Pmp 5th - Lecture 5

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Transcript of Pmp 5th - Lecture 5

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QUALITY MANAGMENT##Quality AssuranceQuality ControlPlan QualityQUALITY MANAGMENT##2QUALITY MANAGMENTProject Quality Management includes the processes and activities of the performing organization that determine quality policies, objectives, and responsibilities so that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken. Project Quality Management works to ensure that the project requirements, including product requirements, are met and validated.##3QUALITY MANAGMENTWhat is the Quality ?Fulfill the requirements.QualityGradeBrassGoldQuality as a delivered performance or result is the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfill requirements (ISO 9000) [10].Grade as a design intent is a category assigned to deliverables having the same functional use but different technical characteristics.##4QUALITY MANAGMENTPrecisionAccuracy

The project management team should determine the appropriate levels of accuracy and precision for use in the quality management plan. Precision is a measure of exactness. For example, the magnitude for each increment on the measurements number line is the interval that determines the measurements precisionthe greater the number of increments, the greater the precision. Accuracy is an assessment of correctness. For example, if the measured value of an item is very close to the true value of the characteristic being measured, the measurement is more accurate.##5QUALITY MANAGMENTIn the context of achieving ISO compatibility, modern quality management approaches seek to minimize variation and to deliver results that meet defined requirements. These approaches recognize the importance of:Customer satisfaction.Prevention over inspection.Continuous improvementManagement ResponsibilityCost of quality (COQ).##6QUALITY MANAGMENTJoseph Juran :

Quality means fitness for use.

80/20 principle.

Top Management responsibility.Quality Theorists


14 points for Quality

Total Quality Management.

Plan Do Check Act..

Quality Theorists##8QUALITY MANAGMENTPhilib Crosby:

Quality is conformance to requirements

Prevention over inspect.

Zero defects.

Cost of poor Quality

Quality Theorists##9QUALITY MANAGMENTKaizen .. Continuous Improvement.

Just In TIME.

Responsibility of Quality .. Every One.

Quality Theorists##10QUALITY MANAGMENTCOST OF QUALITYA) Cost of conformance:Prevention Appraisal

B) Cost of non conformance:Internal failures (in house) (under control)External failures (customer / field)

##11QUALITY MANAGMENTCOST OF QUALITY1- Prevention Cost:Training Process capability studies. Survey of vendors / suppliers.Survey of subcontractors.

2- appraisal Cost:Inspection and testing of the products.Maintenance of inspection and test equipment.Cost to process and report inspection data.Design reviews Internal design review and walk through (peer reviews)Expense review (Budget against actual cost)

##12QUALITY MANAGMENTCOST OF QUALITY3- Internal Failure cost Scrap and rework Charges related to late payment of bills Inventory costsEngineering change cost related to correcting a design error.Correcting documentation.

4- External Failure Cost Warranty cost: cost of repair or replacement Recall costsProduct liability suits Complaint handing Future business losses##13QUALITY MANAGMENTCOST OF QUALITY

##14QUALITY MANAGMENTISOISO 9000 -------- Quality Management.

ISO 14000 --------- Environmental Management##15QUALITY MANAGMENTISOISO 9000 -------- Quality Management.Principle 1 Customer focusPrinciple 2 LeadershipPrinciple 3 Involvement of peoplePrinciple 4 Process approachPrinciple 5 System approach to managementPrinciple 6 Continual improvementPrinciple 7 Factual approach to decision makingPrinciple 8 Mutually beneficial supplier relationships##16QUALITY MANAGMENTPLAN QUALITYQUALITY ASSURANCEQUALITY CONTROLWhat is the quality?

How it will be measured?.Are the project following the standard?Are the products meet the standard?determine process and standard?Use the process and standardCheck the end result vs. the standard requirements .PlanningExecutionMonitoring and controlling##17Plan QualityQUALITY MANAGMENT

Plan Quality Management is the process of identifying quality requirements and/or standards for the project and its deliverables, and documenting how the project will demonstrate compliance with relevant quality requirements and/or standards. The key benefit of this process is that it provides guidance and direction on how quality will be managed and validated throughout the project.##18Plan QualityQUALITY MANAGMENTSeven Basic Quality Tools

correlation charts##19Plan QualityQUALITY MANAGMENTControl Chart.

##20Perform Quality ControlQUALITY MANAGMENTCause and Effect Diagram (Ishikawa Fish Bone)

##21Perform Quality ControlQUALITY MANAGMENTHistogram

##22Perform Quality ControlQUALITY MANAGMENTPareto Chart (Histogram) 80/20

##23Perform Quality ControlQUALITY MANAGMENTRun Chart

##24Perform Quality ControlQUALITY MANAGMENTScatter Diagram

##25Plan QualityQUALITY MANAGMENTFlow Charting

##26Plan QualityQUALITY MANAGMENTBench MarkingCompare to other executed project o identify best practices, generate ideas for improvement, and provide a basis for measuring performance.Design of Experiments DOELook for the optimum combination between the affecting variables.Statistical SamplingInspect some sample , size and frequency according to the quality plan .##27Plan Quality.QUALITY MANAGMENTPropriety Quality Management Methodology- Six Sigma.Additional Quality Planning Tools.Matrix.Brainstorming.Diagrams.##28Plan QualityQUALITY MANAGMENTQuality PlanStandard.Who Involved , when , and what to do?.Meetings , Reports , Metrics.Quality MetricsNo. of failed inspections.

No. of bugs in software.- quality objective is to stay within the approved budget by 10%,##29Plan QualityQUALITY MANAGMENTProcess Improvement PlanProcess boundaries. Describe the purpose of the process, the start and end of the process, its inputs and outputs, the process owner, and the stakeholders of the process.Process configuration. Provides a graphic depiction of processes, with interfaces identified, used to facilitate analysis.Process metrics. Along with control limits, allows analysis of process efficiency.Targets for improved performance. Guide the process improvement activities.##30Perform Quality AssuranceQUALITY MANAGMENTPerform Quality Assurance is the process of auditing the quality requirements and the results from quality control measurements to ensure that appropriate quality standards and operational definitions are used. The key benefit of this process is that it facilitates the improvement of quality processes

##31Perform Quality AssuranceQUALITY MANAGMENTAre we following the standard and procedures?.

Do we need to improve the standard and procedures?

Done by a group outside the project. (QA Department).

Use data from quality control measurement.

##32Perform Quality AssuranceQUALITY MANAGMENTImplements a set of planned and systematic acts and processes defined within the projects quality management plan. Quality assurance seeks to build confidence that a future output or an unfinished output, also known as work in progress, will be completed in a manner that meets the specified requirements and expectations.In project management, the prevention and inspection aspects of quality assurance should have a demonstrable influence on the project. Quality assurance work will fall under the conformance work category in the cost of quality framework.Perform Quality Assurance also provides an umbrella for continuous process improvement, which is an iterative means for improving the quality of all processes. Continuous process improvement reduces waste and eliminates activities that do not add value. This allows processes to operate at increased levels of efficiency and effectiveness.##33Perform Quality AssuranceQUALITY MANAGMENTQuality Management and Control ToolsAffinity diagramsProcess decision program charts (PDPC).Interrelationship digraphsTree diagramsPrioritization matricesActivity network diagramsMatrix diagrams##34Perform Quality AssuranceQUALITY MANAGMENTQuality Management and Control Tools

##35Perform Quality AssuranceQUALITY MANAGMENTQuality Audit.

To assure the effectiveness of the process and standard.

Look for the lesson learned to determine the required improvement.Identify all good and best practices being implemented;Identify all nonconformity, gaps, and shortcomings;Share good practices introduced or implemented in similar projects in the organization and/or industry;Proactively offer assistance in a positive manner to improve implementation of processes to help the team raise productivity; Highlight contributions of each audit in the lessons learned repository of the organization##36Perform Quality AssuranceQUALITY MANAGMENTProcess Analysis.

Process analysis follows the steps outlined in the process improvement plan to identify needed improvements##37Perform Quality ControlQUALITY MANAGMENTControl Quality is the process of monitoring and recording results of executing the quality activities to assess performance and recommend necessary changes. The key benefits of this process include:Identifying the causes of poor process or product quality and recommending and/or taking action to eliminate them.Validating that project deliverables and work meet the requirements specified by key stakeholders necessary for final acceptance

##38Perform Quality ControlQUALITY MANAGMENTProbability

Mutual Exclusivity. . (Flipping a coin).

Statistical Independence (Two rolling of a die).

Normal DistributionStandard Deviation (or Sigma)##39Perform Quality ControlQUALITY MANAGMENTProbability

Normal Distribution .

+/- 1 sigma : 68.26%

+/- 2 sigma : 95.46%

+/- 3 sigma : 99.73%

+/- 6 sigma : 99.99985%

Probability of Occurrence##40QUESTION ?##