Press Release 2

Post on 28-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Press Release 2

Press Release 2:

The largest ever attendance on Pakistan day reception in Beijing

Prepared by: Shiren Zehra

A press release received from china here today, says that for Beijing youth Pakistan’s national day reception is a popular much anticipated event. It provided them an opportunity to mingle with top diplomats and high officials of the chines civil and military bureaucracy and gives them a chance to taste Pakistan cuisine, enjoy Pakistani music and dance.

This year around 1000 guests attended the event. This was the ever largest attendance on a Pakistani day reception in Beijing, communist party leaders, envoys and media persons were also at the reception. Large numbers of young professionals form the corporate world and the media came to the reception to express their solidarity with Pakistan and to network with Pakistan specific Chinese enterprises.

Ms Zhu Min Yung a popular singer of China who runs Pakistan academy of music and arts in Beijing sang two popular Pakistani songs in Urdu her melodious voice and correct Urdu pronunciation enamored the international audience.