Raising Kids with Character

Post on 11-May-2015

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Slides from 2011 Preparing Your Child for Success seminar hosted by The Bear Creek School annually in Redmond, WA. Slides are excerpts from the presentation "Raising Kids with Character" by Rachael Urban.

Transcript of Raising Kids with Character

Raising Kids with Character by Rachael Urban

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About me….

“Even small children are known by their actions.”

Proverbs 20:11

Character Development is an Intentional Process

“Train up a child in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Character Traits





Teaching Character Qualities

Pray for your child Teach specifically Model Reward

• With praise!• With prizes!

Example of Teaching a Character Quality

Kindness• What is it? What does it look like?

Praise every time you possibly can Have the word stay up around your

class or home You know they have it in their heart

and head when…

Weave in Character Lessons throughout the day…

In….• Books• In your own speech and actions• In board games• In videos or TV shows

Building a family around character

•Our family is a Team! (Team

Urban)•God and the four

of us!• The Urbans

always… give because we believe

it is better to give than receive•The Urban’s

always… go above and beyond what is



are using to build a team of character?

Praise more for character than for performance.

It isn’t about the game, it’s about the people in the game.

We want our kids to see they are valuable not because they perform but because they are

created in God’s image.

Don’t rob them of opportunities to build character

Chores and responsibilities Games

Loving your neighbor Who is your closest neighbor? Your


What would Jesus affirm? He washed the disciples’ feet There is a humility that needs to be

taught Affirm what the world doesn’t

Quips and Quotes J.O.Y. – Jesus First, Others Second, You

Last Everyone is a winner when they

obey! “A fool gives vent to his anger but a

wise man keeps himself under control” Proverbs 29:11

“Be kind and loving to each other” Ephesians 4:32