Product research--blair-witch-project

Post on 12-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Product research--blair-witch-project

Trailer and Poster

Both text in trailer and movie poster use the same sentences of three missing students and that the film is comprised of found footage. This is used to attempt to scare the audience by making it as realistic as possible. The more realistic the film seems the higher chance the audience we be more affected by the horror genre.

The same close-up image of the the girl with tears in her eyes in used in both the trailer and poster mainly to identify that this film will contain potentially frightening scenes and her expression shows her fear. It also gives a small insight into the video quality and the home-made documentary style of the film.

Trailer and Poster

USP: The unique selling point of this film is that in 1999 during it’s released the minimal detail of the movie created a sense that the film may actually be real, however there was no indication of whether it wasn’t. This was effective by scaring the audience and really promoting the idea of a horror.

Main Poster

Very dark colours are used for the poster to reflect the dark theme of the film. Similarly the light shining on her face also suggests that she is in the dark which is used to frighten the audience as implies that she could potentially be lost or hiding from someone.

Extra large posterThis is an effective way of producing an ambiguous meaning to the poster which can confuse the audience into thinking it’s real. The language used in the poster also can suggest that it is a real documentary.

We can identify in this poster that is it a horror film due to the quote “capturing the terrifying events that led up to their disappearance” This alerts the audience that this movie is distressing and mentioning their disappearance could be disturbing for some.