Portfolio case study: marketing site redesign

Post on 22-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Portfolio case study: marketing site redesign

BEFORE: home page

BEFORE: home page

Layout looks familiar, but unlike other popular social media sites, the user cannot immediately determine what the site is for or why they need it.

AFTER: home page

AFTER: home page

Headline What this site offers in less than three seconds.

AFTER: home page

Subhead Brief introduction and value statement.

AFTER: home page

Call to action No fear—it’s free!

AFTER: home page

Hero image Show the product, especially when the design is superior to competitor offerings.

AFTER: home page

Audience Who can benefit from the product?

AFTER: home page

Features and benefits Tailored to each audience.

Secondary call to action Lead generation opportunity.

AFTER: home page

BEFORE: benefits and features pages

AFTER: benefits and features pages

AFTER: benefits and features pages

Location marker Users always know where they are.

AFTER: benefits and features pages

Friendly headline Easy-to-read condensed font takes less space to tell store.

AFTER: benefits and features pages

Features list Accordion display allows quick scanning.

AFTER: benefits and features pages

Features list Click for more info when you find a feature that solves a pain point.

AFTER: benefits and features pages

Monotone icons Repeated throughout site for instant recognition also act as graphic element to keep line lengths comfortable.

AFTER: benefits and features pages

Call to action Consistently presented so it’s always available when user is ready.

AFTER: benefits and features pages

Sub-navigation Allows users to scan and explore additional features.

AFTER: benefits and features pages

AFTER: benefits and features pages

Responsive design Allows users to browse the site on any device.

user interface and experience designVALARIE MARTIN STUART

dallas, texas, usa • 972-762-4360 • www.valarie.info