QAHSAA Awards 40 Scholarships for the 1st TimeQAHSAA Awards 40 Scholarships for the 1st Time QA...

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Transcript of QAHSAA Awards 40 Scholarships for the 1st TimeQAHSAA Awards 40 Scholarships for the 1st Time QA...

QAHSAA Awards 40 Scholarships for the 1st Time

QA Summer Picnic Sunday, Aug. 15 By Sandy (Johnson) Krutsinger ’65 The 17th annual Alumni Association picnic will be held at Gas Works Park this year from 11:30 a.m. to approximately 4 p.m. This is a great location since there is plenty of space and cover in case we have rain! The picnic can continue in any weather so plan to come even if it is rainy that day.

The Association will be providing hot dogs, soda pop and coffee. In past years, Tully’s has provided the coffee and we have greatly appreciated their generosity. Our Korean and Vietnam Veterans are in possession of the original grill from Al’s Hamburger Place on the Ave. and will be cooking hamburgers on that grill again this year, as they have in years past. The best burgers!! The alumni will bring side dishes to share, as well. If you like, bring a side dish or dessert along and a fellow classmate!

The classes of ’40, ’45, and ’65 are hosting mini-reunions at the picnic. We had a large turnout last year and hoping for an even better one this year. We hope you will come join us and have some fun! The Gas Works Park is at the north end of Lake Union, parking is available.

For driving directions, visit:

Fall Luncheon Oct. 23 - It Will Be Another Show!

By Glo (Gleason) Holcomb ’46��������� �������� ���������� ��������������

time to register for the Fall Luncheon and Annual Association meeting.

� ��������� ��� � �������� ����� �������100 years, and we are off and running, be it with the help of a cane, walker, or wheel chair, to welcome the beginning of the next 100! Spring featured “Take Me Out to the Ball Game.” Fall will feature “Mr. Touchdown.” Join us for a fun program with more stories and music, the annual meeting and election, and another delicious lunch at the Seattle Yacht Club, on Saturday, Oct. 23, 2010, starting at 11:30 a.m. The beat goes on…!

See page 15 for a registration coupon, or register online at The sign-up deadline is Oct. 12.

40 Scholarship Recipients Named~ Pages 8-11

By Kerry McMahan ’54

�"��#$������������������%���&% ������ �� �����'������������%�������(�)�������� ������ ���'������������ �been made possible by the exceptional generosity of classes, reunion groups, individual donations and the collective ����������* �&����� ����� ���&��( This year, 101 application forms were requested, with 90 applications received by the March 31 deadline. This year, 24 scholarships were awarded to high school seniors, 15 to college students and 1 to a master’s degree candidate. Those interested in competing for a 2011 award should request an application by writing to the Education Committee at 3025 NE 95th Street, Seattle WA 98115-2436 after January 1, 2011, and arrange with their school � ������� *����*������ �������%�� �������� ����� � � ������� � & � �������������� � ��������� �����+������ �����grades.�����)� �#�������/�������������%����� ����� �* �� �����%�� ��$;��(

Volume 29, Number 2 Queen Anne High School Alumni Association August 2010

From Our QAHSAA President������������ ������������ ���� � �������� �� � ��������* �� �������;<���;=������>?%���-tion and our beloved high school, both occurring in 1909; thus 2009 was spent in bringing out a sense of what achievements and connections our students had to the Expo and what the ������������������������* ����������(�D�*�;�� ���&���QQ���& ������##�& ��� �����* �whom had a story to tell, and some whose stories have been lost down the long years. I continue to work on their individual histories, even with limited research results. Most married; some did not. Most of the married couples had children; again, some did not. There were few divorces. The last ones living managed to outlive their high school as a school. Sev-eral made it into the late 1980’s. Some were achievers of note, others were ordinary citizens. More than a score moved elsewhere at some point during their lives, although the majority remained in the Washington-Oregon area.

���������� ����������� &%������������� �����* ���� ���������� ���������������� ��� ������ � ������� ���to be something much bigger. I think the remainder of my research will lead to a small publication about this group. �����R��� �& ���& ��� �� ?�%��� ���������� &�� ����&������ ��* �� �*����������&%�����*���� �D����X��� ��(�/��here’s your assignment, as alums— which of the following titles was the best: 1912, 1930, 1942, 1945, 1948 (tie), 1953, 1965, 1973 or 1980? Those were city titles; we also held South Division titles in 1969, 1971, 1972, and Division III title in 1974. Some of our greatest games did not occur in championship seasons; for example, the 1961 rout of Rainier Beach. Hope to see you all at Magnolia Days and the summer picnic in August! Kim R. Turner ’61

Acknowledgements Our Board and regular supporters are owed many thanks for the hours they put in on the KUAY, the website, the ����������%�%�����&�����������& �������� ��������_�������� ��������%������������������*` ����� ������&������ ������(�/�& ��% �����������*�����(�=� �� ��������{Kindnesses—Our Thanks to:The Queen Anne United Methodist Church for providing our meeting space for the board, since mid-2009.Mike ’67 and Alexandra (Dalinkus) Smith ’67, owners of LeRoux Fine Apparel in Magnolia Village, for selling ��������&��������& �������� (�|���� �������(Kerry McMahan ’54 for again sponsoring our luncheon at the Seattle Yacht Club; and the SYC for being so coop-erative with our Kapers Show.Ruth (Hanson) Ghormley ’42 for donating the spring luncheon table decorations.Glo (Gleason) Holcomb ’46 for being the impresario and director at both the fall and spring luncheons.Chef ’n Products, David Holcomb ’72��*���������������** ����*` �� &�(Don Hanson�*����������* ������ ����� ���� ����� ����������*` (Vada Higbee for piano accompaniment at the spring luncheon.The Queen Anne Metropolitan Market, Darryl Putnam, Asst. Manager��*���� �� ��*����*` ����� �*���� �spring luncheon.Betty (Charouhas) Bebee ’45, Terris Howard ’52, Don Estep ’46, Doris (McClure) Linkletter ’31, John Nor-din ’43, Bob ’48 & Kathy (Piper) ’49 Olson, and Carol McGuinn ’67 for continuing to screen for the obit notices used in our Memorials. We appreciate all those who write us about our fellow alumni passages.Finally, our thanks to all those who have helped our Association to endure these 29 years.Memorabilia Gifts—Our Thanks to:Marci (Ritchey) Meyerling ’70 for the 1930 city championship game football, belonging to her late father Clayton Ritchey ’31 (see photo).Diana (Rassbach) Glassman ’75, for 1949-51 annuals, belonging to the late Janet (Glassman) Kindred ’51.Annie Scrivanich ’72��*������}~�����/� ����������������������������� ����������� �(

2 The KUAY August 2010

The KUAY August 2010 3

WHO’S NEWSCompiled by Kim R. Turner ’61

We need your input to create this column. Send news of Grizzlies to: Who’s News Editor, QA Alumni As-soc., P.O. Box 9128, Seattle, WA 98109, or e-mail: Photos are always wanted.


John ’34 and Millie (Iverson) Pen-so ’39, celebrated their 70th wed-ding anniversary in Las Vegas, March 27, 2010. Daughters Pam (Penso) Lehman ’61, and Jill (Penso) Grant ’66, along with spouses, grandsons and spouses, and four great-grand-children were there to help celebrate. Pauline (Theda) Davison ’36, thanks us for the KUAY and tells us of her travels after her husband’s death: she has been to all seven con-tinents and stood on the shores of Antarctica in 2008. Way to go, Pau-line!Clamara (Skaw) Hobson ’36, is now living at the Kline Galland Home. Her brother Floyd Skaw ’39 is now living in an adult family home in Shoreline following a foot injury.


Dick Smith ’48, who now lives in Yakima, sent in a recap of the “al-most” city baseball champions of 1948, whose mainstay, Gene Grant ’48, is no longer with us.Joe Ferluga ’49 has supplied us with an update on his granddaughter, 1999 scholarship winner Dr. Elizabeth Ferluga, M.D., who is in her third year residency at Vanderbilt Medical Cen-ter in Nashville, TN. She has been selected by the medical staff as Chief Resident Neurology (adult pediatric). She has been granted a fellowship for ���*��� ����* �� ��� ���(Robert Johnston ’49, who per-formed at the spring luncheon, has

been choir director of several local churches and currently directs the Norwegian Male Chorus.


Roy C. De Selms ’50-’51 sent us a great (nearly three-page) autobiog-raphy. He is now a 50-year emeritus member of the American Chemical Society, a status achieved two years ago. Among other achievements was working with Nobel Laureate Prof. Glen Seaborg at the Lawrence Radia-tion Laboratory in Berkeley, CA. 27 years were spent at Eastman Kodak, and Roy has some great stories.Delwyn and Donna (McNeese) Ensey (both ’52) just celebrated their 56th anniversary. Del’s brother, Mor-rie Ensey ’50, sang in the operettas “The Desert Song” and “The Prince of Pilsen.” He had lead roles in both productions. Thanks, Del.Carrol (Sutton) Read ’54, who danced the hula at our luncheon, started teaching Hawaiian dancing at the age of ten. She saved her own money for a trip to Hawaii at age 14, where she studied wilth Iolani Lua-hine, the last of the Royal Temple dancers. Naturally, her Kapers act in 1953 was “Hawaiian War Chant.” Sally (Marshall) Jacobsen ’58, another luncheon performer, had booked a trip to her husband’s fam-ily home in Iceland a week before the luncheon. It had to be cancelled due to the massive eruption of the volca-no-nobody-can-pronounce.

Dr. Margaret C. Telfer ’56 missed her 50th class reunion but still has memo-�� ���* �� ��� ������� ����� �� ��-�������� ����D����/������������ �great John Phillip Sousa thought the best school song ever written when he heard it at Wisconsin. Margaret sends best wishes to Sylvia (Campbell) Matthews ’56 and their teacher Syl-via (Weinstein) Paul “who made my high school career a joy.”JoAnne Lavina (Reise) Lamb ’56 ����� �����&��* ����������� ��������-uary at her home in Edmonds. Her daughter, Paula J. Cuneo, informs us that a “JoAnne L. Lamb Foundation” has been started to create a perpetual scholarship fund to allow lower in-come students in Edmonds the op-portunity to excel with an education ������� ��� ������ ;��* ��� �� ��� ��(�Dolores Vinikow ’55 needed to get in touch with board member Caro-lyn (Cross) Avery ’57. Fortunately we were able to comply. Dolores re-members being French horn player in � �������� ������ ��Ed Ottum’s tutelage. Dee McQuesten ’59 has opened �� �� � ���� ���� ��� ��� �������� =��������� � �� D��&���� ���� D�� � ���Services, LLC”.Carl Grant (Carl Lehrhoff) ’59, an-other luncheon performer, uses his degrees in English and philosophy to entertain and motivate corporate au-diences as well as to do standup com-edy appearances on “Late Night with David Letterman”, Showtime and National Public Radio.

Continued Page 4

4 The KUAY August 2010

ans’ Day Medal of Honor Ceremony at UW last Nov. 11, 2009 – the key-note speaker for the event was none other than our grad, General Peter W. Chiarelli ’68, the 32nd Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army. He gave a very moving tribute to all the Armed Forces who served their country so willingly and many of whom did not return from the battles. The 1969 City Championship Queen Anne baseball team that took part in the spring luncheon in-cluded Greg Gardner (representing the late Mike Arch), Greg and Marc Pease, Craig Smith, Scott Stevens and John Varga. They were joined by Steve Waite, son of baseball coach Mel Waite, who escorted his moth-er, Lois Waite, to the luncheon. Steve played with the others in Little League and later on the Ingraham team de-* � ������ ����� �*���� ��� (


Jo (Jolly) Bach ’70 has joined our ever-increasing on-line directory. She lives with her family in Bellevue, but ����� �& � �� � ��� �� � � �����%�where her mom, Katie Jolly, longtime resident, still lives in the family home

just a few blocks north of the high school. (Katie has been one of my col-leagues at the Downtown library, but is retired). Marcia (Ritchey) Meyer-ing ’70 has given us the 1930 football

Who’s News Continued From Page 3


Barbara J. (Barb) (Yantis) Meis-mer ’60 lives in Colorado and would loveto hear from classmates. She is in our website class directory.Charles Pike ’63�� ���� ��� � �� �renditions of Elvis Presley hits from the 1960s at our luncheon, was an Air Force medical corpsman in Vietnam, earning several citations, including the Vietnamese Cross of Valor and the Bronze Star. He con-tinued his medical career as a regis-tered nurse in civilian life, which in-cluded private nursing gigs with the Beach Boys, Whitney Houston and Sammy Davis Jr.Gary (Duke) Williams ’64 sends a � ����� �&���;��������������& &�-�� ���* �����������������}�Q����� ��which he bought with money he earned as a paper boy. He received his MBA from UCLA and has estab-lished the Williams Family Endowed Fellowship at UCLA Anderson (School of Management). He has sent a very nice gift for our scholar-ships. But one thing, Duke – what happened to the Corvette?Rev. Ann N. Morgan ’66 shares & &��� �� �* � � �� � ���� �� � ��Anne, remembering Eugene Brown’s Glee Club (7:40 a.m.) and wonders where her former teachers Mr. Hollingsworth and Mr. Robert MacCay are today (Ed. Note: Raft Hollingsworth is deceased, MacCay’s whereabouts are unknown). She will be receiving copies of the KUAY. She lives in Merrick, New York. Timothy L. Austin ’68 reminded me that I totally forgot one of the &�������������� ������ �� �-

city championship game ball which her late dad, Clayton Ritchey ’31 had been given. It has the score of the ��& ��� ����� �~��X��������������the names of the players who partici-pated. We thank you, Marcia, for an invaluable gift. The football, slightly � `� �������������%������� ��%�����luncheon. Eric King ’76 lives in Neenah, Wis-consin, where he makes pottery and restores Italian motorcycles. Ducati, anyone? Kathi Goertzen ’76 has been on spe-cial assignment for KOMO-TV since completing her last treatments for her persistent brain tumor. It’s nice to see her back on the air.


Helen Hill, who taught Spanish to a ���� ����%��* �� ����� ��� ���from 1955-1962 before moving on to Roosevelt, was unable to attend the Spring Luncheon, as she was celebrat-ing her 90th birthday with her family at her home in California. All three of � �� ������ ������� ��� � �� ��� �High students, did graduate from Se-�� � =������ ���� ����(� "�� � ����congratulations! Dr. Diane Hansen, who taught at � �� ��� � *��� �� ����� �&�� � ��another very nice thank you for our invitation to the spring luncheon – she ���� &���� *���� & &��� �� �* � � ��Anne and humorous tales of her col-leagues as well as her students. She went on from our hallowed halls to teach at Chief Sealth and Roosevelt high schools, the latter from which she eventually retired.Coach Walt Milroy turned 90 in Feb-ruary, with many Grizzlies from his � �� ��� � � ���� ��� � � �}���� ����’60s joining him in a celebration at Ar-nie’s in Edmonds on Feb. 16, 2010.

The KUAY August 2010 5

MOQA News & Events By Dee Hawkes ’54

MOQA Awards Scholarship for 2010 ~ Calendar Girls Takes a Break The 2010 Calendar Girl Scholarship Winner is Ashley Marshall. See page 10 for her write-up.�����)� �� ����� ���� ���������������������������������������?�� ���(�)����� ����� ���� �����������%�������� ����� ��(�)� � ����� �������%�������������� � �������* ����� ����* �� ��� ��&���� ������ ������ ������*�����������-arships. For now, you’ll have to keep track of events, anniversaries, dinner dates, birthdays, dentist appointments, ball games, reunions, and whatever else you post, on other calendars. For those of you who supported this scholarship over the years, the Calendar Girl staff thanks you. Two graduates from the Class of 1954, Linda (Fouts) McCullough and Patricia (Purcell) Turnbull, deserve to be singled out as the ladies who put it all together. Their hard work is very much appreciated.

2010 Bob Houbregs QA Golf Classic Sept. 20� � � � � )���� � ����� � �� �* � � �� ��� � ���* � ����& ���now in its 12th year, will be Monday, Sept. 20, at the Ever-ett Golf and Country Club. Registration starts at 11 a.m. Shotgun starts at 1 p.m. Awards dinner is at 6 p.m. Named for Grizzly legend Bob Houbregs, the tour-nament offers something for every golfer. There are four Scramble Formats: (1) Serious golfers with GHIN handi-caps; (2) Golfers who represent their class in competitive play; (3) Occasional golfers such as the weekend warriors, once a year players, and those who just want to have some fun; and (4) Women golfers who prefer to play with other women. In addition, if you don’t golf, just come along for the awards dinner and have fun. Men and women may sign up individually or as a foursome. This year’s Grand Marshalls will be Walt Bone and Walt Milroy. Regardless of skill level, all alums and friends are invited to join Bob and the two Grand Marshalls for a great Grizzly day. Golf entry fee is $150 (Includes golf cart, lunch, shirt,

���<������/����)� ����<����%����� ������ �� ����� ������/��������&���������������*� �*���& &� �������*�� �����* �� �Association. To be placed on the mailing list or to help with Association activites, write to: PO Box 9128, Seattle, WA 98109-0128 or e-mail: Donations are enthusiastically requested, as they sustain the Association. Board meetings are generally held once each &���������� ��% ������������� �(��=��� ���&�)�� �����#����~��;'�$'�*���� ����(��)� ����/����������������Q���?; ? &%�������_�-tion.

snacks, prizes, and awards dinner). Awards Dinner-only ��� �#�(� )�� � ��� �� � ��� R������ ��� ��� |��*�� ="� ��?�294, Bothell, WA 98041 or Call (425) 485-5665 or email Please consider sponsoring a hole or donating a prize. If interested, please contact Roger Pinneo (206) 346-3322 or Gordon Fouts (206) 947-9963.�����)� �� ���* �� ����� ����%����* �� �������� �*���>�������D��������������������;%���������Q��������-_����(�R���������������� �&�� ��*��������� ����������-ships. MOQA Christmas Luncheon Dec. 28 Mark your calendars now for Tuesday, Dec. 28 at 11:30 �(&(������������* �������&����� ��"���Q$��������Christmas Luncheon at the Rock Salt Steak & Seafood Restaurant on Lake Union (1232 Westlake Ave. N., (206) 284-1047). This annual no-host event brings together � ����� �& ��*��&�� ��'���������� ��~��(�D�����-formation contact Dee Hawkes at (425) 485-5665.

Joe Samione ’62, whose voice made Eugene Brown’s Cantorians better, has been elected to � ����/��������(���� ��������� ������� �����/��������������* �/ �� ���������� ���� ��������delicious home-made cookies, to our board meetings! Welcome aboard, Joe!

QAHSAA Board of Directors Update

Joe Samione ’62

6 The KUAY August 2010

The class of ’49 held a gala 60-year reunion Aug. 22 & 23 of last year.On Friday eve, the “Ice Breaker” was held at the home of LaRae (Roth) Hanson Stinemetz(�)� �� �� ������������������ ������� -freshments were served including Burritos on a Board, salad, drinks and mini cream puffs. There was plenty of time to visit and hash over old and new events. The next evening, a social gathering was held at the Seattle Yacht Club followed by a sit-down dinner. Our deceased classmates, since � �%����� �� ������ � �������� �� �(��D������������� ������� �����chairman, Bob Johnston, led us all in a Yell (G-R-I-Z-Z-L-Y) and the � ����� �D����/���(��R����������� �* ����� ��������������� ��*��rendition of the title song of “The Sound of Music”. Blessings to you all. Keep well and safe, until we meet again.

Queen Anne Class of ’49---60th Reunion

The Class of ’49’s 60th last August included (from l to r): Diane (Jorgenson) Estep, Bob Houbregs and Coach Walt Milroy.

Spring Luncheon Recap: KUAY KAPERS Tribute By Kim Turner ’61 Grizzly alums and former faculty members enjoyed a six-act tribute to KUAY KAPERS during the Alumni Spring Luncheon at the Seattle Yacht Club May 22. The program opened with emcee KimTurner ’61 addressing the crowd and invoking a minute of silence in honor of those who have preceded us in death, followed by the singing of “America � �� ��*��(�)� ��� ����� ������* �� ���?�������� �� ������}������ ���)�� ��������/��������)������� �=�����while Sally (Marshall) Jacobson ’59 echoed with “Tiptoe Through the Tulips.” They closed with a duet of the 1950s hit, “Moments To Remember”. The second act was Carrol (Sutton) Read ’54, performing a beautiful interpretive hula to the 1934 song “Do the Hula”. She was followed by members of the 1969 Queen Anne City Championship baseball team. Not present was their catcher, Mike Arch, who died in April, and three other team members who graduated later on. They sang

“Take Me Out To the Ball Game” with new lyrics written by Turner and luncheon chair Glo Holcomb ’46. Greg Gardner ’69 gave heartfelt testimony to the joy and fellow-ship the players felt having played together since their Little League days. The team left the stage singing “We Are the ���&%������ ���� � � ����half of the program ended. Open mics went through the audience to gather sto-ries and reminiscences of the school and Kapers. When asked why he chose to become a teacher, John

Doty replied, “I got on the wrong bus.” The second half

of the program opened with “Elvis Lives” a tribute to The King by Charles Pike ’63, who came up from Colorado. Carl Grant (Lehrhoff) ’59, professional speaker and stand-up comic, gave some hilarious lines about high school and politics. The closer, Bob Johnston ’49, came out as Tevye from “Fiddler On the Roof ” singing “Sunrise, Sunset,” and “If I Were a Rich Man,” to great applause. �����)� ���� �� ��������� ��������������� ���������� �����%������������ ���*` �and the serving of dessert which included a rather large cookie in the form of a grizzly bear. The afternoon closed with a Grizzly version of “Those Were the Days”, the Griz-_���D����/��������� ���&���� �(��R��������� ������ �*���* ���������� ���� ���* ������&������ ��� ��(

Members of the QAHS 1969 City Championship basebal team (l to r): John Varga, Marc Pease, Greg Gardner (representing the late Mike Arch), Greg Pease, Scott Stevens and Craig Smith.

Bob Johnston ’49 as Tevye.

The KUAY August 2010 7

Getting Together Again!Help For Your Reunion? 2010 Reunions

The Alumni Association can provide help for your reunion planing. Contact Lee Zobrist ’62 at: (206) 285-0582 or

Here is what is available:�� Class lists including master, mailable, missing,

deceased, mailing labels, all in various formats�� Reunion e-mail address for spam protection�� Reunion listing in the KUAY and on our

website�� � ��� �� ����������+��� �����������������

updating�� Mailing assistance and sample letters: to make

� ��* �� �����������������;%��������&���-ing permit (minimum of 200) for reunion mailings, requires signing an agreement with the Association and following strict USPS and Association rules. The postage savings can be considerable. Contact us, as above, for details and to obtain support from the Association’s mailing service, for address labels, sorting, handling and mailing, at a reasonable fee

�� � ������ ��* �������� �������& &���������� Logo merchandise sales at your reuion

Note: The deadline for submission for the next KUAY is Jan. 15, 2011. The website can be up-dated at anytime:

Class of ’40 & Class of ’45������������/���&���=�����Class of ’50 (Class ’49 & ’51 invited)Sept. 19 – Brunch at Broadmoor Golf & Country Club� ���������*��&������� ��� Contact: Doug O'Brien (206) 328-7160class50@qagrizzlies.orgClass of ’55Sept, 17 - Seattle Yacht ClubContacts: Jean White (206) 909-5314 or Marilyn Haymond (425) 641-1497class55@qagrizzlies.orgClass of ’60Oct. 1 – For classmates only social 5pm to 9pm(Home of Bill Henson, 1201 7th Ave W, Seattle)Oct. 2 - Seattle Yacht Club� ���������*��&������� ��� Contact: Marilyn (Markoff) Southern (206) 281-8184class60@qagrizzilies.orgClass of ’65��(����;����/���&���=�����Oct. 16 - Shilshole Bay Beach ClubRegistration at www.reunionswithclass.comContact: Claudia (Kettles) Lovgren (206) 285-8624class65@qagrizzlies.orgClass of ’70 Aug. 28 - Overlake Golf & Country ClubRegister at Ruben VanKempenD�� �������� ����� ��~��� ����class70@qagrizzlies.orgClass of ’75Sept. 11 - Maplewood golf course (Renton)Register at Barb (Read) Joseph (206) 972-8702

class75@qagrizzlies.orgClass of ’80Sept. 10 - Medin’s Ravioli Station in Ballard� ���������*��&������ ������������ ��� Contact: Mary Allenbach or Whitney MasonD�� �������� ����� ��$��� ����

Upcoming 2011 Reunions

Class of ’66August 2011 - details to followContact: Linda (Balcom) Reed ���������� ��&����������+��� ;&�������� �����X����

2010 QAHS Scholarship Winners Compiled by Kerry McMahan ’54

Renee Ambacher – graduated from Edmonds-Woodway High School with a 3.7 GPA in June and will enter the University of Portland this fall majoring in political science with a long-term goal of law school and practicing inter-national law. She participated in ASB activities, drama, community and church outreach activities. She is the daughter of Sheri Ambacher and the granddaughter of Lois Softky ’52. She was awarded the ������������� ����������-ship, donated by numerous Grizzlies.

Katherine Andringa –graduated from Naches Valley High School with a 3.8 GPA and will enter Western Washing-ton University this fall majoring in biology with plans to enter pre-med following graduation. She was active in band, served on the annual and newspaper staff, and captained the varsity swim team. She is the daughter of Steven and Carla Andringa and the granddaughter of Vanessa DeBoer ’53. She was awarded a Robert D. Rois ’55 Scholarship in memory of his wife, Carol A. Rois.

Gillean Arnoux ������� ����� ���* �� ����/���#�������� ������/���������%����#���(�|��� �������� �������%�����*��&�Montana State University with a 4.0 GPA majoring in Earth Sciences, specializing in geology. He will begin work on his master’s degree in igneous petrology this fall at either the UW or University of Oregon. He is the son of Jerry Jones and Johnalee Arnoux ’64. He was awarded a Robert D. Rois ’55 Scholarship in memory of his wife, Carol A. Rois.

Carly Backman – graduated from Shorewood High School with a 3.99 GPA and will enter the UW this fall majoring in journalism. She served as news editor on the school newspaper, was a member of both the jazz and marching band for four years and participated in other activities in school, community and church. She is the daughter of Janet and Terry Backman ’80. She was awarded the Maxine Amundson McMahan ’45 Scholarship given by the QAH-SAA in memory of Maxine, a founding member of the Association.

Danielle Berg – a repeat winner (2006, 2007), is an accounting major at Central Washington University. She works two part-time jobs and will begin her senior year carrying a 4.0 GPA. She is the daughter of Andrew ’67 and Jamie Hairell Berg ’71. She was awarded the Class of 1957 Scholarship given in memory of deceased classmates.

Zoe Bland – graduated from West Campus High School, Sacramento, CA with a 4.07 GPA. Her activities include |����/����/��� ���������&���������������������������&� �&(�/� ���� +��� � ����%���� ���/%����������������performed for a live audience. She donated the proceeds to the Haitian Relief Fund. Zoe will enter Lewis and Clark University this fall majoring in Spanish and minoring in science with plans to attend medical school. She is the daugh-ter of Todd and Meg Montgomery Bland ’78. She was awarded a Queen Anne Alumni Association Scholarship.

Joshua Blessing – a repeat winner (2009), begins his second year in the pre-med program at Point Loma Nazarene University %������������ �&������� &�����+���������� �� (�� �������%��;�& �*���� ����� �����R)�� %��& ������� �������� �� -ment facility and is a legislative member of the ASB government. Josh is the son of Robert and Anne Cary Blessing ’80. He was awarded a McEachern Family Scholarship.

Elliott Bowman – a repeat winner (2008), Elliott begins his junior year at the University of North Dakota majoring in commercial aviation and aviation management carrying a 4.0 GPA. He is involved in various community and university activities and has re-ceived his FAA Private Pilot Single Engine Land License. He is the grandson of Jean McLean Bowman ’50 and the son of David and Lisa Carden Bowman ’73. He was awarded a Robert D. Rois ’55 Scholarship in memory of his wife, Carol A. Rois.

Alyssa Broeneke – entered the UW Transition School directly from Pine Lake Middle School and after successfully completing that curriculum was invited into the UW Early Entrance Program where she is on the Dean’s List and presently carries a 3.79 GPA as a sophomore in a double major of Spanish and Law, Society and Justice. Her activities include EEP Drama Society and the Is-saquah Police Explorers. She is the daughter of Steven Ross Francis and Kris Broenneke and the granddaughter of Linnea Ross Francis ’52. She was awarded the Gary Williams ’64 Scholarship in Memory of Don McNeil ’65. Katie Campbell – graduated from Woodinville High School with a 3.9 GPA and will enter the University of Northern Colorado this fall majoring in musical theater. She had lead performances in high school, amateur and professional theater productions and a

Top 20 rating at the International Thespian Festival. She is the daughter of Ronald and Leona Hokanson Campbell ’69 and the granddaughter of June Tuttle Hokanson ’39. She was awarded a McEachern Family Scholarship.

Kevin Cornelius – graduated from Bishop Blanchet High School with a GPA of 3.8 and will enter the University of Portland this fall as a pre-major in the optometry program. His extracurricular activities include German Club and Stagecraft and Publicity Crews for the drama department and after school tutoring of elementary school students. He is the son of Mark and Nancy Burwell Cornelius ’71. He was awarded a McEachern Family Scholarship.

Chloe Crittenden – begins her sophomore year at Whitworth University with a 3.7 GPA majoring in elementary education. School and community activities include volleyball, after school tutoring of elementary school students ����#��}�/%���� �X�����D ������� ��/� ����� ����� ���* �������������Daniel Crittenden ’75. She was awarded a McEachern Family Scholarship.

Jeremy Dance –graduated from Redmond High School with a 3.9 GPA and will attend Brigham Young University this fall majoring in environmental science. His activities and awards include captain, varsity wrestling, varsity cross-�������>��� �/��������������������&�&�� �������� ��������;��� �������(�� ����� ������* �/����������John Dance ’77. He was awarded a Robert D. Rois ’55 Scholarship in memory of his wife, Carol A. Rois.

Shannon Fleming – graduated from Archbishop Mitty High School, San Jose, CA with a 4.0 GPA and will attend the University of California-Irvine this fall as a pre-major. Her activities and awards include basketball, swimming and varsity volleyball wherein her team won two California state championships and she was named to the 2009 Under Armour All-America Team. She is the daughter of Timothy and Karen Fleming and the granddaughter of Alvin Moe ’53. She was awarded a Queen Anne Alumni Association Scholarship.

Isabelle Floyd – graduated from Sir Francis Drake High School, San Anselmo, CA, with a 4.0 GPA and will enter the University of California-Davis this fall majoring in molecular biology. Her extracurricular activities include JV softball and Kaiser Hospital Internship at the Surgery Clinic and Department Award for Outstanding Performance in Pre-Calculus. She is the daughter of Harlan and Ellen Floyd and the granddaughter of Ellen Stiles Floyd ’45. She was awarded the Richard Smith ’48 Scholarship in Memory of Gene Grant ’48.

Emily Forman – graduated from Shorewood High School with a 3.96 GPA and is a UW sophomore psychology major carrying a 3.7 GPA. Her campus activities include assisting in graduate student research and participating with the Husky Dance Team. She is the daughter of John ’76 and Jennifer Piper Forman ’77. She was awarded a Queen Anne Alumni Association Scholarship.

Ellyn Hanson – Graduated from Cedar Park Christian High School and begins her sophomore year at Concordia University-Irvine this fall with a 4.0 GPA majoring in Christian education leadership. Her extracurricular activities include volunteering at Homeless Outreach in Santa Ana, CA, Young Life leader for middle school students and the Concordia Choir. She is the daughter of Richard and Tori Hanson and the granddaughter of Robert ’64 and Linda D. Smith Hanson ’65. She was awarded a Queen Anne Alumni Association Scholarship.

Cory Hargus ������� ��*��&�|��� ��������/�������������������� ���/����������#��}�������'(��|=���� �� �����his sophomore year at Brown University this fall majoring in biochemical engineering carrying a 4.0 GPA. His extra-curricular activities include the Brown University Jazz Octet, cross-country and soccer. He is the son of Sheri and Bri-an Hargus ’70. He was awarded the Budd Gould ’58 Scholarship, donated by Providence General Foundation.

Angela Hirsh – graduated from Bellarmine Preparatory High School with a 3.9 GPA and enters Loyola Marymount University’s School of Film this fall majoring in screenwriting. Her extracurricular activities include editor-in-chief of the school newspaper, varsity swim team, varsity water polo team and president of the ski and snowboard club. She is daughter of John and Kathryn Hirsh and the granddaughter of Kenneth L. Williams ’44. She was awarded a Queen Anne Alumni Association Scholarship.

Heidi Hirsh – a repeat winner (2008), she begins her sophomore year this fall at the University of San Diego majoring in marine science with a minor in chemistry. Her honors and activities include Dean’s List, Undergraduate Honors Convocation, Ambassa-dors Club, USD Dive Club, water polo and water ski teams. She is the daughter of John and Kathryn Hirsh and the granddaughter of Kenneth Williams ’44. She was awarded the Don McNeil ’65 Memorial Scholarship.

Laura Hoover – a repeat winner (2008, 2009), she begins her junior year this fall continuing her major in professional music, vo-cal principal with a 3.85 GPA. Her honors and activities include Dean’s List, Student Environmental Action Team, Sustainability Committee, and MASSPIRG activities. She is the daughter of Carla and Todd Hoover ’77. She is awarded a Queen Anne Alumni Association Scholarship.

Corey Hubbard – graduated from Holy Names Academy with a 4.0 GPA and enters the University of Portland this fall major-������������ (�� �������� ������� ����&����%�����/% �������  �� �) �&���� �����&%�� ��/���>����/ ���� ����%���/ �� �Children’s Theater and a mission trip to the Dominican Republic. She is the daughter of Bruce and Betsy Blessing Hubbard ’71. She was awarded the David Williams ’61 Memorial Scholarship donated by Donald and Nancy Williams, both ’62.

Conner Jarvie – graduated from Ballard High School and will attend the UW this fall majoring in architecture and engineering, His activities include varsity soccer, jv basketball, tennis, select club soccer, scoreboard operator for var-sity basketball and various community service activities. He is the son of Jeri and Jim Jarvie ’75. He was awarded a McEachern Family Scholarship.

Timothy Locke�������� ��*��&�|��� ��������/����������� � �� ��=���� ���=�����&�������Q(}�|=�����������attend Bowdoin College this fall majoring in neuroscience. His honors and activities include AP Scholar with Distinc-tion, High School Diploma of Music, piano President’s Cup, Principal Clarinetist concert and symphony orchestras, Chess Team Metro League All-Star, jv tennis and basketball Defensive Player of the Year for the Seattle Asian Sports Club. He is the son of Stephen and Elaine Young Locke ’71. He was awarded a McEachern Family Scholarship.

Lauren Lucke – graduated from Roosevelt High School with a 3.8 GPA and will attend Gonzaga University this fall majoring in nursing. Her activities include volunteering at Seattle Children’s Hospital, Hurricane Katrina sum-mer volunteer, school symphony orchestra, woodwind quintet, Musicians Emeritus Symphony Orchestra and varsity track. She is the daughter of Carrie and Michael Lucke ’73. She was awarded a McEachern Family Scholarship.

Terra Hoover Mangum – a repeat winner (2005, 2006, 2007), graduated Cum Laude with a BS in nursing from Northwest Uni-� �����������Q(~�|=�����#��$(�/� ����%� � ������� ��� � ����� ���/ �� ������� �������%���������������� ����� ��`�������%��� ����%�����/ �� ����� ����� �������� ����� � � ��/ �� �=���������� ����������&& ��%��������&�� ����� �� �*����� ��� � ����� �=������� �(��/� ����� ������� ��������� ������/�� ��%�����&���������� �/����������=����� ��������and is the children’s ministry leader at Northwest Community Church. She is the daughter of Carla and Todd Hoover ’77. She was awarded a Robert D. Rois ’55 Scholarship in memory of his wife, Carol A. Rois.

Ashley Marshall������� &�����&�������� �� ������ ��������� �����=������X� �������� ���������*���������������3.98 GPA. Her honors and activities include Dean’s List, Provost Merit Award, General Chemistry Student of the Year, Chemistry Club president and Concert Band member. She is the daughter of Todd and Julie Marshall and the granddaughter of Howard ’55 and Sharon Collier Marshall ’55. She was awarded the Class of 1954 Calendar Girls Scholarship.

Claire McConnell – graduated from Roosevelt High School with a 4.0 GPA and will attend Pitzer College this fall majoring in environmental studies. Her activities include copy editor of the school newspaper, varsity swim team and studying classic piano. Her main activity outside of school is studying and performing dance. She is the daughter of Catherine and Barry McConnell ’76. She was awarded a Queen Anne Alumni Association Scholarship.

Hannah Montzingo – a 2008 graduate of Kentwood High School, this music major begins her junior year at West-mont College, Santa Barbara, CA carrying a 3.85 GPA. Following graduation, she plans to earn a master’s degree in music education and teach in public school and give private voice lessons. College honors and activities include Dean’s List, College Choir and Chamber Ensemble. She is the daughter of Dean ’79 and Joanne Jarvie Montzingo ’77. She was awarded a Queen Anne Alumni Association Scholarship.

Laura Olson – graduated in May from Franklin High School, Elk Grove, CA with a 3.9 GPA and entered California Polytech-nic University, San Luis Obispo, CA majoring in liberal studies. Upon graduation, Laura plans to teach special needs students in elementary school. Her school honors and activities include academic letter, Gold Service award (over 400 hours of community service), Principal’s Honor Roll, cheerleader, Link Crew and Key Club. She is the daughter of Grant and Alice Olson and the granddaughter of Edith Marie Clow O’Neil ’41. She was awarded a Queen Anne Alumni Association Scholarship.

Tanner Paget – graduated from Castle Rock High School with a 3.93 GPA and will attend Eastern Washington University this fall with a double major in chemistry and engineering. His activities include ASB secretary-treasurer, choir, varsity soccer, Cystic Fibrosis Penny Drive, Red Cross Blood Drive volunteer and donor, senior center and community clean-up volunteer. He is the son of Tanner and Tammy Paget and the grandson of Glen Arthur Paget ’64. He was awarded a Robert D. Rois ’55 Scholarship in memory of his wife, Carol A. Rois.

Alex Peterson – graduated from King’s High School with a GPA of 3.6 and enrolled in Western Washington Uni-versity this fall majoring in psychology. His activities include Link Crew, cross-country, track, drama, Mock Trial team, choir and jazz ensemble. Community service included Habitat for Humanity, mission trips to Mexico, Korea and Honduras. He also worked part-time at the Cristwood Park Senior Center He is the son of Kevin and Teresa Peter-son and the grandson of Richard Morell ’62. He was awarded a Queen Anne Alumni Association Scholarship.

Gregory Pickard –graduated from South Kitsap High School with a 3.8 GPA and will attend PLU this fall majoring in engineering. Greg also received his AA degree at Olympic College with a 3.7 GPA. His awards and activities include Olympic College Dean’s List with Honors, three years varsity football and basketball serving as captain in both, All-Narrows League Academic Team, Masonic Student of the Year and sports camp coach and counselor. He is the son of Molly and Brian Pickard ’76. He was awarded the Bruce Bowe ’62 Memorial Scholarship.

Meaghan Rieke – a repeat winner (2008), she begins her junior year this fall at Gonzaga University carrying a 3.9 GPA majoring in biology. Her achievements and activities include President’s List, Honors Program, Health Sciences Club, Hogan Entrepreneur-ial Leadership Program and Big Brothers Big Sisters mentor. She is the daughter of Christopher and Jeanie Chin Rieke ’80. She was awarded the Donald Williams ’62 Scholarship in Memory of Bruce Bowe ’62.

Ian Shiach – a repeat winner (2008 and 2009), is on the Dean’s List and carries a 3.9 GPA in Environmental Science at Colorado College. He earned varsity letters in track and cross-country and participated in student government and freshman mentoring. He is the son of Michael and Vivian Ceniza Shiach ’73. He was awarded the Hal Will ’44 Memorial Scholarship.

Brian Tarcea – graduated from Roosevelt High School with a 4.0 GPA and will attend the UW majoring in chemistry and biology. His honors and activities include marching band, jazz band, Adjudicators Commendation at the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival, numerous other jazz festivals and co-president of French Club. He is the son of Stacia and Bob Tarcea ’69. He was awarded a Robert D. Rois ’55 Scholarship in memory of his wife, Carol A. Rois.

Renee Tryon�������� ��*��&�|��� ��������/������������Q(}�|=������������ ���� � ����������������� �-��������*����&���������������� &����(�� �������� ������� �|��� ���"�����>�������=�����&�%�����%�������executive committee member, freshman mentor, varsity track and cross-country. She is the daughter of Gretchen and Stephen P. Tryon ’73. She was awarded a Robert D. Rois ’55 Scholarship in memory of his wife, Carol A. Rois.

Sam Werner – graduated from Meadowdale High School with a 3.9 GPA and will attend Gonzaga University this fall majoring in engineering. His awards and activities include Edmonds Rotary Youth Merit Award, Senior Student �* �� ���������& ��&����������/���������� ���������������*���������%������������ �&������� ��� � ������varsity basketball captain and 2nd team all league selection, varsity soccer captain and 2nd team all area selection. He is the son of Wendy and Glen Werner ’49. He was awarded the Class of 1949 Scholarship.

Cameron Woodward – graduated from Marysville Pilchuck High School with a 3.98 GPA and concurrently from Everett Community College with a 3.98 GPA. He will attend Brigham Young University this fall majoring in micro-biology. His honors and activities include All-Washington Academic Team, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Eagle Scout and Bronze Eagle Palm, ASB vice-president, camp counselor, school musical, concert, marching and jazz bands and soccer, cross-country and wrestling. He is the grandson of Ross Woodward ’51. He is awarded a Queen Anne Alumni Association Scholarship.

Connor Woodward – graduated from Marysville Pilchuck High School with a 3.97 GPA and concurrently from Ev-erett Community College in the Running Start Program with a 3.95 GPA. He will attend Brigham University this fall as a pre-med major. His honors and activities include Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Eagle Scout, camp counselor, track, marching and jazz band, and food bank volunteer. He is the grandson of Ross Woodward ’51. He was awarded a Queen Anne Alumni Association Scholarship.

12 The KUAY August 2010

Memorials’25 Helen E. Shelton of Seattle, Dec. 11, 2009’29 Mary L. (Dreher) Tift, March 9, 2010’29 Chester Johnson of Edmonds, April 26, 2010’30 Grace (Bartley) Love of Sultan, WA, April 22, 2010’31 Joyce G. (Vanasse) Hatton of Nevada City, CA, Dec. 26, 2009’33 Alice M. (Davidson) Correll of Oakland, CA, Feb. 6, 2009’33 Mary L. (Johnstone) Walli of Ritzville, WA, Jan. 27, 2007’33 Frederick W. Miner of Anacortes, Feb. 13, 2010’33 Harold E. Polander of Everett, May 25, 2010’34 Malcolm A. Campbell of Maple Valley, July 18, 2009’34 John C. Lamping of Port Orchard, Feb. 18, 2010’35 Chester A. Sundt of Lacey, March 14, 2010’36 Molly Aasten of Seattle, April 22, 2010’36 Robert O. Deschamps of Bainbridge Island, 2009’36 Mary (McDonnell) Stephens of Seattle, March 5, 2010’36 Jean (Schaeffer) Fisher of Eugene, OR, March 2, 2010’36 John Soltman of Olympia, Feb. 5, 2010’36 Lillian (Walker) Panteleeff of Poulsbo, May 16, 2010’37 Clarke H. Brooke of Portland, OR, Dec. 4, 2009’37 Raymond Gilkerson of Shoreline, March 28, 2010’37 Mildred I. (Matson) Johnson of Vashon, July 13, 2008’37 Ruth (Scott) Beattie of Clancy, MT, Jan. 3, 2010’38 Russell W. Alexander of Federal Way, Jan. 17, 2009’38 Betty J. (Boswell) Bangert of Seattle, May 6, 2010’38 Sylvia A. (Dahl) Christensen of Seattle, April 28, 2008’38 Marion J. (Grandy) Berglund of Bainbridge Island, Jan. 23, 2010’38 Cora M. (Neer) Mueller of Port Orchard, Feb. 17, 2010’39 Dori (Klemkaske) Barco of Concord, NC, Nov. 2009’40 Elizabeth (Hatton) Stokoe of Seattle, May 13, 2010’40 Wilda (Kennedy) Sawin of Seattle, Jan. 3, 2010’40 Kenneth M. Prestrud of Seattle, Feb. 13, 2008’40 Zoe Anne (Steuding) Hoover of Seattle, April 24, 2010’41 A. Eddie Haw Jr. of Seattle, Feb. 25, 2010’41 Henry Hirabayashi of Kirkland, June 6, 2008’41 Margaret (Russo) Fish of Seattle, March 25, 2010’42 Jack R. Boyd of Seattle, April 6, 2010’42 Ronalds Dunsmore of The Dalles, OR, April 16, 2010’42 E. Jayne (Harrison) Beszhak of Seattle, March 27, 2009’42 William W. Jordan of Lake Forest Park, May 7, 2002’42 John L. Siemens of Port Angeles, March 5, 2010’43 Ramon C. Boileau of Seattle, June 10, 2009’43 Julann E. (Cook) Wolter of Mercer Island, Jan. 2010’43 William A. Dobson of Federal Way, May 3, 2010’43 Terry N. Tunison of Seattle, Feb. 11, 2010’43 Kathryn (Yost) Powell of Woodinville, Feb. 2, 2010’44 Patricia (Horne) Jewell of Glen Allen, VA, Jan. 23, 2010’44 Mary Ann (Pennington) Johnson of Lynnwood, May 21, 2010’45 John R. Clark of Ocean Shores, April 5, 2010

’45 Evelyn J. (Myers) Tracy of Stanwood, Feb. 4, 2010’45 Betty J. (Williams) Waldburger of Brentwood, CA, May 25, 2010’46 Scott Jamison of Suquamish, Jan. 26, 2010’47 Earle L. Kahler of Seattle, Dec. 30, 2009’48 Dolly N. (Norris) Gracey of Seattle, May 1, 2010’48 Charlotte (Northern) Johnson of Stanwood, April 8, 2010’48 Charma (Smith) Berg of Seattle, March 16, 2009’48 Ruth (White) Scott of Mill Valley, CA, Dec. 28, 2009’49 Jeannie (Price) Meek of Suquamish, Jan. 25, 2010’50 Margaret A. (Chernals) Schilke of Lombard, IL, June 5, 2010’50 Juliane (Ghiglione) Downs of Carmel, CA, Dec. 1, 2007’50 Joel T. Nazarenus of Seattle, April 11, 2010’51 George H. Krause Jr. of Long Beach, CA, Oct. 1, 2009’51 Joseph M. Leisner Jr. of Seattle, Jan. 6, 2010’52 Alexis Ozeroff Jr. of Cardiff By The Sea, CA, Jan. 6, 2007’52 Luella J. (Worthington) Burrows of Burien, Oct. 23, 2009’54 Durene F. (Angell) Snyder of Ada County, ID, Feb. 19, 2010’56 Richard Fry of Gold Bar, WA, Nov. 2009’56 Frederick M. Meyers of Vashon, March 21, 2010�����������(�"���� ���* �=������� ������������(�Q��#���‘56 Joanne L (Reise) Lamb of Edmonds, WA, Jan 10, 2010’57 Raleigh Messett of Poulsbo, April 27, 2010’57 Judy A. (Price) Dietz of Peoria, AZ, April 20, 2009’58 Judith L. (Stevens) Hineman of Snohomish, May 4, 2010’59 Roberta (Boyer) Moore of Kent, Oct. 17, 2009’59 Donna Peterson of Boise, ID, Jan. 10, 2010’60 Stephen G. Dickey of Coolidge, AZ, Dec. 30, 2005’61 Laird M. Douglass of Florence, OR, Feb. 12, 2007’63 Douglas A. Lindsay of Mukilteo, Jan. 7, 2010’63 Thomas J. Stewart of Vashon Island, Feb. 14, 2010’65 James R. Daniels of Chimacum, WA, Jan. 28, 2010’66 Marcia (Lange) Hardesty of Edmonds, Feb. 6, 2010’67 Michelle P. (Barban) Luccio, March 29, 2010��~�������X(�������* ���� ������������(�����#��~’68 Diane L. (Adams) Bierman of Redmond, March 9, 2010’68 Kenneth Wm McBride of Seattle, April 13, 2010’69 Michael A. Arch of Wenatchee, April 6, 2010’70 Durnes (Carlisle) Petosa of Everett, Oct. 19, 2009’72 Lincoln K. Striplin of Rochester, WA, Dec. 24, 2009’73 Scott M. Tweten of Seattle, April 12, 2010Staff Inger M. Heideman of Seattle, June 13, 2009Staff John Neal of Reno, NV, Feb. 26, 2010Staff Hazel O’Shaughnessy of Seattle, April 18, 2010

Volunteers supply us with death notices of alums. It helps if family members or friends of the decedents notify us of the death, so we don’t miss anyone. If you have lost a classmate or other alum to death and have not seen a listing in the KUAY, please let us know.

The KUAY August 2010 13

Grizzly AngelsBENEFACTORS ($500 or more)’45 Jack G. Clawson’48 * Richard Smith - In Memory of Gene Grant ’48, State All-Star’62 Donald S. Williams - B In Memory of Bruce Bowe ’62’62 * Donald S. Williams - In Memory of David L. Williams ’61Class of 1954 Calendar Girls Schol-arship, via Alliance For Education McEachern Family Charitable Trust - E

SPONSORS ($100-$499)’38 Margaret (Gallagher) Hassel - In Memory of Arther Hassel ’38 & Molly Sylvester Saul ’37’39 Charles W. Doyle’43 * Alice (Biteman) Simmons’45 * Ann (Lomen) Sandstrom’48 * Loretta M. (Seibert) Scott - H ’49 * Walter H. Hageman Jr.’49 * Gene G. (Graves) Mizell’49 Eric W. Fonkalsrud MD’51 William F. West’55 * James E. Ross - In Memory of Leslie H. Ross Jr. ’60’56 * Margaret C. Telfer’57 * Janet S. (Ogren) Hineman - In Memory of Judy Stevens Hineman ’58’58 Ross E. Kramer’61 W. Jeffers Pickard’61������������ ���- H In � &�����* ��(��(�� ** ���� �’62 * Linda (Miller) Sauter - In

Memory of Rex Miller ’57’62 Emanuel Rouvelas’63 * Kenneth A. Richstad - B In Memory of Bruce Bowe ’62’65 * Robert W. Aiken Jr - M ’65 Timothy G. Moore’69 Carolyn A. (Speer) Hart - In Memory of Janet M. Peterson ’69’72 * Ronald R. Fitzgerald���/�** * Marvin C. Hartley���/�** Noel D. Walther

PATRONS ($1-$99)’36 Pauline (Theda) Davison’37 Duane J. Matterson’38 Donald S. Pautzke’39 Stanley B. Jones’39 Robert C. Webber’40 Harry W. Patton’40 Ruth L. (Allison) Fay - In Mem-ory of Margie Gemmill Hanasz ’40’40 Alice B. (Palmer) Black’41 Martin G. Burkland’41 * Joye E. (Olson) Wyckoff - In Memory of Ken McBride ’68’42 June L. (Brittain) Combs’43 Gerard R. Torrence’43 Beverly (Kimball) Palmer’44 * Gordon L. Christian’45 * Shirley L. (Campbell) Crowe’45 Barbara E. (Wade) Gates’45 Norma (Sherer) Fitzmaurice’45 Donald W. Bennett - In Memory of Lee Gamble ’46’47 Fred M. Liddell’47 Norma M. (Verrier) Taylor’48 * Barbara C. (Shick) Hawks-ford - In Honor of Pat McMahan ’48 on his 80th birthday

’49 Mary E. (Stone) Ruckdeschel - In Memory of Jeannie Price Meek ’49’49 * Magdaline (Barbas) Tsal-aky - In Memory of Jeannie Price Meek ’49’49 * Thelma M (Knox) Beck - In Memory of Joan Sobottka Mead-ows ’49’50 * Carol C. (Clark) Stubb - In Memory of my brother John R. Clark ’45’50 L. Janet (Hale) Arnold’51 Karl T. House’51 Edmund V. Sobota’53 Russell L. Elsom Jr.’53 * Vanessa D. (Deboer) Ran-dall’53 * Betty Lou (Friedlander) Treiger - H’53 Leslie L. Bleiler’55 Kathryn A. (Beauchamp) Kolb’56 Margaret C. Telfer’57 Robert B. Telfer - In Memory of Rex L. Miller ’57’57 Douglas A. Chapple’58 John M. Shelton’59 Ronald E. Gillette’59 Margaret I. Delacy’60 Class of 1960 Committee’64 Gary R. Williams’64 James E. Morris’65 Richard W. Golze - M In Memory of Dave Valiton ’65’68 Deborah L. (Fine) Gulberg - In Memory of Jeanie Holmquist Irvine ’68’69 William P. Woodham’69 Carroll R. Hershey Jr.Molly Jo (Vena) Fry Trust - In Memory of Molly Jo Vena Fry ’50���/�** �Carl A. Fulkerson

* General scholarshipsB Bowe Scholarship Fund

E McEachern Scholarship FundH � ** ���� ��/���������%�D��

M McNeil Scholarship FundR Rois Scholarship Fund

QAHSAA 2010 Board of DirectorsCarolyn (Cross) Avery ’57Katharyn Gaylord ’63Glo (Gleason) Holcomb ’46Jeri Samuelsen ’63, Recording SecretaryAnne (Messenger) Jordens ’63, TreasurerPhil Krutsinger ’63Sandy (Johnson) Krutsinger ’65, Recording Secretary

Connie (Haas) Morrison ’81Barbara (Wilson) Nelson ’58, Vice-PresidentJoe Samione ’62Kim R. Turner ’61, PresidentJackie (Moore) Zobrist ’63, Corresponding Secretary

14 The KUAY August 2010

QA AlumniFall Luncheon

Seattle Yacht Club1807 E. Hamlin St.

(S. of Montlake Bridge)

Sat., Oct. 23, 2010

11:30 a.m. Social

12:30 p.m. Lunch

(Save this portion as a reminder)

QA High School Alumni AssociationFall Luncheon 2010

Name: ______________________________________ Year: ____ Meal: ________

Name: ______________________________________ Year: ____ Meal: ________(Please include maiden name)Tel. for contact______________________ E-mail: __________________________Meal: T. Herb-Roasted Turkey S. Seafood Crepe V. Vegetarian ��������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������$35 per person - make checks to QAHSAAPlease indicate “Fall Luncheon” and mail coupon/payment by Oct. 12 to:QA Alumni Luncheon P.O. Box 9128, Seattle, WA 98109or register and pay online at, click on “News” Qs? Phone Glo @ (206) 783-9936

Name: ____________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________

City/State/Zip: _____________________________________

Phone: __________________ E-mail: __________________

Magnolia Making More Memories $30 ___ Free Shipping

Magnolia Memories & Milestones $40 ___ Free Shipping

Total Amount $: ___

Make checks payable to: Magnolia Historical SocietyMail order to: 3202 West Emerson, Seattle, WA 98199

�������������������������������������!����(206) 284-5480 or

Magnolia:Making More


$30Free Shipping

Magnolia:Milestones & Memories


Free Shipping

Make A Donation & Support the QA Legacy & Update Your Contact InfoYes! Add my name to the QA Legacy Donors “Angels” List (or udpate my contact info).

Class Year _____ Phone # _______________________________ E-mail _______________________________Name ________________________________________________ Maiden _______________________________Address ____________________________________________________________________________________

For Scholarships $ ______ Unrestricted $ _______ If this is a new address or name, please check here _________

Make checks payable to: QAHSAAMail to: QAHSAA PO Box 9128, Seattle, WA 98109-0128

The QAHSAA is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization. All gifts are tax deductible to the extent permitted by Federal law.

The KUAY August 2010 15

You may now make donations to the QAHSAA and order your logo merchandise online with a credit/debit card via PayPal at: - click on “Memorabilia”

Order Your QAHS Merchandise!

$15 Centennial T-shirt, ash grey S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___ 3XL___$15 Centennial T-shirt, denim blue S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___ 3XL___$13 Mourning bear T-shirt, maroon S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___ 3XL___$13 Mourning bear T-shirt, orange S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___ 3XL___$13 Prowling bear T-shirt, ash grey S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___$13 School building T-shirt, white S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___ 3XL___���� ���|��__���);��������� � /¥¥¥��¥¥¥�X¥¥¥�¦X¥¥¥�#¦X¥¥¥$35 Denim shirt, blue S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___$36 Ladies' Polo SS shirt, maroon S___ M___ L___ XL___$38 Ladies' vee-neck SS shirt, maroon S___ M___ L___ XL___$36 Ladies' vee-neck SS shirt, white S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___$36 Polo short-sleeve shirt, maroon S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___ 3XL___$36 Polo short-sleeve shirt, white M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___�Q#� =����//���������� ��+&��������&� /¥¥¥��¥¥¥������������������#¦X¥¥¥$37 Polo long-sleeve shirt, maroon XS__ S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___ 3XL___�'�� /� ��������� ���+���������%��������/¥¥¥��¥¥¥�X¥¥¥�¦X¥¥¥�#¦X¥¥¥�������������+%��� �� � � � � #¦X¥¥¥�Q¦X¥¥¥��'� ��� �������%����� ��+�������� �����$15 Baseball cap, maroon S-M___ L-XL___$60 Sports jacket - Ladies' sizes YL___ YXL___$60 Sports jacket - Men’s sizes S___ M___ L___ XL___$50 Vest (reversible), blue XS___S___ M___ L___ XL___ 2XL___ 3XL___NOTE: Sizes 2XL & 3XL are $2.00 more than listing

�}���������� ��&���&������%% ���¥¥¥�+������ &�������� � ������&�����LeRoux & events only. $2 Antenna ball ___$6 School medallion ___$7 School print ___$8 Playing cards (2 decks) ___$10 Golf towel ___��#����|��* ��������Q;%���+�� ��� ¥¥¥$20 Golf balls + towel combo ___$15 License plate frame, metal ___$16 Tote bag ___

Order your choices using this form and pay by check, or view & order items online and pay by credit card!

Items are also sold at most reunions & alumni events, and can also be viewed, bought or ordered from LeRoux in Mag-nolia, 3220 West McGraw St.(We only accept cash or checks at these locations.)

Name_________________________________________________________ Year _____

Address____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip____________________

Phone_________________________________ E-mail______________________________________________

Make checks payable to:Queen Anne Alumni Association

Mail to: QAHSAAPO Box 9128, Seattle, WA 98109-0128

If you haven’t received a paid order, contact JackieZobrist at (206) 285-0582 or

To Cover postage & handling, add: Total Items _____ $3 for orders up to $25 Total Cost _____ $5 for orders $26-$50 P&H _____ $7 for orders over $50 Check enclosed for $ _____




� ����� ������/�����Alumni AssociationP.O. Box 9128Seattle, WA 98109-0128


QA Alumni Contact Info:

Address Changes & Memorials (Obits):LD Zobrist: info@qagrizzlies.orgor (206) 285-0582Photos & KUAY Editorial Board:John Hennes: historian@qagrizzlies.orgor (206) 284-2266KUAY Who’s News:Kim Turner: whosnews@qagrizzlies.orgor (206) 285-706-4184Reunions:LD Zobrist: reunions@qagrizzlies.orgor (206) 285-0582Merchandise:Jackie (Moore) Zobrist: logo@qagrizzlies.orgor (206) 285-0582Scholarships:Kerry McMahan: scholarships@qagrizzlies.orgor (206) 523-0079KUAY Editor:Whitney Mason: kuayeditor@qagrizzlies.orgor (206) 281-7917QAHSAA President:Kim Turner: or(206) 706-4184

Grizzly Events: Mark Your CalendarVisit for the most up-to-date infor-

mation. See page 7 for reunion info.

Magnolia Summer Festival����(��;~(������� ����Alumni Booth.Alumni All-Years Summer Picnic, Sunday, Aug. 15, 11:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. at Gas Works Park. (See page 1)Annual Men of QA Golf Tournament, Monday, Sept. 20. Call Roger Pinneo, 206-346-3322, for info.Fall Alumni Luncheon, Saturday, Oct. 23, 11:30 a.m. at Seattle Yacht Club. (See page 1. Coupon page14)Men of QA Christmas Luncheon, Tuesday, Dec. 28, 11:30 a.m. at Rock Salt restaurant, on Lake Union.Next KUAY Copy Deadline, Jan. 15, 2011.

August 2010