Re dux presentation

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Re dux presentation

  1. 1. Creating ReDux The process and evolution of creating a mobile friends reunion app
  2. 2. Pain Points Feature Needs Product Research Requirements Product Launch Design Sprint Hand-Off to Dev Quality Assurance Design Cycle Typically this is how I have worked within an organization
  3. 3. Pain Points Feature Needs Product Research Requirements Product Launch Design Sprint Hand-Off to Dev Quality Assurance Design Cycle For 1 This was a design exercise done for me so some of the typical channels werent needed
  4. 4. Project Outline Wireframe and execute high fidelity comps of initial screens and include documentation. The main objective is to show peer to peer interactions. Research will be limited to the web due to cost of 3rd party UX research resources Leverage some of my existing asset libraries and other resources to save time Rely on the speed of my wire framing My past experiences and intuition will have to play a big part in getting this done in a timely manner Keep user empathy top of mind
  5. 5. Administration issues My wife and I are very good planners, but many of our friends are not. They simply go with the flow. This is hard on us when planning a get together. The process needs to be easier for the organizer. Crowd sourcing the event would take much of the pain away. I may not attend every function In a multi-event situation, participants may not want to take part in everything. There should be opt-in ability for this reason. Communication issues Some people prefer text, phone, or emails and some of the older folks prefer snail mail. All of this should be taken into account. Easily communicate across multiple platforms and devices. Problem with choosing events and times Vote as a group on what everyone wants to do. Participants can suggest sub-events. Lack of participation Simple analytics and gaming can make the process clear at a glance and can also make planning be fun instead of a burden. Pain Points
  6. 6. Sources: newfeatures friends split/id669801762?mt=8 service: for/id741597223?mt=8 Research I searched for similar products online and took notes of my findings
  7. 7. Features & Flow After documentation and analysis I sorted my chosen features and came up with an app flow
  8. 8. Wireframes I designed mobile first and chose to wireframe the sign-up process first as I knew it would be the most challenging. This led me to new ground as is almost always the case. I made revisions as I went along, until I was finally satisfied.
  9. 9. High Fidelity DesignProcess For speed and efficiency I used visual libraries that were available to me to put together the final comps. These consisted of color palates, icon libraries, asset collections and image repositories. I made up what I didnt possess as I designed.
  10. 10. FIN