Progression from preliminary task to final piece

Post on 27-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Progression from preliminary task to final piece

Progression from Preliminary Task to Final Piece !!Our preliminary task was a starting point that gave us an overview of our level of working and knowledge of cinematography at the time. After evaluating our preliminary task it gave me the opportunity to reflect on things that went well and things that could be improved. Improving aspects of my ability was something that allowed our final piece to be the best standard it could possibly be.!!!

Whilst filming for our final piece ‘Pastures New’ I noticed a significant increase in my cinematography skills. My knowledge of camera angles and shots had become better, and through each stage I saw our clips increasing in quality.!!!!!

Our first preliminary was not an effective horror sequence, as the camera angles were not used in such a way that we could frighten the audience. However this first task gave me the chance to explore the camera and work out which angles, and distances worked better.!!So to avoid overusing certain shots/angles like we did in the preliminary (Such as over the shoulder and mid shots).We decided to vary our angles to create a more diverse piece. This would also demonstrate our knowledge of cinematography. !!!The first few drafts we made had some slight issues. We found that the narrative was too complicated and hard to understand at times. Also the characters costumes changed more than once throughout the sequence, meaning we lacked in continuity. !To solve this we went out and re-filmed a lot of the sequence again and realised that we were trying to put too much narrative into such a short space of time.!!!In our final piece, the clips all had their own layered soundtrack appropriate to the scene allowing our film to have the greatest possible effect on our audience. !We also used more props, such as knives and mobile phones to give it more of a modern domestic feel, rather than our preliminary where only photos were used. Furthermore with Pastures New, we focused closely on our use of lighting, particularly with the beginning scene where Angus is using a handheld camera to record his message to Scarlett. In this scene we used a phones flashlight on the side of Angus’ face to give it more of a sinister feeling.!

!If we compare our Final film with our preliminary, our preliminary was filmed in a single day with only one setting and limited (or no) , costumes or props. For our final piece we had a longer period of time to plan and gather the costumes and props that we needed. We also had more freedom when it came to choosing the location for our filming.!
