Reality Bites: Chapter Six

Post on 21-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Reality Bites: Chapter Six

Reality Bites: An OWBC

Chapter Six: Takeover

Previously on Reality Bites...

Charlie and Matthew discussed meddling with the Mirror family again, Edith passed away, Bella – cousin to the second generation – boldly invited George out dancing, after Rhapsody had invited him. The teens spread the hula into the other neighbourhood teens, Rhapsody became a witch, Logan got his first kiss, the glitch!vacation took place, Ben grew old, the teens went out partying and Rhapsody left early and alone, before Logan grew into an adult.

Sound familiar? If not, I recommend looking back. :)

Time appeared to pass quicker after Logan had flown the family nest. Rhapsody took over the garden. Peter did nothing of interest. Normal things, really.

Adulthood grew ever closer for the last of the Mirror teens, while elderly-years came closer for Meadow.

“Why don't I get a party? Or some kind of attention?”

Meadow's birthday marked a turning point, the point between generations that prepare the soon-to-be-heiress for when she eventually becomes heiress.

While I have settled into allowing my sims to keep whatever they grew up in, hence why Logan turned out to be a law-breaking dragon who grew into a leather jacket, I'm definitely changing Meadow's outfit.

Also, I just noticed that the ant farm is still there from when Elijah first started the OWBC. -sniff- it's all gone by so quickly!

“I guess this means I am the heir now, right? Both my parents are old...”

“Wait until you're an adult, then you can take full charge of the family.”

Birch and Cara then decided to invite Birch's brothers and sisters to Cara's vacation home.

It was time for another shot at the glitch!vacation.

“Woo! Hang loose!”

This time, the holiday began without a hitch.

“What a beautiful view.” Birch remarked. Cara smiled, mystically.

“I've missed seeing it every morning,” She admitted, “but I wouldn't change things so I didn't live with you, Birch.”

Birch didn't reply, he just smiled and took her hand.

Bella, who had found the hammock, was deep in thought, nearly an adult. Then what? Marry George? Ew, no. Besides, Rhapsody likes him.

She's not attracted to him, but she likes him.

I'm going to woohoo twenty different sims, Bella decided, with a smile.

After that, she got up from the hammock and went for a walk.

Logan and Rhapsody, meanwhile, were caught in conversation. Rhapsody smiled, “So what have you been doing since you left home?”

Logan shrugged, “Flirting with gearheads and occasionally, a telescope.”

“A telescope? You know those can result in-”

“Alien babies, I know. But look at it this way, then Mum will be a grandma and she can stop dropping hints about it.” Logan laughed, “What about you? You're almost grown up!”

“What do you mean? Should I being doing something different?” Rhapsody questioned, confused.

“You mean you aren't preparing for heirship? No hunting down life-partners or deciding on something to do with your life?” When his response was met with blank looks, Logan continued, “Look at it this way, Granddad built a house from scratch in a town he didn't know. Dad raised quads and then three more kids. What are you going to do?”

“I don't know...” Rhapsody looked out at the sea, “I'd quite like to travel.”

“That's great! Where will you travel?” Logan asked.

“Everywhere! I'll travel the world before I settle down! The bays of Twikkii Island, the tranquil landscapes of Takemizu Village and the rolling green hills of Three Lakes!”

“Sounds like a plan.” An unfamiliar voice remarked, cheerfully. Logan and Rhapsody looked round.

“Guys,” Bella smiled, “this is Charlie Vijayaker. He's a traveller.”

Rhapsody and Logan stared at both their cousin and the strange man, lost for words. Their cousin had brought a stranger onto their private beach.

“So you're planning a world trip?” Charlie asked, breaking the silence.

Bella narrowed her eyes at her cousins, willing them to speak up.

“Yeah,” Rhapsody replied, unsmiling, “I'm leaving as soon as I'm old enough to travel alone.”

“You are?” Logan questioned, doubtfully.

“I am,” Rhapsody grinned, “I want to make forty-five different memories on my travels.

“Sounds amazing.” Charlie commented.

“I've travelled quite a bit, too.” Charlie said, “I've been to deserts, lakes, beaches, there's nothing quite like travelling.”

“I'm aware of that.” Rhapsody murmured. Bella looked at Charlie with a grin, as he checked his watch.

“Speaking of travelling, I'm going to miss my flight.” Charlie rose to his feet, “Nice to meet you all.”

Rhapsody got up from her seat to go in the opposite direction of Charlie, only to find herself followed by Bella.

“Rhapsody, what's up?” Bella asked, rolling her eyes, “I just invited a guy over.”

“Why?” Rhapsody demanded, “He's some stranger who seems to like interrupting a private conversation I was having with my brother on our private beach!”

“I'm just making connections for when we're adults! You're the one who will need a husband this time next week.” Bella remarked. Rhapsody stared at Bella in disbelief.

“I'm not getting married next week!” Rhapsody breathed, and wandered away, “I have more choice than that!”

Bella rolled her eyes, “Whatever, okay? I'm going to go flirt with some locals.”

Peter, the only other teenager on the beach, completely missed the argument between his cousins, because he was too busy building a castle (or sand mound...)

You know, despite the fact he wasn't exactly the most interesting of bad apples, I do really like him. :)

The family's vacation continued normally, with a slight chill between Bella and Rhapsody.

There's no more pictures of it, though, because there will be more than enough pictures of Twikkii Island when Rhapsody goes on her world tour.

Back home, life continues as normal. Normal being the cat on the counter and Peter blocking people's paths. He's only started doing that since the vacation ended.

“Peter. Move. I want to slapdance.”

“I feel funny...”

“Wow, I grew up!”

Bit late for the beachwear, Peter. We just came back from Twikkii Island. But I suppose it's appropriate, considering his sister is about to travel round the world.

Peter promptly moved out, and the flamingo count fell to its lowest point since Ben grew up - nine.

Time between the adult birthdays of Ben's sixth and seventh children flew quickly. There were no distractions with the reign of the first generation coming to a close, with no teenagers left to hang out with.

Rhapsody threw herself into dancing and twirling her wand around.

Of course, with the last birthday on one generation and the beginning of the next, it was party time.

Party time means random dancing, couple-behaviour and inappropriate conversations across the house, of course.

Outside, Bella was holding a conversation with an uninvited guest.

“Why am I here, Bella?” Charlie Vijayaker asked, quietly.

“I invited you. I mean, Birch brings Cara-”

“They are engaged, Bella. We're not.”

“Don't you want to wish the first and last heiress a happy birthday?” Bella teased, “Come on. It's almost time for cake.”

Charlie rolled his eyes but followed Bella inside.

Guests continued to flood in as Rhapsody stepped up to her candles. Part of her was excited – perhaps it was the promise of travel – but part of her was worried – the pressure to do well as the heiress.

As she considered this, something caught her eye.

“What's he doing here?” Rhapsody asked. Charlie raised an eyebrow.

“You didn't invite him?” Logan questioned, quietly.

“Can't I wish the heiress a happy birthday?”

Rhapsody rolled her eyes, “you can stay, just don't cause a scene.”

With that, she blew out her candles.

“The pointy hat is back!”

Rhapsody grew up into a beautiful young woman, surrounded by the cheers of her family. She ran off to remove the hat and choose some clothes while the party continued.

“Sir, your daughter is truly special.” Charlie smiled, causing Bella to freeze in her place somewhere behind him.

“Well, thank you, young man! My daughters are all special.” Ben replied, thinking of his four daughters.

“You have more than one daughter?”

“Of course! Why wouldn't I? I didn't want to stop at seven children but Meadow did.”

“Seven...anyway, I was wondering if you minded me accompanying Rhapsody on her globe-trotting adventure?”

“Why are you interested? What's your motive?!” Ben frowned.

“I don't have a motive! Rhapsody seems like a nice girl and I'm an experienced traveller-”

“Absolutely not.”

“Why not?”

“Because you're asking me, and not her. I think Rhapsody should have a say in who she travels with.”

After the conversation between her father and Charlie was over, Rhapsody came wandering through, no longer a witch.

It seemed she had tired of the sparkly lifestyle.

Later, Charlie decided to take Ben's advice, and ask Rhapsody if she wanted a travelling companion.

“Absolutely not.” Rhapsody replied to his request, firmly.

“Why not? I'm great for showing you what's out there!”

“Maybe, but I don't want some interfering stranger telling me how to travel the world.”

“It won't be like that!”

“How will it be, then? We travel together, but hang out separately? It won't work.”

“That wasn't quite what I had in mind...”

“Charlie, I don't even know you! Why should I travel with you?”

“Because I'm awesome, of course.”


“I was being serious.” Charlie responded, wounded.

“You know, if you start messing with me, you mess with all of my family.” Rhapsody grinned.

“All six of your brothers and sisters, I get it.”

“And all five of my aunts and uncles, plus my cousin. Oh, and our bigfoot.”

“Well, I don't plan to mess you around, so I have nothing to worry about.”

“Good for you, but back up for one second...”

“...are you sure you want to get involved with me and my family? We're all kind of crazy...”

“I'm positive!”

“Right, well you talk to my family while I go get my gear together. We're leaving tonight.”

“Where are we going first?”

“Twikkii Island.”

When Rhapsody returned, Charlie was slapdancing with Meadow. Nevermind the fact that Meadow was an old woman in her underwear, she could still dance up a storm.

Maybe that's where Rhapsody got it from?

“You can dance. I like you. Take care of my baby, won't you? Don't let her get arrested.” Meadow sniffed, smiling.

“Weirdest hug of my life.”

It was time for Rhapsody and Charlie to make their goodbyes and depart for their world trip, leaving Meadow and Ben with an empty nest, temporarily.

“She's dancing the hula now, isn't she?” Charlie asked Ben.

“Doesn't matter. You'll pick it up when you get to Twikkii Island. See you both soon.”

With that, Rhapsody and Charlie left, their whole lives crammed into their suitcases.

Here is where I leave you! With Birch carrying his own suitcase!

“Cara's right, this is the best way to carry luggage!”

Anyway. It was only a short chapter to set things up for Rhapsody's world adventure. I hope you enjoyed it anyway!

Join me and the Mirrors next time when we go searching for forty-five memories as we travel the sim world!

Thanks for reading!