Proposal Enumeration

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Transcript of Proposal Enumeration

  • 7/27/2019 Proposal Enumeration





    1.1 Background

    Progress and advancement of the countries of the world are

    always related to the kind of education they offer to their people. Generally

    education is the concern of government and public in democratic countries.

    Education is essential for human development. Modern age is the age of

    science and technology. Education gives people expertise and skills for

    different fields to keep them abreast with the changing realities of life. The

    development of education depends upon the language that is a unique tool

    granted to human beings for communication. It is one of the gifts, granted by

    Allah to distinguish mankind from animal. Therefore, development of

    civilization and education depend upon the growth and use of language.

    As a developing country, Indonesia really needs English. Firstly

    English is the language of science and technology. We cannot make progress

    in the field of science and technology without the knowledge of English

    language. Secondly, it is the common of lingua franca of the world. It is the

    tool through which we can conduct our daily business with the worlds

    community. Thirdly, it is the language of worlds literature for understanding

    the cultures of other nation so is essential for us to know the English

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    language. Fourthly, it is the language of the world diplomats. We cannot

    express ourselves on the world forum without English language.

    In short, the knowledge of English language is most important

    because of mentioned facts. It is the currency of our time. But in our country,

    the majority of the students fail in this subject because of the lack of language

    learning environment and incompetent teachers in the academic and

    professional areas.

    The problem that faced by students in learning English are;

    speaking, writing, listening, and reading. The fourth English skills are basic for

    us to mastery English. Most of students had difficulty in speaking and writing.

    In this study, writer would be focused in writing skill. Writing is a means of

    communicating ideas and information. Writing is one of important ways to

    expressing your thought, and communicating ideas and views to others.

    Writing is beneficial, specifically for those who are emotional, and do not

    express verbally. This tool allows them to express their ideas, thoughts or

    their existing mental condition. People express themselves by writing novels,

    short story, biographies, and even personal diaries, etc. this paper will help

    you to develop your writing. How to develop paragraph? How to list a support


    1.2 Problem Statement

    The writer tries to formulate the research question based on the

    problem above as follow:

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    1. How does enumeration technique?

    2. How is student of second grade SMU Islam Terpadu Yabis Bontang

    developing topic sentences using enumeration?

    1.3 Objective of the Study

    The objectives of this study are:

    1. To explain the enumeration technique?

    2. To know whether enumeration can give effect to second grade SMU

    Islam Terpadu Yabis Bontang in developing topic sentences.

    1.4 Significance of the Study

    This study is contributed for:

    1. The writer: to fulfill the participle program of the studying at

    Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, one of requirement of which is

    to write a thesis in order to get Strata one Degree in English


    2. The students: this study can be used to increase their English


    3. The teacher: this study can be enriching their method in teaching


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    1.5 Scope of the Study

    The writer will give limitation of this study to control the objective

    areas. These are focuses area of this study, first the object of this study is the

    student of second grade SMU Islam Terpadu Yabis Bontang. Second, the

    writer will be focus on writing skill only, that study about the way in developing

    topic sentence that identifies your support point. And the last is the writer will

    hence this study on personal topic sentence.

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    This chapter contains the relevant information selected for supporting

    the problem that has been determined.

    2.1 Topic Sentences

    Topic sentence consist of two words, they are topic and sentence.

    The meaning of each word is topic means a heading in an outlined

    argument or exposition. While sentence means a word, clause, or phrase or

    a group of clauses or phrases forming a syntactic

    According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, topic sentence is a

    sentence that states the main thought of paragraph or of a larger unit of

    discourse and is usually placed at or near the beginning. The other dictionary

    said that topic sentence is a sentence that expresses the essential idea of a

    paragraph or larger section, usually appearing at the beginning.

    The topic sentence is a perspective grammatical term to describe the

    sentence in an expository paragraph which summarizes the main idea of that

    paragraph. It is usually the first sentence in a paragraph.

    The American Heritage Dictionary states topic sentence is the

    sentence within a paragraph or discourse that states the main thought, often

    placed at the beginning.

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    According to the respected grammarian and expert linguist David

    Crystal most native English speakers are taught that sentences are

    constructions which can used on their own-units of meaning which seem to

    make sense by themselves.

    2.1.1 Structure and Coherence

    Topic sentence have difficult history in the business of teaching

    writing, in the 1960s, an influential article was published in a scholarly journal

    read by writing teachers which proclaimed that research proved that topic

    sentences were practically nonexistent. However, that research was based

    on light, journalistic, entertainment-oriented texts where topic sentences

    would be the equivalent of lead boots.

    Actually, topic sentences play an important role in giving a

    document coherence especially technical, scientific, and business

    document. In light, journalistic, entertainment oriented writing, topic sentences

    of a subtle, unobtrusive type are used.

    2.1.2 Anatomy of the Topic Sentence

    What is the topic sentence? It is a sentence occurring towards the

    beginning of a paragraph that some way tips the reader off as to the focus,

    purpose, contents of that paragraph (and perhaps one or more paragraph

    following). At its best, it focuses the readers attention; it says hey, heres

    what were talking about! heres an example:

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    There is no doubt that Gage suffered the accident, and

    that it had a dramatic impact on his life. However, in his

    book An Odd Kind of Fame: Stories of Phineas Gage,

    Australian psychologist Malcolm Macmillan casts serious

    doubts on the accuracy of the account that entered both

    scientific and popular discourse. First, very little is

    known about Gage's personality and habits before the

    accident. . . .

    In this example, serious doubts on the accuracy of the account is

    the core of the topic sentence, indicating the focus of the following discussion,

    which is doubts. Notice it does not begin the paragraph; the first sentence

    seems to be transitioning from a previous paragraph.

    2.1.3 Types of Topic Sentences

    Six kinds of topic sentences are commonly used by experienced

    writers. They are not the only kinds, but if you learn how to write them, you

    will be able to express the main idea of almost any paragraph.

    1. A Basic Topic Sentence

    A basic topic sentence is the quickest and simplest way to begin

    your paragraph. Just copy the main idea from the outline, making sure that

    the sentence has a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought.

    Make sure, too, that the sentence begins with a capital letter and ends in a

    period. When we write a basic topic sentence, do not change any key words

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    or add any new words that might change the meaning of our main idea. Here

    are three examples:

    Main idea : Tango is my favorite restaurant.

    Topic sentence : Tango is my favorite restaurant.

    Main idea : Music is important in my life.

    Topic sentence : Music is important in my life.

    Main idea : I could not live without my car.

    Topic sentence : I could not live without my car.

    Basic topic sentences are clear and direct, and they get us writing

    quickly. You might want to use a basic topic sentence in the following


    - If we are being timed and must write quickly

    - If we get stuck when we try to begin writing

    - If a topic is difficult for us

    When we begin our paragraph with a basic topic sentence, you can

    always go back and revise it later if we have time.

    2. A Topic Sentence That Adds a Description

    A topic sentence that adds a description is similar to a basic topic

    sentence but requires just a little more work. Copy the main idea from the

    outline and add a brief descriptive phrase to clarify the subject of the

    paragraph. Here are three examples with the descriptive phrase underlined:

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    Main idea : Tango is my favorite restaurant.

    Topic sentence : Tango, an Argentinean restaurant in my neighborhood,

    is my favorite place to eat.

    Main idea : Music is important in my life.

    Topic sentence : Hip-Hop and classical music are important in my life.

    Main idea : I could not live without my car.

    Topic sentence : I could not live without my car, a beat-up 1992 Honda


    A topic sentence that adds a description is more precise and colorful

    than a basic topic sentence. With practice, we will be able to add a brief

    descriptive phrase to the topic sentences with little effort or loss of time.

    However, in order to keep the main idea clear, remember these suggestions:

    - Use only brief descriptive phrases.

    - Do not change any key words or add any new words that might

    change the meaning of your main idea.

    - If a descriptive phrase does not fit smoothly into the main idea,

    do not force it. Some main ideas do not work well with an added


    3. A Topic Sentence That Creates a Contrast

    A contrast is another effective way to start the paragraph. To form

    this type of topic sentence, we will need to write a complex sentence

    beginning with although, even though, or while. Here are three examples:

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    Main idea : Tango is my favorite restaurant.

    Topic sentence : Although I have eaten at many good restaurants, Tango

    stands out as my favorite.

    Main idea : Music is important in my life.

    Topic sentence : Event though I dont get to listen to music as often as I

    would like, it is very important in my life.

    Main idea : I could not live without my car.

    Topic sentence : while I could survive without many of my possessions. I

    could not live without my car.

    A topic sentence that creates a contrast shows that we have a deep

    understanding of our main idea. However, since this type of topic sentence

    tends to be longer than a basic topic sentence, we must be careful that our

    main idea stays clear. Keep these suggestion in mind:

    - Make sure that the first word of the sentence is although, even

    though, or while.

    - Be sure that the main idea is in the second half of the sentence.

    - When writing the main idea, do not change any key words or add

    any new words that might change its meaning.

    4. A Topic Sentence That Identifies The Support Points

    Identifying the support points is another popular and effective way to

    begin the paragraph. This type of topic sentence includes the main idea and

    briefly identifies the support points that you will develop in the paragraph.

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    These support points may be introduced by the word because, as shown in

    the following examples. Keep your list as brief as possible so that it flows



    Tango is my favorite restaurant.


    The food is delicious.


    The atmosphere is romantic.


    The prices are reasonable.


    Tango is my favorite restaurant

    because of the delicious food,

    romantic atmosphere, and

    reasonable prices.

    A topic sentence that identifies the support point gives the reader a

    snapshot ofthe paragraph and it demonstrates that we have a firm grasp on

    the organization. However, since this type of topic sentence tend to be longer

    than a basic topic sentence, we must be careful that your main idea stays

    clear. Keep these suggestions in mind:

    - Be sure the main idea is in the first half of the sentence.

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    - When writing the main idea, do not change any key words or add

    any new words that might change its meaning.

    - When copying the support points from outline, we may shorten

    them so that they flow smoothly; however, do not omit any of

    them or change their meaning.

    - If we use the word because before the support points, it should

    come in the middle of the topic sentence.

    2.1.4 The Purpose of a Topic Sentence

    The main point (claim) of a paragraph is often indicated in a single

    sentence called the topic sentence. A topic sentence is like a thesis in that

    you can also ask yourself: Can I disagree? You want to be able to answer

    YES to show that there is an arguable claim that needs to be proven. While it

    is true that in published writing youll sometimes find topic sentences in the

    middle or even at the end of a paragraph, placing your topic sentences at the

    beginning of each of your paragraphs is useful because:

    A strong topic sentence can help you, the writer to focus each

    paragraph around one main point.

    A strong topic sentence can help your reader to see where you

    are headed with your ideas in a particular paragraph; topic

    sentences help your reader form a mental map of your essay.

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    A strong topic sentence connects back to your overall thesis and

    connects forward to the specific supporting point you are making in the

    paragraph to prove and illustrate your thesis.

    2.1.5 The Differentiates a Strong Topic Sentence from a Weak Topic


    The chart below points out some of the main difference between a

    topic sentence that is genuinely helpful to the reader:

    A weak topic sentence: A strong topic sentence:

    Doesnt fit your paragraphthat

    is, it misleads your reader into

    Fits your paragraph,

    accurately reflecting what




    And forward to the supporting point

    Connects back to the thesis

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    thinking you will be writing about

    one thing, but the paragraph itself

    is about something else

    youve actually written

    Is so general that your reader cant

    form a clear image about what is

    to come

    Is specific enough that your

    reader can predict what you

    will cover in that paragraph

    Simply states a fact, a piece of

    information that can be confirmed

    with observation or reference to

    reputable sources. Your reader is

    left wondering, What is the point

    of this paragraph? What is the

    writer trying to prove with this

    piece of information?

    Like a thesis statement, it sets

    up the controlling idea of the

    paragraph, clearly indicating

    the point or claim the writer

    will illustrate, describe, explain,

    analyze in the body of the


    Does not seem clearly related to

    your thesis

    Helps your reader see how this

    paragraph relates to and

    advances/supports your thesis

    A topic sentence must predict or promise what follows, so it cannot

    be a question. To orient the reader, you may use a question as the

    first sentence, with the topic sentence as the answer to that question.

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    Weak: Should schools provide free computers for their students?

    Strong: Schools must provide free computers for their students to assist

    them in their studies and prepare them for their future careers.

    Phrases such as I think or in my opinion may muddle or weaken

    topic sentences. Your writing is always your opinion, so you dont need these

    phrases unless they are central to the idea that you are trying to convey.

    Weak: I think that it is important for every woman to carry pepper spray.

    Strong: As violent criminals take over the city streets, women must carry

    pepper spray to protect themselves.

    The topic sentence should provide clear relationships among all of

    its elements so that it can provide a framework for understanding the rest of

    the paragraph.

    Weak: Historians record only dry statistics; we should read novels.

    Strong: Accurate historical novels give us a deeper understanding of the

    past than do the dry collections of facts and statistics that pass for history


    A topic sentence needs to be clear and specific, so that it can

    predict and summarize the rest of the paragraph for the reader.

    Weak: Public transit is terrible.

    Strong: Incapable of providing reliable, comfortable service, the San

    Francisco Municipal Transit System is failing its ridership.

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    Good topic sentences can improve an essays readability and

    organization. They usually meet following criteria:

    1. A topic sentence is usually the first sentence of the paragraph, not

    the last sentence of the previous paragraph.

    2. Topic sentences use keywords or phrases from the thesis to

    indicate which part of the thesis will be discussed.

    3. Topic sentences tell the reader what concept will be discussed

    and provide and introduction to the paragraph.

    4. Topic sentences link the subject of the present paragraph to that

    of the previous paragraph.

    Good topic sentences also include:

    1. Topic sentences may also signal to the reader where the essay

    has been and where it is headed through the use of certain

    words such as first, second, or finally.

    2. Topic sentences may act as a mini thesis statement, essentially

    saying that this is my claim, or point I will prove in the following

    paragraph. All the sentences that follow these topic sentences

    must relate to it in some way.

    3. Topic sentences make a point and give reasons or examples to

    support it.

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    Good topic sentences typically do not begin with following.

    1. A quotation from a critic or the piece of fiction you are

    discussing. The topic sentence should relate to your points and

    tell the reader what the subject of the paragraph will be.

    Beginning the paragraph with someone else's words doesn't

    allow you to provide this information for the reader.

    2. A piece of information that tells the reader something more about

    the plot of the story. When you're writing about a piece of

    literature, it's easy to fall into the habit of telling the plot of the

    story and then adding a sentence of analysis, but such an

    approach leaves the reader wondering what the point of the

    paragraph is supposed to be; it also doesn't leave you sufficient

    room to analyze the story fully. These "narrative" topic sentences

    don't provide enough information about your analysis and the

    points you're making.

    Weak "narrative" topic sentence: Lily Bart next

    travels to Bellomont, where she meets Lawrence

    Selden again.

    Stronger "topic-based" topic sentence: A second

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    example of Lily's gambling on her marriage chances

    occurs at Bellomont, where she ignores Percy Gryce

    in favor of Selden. [Note that this tells your reader

    that it's the second paragraph in a series of

    paragraph relating to the thesis, which in this case

    would be a thesis related to Lily's gambling on her

    marriage chances.]

    3. A sentence that explains your response or reaction to the

    work, or that describes why you're talking about a particular

    part of it, rather than why the paragraph is important to your


    Weak "reaction" topic sentence: I felt that Lily should

    have known that Bertha Dorset was her enemy.

    Stronger "topic-based" topic sentence: Bertha Dorset

    is first established as Lily's antagonist in the train

    scene, when she interrupts Lily's conversation with

    Percy Gryce and reveals that Lily smokes.

    2.2 Enumeration

    An enumeration is a data type consisting of a set of named values

    that represent integral constants, known as enumeration constants. An

    enumeration also referred to as an enumerated type because you must list

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    (enumerate) each of the values in creating a name for each of them. In

    addition to providing a way of defining and grouping sets of integral

    constants, enumerations are useful for variables that have a small number of

    possible values.

    According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, enumerate means to

    ascertain the number of, to specify one after another. World English

    Dictionary define enumerate is 1) To mention separately or in order; name

    one by one; list, 2) to determine the number of; count.

    When an enumeration is used in an ordered list context, we impose

    some sort of ordering structure requirement on the index set. While we can

    make the requirements on the ordering quite lax in order to allow for great

    generality, the most natural and common prerequisite is that index set be

    well-ordered. According to this characterization, an ordered enumeration is

    define to be a surjection with a well-ordered domain. This definition is natural

    in sense that a given well-ordering on the index set provides a unique way to

    list the next element given a partial enumeration

    From all definition above, the writer conclude that enumeration is

    proceeds to break general class down by listing some or all of its members or


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    2.3 Conceptual Framework

    The conceptual above explains the process of teaching English

    writing in developing students writing skill in terms of developing topic

    sentences. The process of teaching, students will give another way in

    developing topic sentence. The writer sure that the students of SMA IT Yabis

    Bontang will be easier in developing topic sentence by using enumeration.













    Writing Skill



    Topic Sentence



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    This chapter deals with research types, research variables and

    indicators, research hypothesis, population and sample, research instrument,

    and data collection

    3.1 Research Design

    This study will be a true-experimental research is one kinds of

    experimental research. In experimental design for the objective of explaining

    the progress after treatment, the research design is conducted as follows:


    The design of the study, namely Pretest and Posttest control group

    design; it involves two groups, those groups take a pretest-treatment-posttest.

    One group is given new treatment and the other class is usual treatment

    Pretest PosttestTreatment

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    This design is one of the most effective designs in minimizing the

    threats to experimental validity but there may be the possibility of influence of

    the effect of testing and interaction with experimental variable (Farooq, 2001)

    3.2 Research Variables and Indicators

    3.2.1 The Variables

    The variables of this research consist of independent variable and

    dependent variable. The independent variable of this research is the use of

    Enumeration in developing paragraph. While, dependent variable of this

    research is development of topic sentence in writing achievement in

    developing personal topic sentence that identifies the support point.

    3.2.2 Indicators

    The indicator of this research is the students of SMA Islam Terpadu

    Yabis Bontang in writing skills, in developing topic sentence through

    enumeration which consists of determine the topic or main idea, then listing

    the supporting point with related topic.

    3.3 Research Hypothesis

    The writer considers that the hypothesis of this research is students of

    SMA IT Yabis Bontang could develop a writing skill in developing topic

    sentence through Enumeration.

    3.4 Population and Sample

    3.4.1 Population

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    Students at second grade Senior High School at Bontang constitute

    the target population of the study. The accessible population will comprise

    students at second grade SMA IT Yabis Bontang.

    3.4.1 Sample

    The sample will consist of two class, they are IPA and IPS, assigned

    to experimental and control class. writer will choose by random whether IPA

    or IPS classes as experimental class or control class. there was no another

    second grade class at this school besides of them.

    3.5 Research Instrument

    In order to measure the achievement of sample students before and

    after the study the subject of writing, Pretest, and Posttest will develop for the

    study. Achievement test (pretest as well as posttest) consist of giving an a

    topic sentence than they develop it sentence into paragraph.

    After giving a pretest both of experimental class and control class, the

    experimental class will be given a treatment by teacher, it is developing topic

    sentence by enumeration, while control class will not give any treatment.

    3.6 Data Collection

    This study will presents qualitative data, and served data with words,

    phrases, clauses, sentences, expressions, texts, etc. because this is a

    experimental study so writer use test for gathering data. The test will be given

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    such make paragraph by listing each topic sentence. This external data is

    main data that will be gather by writer. Gathering data is very important for

    this study, it could be a mirror that will be presented by writer and know the

    effectiveness of enumeration.

    3.7 Data Analysis

    After collecting the data from students on pretest, and posttest the

    writer will present the correlation between topic sentences and enumeration,

    and the different posttest between experimental class and control class.