Question 1 a) Using Conventions

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Transcript of Question 1 a) Using Conventions

Section A – Question 1 a) Development and Progression –

Using Conventions from Real Media Products

Wednesday 2nd April 2014

Unit G325: Critical Perspectives in Media


Aims & Objectives

• Re-cap prior learning in relation to what is expected of you for this Section of the exam.

• Go through the expectations for Question 1 a) and how you need to discuss and evaluate the progression you have made from AS to A2 with your coursework in relation to Using conventions from real media texts

• Establish HOW you have made this progression and identify some key examples YOU MUST use and know for the exam IF you get a question for this area.

• Review the learning.

AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding to show how meanings are created when analyzing media products and evaluating your own practical work (Section A)

Key term: Progression

Using conventions from real media texts

Form and Style• Formalistic conventions:

• The repeated elements of the media form- for example most trailers will feature a release date or Point of Call.

• Stylistic genre conventions:

• Repeated elements of a media genre - for example most horror films will feature unexpected, bloody death.

Using conventions from real media texts

Form and Style

• Formalistic conventions:

• The repeated elements of the media form -

YOU MUST give x1 Example a Formalistic Convention at AS and A2.

• Stylistic genre conventions:

• Repeated elements of a media genre –

YOU MUST give x1 Example a Stylistic Convention at AS and A2.

Extension – YOU COULD give more than x1 Example for each and/or make comparisons using the PEA method.

Using conventions from real media texts

Roland Barthes (1975) argued that it is in relation to other texts within a genre rather than in relation to lived experience that we make sense of certain events within a text.

Key Points:

• Our understanding of Soaps made your job as a Producer easier• “Make sense” – Soap Operas are meant to provide a sense of verisimilitude (reality) for

the audience, which comes across in your trailers – HOW?• YOU SHOULD highlight themes that come through from your trailer that were inspired

by other trailers from the genre when dealing with a theory like Barthes (1975)

Using conventions from real media texts Roland Barthes (1975) argued that it is in relation to other texts within a genre rather than in relation to lived experience that we make sense of certain events within a text.

YOU MUST think about where ‘other texts’ inspired you at AS (Foundation) Level to produce certain features in your Magazine pages.YOU SHOULD then make a comparison to where ‘other texts’ inspired you at A2 (Advanced Level) for the Main and Ancillary Products.Extension – YOU COULD give more than 1 EXAMPLE.

Using the advice from this sheet and your A2 Evaluation (Download version from the BLOG) YOU MUST:

• Establish 2-3 examples of where you have demonstrated “Repetition” in your Production from Existing Media Products at AS and A2

• YOU SHOULD hopefully recognise there is cross over between the potential areas of focus – for example in order to understanding what to Use, you need to complete some Research and Planning.

Key areas to consider:

1) What did you ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale)2) How did you ensure this was successfully achieved?3) Did adopt a similar approach at AS and A2?


Task – 15 minutes


YOU SHOULD designate no longer than 25-30 minutes answering this question (dependent on how much planning you want to do for Section B).

1-2 Minutes – BRIEF Plan and Introduction

20 minutes – 2-3 examples from your AS coursework and compare/contrast HOW your “understanding of existing media” for your creating your own products carried over to your A2 work.

YOU SHOULD apply the theory – Barthes (1975) - and key terms – Formalistic and Stylistic Conventions – to your analysis.

2-3 minutes – Conclusion/Proof read

EXAM QUESTION – 2011 Paper

What you have learnt– Plenary3

minutesYOU MUST write down x1 area/thing you need to address for Using conventions from real media texts

YOU COULD give more than x1 example.


1) Revise!

2) Make sure you have set examples you would refer to for a Question that deals with Using conventions from real media texts

3) Complete a Question 1 a) of your choice to submit for feedback/marking to Mr Crafts