Questions to Ask Your Spouse to Get on the Same Page About ... · Questions to Ask Your Spouse to...

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Questions to Ask Your Spouse to Get on the Same Page About




Hi. I’m Josh. And this is my wife Jenny. We help people with money.

We’ve helped thousands of couples get back on the same

page financially.

We have found, that usually, we start our marriage the wrong


People tell us to get on the same page about money

BEFORE we get married by asking each other a bunch of


But usually we don’t even know

the REAL answers to those questions.

We think we are on the same page, but really we have no idea who or what the other person is

all about when it comes to money.

So, you get married and you both say that you should have a budget and a retirement fund

and you are…happy.

Naïve…. But happy.


Then life happens… fast.

Before you know it, you are 6 years into your marriage with

kids, a dog, and a mortgage, and you and your spouse are NOT

on the same page.

That might be putting it nicely.

If you are anything like most

couples, even bringing up money means it’s time to


Finances are a big issue

in our marriages.

But here’s the cool thing…

It might not feel like it

but there is great potential to strengthen and heal our

marriages by getting on the same page about Money.

So, how do you get on the

same page with your spouse?

Just like an orchestra, it’s not about playing the same


But more about finding where each other is at and how you

can play together.

To help you get on the same page, take one night and ask each other



Rules of Engagement

No “Me vs. You”

Only US

No fighting

Stay Happy

No Wrong Answers


answer is


No Being Defensive or Justifying


Not allowed

No Quitting

Answer all


Are you


(cue the intro music)

“Let’s Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!!!”

RUMBLE!!!!! Get on the same financial


What do I do with money that makes you trust me?

What is my biggest strength with money?

When you look at our financial future together, what is your greatest hope?

If we had barely any money, how would that make you feel about yourself? About me?

What are your top goals financially?

Do you think we need more money? Why?

Is there anything that we are doing now financially that we’d regret in 40 years?

What is our common financial goal for this next year?

How do we complement one another financially?

If I gave you $100, what would you do with it?

Okay, so now what?

From this conversation, choose 1 thing – just 1- that you can improve


And commit to actually do it!

Need more help to get on the same page?

Buy the Book!

Want more in depth help on realigning every area of your

financial life? Find it in our new book,


Buy it on Amazon.