Protocol description SPA-Bus - Reinhausen · If 1 is written, the TAPCON® 240 will make a...

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Transcript of Protocol description SPA-Bus - Reinhausen · If 1 is written, the TAPCON® 240 will make a...

Voltage regulator TAPCON® 240

Supplement 2398420/00Protocol description SPA-Bus

© All rights reserved by Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen

Copying and distribution of this document and utilization and communication of its contents are strictly prohibited unless expressly authorized.

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The product may have been modified after this document went to press.

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Generally, the information provided and the arrangements agreed during processing of the relevant quotations and orders are binding.

The original operating instructions were drawn up in German.

Table of Contents

© Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2010 2398420/00 EN TAPCON® 240 3

Table of Contents

1 General .......................................................................................... 5

1.1 About this document ................................................................................. 5

1.2 Introduction ............................................................................................... 5

1.3 Bus and protocol definitions ...................................................................... 6

2 Voltage regulator connections .................................................... 7

3 Settings on the voltage regulator ............................................... 9

3.1 Interfaces on the CIC card ........................................................................ 9

4 Message formats ........................................................................ 10

5 Communication between master and slaves ........................... 11

5.1 Data read from slave ............................................................................... 11

5.2 Direct data write to slave ......................................................................... 11

5.3 Simultaneous write to all slaves using the broadcast address ................ 12

6 Device data points ..................................................................... 13

1 General

© Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2010 2398420/00 EN TAPCON® 240 5

1 General

1.1 About this document

This document describes implementation of the interface protocol SPA-Bus for the TAPCON® 240.

Read this description along with the technical file for the TAPCON® 240.

Parts of this supplement are taken from the technical description "SPA-Bus Communication Protocol V2.5" (1MRS 750076-MTD EN) from ABB.

1.2 Introduction

The SPA-bus was originally designed as a fieldbus in a distributed protection, control and event reporting system. The system may incorporate slave units as protective relays, control units and alarm units connected over the SPA-bus to a master unit. In addition to this the bus can be used to transfer data to and from other units of a secondary equipment system in a substation of an electrical power network.

Defined in this document is the communication protocol used in communica-tions over the SPA-bus.

1 General

6 TAPCON® 240 2398420/00 EN © Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2010

1.3 Bus and protocol definitions

The SPA-bus uses an asynchronous serial communications protocol (1 start bit, 7 data bits + even parity, 1 stop bit) with data transfer rate of 9.6 kB/s. Messages on the bus consist of ASCII characters.

The bus can support one master and several slaves.

The basic construction of the protocol assumes that the slave has no self-initiated need to talk to the master but the master is aware of the data con-tained in the slaves and, consequently, can request required data. In addition, the master can send data to the slave. Requesting by the master can be per-formed either by sequenced polling (e.g. for event information) or only on de-mand.

The master requests slave information using request messages and sends in-formation to the slave in write messages. Furthermore, the master can send all slaves in common a broadcast message containing time or other data.

The inactive state of bus transmit and receive lines is a logical "1".

2 Voltage regulator connections

© Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2010 2398420/00 EN TAPCON® 240 7

2 Voltage regulator connections

The physical interfaces RS232, RS485 and optional fiber-optic cables are provided on the Voltage regulator for data transfer via the SPA-Bus protocol.

Figure 1 CIC card

1 RS232 (9 pin female SUB-D connector)

2 RS485

3 Ethernet RJ45 (optional)

4 FH-ST or F-SMA fiber-optic cable in 850 nm or 660 nm (optional)

5 Reset key

6 TxD LED for transmit signal

7 RxD LED for receive signal

8 Clk LED for operating mode (flashes for 2 seconds)

9 Clip for connecting cable shield with functional ground

2 Voltage regulator connections

8 TAPCON® 240 2398420/00 EN © Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2010


9 pin female SUB-D connector Pin 2: TxD Pin 3: RxD Pin 5: GND


3 pin connector from Phoenix (MC1.5/3 GF 3.5) Pin 1: GND (100 Ω ground resistance) Pin 2: B (inverted) Pin 3: A (not inverted) Polarity: A > B by 200 mV corresponds to 1. A < B by 200 mV corresponds to 0. An interrupted communication line corresponds to 1. The start bit has the designation 0. Recommended terminating resistor 120 Ω.

Fiber-optic cable (optional)

FH-ST (850 nm or 660 nm) F-SMA (850 nm or 660 nm)

Table 1 Interfaces available

Transfer on physical plane: Asynchronous with 7 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit (7E1)

3 Settings on the voltage regulator

© Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2010 2398420/00 EN TAPCON® 240 9

3 Settings on the voltage regulator

The following chapters describe how to set the parameters for communication at the relevant interface on the TAPCON® 240.

> Configuration > Next* > Comm. interface

Depending on the product version and software, you will need to press "Next" a varying number of times to reach the "Comm. interface" menu.

You will find more information on how to set the parameters in the technical file for TAPCON® 240.

3.1 Interfaces on the CIC card

Communication interface RS232, RS485, fiber-optic cable (optional)

Baud rate communication 9.6 kilobaud

SCADA address selectable between 1...999

Send delay time Delay until response is sent

Fiber-optic cable light ON/OFF

Definition of logical level for fiber-optic cable

Table 2 Settings for interfaces

4 Message formats

10 TAPCON® 240 2398420/00 EN © Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2010

4 Message formats

The messages only include printable ASCII characters (0AH, 0DH, 20H, ... , 7EH).

Messages sent by the master are started with a begin bracket ">", and the slave messages start with characters "lf<". The master messages end with character "cr" (0DH) while the slave messages end with characters "crlf" (0DH and 0AH).

The slave can use character "&" to indicate continuation of the message on the next line. The maximum total length of the message is limited to 255 cha-racters. No restrictions are set to the number of lines as far as the message maximum length is not exceeded.

Master messages are always in a single-line format. The master message has the following format:

> nTe/eXm/m: xxxx/xxxx/xxx/xx: CC cr

Start cha-racter

Header Data part Checksum Stop cha-racter

The slave message format is as follows:

lf< nT: xxxx/xxxx/xxx: CC crlf

Start cha-racters

Header Data part Checksum Stop cha-racters


lf< nT: xxxx/xx&crlfxx/xxx: CC crlf

Start cha-racters

Header Data part with con-tinuation character "&"

Checksum Stop cha-racters


n = slave number T = message type code e = channel number e/e = first/last channel x = data category code (data type) m = data number m/m = first/last data

The delimiter character ":" separates the message header from the data part and the data part from the checksum, respectively.

5 Communication between master and slaves

© Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2010 2398420/00 EN TAPCON® 240 11

5 Communication between master and slaves

5.1 Data read from slave

1. Master sends a read message

2. Slave replies with a data message

Master Slave R ========>

<======== D


Variable 7 of channel 0 (manual/auto) of slave 2 is requested by the master using message: >2R0V7:XXcr

The slave replies the request by message: lf<2D:1:XXcrlf

5.2 Direct data write to slave

1. Master sends data to slave

2. Slave acknowledges data

Master Slave W ========>

<======== A


Variable 7 of channel 0 (manual/auto) of slave 2 is written with the value 1 by the master using message: >2W0V7:1:XXcr

The slave replies the request by message: lf<2A:XXcrlf

5 Communication between master and slaves

12 TAPCON® 240 2398420/00 EN © Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2010

5.3 Simultaneous write to all slaves using the broadcast ad-dress

1. Master sends data to all slaves (No acknowledgment is sent by the slaves.)

Master SlaveW ========>


Master sends clock message: >900WT:37.271:XXcr

6 Device data points

© Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2010 2398420/00 EN TAPCON® 240 13

6 Device data points

Address Read Write Event on

Event off


0I1 R - - - Apparent current (percentage)

0I2 R - - - Deviation (percentage)

0I3 R - - - Active current (percentage)

0I4 R - - - Actual voltage (volts)

0I5 R - - - Reactive current (percentage)

0I7 R - - - Tap position

0O10 - W - - Raise If 1 is written, the TAPCON® 240 will make a switching pulse in the voltage raise direction. The TAPCON® 240 has to be in manual mode.

0O11 - W - - Lower If 1 is written, the TAPCON® 240 will make a switching pulse in the voltage lower direction. The TAPCON® 240 has to be in manual mode.

0S1 R W - - Voltage level (volts)

0S2 R - - - Reserved value

0S3 R - - - Reserved value

0S4 R - - - Reserved value

0S5 R - - - Reserved value

0S7 R - - - Reserved value

0S9 R - - - Reserved value

0S10 R - - - Reserved value

0S11 R - - - Reserved value

0S12 R - - - Reserved value

0S13 R - - - Reserved value

0S15 R - - - Reserved value

0S16 R - - - Reserved value

0S17 R - - - Reserved value

0S20 R - - - Reserved value

0S21 R - - - Reserved value

0S22 R - - - Reserved value

0S23 R - - - Reserved value

6 Device data points

14 TAPCON® 240 2398420/00 EN © Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2010

Address Read Write Event on

Event off


0V6 R - 2 1 Local/Remote 1: Remote 0: Local The TAPCON® 240 has no lo-cal/remote-switch. It can be paramete-rized to use an input signal for "local".

0V7 R W 3 4 Manual/Auto 1: Auto 0: Manual

0V8 R W 6 5 Parallel control 1: Parallel control mode "Circulating current" 0: Parallel control off Status 1 for "Circulating current" is fed back if parallel operation is actually ac-tive. Parallel control on/off can only be writ-ten with some versions of the TAP-CON® 240 software. Normally parallel control on/off is only an indication of the actual status of the TAPCON® 240.

0V9 R W - - Reserved status 11

0V11 R - 15 16 Motor drive running

0V12 R - - - Reserved

0V13 R W 21 22 Parameterizable indication no. 2

The TAPCON® 240 has four parameterizable indications. These can be set to an input or to a relay. The indications will be 1 if there is a signal at the parameterized input or if the parameterized relay is ON.

0V14 R W 23 24 Reserved status 1

0V15 R - 25 26 Status of overvoltage U> 0: No overvoltage 1: Overvoltage

0V16 R - 27 28 Status of undervoltage U< 0: No undervoltage 1: Undervoltage

0V17 R - 29 30 Status of overcurrent I> 0: No overcurrent 1: Overcurrent

0V18 R - 31 32 Status of parallel control error 0: No parallel control error 1: Parallel control error

6 Device data points

© Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2010 2398420/00 EN TAPCON® 240 15

Address Read Write Event on

Event off


0V19 R W 33 34 Parameterizable indication no. 1

0V20 R W - - SI command 1

0V21 R W - - SI command 2

0V22 R W - - SI command 3

Each of the three "SI commands" sets a corresponding flag in the TAPCON® 240. The status of the flags can be used like an input of the IO or UC module to activate or deactivate a function of the TAPCON® 240. Example: If the "Input parallel group 1" parameter is set to "SI:cmd1" for two TAPCONs, then parallel control of these TAPCONS can be switched on/off by setting "SI command 1" on/off for both TAPCONs.

0V26 R - 45 46 Parameterizable indication no. 3

0V27 R W - - Parallel control mode "master"

0V28 R W - - Parallel control mode "follower"

0V33 R - - - Function monitoring error (15 minutes supervision) 0: No function monitoring error 1: Function monitoring error

0V35 R W - - Parallel control mode "circulating cur-rent" (status message indicating whether parallel operation is running on circulating reactive current) The TAPCON® 240 has to be in parallel operation.

0V36 R W - - Parameterizable indication no. 4

0V37 R W - - Reserved status 8

0V38 R W 41 42 Reserved status 9

0V39 R W 43 44 Reserved status 10

0V40 R W - - Voltage level raise/lower Write 1 to raise voltage level one step Write 0 to lower voltage level one step The voltage level is changed in para-meterized steps. Only available if the "voltage level del-ta" parameter in the TAPCON® 240 is not zero.

6 Device data points

16 TAPCON® 240 2398420/00 EN © Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2010

Address Read Write Event on

Event off


0V40 0V41 0V42



- - -

- - -

Voltage level 1 Voltage level 2 Voltage level 3 Indication/command for selected vol-tage level. The commands are available if the "voltage level delta" parameter in the TAPCON® 240 is zero and the position of the inputs for remote control of vol-tage level 2/3 is off.

The TAPCON® 240 can be parameterized to set 32 bits in the dual port RAM to the SI module according to the signals at some IO or UC inputs. If this function is enabled, the 32 bits are sent to SPA bus as 0V50..0V81.

- - - 50 This event follows an interface module reset.

- - - 51 This event follows an internal event buffer overflow.

Table 3 Device data points

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