Pml4 2013

Post on 20-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Pml4 2013

PML4 The Multimodality of Meaning Making


Blogging reminders/troubleshooting

Complete semiotic jigsaw exercise

Making a case for comics in the classroom (readings)

Myths, misconceptions.

What can you teach with comics/graphic novels?

Semiotic Systems

auditory (for example, music, sound effects, silence)

gestural (for example, facial expression, body language)

linguistic (for example, vocabulary, grammar)

spatial (for example, environmental and architectural spaces)

visual (for example, still and moving images, page and screen layouts).



Short film: Validation (search on Youtube) or

Interactive Telltale Heart:

Selection from: Spiegelman, Art. Maus. 1st ed. 1-2. Penguin Books, 1993.

Questions to discuss:

Identify the codes and conventions used to convey meaning

Did your text use more than one semiotic system? How did that affect your reading and viewing?

Were you more proficient with some systems than with others? Which ones? Why?


Brown, J. (2010). The case for comics in the classroom. TEDxOntarioEd Event (video)

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are needed to see this picture.

ReadingsNorah Young Podcast on New Media Literacies

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are needed to see this picture.


Scott McCloud on Comics

Teaching With Comics and Graphic Novels

Myths and Misconceptions

Sample Texts

What could you teach with these texts?

How would you approach them?

Bitstrips and Comic Life

Lesson Redesign

Choose a lesson from your first practicum placement (doesn’t matter if it wasn’t English) and revise and redesign it using a text selection or literacy practice that was not integrated in the original form.

Share this redesign on your blog. Be sure to credit sources/original creators.

Due date: (We will decide on this as a class today)

For Next Week

Comment on two or three of your classmates’ blog posts. Comments should attempt to “extend the conversation” in some way. Ask a question, share a suggestion, etc. Be constructive and polite.

Blog! Topics? Comics in the classroom? Multimodal texts: lesson possibilities? How did your literacy experiences as a student inform your current teaching philosophy?

For Next Week

Lee, R. ECOO 2010 Pecha Kucha by Royan Lee (video)