Prayers of the Church: (*RLC...

Post on 25-Aug-2019

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Transcript of Prayers of the Church: (*RLC...

Seventh Sunday After Pentecost July 28, 2019

Prayers of the Church: (*RLC Members)

Ongoing Prayers *Diane Cuper *Eve Sommers *David Brooks *Anne Altieri *Charlotte Raines Stephanie Samuels *Eric Hammergren *Wes Wyatt *John Whatley Ava Conklin *Joanne Schmitt *Helen Puza Frank Grace Helen Wolf *Anita Moore *Wilma Brown Elizabeth Smith Mike Zimmerman, Son of Mark and Sally, US Navy deployed, Spain

Ongoing Cancer Treatments *Susanne Mundorf Jeff Marshall Don Craig Carol & Frank Rachel Bill Rob *Mike Allen Anne Price Rene Beth Janet Shaner

Those Prayed For on July 21st For the Sick: Steve Randi Danny Kimmy Fix Carla Willoughby Martha Larry Libby Ricky Carter Charlie Fowler Olevia Marian Barbara Alicia Wiggs Gaylon Liggon Kim Jan Dean Jackson Anstey Don Schautteet Jackie Anne Rosalind Tammy Whitman Hazel Stevens Dale Estelle Gavin Linda Stephenson Tom Jacobs Keith Donna Amy George Moczygemba Ron Faison, Jr. Janet Julia Rosemary Samuel Creech Katharine Vetter Debbie Mary Dar President Trump Karen Hatcher James Linda Kurry John Clark Wilma Brown Brad Joanne Janice Trudy Ambrose Bob Glowacki Sharon Cathy Bob Justus Nikolai Bob Bryan Mindy Arleen Duane Tom Carr Ron Van Haistma Chris Hoppy David Dave Rankine Uncle Paul Herbie Julie Lynne Aunt Joan Mike Taylor Josh Evelyn Mike Annmarie Justin Red Brian Keith Pastor Morris and Family Ted-Motorcycle Accident Pastor Scott Lohman, Advent Lutheran

In Celebration of: RLC Marriages Meredith’s Birthday Families Job for Son Our Many Blessings Leah’s Birthday Safe Travel God’s Love Continued Good Health for Sophia Pastor Harrison’s Re-Election, Discernment and Wisdom for Next Term

For Those That Mourn:

Other Requests: Persecuted Christians Oromo People Those in Prison Uganda Church, Pastors, Leaders Our Missionaries Peace in the World Better Housing Relief from Heat The Pastors Visiting Us! Rain Jimmy and Courtney Those to Enter Church Work Karen and Leon Thanks, Successful Surgery Praise, Grandson Got Internship Safe Travel to Reunion in L.A. For our Soldiers Overseas Family Taking Custody of a Toddler Our Synod Convention People who Don’t Have Food or Water Friend in Mourning and Sale of Her House The Cima’s and Trump’s on Furlough, Grad Classes, and Presentations

Seeing Jesus pray, a disciple asked, "Lord, teach us to pray!" Prayer is given by Jesus to His followers as an invitation to join in the Divine Conversation among the Persons of the Holy Trinity. In response to being addressed by God's Word, we pray to the Father, through the

Son, by the Holy Spirit. At the pinnacle of this precious gift of prayer stands the Lord's Prayer in which Jesus invites us to join Him in calling His Father, "Our Father." The same Father Who showers us with gifts through the Word and Sacraments we are privileged to call upon in prayer for every need of body and soul--- both for ourselves, and as intercessors for all people. Thanks be to God for the gift of prayer!

On Sunday morning, we will begin our 5-week study of The Parables of Jesus. If you haven’t joined us for adult Sunday morning Bible study so far this summer, NOW is a great time to join us! We have 5 weeks of studies.

This Sunday morning, Tim Kearby will lead us in the study of The Coming of the Kingdom—the Weeds, the Mustard Seed and Yeast as found in Matthew 13:24-33. There is no study guide to buy. The teaching DVD clips are taught by a variety of Biblical scholars. Sunday’s video will be taught by Dr. Michael Wilkins.

Please come and join us for this time of study—hoping you’ll join us in Room 240 from 9:15-10:15 am!

Missionaries: Mark and Megan Mantey, Uganda Shauen and Krista Trump, Kenya JP and Aimee Cima, Cambodia



Join us on Tuesdays and explore Visual Faith practices including gratitude journals, prayer flip books and prayer calendars. We will have several simple projects for you to try that don't require special skills!

We will be meeting on August 6 from 9:30- 11:30 am in Room 151. For more information, contact Jamee Thieme (

Celebrate Christmas in July and Help Local Charities!

Christmas trees have been placed outside the Sanctuary and Family Life Center with "ornaments" highlighting

specific needs requested by the following organizations:

Families Together

Raleigh Rescue Mission

InterAct of Wake County

Please take an ornament (or two!) and

place the unwrapped gifts with the tag attached under the trees. Items will be collected

through Wednesday, July 31.

Gift cards can be put in the boxes under the tree or left in the church office.

Thank you for helping us serve people

in need in our community!

Come walk with us!

The Emmaus Way walkers will meet for walking indoors at Cary Towne Center on Thursday, August 1 and Wednesday, August 21. Meet us in the food court at 9:30 am for a few laps around the mall followed by beverages and fellowship.

For more information, please contact Lyle/Sue Malotky ( or Jamee Thieme (

Men’s Summer Fellowship with Bowling Option!

Join us for fellowship, with food, beverage, and bowling options. We will meet at AMF South Hills Lanes at 6:00 pm on Monday, July 29. I hope several of us will bowl, but it is not required to attend. They have a variety of food and beverage (golden) options available. Fellowship is free, but invaluable.

They have a Monday 6 PM deal that includes shoes with unlimited bowling for $13.09. They close at 9:00 pm so unlimited has a limit. I suspect we will wrap up prior to closing. Please let me know in advance if you plan on coming and if you are bowling or just show up. I plan on grabbing two lanes for us.

Organized by Tom Gebbia. (, 919-413-1621)

Location: AMF South Hills Lanes, 301 Nottingham Drive, Cary

Flowers placed on the altar in honor of

Helen Wolf’s 99th birthday by Joyce Wolf and Gary Roth.



“Our Light” – Congregational Highlights Each month we seek to capture many of the highlights in our church, especially noting how we serve each other and our community. For the last month, some, but certainly not all, include the following:

1. We, as a congregation, continue to trust God that He has already picked the right Senior Pastor to move RLC forward.

Thanks to everyone who turned out for the Congregational Candidate Forums. We continue to keep the Call Committee in our prayers, and are thankful for all their diligence.

2. Thanks for all our members who continue to support our ministries and finances during our Transition process. 3. We appreciate Bob Hirt and Tom Kolb for representing RLC at the National LCMS Convention this month. 4. Alan Shaw, Ron and Carol Bostick, and Jamee Thieme will be attending the SED Conference the last week of July. 5. Our Summer Adult Education class continues to have good attendance and we look forward to the next topic starting

this week – The Parables of Jesus. Special thanks to Mindy Stephani for her continued leadership and all the lesson leaders this summer (Mindy Stephani, Todd Trautman, Alan Shaw, Tim Kearby, Kathy Rihani, and John Heilman).

6. We are making progress on establishing our Fall Stewardship Team. Claudia Guthrie has agreed to head up this program.

The goal is to support some of our new budget shortfalls and to begin to establish a financial base to hire an Associate Pastor.

7. Our Junior High experienced a successful Mission Trip to Taylorville, NC in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Six adults

accompanied 28 youth. We look forward to hearing their story of how they supported this community and helped families.

8. The ASP trip consisted of 25 youth and 10 adults as they traveled to Harlan, KY. Thanks to John Wood for his leadership

of this year’s trip. Several interesting facts to share – 7 of the adults did not have a youth on the trip, 11 of the youth were not RLC members, and 16 of the 35 participants were 1st time ASPers. Look for a time when the group gets to share their trip.

9. Our Senior High Youth attended the National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, MN. Eight adults went with the 35 youth.

Elizabeth Drengler, our former Senior High Youth Leader met the group and all were excited to reconnect. Heard they have some very interesting highlights to share. Special thanks to Jenny Piontek, who worked so hard to overcome some challenges, to making this trip successful.

10. We continue to give thanks for the 120 members/non-members who participated in the Sleep in Heavenly Peace bunk

bed build last month. Instead of building the planned 10 bunks (20 beds), the group was able to build and deliver 12 bunks (24 beds). In addition, thanks to the Quilting Group that made special bedding and provided pillowcases for Christian based materials to be delivered with the new beds. Plans are already underway to plan another build.

To share a “Light” experience, please send your note to



But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. – Isaiah 40:31 (ESV) Gracious Heavenly Father, You are our Strength, our Light, and our Song. Thank You for Your faithfulness in leading and guiding us as a congregation in our decision-making. Impart in us a patient endurance to wait according to Your Will and to trust Your timing in the call process. We acknowledge You are Sovereign, orchestrating people and events according to Your good purposes. Thank You for the gift of time -- time to be still, and time to be steadfast and attentive in prayer. Lord, help us to wait well, trusting You will indeed reveal to us the path You have chosen, at Your appointed time. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.



By faith, we recognize that our Heavenly Father has already determined who will be our new Senior Pastor. The Call Committee was established by the Church Council, and our role is to be led by the Holy Spirit in the process of selecting one or more candidates for interviewing. Call Committee Update

• Pastor Adle and Pastor Blanke visited us this past week. During the in-person visits, the candidates met with the Call Committee, Council, staff, and the congregation. Audio recordings of the forums are posted online so that those who were unable to attend can hear the discussions.

July 23rd Forum with Pastor Adle - July 25th Forum with Pastor Blanke -

• Please continue to pray for Pastor Morris and his family (the third pastor we invited to visit us), who was in an auto accident recently. No new information is available; we will share updates about his status as we hear news. Reminder – the congregational Q&A forum with Pastor Morris originally scheduled for August has been cancelled.

• Please continue to hold August 14 for our congregational Call Service. We anticipate providing a final date by next week – it will not be earlier than August 14. At this event, the congregation will gather as one church family, thank God for His guidance, celebrate our faith, and prayerfully vote. The Call Committee will not be making a recommendation at the Call Service; the Committee’s role during this phase of the process is only to help facilitate and coordinate. The decision will be made by all members of the congregation – please attend the Call Service and be part of the vote! We are required to obtain a 2/3 approval of votes that are cast. Pastor Mike Merker will lead the service, and the Council will lead the vote.

• If you have questions about the process, schedule, or any other aspect of the Senior Pastor Call Committee plan, please contact the committee members.

Call committee: Don Martin and Teresa Gresham (co-chairs), Nick Cassimatis, Bob Hirt, Sara Kirkendall, Ralph Klevenow, Carmen Madler, Leah Robison, and Gary Roth. Contact information for Don: (919-460-6458, and Teresa: (919-274-5450,

Children and Family Ministry


For rising 5th graders and older students that need acolyte training, which will take place in early September, please watch for the information and plan to attend. Dates for training will be sent out through the newsletter and announcements, as well as email through RCB. Being an acolyte allows our youth to be actively involved in serving at RLC. You are able to sign up online for dates and service times that work for your family. For current acolytes, please continue to serve by signing up for services at

Children's Church for ages 3-6, takes place weekly during the 10:45 worship service.

The children are dismissed before the sermon for 20 minutes to gather together for a short lesson or story about the theme of the day. They will work on a craft and/or sing a song that goes along with the story. This time will help grow their faith.

If you would like to help with Children's Church, contact or

Nursery Care

Over the summer, we will have nursery coverage during the 9:30 am service only. We want all to know that children are welcome in all of our worship services! God loves the little children, and so do we! If there is ever a time that you feel your child needs a "break", feel free to use the nursery/preschool room during Sanctuary services and Room 151 in the Family Life Center during the praise and worship service.

There are rainbow bags available in both locations filled with books and other small items for the children to use during service. There are also books and often weekly hand-outs for the kids on the tables outside of the Sanctuary and Family Life Center. Please, help yourself!

Sunday School Teachers

We have the need for older teens and adults to be Sunday School teachers. We will provide a training prior to the beginning of classes and supply all materials required for teaching. The more teachers we get, the more opportunity we have to team teach, which also provides flexibility for teachers to share the responsibilities and not have to be present every Sunday. Our Sunday School classes range from toddlers through 8th grade.

If you have questions or want to get your name on the list, contact or

Wednesday Night Workshop (WNW)

We will begin on Wednesday, September 4 at 6:30 pm in the Family Life Center for an overview of the year, introduction of teachers and small group leaders. We will also be handing out this year’s Confirmation Handbook.

All students in grades 5-8 and their parents are invited. Fifth grade students will not be regularly meeting on Wednesdays, but it will be helpful to attend. The 10 Commandments materials will be given to parents, as well as information on this class.

Questions? Please email Small Group Leaders

If you served last year as a Small Group Leader for rising 6th-8th grade and are planning to continue in this role, please email We need to schedule a time to meet to go over expectations and training for this upcoming year. I hope to get together as a group by mid- August, so we are ready for classes in September.



Prefer mobile banking? There’s an APP for that!

Download the “GivePlus+” APP, search for Resurrection Lutheran Church, and you will be able to transfer funds from your checking or savings account to RLC.

Any questions? Contact or 919-851-7248, x36.

Traveling this Summer and away from Resurrection? Access Lutheran Sermons, Bible Studies, Programs and music through these sources during your traveling times!

KFUO Radio comes to you from St. Louis, MO. Christ for you. Anytime. Anywhere. Hear Sacred Music & Prayer, Worship Services, Bible Studies, Lutheran Confessions and Practical talk. Visit:

Lutheran Public Radio streams sacred music for the world. Hear instrumental and choral groups sing the music for the current season. Visit:

Lutheran Hour Ministries has been bringing the changeless Christ to a changing world for nearly 100 years. Check them out for Daily Devotions, Rev. Dr. Michael Ziegler's Sermon, or take a class! Visit:

All can be accessed through your Smartphone, iPhone, iPad or computer! Once you try them, you'll be hooked!

Resurrection Lutheran School is currently accepting applications for the 2019-2020 academic school year for students in Junior Kindergarten- 8th grade. As a vital mission of RLC, we appreciate your kind referrals.

RLS administrators are available all summer to answer questions and assist with the application process! Enrollment has been active so far this summer and classes are filling up, however, we still have room in most grades, particularly early elementary. Healthy enrollment allows our school to introduce new programming that meets the needs of our students and their families.

This fall, RLS is thrilled to be able to offer families a new option. Junior Kindergarten, a full day preschool program, is designed to prepare 4/5 year olds for rigor of traditional kindergarten. Students must be 4 by August 31 to enroll. Before and after school care is available for children enrolled in Junior Kindergarten-8th grade. Working families, older 4's and young 5's will benefit greatly from this unique offering.

Resurrection Lutheran School is actively seeking families who are looking for an academically challenging, Christ-centered education for their children. We hope you will consider sharing this opportunity with families in our community. WE ARE RLS!

For more information, contact Rosie Creasy, Admissions Director at or 919-851-7271.



Still looking for that last minute camp before school starts?

Agape Day Camp is coming to Christ the King in Cary from August 5-9. The weekly theme is Activate: Spirit Power!

This is for anyone that is in the 1st-8th grade. The cost for the week is just $140.

Use the link below to register your child for fun and exciting week of day camp with the Agape Counselors.

Register TODAY!

RLC Men’s Pickup Basketball

Are you interested in joining a pickup game? Looking for men, 18 or older to play. Day and time TBD.

Contact to express interest or for more info.

Sunday 8:00am Worship 9:15am Adult Christian Ed 9:30am Worship/Holy Communion 10:30am Without Boundaries 10:45am Contemporary Worship 3:00pm Mekane Yesus Fellowship 5:30pm Christian Book Club Monday Tuesday 11:30am Women’s Quilting/Craft Group Wednesday 12:30pm Church Staff Meeting Thursday 7:00pm Reign! Rehearsal Friday Saturday 7:00am Men’s VDC Reunion Group 6:00pm Worship/Holy Communion Sunday 8:00am Worship/Holy Communion 9:15am Adult Christian Ed 9:30am Worship 10:30am Without Boundaries 10:45am Contemporary Worship/Holy Communion 3:00pm Mekane Yesus Fellowship

Calendar for the Week of July 28-August 4

Attendance - July 20/21

Saturday 6:00 - 67 Sunday 8:00 - 87 Sunday 9:30 - 77 Sunday 10:45 - 146

Total = 377

Adult Bible Study - 42

General Fund Giving and Spending - June 2019

Current Month Year to Date

General Receipts $107,171.47 $1,259,464.72

Total Disbursements $103,927.71 $1,251,369.59

Receipts Less Disbursements $3,243.76 $8,095.13

Weekly Announcements Deadline: Thursday Submit to


8 Search “Resurrection Lutheran Church-Cary NC”

Learn more about Resurrection Lutheran Church at

100 Lochmere Drive West, Cary NC 27518 919-851-7248

Resurrection Lutheran Preschool (RLP) is seeking caring, passionate individuals that enjoy working with young children. Enthusiasm, patience, and a love for teaching and working with our next generation is essential, in addition to being part of an energetic, compassionate staff. While a degree in early education would be ideal, experience with children is considered and important. Our program is half day and works well with older elementary /high school families.

If interested or know someone that may be interested, contact Diane Hooper at or 919-851-7270. Resumes may be sent to this email address.


2019 Build

September 7-November 9, 2019 Lutheran Coalition Lutheran churches came together in 2006 to fund and build a Habitat Wake home in Raleigh. In partnership with Thrivent, the Lutheran Coalition then built homes in 2007 (Raleigh), 2008 (Knightdale), 2009 (Cary), and 2015-2016 with the Building Independence project in Raleigh. The 2018 Build started an annual building effort.

Lutheran Coalition Special Events

Wall Build and Wall-Raising: Saturday, September 7 at 8:15 AM at construction facility,

2615 Westinghouse Boulevard, and ending at construction site at 4:00 PM Wall-Raising Ceremony: Saturday, September 7 at 11:00 AM at construction site Church Staff Work Morning: Thursday, November 7 from 8:15 AM-11:30 AM Dedication Ceremony: TBD

September 7 - Day 1 Wall Build and Raising - Starts at the Habitat Warehouse

Resurrection Lutheran Work Days: (Sign Up at Habitat Volunteer Website Listed Below)

September 21 - Need 7-8 RLC Volunteers October 19 - Need 7-8 RLC Volunteers November 2 - Need 7-8 RLC Volunteers

Dedicated Volunteer Registration Link: For more information, contact Tim Hiteshew at 919-454-6505 or