921 !) .

    Anyone who does not blind , can not see that from the very beginning of his communist

    enterprise was thoroughly Jewish . Englishman Robert Wilton , in 1920, traveling to Russia ,

    showed that at least 380 of the 300 Bolshevik commissars was pronounced by Jews. Today, we

    know relatively complete list of all the Jewish tyrants. The pamphlet , "The Jews in Russia ",

    made by Victor Marsden , lists more than 550 officials Bolshevik Russia and the post .

    ( Next Alfred Rosenberg lists given me a bit of a full list , and adds that the Soviet

    representatives also are in Revel Litvinov - Finkelstein, Prague Gillerzon in Lucerne

  • (Switzerland) - Sherman, Shklovsky was expelled from Switzerland, Vorovskii is in Italy , Vigdor

    Kopp and Samuel Reich are in Berlin ) .

    Today, the Social Democrats argued that the policy of "Western democracies" is determined by

    " the market". However, these gentlemen , for some reason we can not explain why these

    financiers and bankers who run the notorious "market" , and that 99% of the Jews , at the same

    time support the " proletarian revolution ", and at the same time , ostensibly, fight it , supporting

    the army of Kolchak, Wrangel and Denikin Iudenich .

    The truth , however, is that the "market" policies in New York, London and Paris could easily

    pull the plug overnight Bolshevik regime in Moscow and immediately put an end to the

    dictatorship of the Soviet Jews and the terror of the Trotskyists in Russia . Apfelbaum would be

    forced to leave the Kremlin during the month. However, "market policies " of the West for some

    reason do not.

    Russian national army received only minimal western aid and only to the extent to explain the

    stay of the allied troops in Russia , while the real task of stay of the allied troops in Russia to

    provide military and financial aid to the Bolshevik regime , as well as removal of the loot .

    From the speeches of the House of Commons the British Parliament that the only thing they

    cared in 1919 - this is any help determine the British government fully guaranteed Kolchak

    Kolchak suppression of anti-Semitic tendencies in Siberia.

    Even more interesting: Iudenich army was equipped by the British government , and the

    success was close , Petrograd was already there . Within three days of the fall of the Bolshevik

    capital, Petrograd , already a radio station around the world. Russian shares immediately rose

    in all markets of the world and rose and rose . Stock Brokers sold the Russian ruble and a

    variety of Russian securities. On all stock exchanges of the world was booming Russian .

    And then , suddenly, the English fleet , covering the flag Iudenich and strafing is a revolutionary

    Kronstadt, suddenly throws Iudenich and walks away without even saying goodbye. Moreover,

    the English fleet goes to Riga , and there begins to bombard the German- Russian anti-

    Bolshevik forces that opposed the Bolsheviks together !