Presentation for Social Media Breakfast Dallas on Instagram and Vine 8.29.13

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Transcript of Presentation for Social Media Breakfast Dallas on Instagram and Vine 8.29.13

Emerging Social Media: Instagram and Twitter Vine

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Thank you Diana, Jackie and Lucinda for having me this morning..I want to begin this morning with a story..It's a story about a friend of mine..Back in June on the first day Vine was introduced to the Android market, this friend was one of the first people to install the app on their phone. They didn't know what they were doing with the app. All they knew is Twitter owned it and you could make a 6 second video..They spent a lot of time trying to make videos everywhere they seemed to go..the mall, the pizza place..Yet after a whole bunch of spent energy, they just couldn't figure out why they couldn't get any followers or likes for their posts..Sound familiar?I had another client on Instagram. This person had only 74 followers but were following 105 people. Their account like most of them on Instagram was upside down.They didn't understand how to effectively use hashtags for likes.They didn't know the power of the shoutout accounts and how those work.They wondered why they couldn't seem to attract customers to their brand.

What Is Emerging Social Media?

1. Vine2. Instagram3. Trending Social Media Apps you can use mainly from your Smartphone

Basically speaking, this friend did not have at best, a basic understanding of Emerging Social Media

When we talk about Emerging Social Media we are talking about the apps Vine and Instagram

It also includes any trending social media apps you use mainly from your Smarphone.

Why Choose Emerging Social Media?

Mobile is HOT!

Of the total Internet visits, Americans access 28% more often from their smartphones than their desktops.

In the US, 91% people agree that they are within reaching distance of a mobile device 24/7.

The other thing this friend didn't understand is why someone should be on emerging social? >>For starters, Mobile is HOT.>>According to a survey by Monetate, Of the total Internet visits, Americans access 28% more often from their smartphones than their desktops. Around $38.8 billion will be spent on shopping through mobile this year in 2013. And its easier more than ever for these consumers to multitask and see the product on emerging social and go to a site and buy it outright. Where e-commerce website traffic is concerned, 21% of visitors are now accessing web pages from their smartphone.>>Also In the US, 91% people agree that they are within reaching distance of a mobile device 24/7 and of course, when they have to make a buying decision it's more likely going to be made from mobile.

A Closer Look:

When should you decide to use Vine?

When should you decide to use Instagram?

How do you use Vine and Instagram to Get Followers?

How do you use Vine and Instagram to Get Likes?

Best Practices

How to convert followers into business leads

So this morning we're going to take a closer look at Vine and Instagram specifically and answer these questions so you're not like my friend on emerging social media and doing more shouting than gaining possible customers. By the way, that friend actually happened to be me.:We'll take a look at when should you or a client decide to use Vine.When should you use Instagram?What the pros and cons are of each?How you use both of them to get followers and get likesBest practices for each...How to convert followers into business leads

What Is Vine?

Online video and social networking mobile app created by Twitter

Allows users to create and share short, 6 second looping video clips

Functions in some ways like Twitter

Introduced to iPhone in January

Introduced to the Android Market in June (16M Downloads in first day!)

swirly vine from mckenna71 via stock.xchng

So before taking a look at when you should decide to Use Vine or Instagram, let's remind you a little about the two platforms.>>Vine is the online video, social networking mobile app created by Twitter that allows users to create and share short, 6 second looping video clips. Actually the videos are 6.5 seconds but whose counting, right??>>In many ways Vine functions like Twitter. You have people you are following, and followers.>>The iOS app came out in January of this past year. >>Android introduced it in June and on the first day it hit the Android market Vine received an unprecedented 16 Million Downloads.

What is Instagram?

Online photo/video sharing social media network

Owned by Facebook

Enables users to take pictures, apply digital filters to them and share them

Launched 15-Second Video feature on June 20th

Where Twitter Vine just allows you to created a 6 second looping video, Instagram owned by Facebook started out with just pictures and enabling users to take photos, apply digital filters to them and share them. >>The way it started is the app confined photos to a square shape, in contrast to the 16:9 ratio used by mobile cameras and allowed users to share it.>> In a venture which has been seen as some as Facebook's way of competing with Twitter's Vine video-sharing application, Instagram incorporated video sharing in June 2013, allowing its users to record and share videos lasting for up to 15 seconds.

What is Instagram?

Online photo/video sharing social media network

Owned by Facebook

Enables users to take pictures, apply digital filters to them and share them

Launched 15-Second Video feature on June 20th

Here's a side by side in depth comparison from Tech-Crunch of some more detailed features and benefits of both Vine and Instagram.In addition to the side by side time comparisons, you see here users can apply filters to Instagram videos, just like you can pictures on Instagram. This is something Vine videos dont have. Remember when Instagram was first making waves, a lot of it was focused around its filter feature it made amateur photos look professional and all you had to do was, well, pick a filter.

Both platforms let you shoot multiple, disjointed clips and string them together. However, Instagram will let users delete the last clip that they shot in a series, just in case it was a bad take. You are not allowed to delete the second clip in a series, without deleting the fourth and third first. In other words, you can only remove the most recent clip taken. Vine, on the other hand, doesnt let you edit at all.

You cannot import videos on either one. You have to shoot your Vineable or Instagrammable video within the respective apps.

Both Vine and Instagram will let you switch back and forth between front- and rear-facing cameras while shooting.

Instagram also boasts video stabilization in what they call their cinema feature which will stabilize and doctor any shaky recording, another feature Twitter cant offer.

>>So Now the BIG QUESTION:

>>While many comment on the rivalry of Instagram vs. Vine, the problem isnt which is a better platform. The problem is that companies have posted content on both sites and gotten no results. Is it a fault of the platforms? Think again.

>>Before commenting about how either platform may outperform the other, we need to focus on how each platform should be used.

When Should You Decide to Use Vine?

New Product Features

How-to Videos

Invitations to events

Video teasers

Live interaction with customers

>>For Vine, Since you only have six seconds, flashing a feature or new product gives just enough time for users to want to find out more.>>How To Videos and Do it Yourself videos are extremely popular ((how to make food products))>>Also invitations to events, video teasers.>>You can also use VINE to interact LIVE with your customers...

Here is an example of how Honda used Vine to respond to a customer recently in quirky real-time responses and advertise for the Summer Sales Event.

((Read Tweet from consumer and read reply from Honda))


When Should You Decide to Use Vine?

It's a destination

Heavily engaged subculture

Cross-over community

New Vine Celebrities

For many marketers, Twitter Vine isn't just a tool, it's really becoming a destination if you will.

>>Get into a conversation with someone who spends a lot of time on Vine and you'll hear about a new, heavily engaged subculture. Vine producers tend to play within certain genres and styles, generally in fast comedic situations. A really good Vine creator has their own unique fingerprint. It's an important part of the draw. If you've seen enough clips in a split second, you know whose work you are watching.

>>It's a crossover community.Remember when it was a big deal for Different Strokes cast to appear on facts of life? Vine creators include each other in their videos in cameo roles and routinely share their favorite Vine posts.

>>We're starting to see the beginning of Vine Celebrities

Here's a look at some of the famous faces from Vine...Anyone know who these people are?? Well, Spend time on Vine and you'll get to know them pretty quickly. You may not recognize them from their pictures here But when we take a look at their videos I bet you will. >> Iman Crosson is known for his outrageous impersonations of Obama. He's got 763,100 followers on Vine and only follows 51 people. His handle is alphacat >>Dawn Siff sent out what marketers call the first official vine job resume. Afterwards she appeared on The Today Show with Matt Lauer and later landed a job as a reporter at The Economist


When Should You Decide to Use Instagram Video?

Promotional campaigns

Video Series

Commercial Style Videos

When should you decide to use Instagram>>In addition to taking and sharing photographs which you can't do on Vine, you can use Instagram Video to do:>>Promoitonal Campaigns: Having 9 more seconds to feature a video can showcase a bit more about your product.>>Starbucs uses Instagram to show off their personality by creating a theme and carrying it out with a few videos in a series>>Humor is difficult to achieve in video but with the additional time, your videos are able to simulate TV commercials better.

A brand that has done very well in incorporating humor into their videos is Taco Bell most recently with their video for the NEW Fiery Dorritos Locos Tacos


You can see in this brand adoption study from Simply Measured that many brands are choosing Instagram as their video vehicle. In fact, twice as many top 100 brands use Instagram Video as Vine.

Pros and Cons


Its no secret that share-ability is what brands are looking for with videos. Sharability is one of the main pros and cons to consider when deciding which platform to use.

Instagram has Vine topped on the front of sharing options. Where Vine only lets you share to Vine, Facebook, and Twitter, Instagram lets you share videos to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, and foursquare, as well as through email.

Checking Instagram used to take about five minutes and then I was out, ready to move on to something else. With video it really breaks that experience and takes longer. Video breaks that experience

Its possible to hide videos from your feed. But to do that you have to consciously choose to avoid the video feature.

How To Get Followers on Vine

Follow People Who Are Following Followback Accounts

Manually flush unfollowers by deleting Following list and then following back Followers

Re-Vine Videos from top Viners


To get followers on Vine:>> follow people who follow following back accounts. ((Show what these look like))>>Manually flush unfollowers by deleting Following list and then following back followers>>Re-vine>> Have Patience: People don't check Vine as often as Instagram because it's a slower more thoughtful experience. When you launch Vine, they know what they're getting into. Rather like Pocket or Instapaper, its a conscious decision that users have the time to give the app their full attention.>>Also, because it is a video sharing service its almost impossible to sprint up and down the home feed in Vine. Videos often take a moment to load and it takes exactly six seconds to watch each one. Vine is a measured process, scrolling and pausing to review each in turn, possibly waiting for it to loop a couple of times and then adding a Like or comment underneath.

How To Get Followers on Instagram

Follow People Who Are Following Shoutout Accounts

Flush unfollowers using apps like InstaFollow or JustUnfollow.

Content is key!

Keep your account right side up, not upside down!

To get followers on Vine:>> follow people who follow following back accounts. ((Show what these look like))>>Manually flush unfollowers by deleting Following list and then following back followers>>Re-vine>> Patience: Because it is a video sharing service you can its almost impossible to sprint up and down the home feed in Vine. Videos often take a moment to load and it takes exactly six seconds to watch each one. Vine is a measured process, scrolling and pausing to review each in turn, possibly waiting for it to loop a couple of times and then adding a Like or comment underneath.>>When users launch Vine, they know what they're getting into. Rather like Pocket or Instapaper, its a conscious decision that users have the time to give the app their full attention.

How To Get Likes on Vine

Use Emojis and Hashtags in Video Captions

Comment and like others' posts

Comedic Situations

Grasping Vine Subculture

To get likes on Vine>>Use Emoji and Hashtags in captions for videos>>Comment on others posts remember it is a community>>Remember posting content with comedic situations tends to do much, much better.>>As some thought leaders argue as a marketer, the time you spend on Vine should be less for sharing short videos there and more for understanding what this subculture can teach you about reaching consumers.

How To Get Likes on Instagram

Use thirty hashtags with each new post

Use App TagsForLikes or Instatags to generate popular Hashtags

Alternate Hashtags

Repost and repeat process!

To get followers on Vine:>> follow people who follow following back accounts. ((Show what these look like))>>Manually flush unfollowers by deleting Following list and then following back followers>>Re-vine>> Patience: Because it is a video sharing service you can its almost impossible to sprint up and down the home feed in Vine. Videos often take a moment to load and it takes exactly six seconds to watch each one. Vine is a measured process, scrolling and pausing to review each in turn, possibly waiting for it to loop a couple of times and then adding a Like or comment underneath.>>When users launch Vine, they know what they're getting into. Rather like Pocket or Instapaper, its a conscious decision that users have the time to give the app their full attention.

Best Practices for Vine

Connect Vine to Twitter So Others Can Find You

A post on Vine cannot be viewed outside of the Vine App unless shared on Twitter or Facebook first

Do not click on Finish until shooting the whole video or you will not be able to add to the video

Clever content

Here are some best practices for VineA post on Vine cannot be viewed outside of the Vine App unless shared on Twitter or Facebook first, in which case the link is made publicly available

Best Practices for Instagram


Profile PictureFollow Me! I Follow Back!Email address, LinkedIn URL or Twitter URLInclude Location in ALL PhotosNormal or Earlybird Filters

Use a third party app like Pixlr for pictures on Instagram to adjust brightness, contrast, crop photos and add text before posting

A Word About About Privacy

Profiles and videos on Vine are public, and anyone on the service can view them.

Vine says they will add more ways to control visibility of content in the future.

A Word About Privacy and Vine>>Profiles and videos on Vine are public, and anyone on Vine can view them.>>Vine says they will add more ways to control visibility in the future.

A Word About About Privacy

Profiles on Instagram are public.

You can make your photographs on Instagram private through 'Edit Profile'.

A Word about Privacy and IG...

>>Profiles on IG are public>>You can make your photographs on IG private through Edit Profile

How To Convert Followers Into Business Leads?

Use Hashtags So You are Findable

Post Purposeful, Meaningful content which demonstrates you understand what works on Vine vs. Instagram

Generate buzz, create interest, and get followers to search for you on other social platforms.

Take Online Conversations, Off-line

Seal the Deal!

Here's How to Use Vine and IG to Convert Followers Into Solid Business Leads or Customers:Use your industrys keywords as hashtags to describe and tag pictures youve posted. This makes your content searchable and easier to find by those who could be a connection for you.

Post purposeful, meaningful content which demonstrates you have an understanding of the Vine audience and the Instagram Audience.

Generate buzz, create interest, likes, followers and get these people to follow you on other social networks.

Take the online conversations offline and now you're ready to seal the deal.

Emerging Social Media: Instagram and Twitter Vine

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