Providence Inbound Marketing Group Meetup: Buyer Personas

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Providence Inbound Marketing Group Meetup: Buyer Personas

WELCOME TO:..................................................................................................

Guess Who? Buyer Persona Questions to Ask:

Demographics •Are they married? •What's their annual household income?

Where do they live? •Are they male or female? •How old are they? •Do they have children? Company • In which industry or industries does your

company work? •What is the size of your company

(revenue, employees)? Role •How long have they had this role and

title? Are they an individual contributor, or do they manage other people?

•Whom do they report to? •Who reports to them? 2

Education • What level of education did they complete? • Which schools did they attend, and what did

they study? What Does a Typical Day Look Like? • What time do they get to work and what time

do they leave? • What kind of car do they drive? • What do they like to do for fun? • Who are the people in their life that matter

most? • What social networks are they on? Challenges • What are their biggest challenges? Goals • What's their primary goal at work? Shopping • What is a recent purchase they made?

How to Create Buyer Personas


A Brief Introduction to Buyer Personas1


What Are Buyer Personas?

Buyer personas are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customers. They are based on real data about customer demographics and online behavior, along with educated speculation about their personal histories, motivations, and concerns.


How Are Buyer Personas Created?

Buyer personas are created through research, surveys, and interviews of your target audience. That includes a mix of customers – both “good” and “bad” -- prospects, and those outside of your contact database who might align with your target audience.

You’ll collect data that is both qualitative and quantitative to paint a picture of who your ideal customer is, what they value, and how your solution fits into their daily lives.


Why Create Buyer Personas?2

How to Create Buyer Personas3