Reading Assignments Master

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  • 8/10/2019 Reading Assignments Master


    The Lord Of RingsTrilogy

    By J.R.R Tolkien

  • 8/10/2019 Reading Assignments Master


    Task One Biography

    John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born on 3 January 1892 in South Africa. Tolkien

    had one sibling, his younger brother, Hilary Arthur Reuel, who was born on 17

    February 1894. As a child, he was bitten by a large baboon spider in the garden, an

    event some think later echoed in his stories. (Who may be Shelob who is one ofthe antagonists from The Lord Of The Rings). When he was three, he went to

    England with his mother and brother on what was intended to be a lengthy

    family visit. However his father, unfortunately died in South Africa of

    rheumatic fever before he could join them. His mother taught John and Hilary

    at home on writing and basic grammar.

    By the age of four John could read and write fluently soon afterwards. His

    mother allowed him to read many books. He disliked Treasure Island and The

    Pied Piper and thought Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll was

    "amusing but disturbing. His mothers death soon followed in 1904. Tolkien

    soon entered school and started to get better in all areas of English. He grew

    up writing more and more often and some of stories became famous.

    We now mostly know him for The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings, which have

    been produced as films. These were his master pieces of work that not manyother books could best. Still popular his work continues all around the

    world. He also wrote The Silmarillion which is quite well known as well. His

    books have also led many different companies or people to make different

    products or films to match the books. There have been board games, toys and

    movies that came from his work. And some people take it further by expanding

    his ideas to create even better things! I look forward to his new release of The


  • 8/10/2019 Reading Assignments Master


    Task 2 Letter

    Chris Lee

    Christchurch 8041

    345 9876

    November 17th 2014

    J.R.R Tolkien

    Dear Mr Tolkien

    I am writing this letter as feedback for your books of The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings.

    Even after your decease your books are famous all around the world. Adapted into major

    motion films in 2001 and still going on. I have finished your books now and think that they

    were quite wonderful with your way of words. You leave the reader to wait and tense until

    they find out what happened. You vision of Middle Earth catches me and its creativity

    continues to baffle me.

    If there was something I had to criticize it would be that you made me wait too long to find

    out what happened to the characters! But this is a good thing for some people who just get

    too attached to the characters! After finding out of a few of my most favorite characters

    deaths I was baffled and stunned. Instead of some authors who drag the story and

    character story arcs out you got straight to the point, almost too fast. For example some

    writers would write: The blade came closer towards him as he braced for impact. Whilstyou write a little along the lines of this The blade stabbed him in the chest as he fell to

    the ground. Im a big fan of this style of writing as its not dragging it out!

    Once again, your way with words baffles me as you really capture the moment. Your

    creativity is a thousand times better than a childs. I hope you are having a good time as

    people continue to complement your work. You have many fans and your legacy continues

    Kind regardsChris Lee

  • 8/10/2019 Reading Assignments Master


    Me- So Mr Tolkien, tell us a bit about your book and why you decided to write it.

    JR R Tolkien- Well I firstly wanted to really broaden my search for creativity and really wanted to show my creativity,

    that my parents and friends failed to see in me.

    Me- So then, where did you get your ideas from?

    JR R Tolkien- Other writers of course! I used to spend about an hour every day just thinking of things to come up with,

    giant spiders, giant birds. Everything came to me from my environment. (Mainly my garden)

    Me- Were your characters based on anyone in particular?

    JR R Tolkien- To be honest , no not really although I based my character Sauron on my older brother. If you think about

    it, I dont have too many characters in my books.

    Me- What would be your most favorite book that you have written?

    JR R Tolkien- It would have to be the last book of The Lord Of The Rings. It really wrapped up the story and had some

    great moments I think.

    Me- What do you think of the movie adaption of your series?

    JR R Tolkien- Not quite how I imagined it I must admit but I am a fan of the new style. I think it shortened the creativity bu

    really focused on the story.

    Task 3 Interview

  • 8/10/2019 Reading Assignments Master


    Task 3 Movie Poster

  • 8/10/2019 Reading Assignments Master


    Task 5 Ending

    They stormed out of the gates on horseback of Helms Deep and went like water

    against rock onto the orcs and Uruk Hai. They fell back in fear and were cut down by

    the rushing swords of the soldiers like a rapid flood. The orcs and Uruk Hai started

    to flee the scene. With the captains desperately hoping to hold their force togetherand them fleeing just encouraged more of the Orcs and Uruk Hai to flee. Half of

    them had left when they heard a horn from the other side of the mountain, Eomer

    had arrived with help! After 5 hours of fighting it was about time too! Gandalf was

    behind him with a a great host of men. The Orcs and Uruk hai were now all fleeing,

    the captains fleeing too, Theoden sounded the charge against them and pursued the

    enemy, by half an hour they had all been cut down or trampled over. They had won

    the battle. Sarumans work had come to an end. His treachery was finished and now

    peace had come to Rohan. Theoden had been a king and saved his people.

  • 8/10/2019 Reading Assignments Master


    A stage setting for The Lord Of The Rings

    It would have to be the shire, the most peaceful place on earth with hobbit holes and beautiful

    gardens. With farmers and villagers about it is a really peaceful and wonderful setting. There are

    many other settings in which the stories took place but this has to be the number one pick. The shire i

    located in the West of Middle Earth near the town Bree which is infamous for its alcohol and rangeof the Dunedain who often come down from the North. The war of the ring never reached the west o

    Middle earth and the only three it has had for a long time would be from the nine who left Minas

    Morgul in search of the ring bearer. Under constant watch from the rangers the shire will be a safe

    place for the mean time.

  • 8/10/2019 Reading Assignments Master


    Task Seven Life After 10 Years

    Eomer, Marshal Of The Ridder Mark - After becoming the King Of Rohan after Theodens fall at the battle of

    Pelennor Fields. And after the fall of Sauron all is peaceful. He takes good care of his lands and will do

    anything to protect the people of Rohan even if it will take his life. With the mines of Moria still active

    with the enemy Eomer must be on high alert. Much is different now that Theoden is gone. They were close but

    now Eomer is alone. With only the Dunlendings and Goblins left now his life has been easier since the timeof the war. He wishes that Theoden was with him more than anything else.

    Frodo Baggins Of The Shire - After leaving Middle Earth to go to the undying lands with the elves his life

    has changed. With his friends of Middle Earth no longer by his side he feels lonely as ever. The elves take

    care of him and he has already become friends with Elrond Master Of Rivendell. The undying lands are

    peaceful except for the 2 Nazgul who fled from Mordor during the war of the ring. Frodo and his unclehave the closest bond any hobbits could have, and they are very happy with what they have. Frodo wishes to

    return to Middle Earth but the threats are too high. After hearing rumors of Hobbit towns however, he is

    anxious to go but wishes his friends were with him.

  • 8/10/2019 Reading Assignments Master


    Task 8 New Year Resolutions

    The Dark Lord Sauron-

    Leave at least one guard outside of Mount doom to prevent losing two and a

    half thousand years worth of world domination which you worked hard for

    and lost half your army for. Not worth it to fail an invasion, lose half your

    army, your most powerful ally and of course not to lose your physical form.

    Saruman The White-

    For the sake of your army and 2 years of work, dont attack forests with

    powerful enemies unless you are in a serious state. Not worth losing your

    army just because you made a bad careless move in attacking the Ents, then

    having them attack you. One thing to have in mind, know your enemy before

    attacking them!