Power Point final INFS2200 About ME

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Power Point final INFS2200 About ME

Me My name is Charles Quentin Edward Thompson. I am 22 years old, a Jedi Master and from Shelbyville, Tn.

I have worked in Murfreesboro since I was 15 at Mid Tenn’s Pawn & Loan LLc. I am currently the Assistant Manager while attending MTSU full time.

I am a Criminal Justice Major and INFS minor, so don’t mess with me because I may be in the position to arrest you and then make a website about it!

I Love Animals!I have many interests and hobbies so anytime I find myself having a day off from work or school I enjoy it to the max!

I am an animal lover and sometimes I find cool little critters that don’t mind if I play with them

More of my animal friends!I work Mon-Sat 9-6 so I don’t get a lot of time off, when I do and the weather is permitting I spend a lot of that off time behind the lens of my camera chasing bugs and wildlife.

I am still living at home with my mother until I graduate, and it

surprises me how tolerant she is of all the things I bring in the

house to photograph…though she probably wouldn’t be happy

if she knew I had a Chicken Snake in my room last week!

Nashville Zoo, Mid

State Attraction! I the Nashville Zoo! I have been a member here for several years and I also volunteer here. The zoo is a great place for me to have fun with my camera and just relax by myself or with a friend or two.

My adventures are not always so local, I have

snorkeled in Belize and explored Mayan ruins while

on vacation in the Caribbean.

I believe big in giving back and I volunteer with multiple organizations.

Habitat for Humanity is one of my favorite organizations. I help

coordinate young adults to help with Habitat during the summer. This

summer marks the 5th year I have been involved!

We always have a

great time

constructing homes

for the people in our


To the left is my group of workers for this

summer, they are awesome!

-This pen sketch of a

Pegasus is in honor of Dr. Apigian because he

always jokes about my little pony in Web

Development class.

I’m sure you can probably tell from my previous slides that I love to operate a camera. I enjoy taking pictures of all kinds of things and sometimes people too! These last couple of slides will show some of my favorite images from the last year.

My best friend’s daughter


My best friend’s son,

Colt after being born