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Important plant species of Udanti wildlife sanctuary

51. Botanical Name I Authority Family Vernacular Plant No. name form 1 . Abe/moschus manihot (L)Medik Malvaceae Jangli Bhindi Herb 2. Abrus precatorius (L) Papilionaceae Gumchi Climber 3. Acacia catechu (LF) Willd Mimosaceae (Leg.) Kattha Tree 4. Acacia leucophloea (Willd) Roxb Mimosaceae (Leg.) Reujha Small

Tree 15. Acacia nilotica L. (Willd) Mimosaceae (Leg.) Babool Tree 6. Achyranthes aspera (L) Amaranthaceae Chitchita Herb ,7. Adina cordifolia Roxb (Hook F.) Rubiaceae Haldoo Tree

ex Brandis 8. Aegle marrnelos L (Correa) Rutaceae Bel Tree 9. Ageratum conyzoides (L) Compositeae Koobhi Herb 10. Ailanthus excelsa (Roxb) Simarubaceae Maharukh Tree 11. Albizzia /ebbek L (Benth) Mimosaceae (leg.) Kala Siris Tree 12. Alysicarpus bupleurifolius (L) DC Paplionaceae (Leg.) Tin patiya Herb 13. Amaranthus caudatus (L) Amaranthaceae Marsa Herb 14. Amaranthus spinosus (L) Amaranthaceae Marsa Herb 15. Andrographis paniculata Bur m.f. Acanthaceae Cheraita Herb

(_Nees) 16. Andropogon contortus (L. ) Gramineae - Herb 17. Anogeissus !atif0!ia (Roxb ex Mimosaceae (Leg.) Dhawa Tree

D.C.) 18. A_pluda aristata (L) Gramineae Phulwari Herb 19. Ap/uda mutica (L) Gramineae -- Grass 20. Arg_emon mexicana (L) Papaveraceae Peeli Kateri Herb 21. Aristida setacea (Retz.) Gramineae --- Grass 22. Asparagus racemosus (Willd) Liliaceae Sataver Climber 23. Azadirachta indica JA. Juss) Meliaceae Neem Tree 24. Bauhinia vah/iiWight & A. Ceasalpinaceae Mahul Patta Woody

'iL~g.) climber 25. Bombax ceiba (L) Malvaceae Semal Tree 26. Borreria hispida (L.) K. schum Rubiaceae -- Herb 27. Borreria pusilla (Waii)DC Rubiaceae -- Herb

128. Boswellia serrata (Roxb) ex Buseraceae Salai Tree colebr.

29. Bothriochloa intermedia (Retz) Gramineae -- Grass ST. Blake

30. Bothriochloa pertusa (L) A. Gramineae -- Grass cam us

31. Brassica com_pestris Crusifereae Sarsoo Herb 32. Bridelia retusa (Spreng.) Euphorbiaceae Kasei Tree

33. Bridens hamiltoniana (Wall] Compositeae -- Herb 34. Buchanania lanzan-(SpreiUiJ Anacardiaceae Achar Tree 35. Butea monosi:ierma (Lam) Taub Papilionaceae (LeQ.) Pal as Tree 36. Butea superba (Roxb) Papilionaceae (Leg.) Palas bel Woody

Climber 37. Calotrl:ii:iis -aiaantea (L) R.Br. Asclepidaceae Madar Herb 38. Calotroois -orocera (Ait) R. Br. Asclepidaceae Madar Herb 39. Careva arborea (Roxb) Mvrtaceae Kumbhi Tree 40. Carissa carandas{L.) Apocvnaceae Karondi Shrub 41. Carissa soinarum (Auct) Apocvnaceae Karonda Shrub 42. Casearia araveolens (DalzT Samvdaceae Gulchi Shrub 43. Cassia fistula (L) Ceaselpinaceae Amaltas Tree

{LeQ.) 44. Cassia glauca (Lamk) Ceaselpinaceae -- Herb

(Lea.) 45. Cassia occidenta/is (L) Ceaselpinaceae Cassia Herb

I fLea.) 46. Cassia tora (L) Ceaselpinaceae Chakoda Herb

I !Leo.\ 47. Celosia araentea7L! Amaranthaceae -- Herb 48. Cenchrus ciliaris (L) Gramineae -- Grass 49. Cenchrus iiranularis (L.) Gramineae -- Grass 50. Chloris vlroata (SWJ Gramineae -- Grass 51. Ch/orophytum Liliaceae Sated Musli Herb

arundinacium(Baker) 52. Ch/oroohVfum borivilianum Liliaceae Sated Musli Herb 53. Ch/orophytum tuberosum Liliaceae Sated Musli Herb

lrBake;l 54. Chloroxvlon swietenia (D.C.) Meliaceae Bhirra Tree 55. Chrysopogon fu/vus (Spreng) Gramineae -- Grass

Chiov 56. Cleistanthus co/linus Benth Euphorbiaceae Karra Small

tree 57. Cochlosoermum _aossvoium Bixaceae Ghalghalia Tree 58. Comme/ina benahalensis 7L1 Commelinaceae Tankaua Herb 59. Corchorus aestuans7IT Sterculiaceae --- Herb 60. Crotolaria a/ata Papilionaceae (Leg.) -- Herb

Buch(HamiltJR.Roxb ex DC 61. Crotolaria iuncea (L) Papilionaceae (Lea.\ -- Herb 62. Curculiao orchioides (Gaertn,) Zinaiberaceae Kali Musli Herb 63. Curcuma amadaf Roxiii Zinaiberaceae AmaHaldi Herb 64. Curcuma anaustifo/ia (Retz.) Liliaceae Tikhur Herb 65. Cvnodon daeMon rD pers Gramineae Doob Grass 66. Cvlierus brevifolius7Rottb) Cvoeraceae Kallinaa Herb 67. Cvoerus rotundus fL) Cyperaceae Moth a


J::i~rb -- I


68. Dalbergia paniculata (Roxb) Papilionaceae (Leg.) Dhobin Tree 69. Datura alba (Nees). Solanaceae Dhatura Shrub 70. Datura mete! {_Neesl Solanaceae Kala Dhatura Shrub 71. Dendrocalamus strictus (Roxb). Bambusae Bans Bamboo 72. Desmodium heterocarpum (L) Papilionaceae (Leg.) Chhoti Shrub

DC. Chiptee 73. Desmodium /atifforum (L) DC Papilionaceae (Leg.) Chiptee Herb 74. Dichanthium annu/atum (Forssk) Gramineae -- Grass

Stapf 75. Digitaria setigera (Roth) ex R & Gramineae

__ .. __ Grass

s 76. Dillenia a urea (Smith -Kurz) Dilleniaceae Karmeta Small

tree 77. Dinebra retroflexa (Vahl) Panzer Gramineae Ghass Grass 78. Dioscorea be/ophylla 1 Vojqht) Dioscoriaceae Karu Kanda Climber 79. Dioscorea bu/bifera (Ll Dioscoriaceae Mataru Climber 80. Dioscorea daemona (Roxb) Dioscoriaceae Baichandi Climber 81. Diospyros melanox•lon (Roxb) Ebenaceae Tendu Tree 82. Do/ichos biflorus L. Legumineceae Kulthi Harb 83. Ec/ipta _prostrata L. Compositeae Bhringraj_ Herb 84. Elaeodendron glaucum (Pers) Celastraceae Jamrasi Small

tree 85. Elephantopus scaber (L) Compositeae Ban lamka Herb 86. Eleusine indica (L) Gramineae -- Grass 87. Embelia robusta (Cotton. R & S Myrtaceae Baibirang Shub

D.C.) 88. Emblica officinalis_(Gaertn) Euphorbiaceae Aonla Tree 89. Emilia sonchifolia (L DC Compositeae -- Herb 90. Enicostema littorale (Hook f) Gentieneae -- Herb 91. Eragrostis nutans (Retz Nees ex Gramineae -- Herb

Stend) 92. Eragrostis tenella (L Gramineae Bhus Bhusi Herb 93. Erio/aena hookeriana (W & A) Sterculiaceae Bothi Small

tree 94. Erythrina suberosa (Roxb) Papilionaceae (Leg.) Pangera Tree 95. Eu/ophia herbacea (Lindi) Orchidaceae Bilai Kand Climber

shrub 96. Euphorbia geniculata (Orteg) Euphorbeaceae -- Shrub 97. Euphorbia hirta (L) Euphorbeaceae Dudhia Herb 98. Euphorbia neriifolia Euphorbeaceae -- Shrub 99. Evo/vu/us elsinoides (L) Convolvulaceae Shankhapusp Herb

ee 100 Ficus benga/ensis.(L) Moraceae Bar Tree 101 Ficus glomerata (Roxb. Cor.) Moraceae Umar Medium

tree i


102 . Ficus hispida L. Moraceae Ka1h Umar Small tree

103 . Ficus religiosa (L) Moraceae Pipal Tree 104 . Ficus tomentosa {Willd ex Roxb) Moraceae Pakhar Tree 105 . Flacourtia ramontchi (L. Hert.) Bixaceae Kharar Shrub 106 . Flemingia bracteata (Roxb) Papilionaceae (Leg.) Ban Sanai Shrub

Wiqht 107 . Flemingia macrophylla (willd) Papilionaceae (Leg.) Ban Sanai Shrub

Kuntze 108 . Flemingia strobilifera L (R.Br.) Papilionaceae (Leg.L -- Shrub 109 . Gardenia gummifera (L.F.) Rubiaceae Dikamali Shrub 110 . Gardenia latifolia (Aiton) Rubiaceae Papda Small

tree 111 . Garuga pinnata Roxb Burseraceae Kekad Small

tree 112 . Gloriosa superba Liliaceae Kalihari Climber 113 . Gme/ina arborea iRoxb Verbenaceae Khamar Tree 114 . Grewia disp_erma _lRottl. Tiliaceae Bansuli Shrub 115. Grewia hirsuta (Vahl.) Tiliaceae Gursukuri Shrub 116 Grewia rothii (DC) Tiliaceae Bansuli Shrub 117 Grewia tiliaefolia (Vahl Tiliaceae Dhaman Shrub 118 Gymnasporia montana (Roxb) Celastraceae Baikar Shrub 119. Gymnma sy/vestre Retz R. (Br.) Asclepidaceae Gudmar Climber 120. Gynandropsis gynandra (L) Capparideae -- Herb 121. Hardwickia binata (Roxb) Ceasalpinaceae An jan Tree

(Leg.) 122. Helicteres isora (L) Sterculiaceae Marorphali Large

shrub 123. Heteropogon contortus (L) P. Gramineae Kushal Grass

Beau 124. Hibiscus rugosus (Wall ex W & Malvaceae Pahari Bhindi Shrub

A) 125 Holarrhena antidycenterica Apocynaceae Kurchi Tree

I (Rothl_ A. DC 126. Holopte!ia integrifolia (Pianch) Moraceae Chirula Tree 127. Hydrocotyle asiatica (L Umbllifereae ---- Herb 128. Hyptis suaveolens (L) Poit Laminaceae Under

shrub 129 lchnocarpus frutescens (L) R.Br. Apocynaceae -- Climber 130 lmperata cvlindrica (L) P. Beauv Gramineae --- Grass 131 lndigofera cassioidis (Rott ex Papilionaceae (Leg.) Ghingoli Shrub

D.C~) 132 lndigofera glandulosa (Roxb)ex Papilionaceae (Leg.) -- Shrub

Wild 133 lndigofera tinctoria (L) Papilionaceae (Leg.) Nee I Shrub


134 . lndiaofera tria (LT Paoilionaceae {leQ.) ----- Shrub

135 . /schaemum anoustifolium (Hackf Gramineae Babar grass Grass

136 . /schaemum indicum(Houtt) Gramineae Suhaga Grass merrill

137 lschaemum laxum (R.Br.) Gramineae Sheda Grass 138 . Jasminum arborescens-(Roxb) Oleaceae Ban Chameli Shrub 139 . Justicia betonica (L) Acanthaceae - Under

Shrub 140 . KVdia ca-lvcina (Roxb) Malvaceae Barga Tree 141 . Laaascea mollis{Cov J Compositeae - Shrub 142 . Laaerstroemia oarvif/ora (Roxb.) Lvthraceae Lendia Tree 143. Lepidagathis hamiltoniana

I (Neels) Acanthaceae Agachia Herb

144. Leucas cephalotes (Roth) Labiateae -- Herb So rena

145. Limonia acidissima L. Rutaceae Kaitha Tree 146. Lippia nudiflora (Rich and Michx} Verbenaceae -- Herb 147 Ludwiqia octovalvis (Jacq) Onagraceae --- Herb 148. Ludwiciia-prostrata(Roxb) Onaqraceae --- Herb 149. Madhuca longifolia (Koen. Mac Sapotaceae Mahua Tree

Bride} 150 Mallotus phi/ippinensis (Lamk) Euphobiaceae Sindoori Tree

Mu/1-Ara 151. Manaifera indica (L) Anacardaceae A am Tree 152. Martvnia annua-([} Pedaliaceae BaQh Nakha Shrub 153 Melia azedarach (L) Meliaceae Bakain Tree 154. Miliusa tomentosa (Roxb) Anonaceae Kari Tree 155 . Mimosa hamata Mimosaceae Laiwanti Herb 156 Mimosa oudica 7iT Mimosaceae Lajwanti Herb 157 . Mimosa rubicau/is (Sensus) Mimosaceae Sistel Shrub

Baker 158 . Mitragyna parvifolia (Roxb) Rubiaceae Kaim Tree

Korth 159 . Momordica dioica {Roxiii Cucurbitaceae Ban karela Climber 160 . Mucuna vruriens L Papilionaceae (Leq.) Kanchkuri Climber 161 . Nvctanthes arbor-tristis (L) Oleaceae Harsinqar Shrub 162 . Ocimum canum (Sims) Labiateae Ban Tulsee Herb 163 . Ocimum sanctum{L) Labiateae Tulsi Herb 164 . Olaxs scandens7Roxb) Oliaceae Ardhaphal Climber 165 . Oplismenus burmanii (Retz) P. Gramineae --- Herb

Veauv 166 Op/ismenus comvositus 7LT Gramineae --- Herb 167 . Orthosiohon rubicundus(Bentii} Labiateae -- Herb 168 Orvza saliva {Hook F.) Poaceae Paddy Grass 169 Ouaeinia ooieinesis(Roxiii Paoilionaceae (Leq.) Tin sa Tree


Hochr 170. Panicum notatum (Retz) Gramineae -- Grass

171. Panicum tenellum (Roxb Gramineae -- Grass 172. Parthenium hysterophorus (L) Compositeae Gazerghas Manure

173. Pennisetum hohenackeri Gramineae -- Grass (Hochst) ex stend

174. Phaseolus radiatus (L.) Legumineceae Urad Herb 175. Phoenix acau/is (Buch)Ham ex Palmeae Chhing ghass Shrub

Roxb 176. Phyl/anthus urinaria (L) Euphobiaceae -- Herb 177. Plumbago zeylanica L) Plumbaginaceae Chitrak Shrub 178. Pongamia pinnata (L Pierre Mimosaceae (Leg.) Karanj Tree 179. Pterocarpus marsupium (Roxb) Papilionaceae (Leg.) Bija Tree 180., Randia dumetorum (Retz) Poir Rubiaceae Kharar Small

tree 181., Rauwolfia serpentina (L) Benth Apocynaceae Sarpgandha Shrub

ex Kurtz 182. Saccharum spontaneum L.) Gramineae Kans Grass 183. Schleichera oleosa j_Lour Sapindaceae Kushum Tree 184. Scoparia dulcis (Ll Sp. Scrophularineae Ban Mirch Herb 185. Semecare_us anacardium (L.F.) Anacardiaceae Bhailwa Tree 186. Shores robusta (Gaertn. f. Dipterocarpaceae Sal Tree

Roxb.) 187. Sida scuta (Burm. F) Malvaceae Bala Shrub 188. Sida cordifo/ia (L) Malvaceae Chitchita Shrub 189. Sida spinosa (L) Malvaceae Chitchita Shrub 190. Solanum indicum (l.) D.C. Solanaceae Bhatkataiy_a Shrub 191. Solanum nigrum (L) Solanaceae Makoi Herb 192. Sonchus asper (L) Hill Compositeae Herb 193. Soymida febrifuga (Adr Juss.) Meliaceae Rohan Tree 194. Sterculia urens (Roxb) Sterculiaceae Kullu Tree 195. Stereosperrnum chelonoides

I (DC. Prodr.) Bignoniaceae Padar Tree

196 Syzygium cumini (L) Skeels M_y_rtaceae Jamun Tree 197. Tamarindus indica (L) Ceaselpinaceae lmli Tree

L{Leo.) 198. Tectona arandis {L, F) Verbenaceae Teak Tree 199. Tephrosia purpurea (L) Pers Papelionaceae

I (Leg.) Sarponkha Herb

200 Terrninalia arjuna (Roxb ex DC) Combretaceae A_rjun Tree 201. Terrninalia be/lirica (Garten, Combretaceae Bah era Tree

Roxb) 202 Terrninalia tomentosa (W & A) Combretaceae Saj Tree

Roxb 203 Themeda quadrivalvis (L Gramineae Gunhar Grass


204 . Themeda triandra (Forssk Gramineae Gunhar Grass 205 . Tinospora cordifolia (Miers Menispemaceae Gurbel Climber 206 . Tribulus terrestris (L) Zygophyllaceae Gokhru Herb 207 . Tricodesma indicum (L) R.Br. Boraginaceae Ghamira Herb 208. Tridex procumbens (L) Compositeae Baramasia Herb 209. Triumfetta rhomboidea (Jacq.) Tiliaceae Chit chita Shrub 210. Urena sinuata (L. Borss) Malvaceae --- Herb 211. Ur.qenia indica Liliaceae Jangle Pyaj Herb 212. Vanda roxburghii (R.Br.) Orchidaceae Vanda Tili 213. Ventilago calyculata (Gaertn,) Celastraceae Keoti Climber 214. Vernonia cinerea (Less) Compositeae -- Herb 215. Viscum orientale (Wi/ld) Loranthaceae Banda Parasite

Shrub 216. Vitex negundo (L) Verbenaceae Nirgundi Shrub 217. Vitis latifolia (Roxb) Ampelidaceae Dakar bel Climber 218. Vitis tomentosa (Heyne ex Roth) Ampelidaceae Pur Bel Climber 219. Wa/theria indica (L) Sterculiaceae -- Shrub 220. Woodfordia fruticosa (L) Kurtz. Lythraceae Dhawai shrub 221. Wrightia tinctoria (R. Br) Apocynaceae Dudhi Small

Tree 222. Xanthium strumarium (L). Compositeae Gokhuru Shrub 223 . Zizyphus mauritiana (Lamk Rhamnaceae Desi Ber Tree 224 Zizyphus oenop/ia (L) Rhamnaceae Barari Climbin

,g shrub 225. Zizyphus rotundifofia (Lamk) Rhamnaceae Jhar Beri Bush 226. Zizyphus xy/opyra (Willd) Rhamnaceae Ghont Tree 227. Zomia gibbosa (Spanoghe) Papelionaceae -- Herb


Appendix - ii

Wild animals of Udanti wildlife sanctuary

Zoological Name English Name Vernacular Name

Mammals Bubalus bubalis Wild buffalo Ban Bhainsa 8os gaurus Indian bison Gaur Tetraceros_ quadricornis Four horned antelope Chausinqha Tragulus meminna Mouse deer Chota hiran Muntiacus muntiak Barking deer Koteri Axis axis Spotted deer Chital Boselaphus tra_qocamelus Blue bull Nilgai Cervus unicolor Sambar Sambar Panthera tigris Tiger Sher Panthera pardus Panther Panther Hyaena hyaena (L.) Hyena Lakarbaggha Canis lupus pal/ipes Indian Wolf Bhedia Cuon a/pinus Wild dog or Ohole Jangle Kutta Canis aureus Jakal Siyar Felis bengalensis Leopard cat Cheeta billi Felis chaus Jangle cat Ban bilao Vulpes bengalensis Common fox Lomdi Melursus ursinus Sloth bear Bhaloo Sus scrota wild pig Jangle suar Hystrix indica (Kerr) Indian porcupine Sehi Presbytis entel/us Common langur Langur Macaca mulatta Rhesus macague Lal Bandar Lepus niqricollis (F. Cuvier Indian Hare Khargosh Manis crassicaudata Pengolin Pangolin Retufa indica Indian giant squirrel Badi gelehri Funambulus pennant/ Five striped palm Gilahri

squirrel Pteropus giganteus (Brunnich Bat Chamgadar Pipistrellus coromandra (Grey) Indian Pipistrelle Chotta

Chamgadar Herpestes edwardsi Common Mongoose Newla Suncus murinus {L) Mole Chhuchhundar Millard/a meltada (Gray)_ Field Rat Jangli Chooha Mus booduga (Gray) Indian field mouse Jangli Chooha Mus platythrix (Bennetf) Spiny field mouse Jangli Chooha I

Bandicota Bengalensis Indian mole rat Jangli Chooha



Hemidactylus flaviviridis Northern house gecko Chhipkali (Ruppel/) Hemidactylus brooki (gray) Brooks gecko Chhipkali. Hemidactylus maculatus (Dum. Rock gecko Chhipkali. and Bibr.) Calotes rouxi (_Dum & Bibr.) Lizard Chhipkali Mabuya carinata (schneider Lizard Chhipkali Calotes versicolor (Daudin) Common garden lizard Girgit Veranus bengalensis Monitor lizard Goh (Schneider) Uromastrix hardwickii Spiny tailed lizard Sanda Typhlina bramina Daudin} Blind snake Do muh ka samp Typh/ops diardi Large blind snake Do muh ka samp Typhlina acutus (Dum. And Indian worm snakes Krimi Samp Bibr.) Python molursus ( L) Indian python Ajgar Ptyas mucosus (L Dhaman. Asadia Xenochrophis piscator Checkered Keelback Pani Ka Samp (schneider) Amphiesma sto/ata (L.) Keelback Pahadi Samp Macropisthodon plumbicolor Green keelback Samp (Acantol) Bungarus caeru/eus (Schneider) Common Indian Krait Krait Naja naja (L.) Indian Kobra Nag_ Ophiophagus hannah King kobra Kala Nag Vipera russelli (Show Viper Russels Viper



Birds of Udanti wildlife sanctuary

Sl. Scientific name English name Size Status No. 1. Accipiter badius (Gmelin) Shikara PiQeon R 2 Accipiter nisus JGmelin) Sparrow Hawk Crow RM 3 Acredotheres giginianus Bank Myna Myna R 4 Acridotheres tristris (L) Indian Myna Myna R 5 Aegithinia tiphia (L) lora Sparrow R 6 sparaja (Raf/es) Yellow backed sun bird Sparrow R 7 A/auda g_ulgu/a (Frankelin) Indian Small sky lark Sparrow R 8 Alcedo atthis (L) Small blue Kinqfisher Sparrow RM 9 Alcemerops athertoni Blue beard bee eater Myna L

(Jardin) 10 Alcippe poioicephala Quaker Babbler Sparrow L

(Jerdonj 11 Ammomanes phoenicurus Pinch Lark Sparrow LM

(Frankelin) 12 Anthus novaeseelandiae Indian Pipit Sparrow L

(Gmelin) 13 Apus Affinis (J.E. Gray) House swift Sparrow R 14 Apus melba (L) Alpine swift Bulbul RM 15 Aqiula rapax (Tern) Tawny Eagle Kite R 16 Aquila pomarina (Tern) Less spotted Eagle Kite RM 17 Ardea cinerea (L) Grey Heron Vulture SM 18 Ardea_IJU_rpurea Pu_rQie heron Vulture SM 19 Ardeola grayii (Sykes) Pond heron Village hen R 20 Athene brama (Temm.) Spotted Owl Myna L 21 Aythya ferina Common pochard Duck M 22 Bubo bubo (L) Buzzard Kite M 23 Bubo zey/onesis (Gmelin) Brown fish Owl Kite R 24 Bulbucus ibis (L) Cattle Egret Little egret RM 25 Butorides striatus (L) Little green bittern Paddy bird SM 26 Ca/amator coromandus Red winged crested Crow R

Cuckoo 27 C;primulgus asiaticus (L) Common Indian Night jar Myna A 28 Caprimu/gus indicus (L) Jungle night jar Pigeon AM 29 Centropus sinensis Coucal Crow A

(Stophen) 30 Ce_ryle rudis (L) Kingfisher, pied Myna SM 31 Charadrius bubius Little win_ged Plover Quail AM,


32 Chlidonias hybrid (Pall) Indian whiskered tern Pigeon M

33 Chlorop§is aurifrons (Tern) Green bulbul Bulbul AM 34 Chrysomma sinense Yellow Babbler Myna LM

(Gmelinl 35 Ciconia cincona fL.) White stork Vulture wv 36 Ciconia episcopus (Bodd.l White necked stork Vulture wv 37 Circaetus ga/licus (Gmelin) Short toed eagle Kite SM 38 Circus macrourus (Gmelin) Pale Harrier Crow M 39 Cisticola juncidis JRaf.) Streaked Fantail Warbler Sparrow L 40 Clamator jacobinus Pied crested Cuckoo Myna RM

JBodaeari] 41 Columba Iivia (Gmelinl Blue rock piQeon PiQeon R 42 Copsychus saularis (L) Robin, magpie bulbul AM 43 Coracias benghalensis (L) Blue jay Pigeon R 44 Corvous splendens (Vieillot) House crow Crow R 45 Corvus macrorhynchos Jungle crow Crow R

(Wagler) 46 Coturnix coturnixj_L) Common Quail qrey Dove AM 47 Cuculus varius (Vahl) Indian Cuckoo Pigeon AM 48 Cypsiurus parvus {Licht) Palm swift Sparrow R 49 De/icon urbica House martin Sparrow AM 50 Dendrocitta vagabunda Tree pie Myna R

(Latham) 51 Dicaeum erythrorhynchos Tickell flower peaker Sparrow R

(Latham) 52 Dicaeum· ignipectus (Biy) Fire breasted flower Sparrow R

peaker 53 Dichoceros bicornis (L.) Vulture Vulture LM 54 Dicrurus adsimilis (Bechs) Black drongo Bulbul R 55 Dicrurus caerulescens (L) Drongo, white Bulbul RM 56 Dicrurus paradiseus (L)_ Racked tailed drongo Bulbul R 57 Dinopium benghalense {L) Golden backed Myna R

woodpecker 58 Dumetia hyperythra (Fran) Rofous bellied Sparrow SM 59 Egretta garzetta (L) Little Eqret Village Hen RM 60 E9retta gularis (Bosl) Indian reef heron Little eqret SM 61 Elanus caeruleus {Des.) Black winQed Kite Crow R 62 Eremopterix grisea Black bellied finch lark Sparrow M

(Scopelai) 63 Estrieda amandava (L) Munia, red Sparrow R 64 Eudynamys scolopacea (L) Koel House M

crow 65 Francolinus francolinus (L) Partridge, black Half village LM

hen 66 Francolinus pondicerianus Partridge, Gary Teetar R


(Gmelin) 67 Fulicatra linnaeous Coot Village Hen RM 68 Ga/linago gal/inago (L) Fantail snip. Quail M 69 Gallus gal/usi (L.) Red jungle fowl Village hen L 70 Gallus sonneratii (Tern.) Grey jungle fowl Village hen L 71 Glareo/a /actea (Temmink) Shallow Plover Sparrow R 72 Glarida cristata (L) Crested lark Sparrow LM 73 Glaucidium radiatum Barred Jungle Owlet Myna R

(Tick ell) 74 Gracula religiosa (L.) Hill Myna Myna L 75 Grus antigone (L) Saras crane Vulture wv 76 Gyp_us bengalensis (Gmelin) Indian common vulture Vulture R 77 Halcyon pileata (Bodd.)_ Black capped Kingfisher Myna L 78 Halcyon smyrnensis (L) Kingfisher, white Pigeon R

breasted 79 Haliastur indus (Bodd.) Brahmin~' kite Pariah LM 80 Harpactes fasciatus (Penn.) Southern Trogon Myna L 81 Hemipus picatus (Sykes) Yellow Bittern Sparrow RM

82 Himantopus himantopus (L) Black winged stilt Partridge LM 83 Hirundo daurica (L) Red Rumped S_parrow R 84 Hirundo jabanica domico/a Niegiri house Swallow Sparrow L

(Jerdoni 85 Hirundo rustica (L) Swallow Sparrow RM 86 Hirundo smith! (Leach) Wiretailed swallow Sparrow R 87 Hydrophasianus chirurgus Pheasant tailed Jacana Partridge R

(Scopodi) 88 Hvpsipetes indicus (Jerdonj Yellow browed Bulbul Bulbul L 89 lctinaetus malayensis Black eagle Pariah Kite LM

(Temm.) 90 lxobrychus cinnamomeus Chest nut bittern Paddy bird M

(Svkes a/lin) 91 Lanius excubitor (L) Grey shrike Myna R 92 Lanius schach (L) Grey Shrike Myna R 93 Lanius vittatus (Vale) Bay backed shrike Bulbul R 94 Lonchua malabarica (L) Munia white throated Bulbul R 95 Lonchura ma/acca (L.) Black Headed Munia Sparrow LM 96 Lonchura_punctulata (L.) Spotted Munia Sparrow LM 97 Megalaima asiatica Small green bee eater Myna R

(Latham) 98 Melophus latham/ (Grey) Crested Bunting Sparrow R 99 Merops orienta/is (latham) Small green bee eater Myna R 100 Merops philippinus (L) Blue tailed bee eater Bulbul RM 101 Metopidius indicus JL) Bronze winaed iacana Partridge SM 102 Microptemus brachyurus Rufous Wood picker Myna L


· (Vie.J 103 Milvus miarans (Bodd.T Common pariah kite Vulture LM

104 Mirafra eiYthrootera (8/vth) Bush lark Sparrow R

105 Montico/a cinclorhynchus Blue Rock Thrush Bulbul LM (Viaors)

106 Motacilla alba (L} White waatail Bulbul AM 107 Motacil/a cinrea Grev Waatail Sparrow M 108 Motacil/a flava (L) Yellow waotail Sparrow LM 109 Motacil/a indica Forest waatail Sparrow RM 110 Motacil/a maderaspatensis Large pied wagtail Bulbul R

{Gme!in) 111 Muscicaoa laterostris (Jer) Blue flycatcher Sparrow R 112 Mycteria leucocephala Painted stroke Vulture wv

(Pennant) 113 Nectarinia asiatica (Latham) Purple sun bird Sparrow R 114 Nectarinia minima Small sun bird Sparrow R 115 Nectarinia zeylonica (L) Sun bird, purple ramped Sparrow R

small 116 Neoohron oercnooterus (L) White Scavenaer vulture Kite RM 117 Numenius arquata (L) Curlew Villaae Hen WM 118 Nvctvomis athertoni Blue bearded Bee-eater Pi aeon R 119 Orilous chinensis Blacknaped Oriole Myna R 120 Orilous oriolus (L) Golden Oriole Mvna R 121 Orio/ous xanthornus 70 Black headed oriole Mvna R 122 Orthotomous sutorius Tailor bird Sparrow R

(Pennant) 123 Otus bakkamoena (Pinnant) Owl, colored scops Myna R 124 Parus major (L) GrevTit Sparrow RM 125 Passer domesticus (L) Sparrow, house Sparrow R 126 Pel/orneum ruficeos (Swai.) Spotted Babbler Bulbul L 127 Perdicula asiatica (L) Junale bush quail Rain auail R 128 Pericroctus cinnamomeus Small Minivit Bulbul R

(LJ 129 Pericroctus flammeus Scarlet minivit Bulbul R

(Forster) 130 Petronia xanthocollis Yellow throat sparrow Sparrow R

I (Button) 131 Phalacrocorax fuscicollis Indian Shaq Duck RM 132 Philomachus pugnax (L) Ruff and Reeve Partridge M 133 Phoenicurus ochruros Red start Sparrow LM

: (Gmelin) 134 Phy/loscopus affenis Yellow bellied Warbler Sparrow L

I (TickeiiJ 135 Phylloscopus occipitalis Large crowned willow Sparrow L

(Bivth) Warbler


136 Picoides mahrattensis (L.) Mahratta Wood picker Bulbul L

137 Pitta brachyura (L) Indian Pitta Myna R

138 Ploceus benghalensis (L) Black breasted weaver Sparrow LR bird

139 Ploceus manyar (Hors.) Streaked Weaver Bird Sparrow L

140 Ploceus Phlilippinus (L) Bava weaver bird Sparrow R

141 Pomatorhinus horsfieldii Peninsular Indian Myna L (Sykes) Scimitar Babbler

142 Pomatorhinus sihisticeps Slaty headed scimitar Myna R (Hodgson) babbler

143 Prinia socialis (Sykes) Warbler, ashv wren Sparrow LM

144 Prinia subf/ava (Gmelin) Warbler, ashy wren Sparrow LM 145 Psittacula cyanocephala (L} Parakeet, blossom Myna R

headed 146 Psittacu/a eupatria (L.) Larqe Indian parakeet Piqeon L 147 Psittacu/a krameri Scopoli) Rose rinqed parakeet Myna R 148 Pterocles exustus Temmlf Indian sand Grouse Pigeon RM 149 Pycnonotus cater (L) Red vented bulbul Myna R 150 Pycnonotus luteolus White brewed Bulbul Bulbul L

• (Lesson) 151 Rhipidura a/bicollis (Vie.) White spotted fantail Sparrow RM

flycatcher 152 Rhopodytes viridirostris Small Greenbilled House L

(Jerdon} Malkoha Crow 153 Saxicoloides fulicata (L) Fire breasted flower Sparrow LM

I peaker 154 Sterna aurantia7Gra-v) River Tern Pigeon L 155 Streptopelia chinensis Spotted dove Pigeon LM

(Sco.) 156 Streptopelia decaocto (Fri.) Ring dove Pigeon L 157 Streptopelia senegalensis Little brown dove Myna R

(L) 158 Streptopeliasenegalensis Little brown dove Myna L

(L.) 159 Sturn us pagodarum Brahmani myna Myna R

(Gmelin) 160 Taccocua Jeschenaultii Shrike cuckoo House LM

(Less) crow 161 Tephrodornis pondicerianus Common Wood Shrike Bulbul R

(Gmelin) 162 Terpsiphone paradisi (L) Flvcatcher, paradise 163 Threskiornis aethiopica White ibis Village Hen M 164 T ockus birostris (Scopali) Common Grey Hombill Kite R

165 Treron phoenicoptera (L.) Common areen PiQeon Pigeon LM

166 Tringa hypoleucos (L) 167 Turdiodes caudatus

(Dumont) 168 Turdoides malcolmi (Sykes) 169 Turdoides straitus (Dumont) 170 Turdus merula (L) 171 Turnix suscitator {Gmelin) 172 Turnix tanki (Biy) 173 Upopa epops (L) 174 Vane/1/us malabaricus

{Boddl 175 Venellus indicus (Bodd.)


R- Resident

WV- Winter visitor

M - Migratory

LM - Local migratory

RM - Residential migratory

L- Local

Common Sand PifJ_er Quail LM

Common Babbler Bulbul R

Large grey Babbler Myna R Juungle Babbler Myna R Black bird Myna RM Common bustard Quail Rail quail L Indian Quail Rain Quail RM Hoopoe Myna RM Lapwing, yellow waited Partridge LM

Redwatted Lapwing Partridge LM


Appendix - iv

Proforma for vegetation study

1 Phytosociology: Trees>20 em. GBH

Quadrat size: 1 OX1 0 M


Sl. Name of Girth in ems.

No the 20-50 51- 81- 111- 141-

Species 80 110 140 170






2. Phytosociology: Field level (0.5 to 2 m. height)

Quadrat size: 1 OX1 0 M


Sl. no Name of Species Field level











201- >231 Total





3. Phytosociology: Seedlings (0.5 Mts. and less)

Quadrat size: 10X10 M


S/. No. Seedling/Forbes (Species) Number/Abundance






4. Animal evidences

Grazing/Feeding/Droppings/Hoof marks/Bedding etc.

Quadrat size: 10X10 M

Location -----------------------------------------

Sl. No. Animals category





5 ..

5. ProductiVIty of grassland

Quadrat size: 0.5 X 0.5 M


Sl. Name of No. of Av.

No. Species tillers height






X Vii


Av. Dia. Fresh








Dry wt.

Publication of Rajendra Prasad Mishra

1· Mishra, R.P. & P.C. Kotwal. 2000. Vegetational studies on Indian wild

buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.) habitat in Udanti Wildlife sanctuary. Journal of

Tropical Forestry. October- December 2000. Vol. 16 (4) pp70·77.

2· Mishra, R. P. 2001. Junglee Bhainso kee Dhartee Udanti Abhyaranya.

Journal of CHEETAL, vol.40, Nos. 1-2. pp. 47-52

3- Kotwal, P.C, Omprakash, M.D. and R.P. Mishra. 2000. Vegetational studies

on Indian wild buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.) habitat in Udanti Wildlife sanctuary.

Paper presented at National Seminar on "Biodiversity conservation and

Management with special emphasis on Biosphere Reserve" Nov. 24th to 2ih

2000 at EPCO, Bhopal (India), pp 1-15

4- Omprakash, M. 0 and R.P. Mishra. 2000. Udanti Wildlife Sanctuary: An

ideal habitat for wild buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.): An endangered species.

News letter of IIFM, vol. Ill, No.2, June 2000, pp-12

5- Kotwal, P.C. & R.P. Mishra. 2001. Biodiversity of Indian Institute of Forest

Management (IIFM) campus. April 2001. Technical bulletin of IIFM, Bhopal

(M.P.). pp1-20

6· Kotwal, P.C & R.P. Mishra. 2001. Cheetal (Axis axis): Habitat utilization and

diurnal activity pattern in Udanti in Udanti Wildlife Sanctuary, Raipur,

Chhattisgarh. Journal of CHEETAL, vol.40, Nos. 3-4.

7- Tiwari Jyotsna. & R.P. Mishra. 2001. Kamar in Raipur District, Chhattisgarh.

News letter of IIFM, vol. IV, No.2, June 2001 , pp-12

8- Mishra, M., T. Surayya and R.P. Mishra. 2001. Observation on the

phenology, fruit seed yield of Achar (Buchanania lanzan spreng.) in the

Tropical forest of Orissa State, India. Paper submitted for presentation in the

Symposium on "Art and Practice of Conservation Planting under the topic

"Tropical Tree Seed Research" in Taiwan.

9- Kotwal, P.C., M.D. Omprakash & R.P. Mishra. Qualitative and quantitative

analysis of vegetation in Udanti wildlife sanctuary, Raipur, Chhattisgarh.

(Mimeograph) Paper communicative to Journal of Indian Forester.


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