Questionnaire results-media-a2

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Questionnaire results-media-a2

Questionnaire Results

What age are you?

Under 2020-2324-2728-3131+

We wanted to focus on a ten year age gap of twenty-thirty as we feel our film plot we have put forward would appeal more to those ages. Out of the ten people we asked, only 20% weren’t in that age group.

What gender are you?


70% of the people we asked were female. We believed that our film plot would target females rather than men because of the mother/son relationship portrayed in the film and the challenges she faces.

Are you a parent?


This was an important question for our audience research because of the relationship with parent and child. We wanted to know whether a parent would react differently to our questions compared with those who aren’t. 60% of the participants are a parent.

How often do you watch movies?

More than once a weekOnce a monthNot very oftenNever

To gain a better understanding of our target audience we wanted to know how many films they usually watch in a month. 50% of the target audience watch a movie once a month therefore demonstrating that it isn’t a prioritised hobby for them. On the other hand, 30% said that they watch films more than once a week, showing that to some, it is a favourite hobby of theirs. Also, this 30% was answered by participants who are parents which shows it is a regular occurrence.

What genre of films do you prefer?

ComedyHorrorRomanceActionScience FictionAnimationDrama

As we are making a horror film trailer, we were intrigued as to whether or not this age range were as interested in this genre in comparison to others. The data collected revealed that 80% of the people asked did enjoy watching horror films. 50% of people who like horror films are parents. The results showed that the least favourite genre was Drama.

What type of certificate do you usually watch?


As a group we wanted to make sure that our film had a certificate that meant it would be a gripping horror but not too hard to watch. Our data has helped us decide that a 15 certificate would be appropriate for our film as 80% said that it was what they usually watched.

Please tick if you have watched and enjoyed any of these films?



The Conjuring


The Woman In Black

Friday 13th


To compare our film to other horror/thriller films we wanted to see what our audience had enjoyed watching as it could have similar conventions to our plot. The most popular films were: Insidious, The Conjuring and The Woman in Black. These three films have similarities to our plot, such as a spirit/possession. This reflects that our audience may enjoy our plot as it surrounds the theme of possession.

Which of these would you find scariest?

A barnA forestA haunted houseAn asylumA basement

In our film plot the story is situated in the location of a house with a barn. We wanted to know whether it would scare people in a horror film, and when compared to other locations if it was popular. The data collected showed that all locations were almost equally as scary to people. However a barn did come out on top with 30% of the participants saying it was the scariest.

Would you be interested in seeing a film of the plot below?


A family move to a house that homes a witch-like spirit, who, after the mother disturbs an old object, possesses the character and sets out to kill her son.

The results showed that 80% of our target audience would be interested in seeing the film shown. A comment made on the plot was “The relationship between mother and son would be thrilling to watch, it sounds like a brilliant film”. It is a very positive comment and this shows that our film plot is targeting our audience.

Which of these titles would be appropriate for our horror film specified above? Rank 1-5 (1 being

the best, 5 being the worst)


We have gathered this information and made an average of which title they think is the best. 40% of people put Delirium as the most suited title for our film. As this is the most popular title we have decided to go along with it, because it reflects what the audience like. However, we also like this title and feel like it would link well with the film plot.

Do you watch trailers of films you would like to see?


Only 20% of people said that they didn’t watch trailers of films they would like to see. The other 80% said they did. This suggests that trailers are a successful promotional tool when advertising films because of the high percentage of people that watch them.

How long would you consider a good trailer to last? (In minutes)

01:00 or less01:3002:0002:3003:00 +

An average film trailer conventionally lasts for two minutes. The results show that 60% of the participants believe two minutes is a good amount of time for a trailer. No one said that one minute or less would make a good trailer. This data helps us come to the conclusion that we want to aim to make our trailer last around two minutes.

Where do you view trailers?

YouTubeCinemaSocial MediaDVD'sTelevision

This question helps us understand about media platforms that our target audience use, we can target them through these platforms. A significant finding was that no one watches trailers on television. 90% of people view their trailers either on YouTube, in the Cinema or Social Media. In our trailer we will need to target our audience by including other platforms such as website links.

What makes you want to go and view the film after watching the trailer?

The soundtrackThe paceThe plot shownThe enigmaThe famous cast

This question is important as we need to know what the audience feel is the most important thing in the trailer and what attracts their attention. 40% of people said that the enigma in the trailer leaves them wanting more, this was the highest percentage. The soundtrack and pace of a trailer didn’t attract anyone and aren’t as important to our audience.