Powerpoint: Everyman's Guide to Coffee

Post on 09-Nov-2014

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A brief presentation on the basics of coffee-based beverages and their accompanying lingo.

Transcript of Powerpoint: Everyman's Guide to Coffee

Everyman’s Guide to Coffee

Know What You Are OrderingBy Hannah Shugart

A previous cafe novice, certified barista since 2012March 2014


“It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view

it as some kind of recreational activity.”

Dave Barry, humor columnist and author

2.5 million pounds of coffee beans are imported into the United States each year (Harrington).

Americans collectively drink about 400 million cups of coffee each day (Harrington).

According to the National Coffee Drinking Study, over 75% of U.S. adults drink coffee, and 58% reported drinking it daily (“Coffee Shop Research Report”).

The average American spends $1,092 a year on coffee drinks (Russo).


America Clings to the Coffee Bean







Know These Basics





Autodrip Brew

Manual Brew (Pour Over)

French Press

Average Size: 8 oz. - 30 oz. cupTechnique: A machine automatically funnels a measured amount of hot water through a large amount of fine coffee grounds held in a filter.Wait Time: Immediate to 3 minutes

Average Size: 12 oz. cup Note: This is chemistry & a larger size will change its intended taste

Technique: A barista uses a circular motion to manually pour a small amount of hot water through enough fine coffee grounds for one cup.Wait Time: 3 - 4 minutes

Average Size: 8 oz. - 32 oz. cup Note: Most gourmet coffee shops sell this method in larger sizes

Technique: Coarse coffee grounds are soaked in hot water for a short time until a manual filter pushes them down to the bottom of the press.Wait Time: 3 - 4 minutes


Every roast of coffee is unique. It is fun and easy to educate yourself on the tendencies of your own personal

preference. Explore the profile of each roast through these characteristics: Body: Light to Heavy (Full)

“Describes the weight, heaviness, richness, or thickness one feels on the palate when one tastes coffee” (“Coffee Definitions”).

Acidity: Low to High“Defines the pleasant tartness of a great cup of coffee. Acidity in coffee is a good thing. It indicates the coffee is bright. Acidity in coffee is not to be confused with bitterness” (“Coffee Definitions”).

Sweet Light with Low Acidity

Winey Light with High Acidity

Smooth Heavy with Low Acidity

Bold Heavy with High Acidity


A well-made espresso shot will have a strong bite followed by a uniquely sweet aftertaste.

It has a lifespan of seconds and should be drunk immediately.

Double-shot Espresso(Doppio)

Espresso Macchiato

Espresso Con Panna

Average Size: 2-3 oz. of espresso

Technique: About 30 grams of fine coffee grounds are packed down with a tamp and flushed through with very hot water. Wait Time: 30 seconds - 1 minute

Average Size: 2-3 oz. of espresso + a few scoops of steamed milk foam on topTechnique: A double-shot of espresso is pulled while a very small amount of milk is steamed. Three spoonfuls of foam are placed on the espresso. Wait Time: 30 seconds - 1 minute

Average Size: 2-3 oz. of espresso + toppingTechnique: A double-shot of espresso is pulled and topped off with a dollop of whipped cream.Wait Time: 30 seconds - 1 minute


Average Size: 8 oz. - 30 oz. cupTechnique: Shots of espresso are pulled and added to a cup of hot water. Usually, a 12 oz. cup receives a double-shot of espresso, a 16 oz. cup receives a triple-shot, and so forth.Wait Time: 30 seconds - 1 minuteNote: Like with regular coffee, you should specify whether you would like cream or sugar added to it. Also, add a few ice cubes to it in order to drink immediately.

This is a low-calorie alternative to a latte


Average Size: 12 oz. - 30 oz. cup Technique: A double-shot of espresso is pulled while 8(+) oz. of milk are steamed to 140 degrees (any hotter and the sweetness of the milk is lost). The two, along with any specified flavored syrups, are poured together. Wait Time: 2 - 3 minutes Note: Most cafes offer decaf lattes, as well as ones made with 2%, skim, or soy milk. Almond milk does not steam well, so most places do not carry it.


Average Size: 12 oz. - 30 oz. cup Technique: A double-shot of espresso is pulled and then stirred into 8(+) oz. of cold, un-steamed milk along with any specified flavored syrups. A few cubes of ice are added. Wait Time: 2 - 3 minutes


Average Size: 5 oz. - 8 oz.Technique: A single or double-shot of espresso is pulled while 3(+) oz. of milk is steamed, aerated longer than that of a latte. The two, along with any specified flavored syrup, are poured together and mixed. Wait Time: 2 - 3 minutesNote: Although vendors like Starbucks offer cappuccinos in larger sizes, a traditional cappuccino is either 5 oz. (1 espresso shot) or 8 oz. (a double-shot of espresso).

What is the difference between a latte and a cappuccino?


Cappuccinos contain the same ingredients as lattes. They simply have more foam and less heavy milk.

OTHER CAFE TERMSIced CoffeeBrewed coffee grounds and water-- like regular coffee, only cold. It may be brewed hot and then chilled with ice, or it may be brewed with cold water ( a longer process).

Red Eye & Black Eye:A Red Eye is a a regular brewed coffee that contains one espresso shot. A Black Eye is a regular brewed coffee that contains two espresso shots.

Cafe Au Lait 1/2 - 2/3 cup of brewed coffee with 1/2 - 1/3 cup of steamed milk.

Dry/Wet Dry refers to steamed milk that is light and frothy, filled with air. Wet refers to steamed milk that is velvety, aerated only a little.

BreveA latte made with espresso and steamed half and half, rather than milk.

Mocha A common flavored latte made with espresso, steamed milk, and chocolate; often topped with whipped cream.

Cortado One or two shots of espresso added to a small amount of hot milk. This is similar to an espresso macchiato, but with slightly more milk that is less foamy.

AffogatoOne scoop of vanilla ice cream topped with an espresso shot.

Half Caff. An espresso shot or cup of coffee that is comprised of both caffeinated and decaffeinated beans.

SkinnyA latte or cappuccino that is made with fat-free milk, sugar-free syrups, and no whipped cream.

Swiss Water Process A process by which coffee beans and tea leaves are decaffeinated through soaking in water, rather than being stripped of caffeine through a chemical process.

Red EspressoFinely ground Rooibos, a naturally decaffeinated tea, that is pulled through an espresso machine. It can be added to water or steamed milk to make a drink similar to an americano or latte, with a distinctly sweet taste.

Lost in Translation

It is important to remember that the culture of Starbucks has affected coffee terminology throughout the United States.

The “lingo” often changes from place to place...


Review the menu before getting in line.

Be polite.

Ask questions and entertain suggestions.

Remain polite.

Use their terminology while in their restaurant on future visits.

Sweet Saint Caffeine

Although caffeine levels of different bean roasts vary, it is a common misconception that espresso-based drinks contain more caffeine than plain coffee.In fact, many contain less.

Most people cannot taste a difference between regular and decaf coffee. A loss of taste actually occurs during the roasting of the bean, if done incorrectly, and not during the decaffeinating process.

If you are need of a jolt but dislike coffee, tea and tea lattes are equally caffeinated alternatives.

A normal intake of caffeine does not dehydrate you, despite popular belief.

Latte Art

If at a gourmet coffee shop or cafe, keep your eye out for latte art.

Technique:1. Milk is steamed in a pitcher to the

desirable velvety consistency and tapped on the bottom for the release of

all bubbles. 2. It is poured slowly, from a few inches height, into the center of a mug holding

fresh espresso shots. 3. As the mug becomes full, and only

foam is left in the milk pitcher, it is lowered towards the mug with a slow movement back and forth produces a

simple design.



There is a world of coffee beverages, ready for the tasting.




Light to Heavy BodyLow to High Acidity

Sweet, Winey, Smooth, or Bold

Wet or DryHot or Iced



Educated coffee drinkers can have the joy of ordering their beverage confidently and concisely,

knowing exactly how to simultaneously satisfy their caffeine and taste bud cravings.

For You

For Others

Educated coffee drinkers make the lives of baristas simpler, enabling them to do their job better.

Educated coffee drinkers save other consumers time and stress in coffee shop lines.


"Coffee Definitions." Java Planet. Java Planet, Organic

Coffee Roasters, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2013.

"Coffee Shop Research Report 2012." SBDCNet. SBDC

Clearinghouse, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2013.

Harrington, Daniel. "All About Coffee." Gourmet Coffee

Lovers. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2013.

Russo, Maria. "How Much Do Americans Spend on Coffee?"

The Cultureist. Cultureist Magazine, 26 Jan. 2012. Web.

06 Apr. 2013.