Presentation of the Charasmatic Leadership Individu

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Transcript of Presentation of the Charasmatic Leadership Individu

PowerPoint Presentation


Charismatic leadership based on the leaders capability to converse and behave in ways that reach followers on a basic, moving way, to motivate and inspire. A charismatic leaders should have the gift to speak on a very commanding emotional level, and may be include some personality traits.(

A charismatic leaders is when the leader gathers followers by using their personality or charm, as oppose to external power or charm. Charismatics leaders pay great attention to scanning and reading their environment and are good at picking up the moods and concern of both individu and larger audiences. Then they modify their actions and words to suit the situations ( Sociolist Max Weber defined charisma as a certain quality in an individual personality by virtue of which he is set apart from ordinary men and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically exceptional powers or qualities (



Obama was born on August 4, 1961 at Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hosp, In Honolulu, Hawaii.His mother Stanley Ann Dunham was born in Wichita Kansas and was of mostly English ancestry. His father Barrack Obama Sr. was a Luo from NyangOma ogelo, Nyanza Province Kenya. Obama Parents met in 1960 in a Russian Class at the University of hawaii.The couple married on Februari , 1961. Separated when Obama Sr. went to Harvard University and dovorced in 1964. Obama Sr. remarried and returned to Kenya visiting barrack in Hawaii only once in1971. he died in automobile accident in 1982.While his mother Dunham married Indonesian Lolo Soetoro, who was attending college in Hawaii. When Suharto, a military leader in Soetoros home country, came to power 1967, the family moved to Indonesia.From ages six to ten, Obama attended local schools in Jakarta, including Besuki Public School and St. Francis of francis of Assisi School. In 1971, Obama returned to Honolulu to live with his maternal grandparents, Madelyn and Standley Armour Dunham. With the aids of scholarship attended Punahoe school, a private College Preparatory School until his graduate from high school in 1979.His mother returned to Hawaii in 1972, remaining there until 1977 , when she went back to Indonesia to work as an anthropological field worker. She finally returned to Hawaii in 1994 and lived there for one year before dying of ovarian cancer. Following his high school Obama moved to Los Angeles in 1979 to attend Occidental College. Later in 1981, he transferred to Columbia University in New York City where he majored in Political Science with a specialty in International Relation and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in 1983.CARREER

He started work for a year at the Business International Corporation, then at the New York Public Interest Research Group. After that , he was hired in Chicago as Director of the Developing Communities Project ( a church based community organisation)In shortly, Obama accepted a two year position as Visiting Law and Government Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School to work on his first book. He then taught at the university of Chicago Law school for 12 years as a lecturer 1992 to 1996 and as a senior lecturer from 1996 to 2004 teaching Constitutional Law.Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate in 1996 , succeeding State Senator Alice Palmer as senator from Illinoiss 13th District.He sponsored a law that increased tax credits for low income workers, negotiated welfare reform, and promoted increased subsidies for childcare.In January 2003 Obama become chairman of the Illinois Senates Health and Human services Committee.On February 10,2007 Obama announce his candidacy for President of the U.S in front of the old State Capitol building in Springfield, Illinois .Obama emphasized issued of rapidly ending the Iraq war, increasing energy independence and providing universal health care, in a campaign that projected theme of Hope and ChangeOn November 4 2008 Obama won the presidency with 365 electoral vote to 173 received by Mc Cain. Obama won 52.9 percent of the popular vote to Mc Cains 45.7 percent. He became the first African American to be elected President. Obama delived his victory speech before hundreds of thousand of supporters in Chicagos Grant Park. ACCOMPLISHMENT:

Among the accomplishment s in Barrack Obama s life are these:-

Graduated from University of Columbia , Bachelor in Political Science (1983), Law degree from Harvard with academic honors (1991)

First Africans-Americans editor of the Harvard Law Review

Elected Illinois State Senator 3 times

Professor of Constitutional law for 12 years

Elected U.S Senator

He is the author of two best selling books.

Became the African-Americans President of the U.S

Ended U.S involvement in Iraq

Brought most of the troops home

Stabilized financial system

Rescued the auto industry

Helped it regain profitability

Won a Nobel Peace Price (2009)

Expanded Health Care access to millions of AmericansSUMMARY

In Conclusion , I hereby declare that Barrack Obama is the most suitable as the charismatic leaders he behave based on :

Despite being raised by a single mother in a lower middle class home and being biracial at a time when this was not common, he managed to get a good education, have a successful career as a law professor, get elected to the Illinois State Senate ( where was re-elected several times) and become a U.S Senator from Illinois.

Before the election , President Barrack Obama attracted the attention of Americans and foreigners alike with a seemingly charismatic nature. A charismatic leader has an uncanny ability to draw others to his side and move them to accomplish a cause bigger than themselves.

Barrack Obama is a charismatic leader because he knows how to send the messages, make the audiences attracted to his speech and follow his orders.

He is an extremely good public speaker and he know how to connect to the population. He knows what to say and when to say it.

Last but not least he also support Islam and their legal laws and want to have Islam s Shariah Law to be the law of the land in the U. S